
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-09-07 03:41 | Report Abuse

However, Umno reputation is badly damaged already! Najib and Rosmah verdict sent new wave of realisation of how corrupt Umno has become! Many malay institutions are already beyond repair thanks to decades of power abuse and plundering! This actually goes back to Mahathir era!


2022-09-07 03:39 | Report Abuse

While rumours that parliment will be dissolved after Budget 2023 approval, it must be noted that this could be a false flag operation!
There is a civil war within Umno at the moment! It's between Sabri vs Zahid! But to be honest, Sabri is in a very weak position as his influence is low among Umno warlords! Even if Sabri managed to gain top position in Umno, he may risk losing many parlimentary seats!
By next week, we should get verdict for Zahid corruption charges! But then again, again, it could also means, Zahid will bring in higher thus maintaining his position as president as long as possible!

News & Blogs

2022-09-06 23:03 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time not so long ago, Malaysia was the biggest producer of tin, rubber and palm oil. Moreover, we have petroleum. We are one of the largest petroleum producers in the world. Yet we could not make it into the ranks of the developed nations.
Answer : We are running out of oil! In fact we are net importer of oil from Saudi! Fortunately we still have palm oil but it's in the hands of elite politicians and tycoons!
Don't even dream about better and brighter Malaysia! As climate crisis hit us around 2035, i think economy will be the least in that period!
Beside, one should ask, do we have corrupt free and competent lawmakers! We don't! You honestly think Harapan are saints! Anwar is surrounding by tycoons! LGE is so indebt to tycoons! Mat Sabu is just happy to get small reward to play sidekick to the Lims! Parliment session is a total joke! Nothing seems to be resolved by our lawmakers other than constant fighting over nothing!

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2022-09-06 22:01 | Report Abuse

Umno is so corrupted because their idol, Mahathir set a good example! That he can walloped national wealth and still remain respected by malaysians!


2022-09-06 16:03 | Report Abuse

Hands kinda itchy today so i bought some stocks! But i won't keep them for long! Maybe only for contra or hold for few days!


2022-09-06 16:02 | Report Abuse


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2022-09-06 14:56 | Report Abuse

You are free to visit Xinjiang! No, china won't confiscate your smartphone if you record over there!
Sure! There are those kept in some camp over there, but that's to prevent the extremists messy around in Xinjiang and the rest of China!
I used to be angry with myself how CCP destroy churches and mosque in China but once i understand why, i accept such wisdom!
You see, religions brought more suffering that actually helping society! We can live without religion especially extremist ones! But we can't live in society where lawlessness thrives!


2022-09-06 14:38 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! It's okay to dream but don't expect them to come true! You know, our politicians are like prophets, they are good in making empty promises!

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2022-09-06 00:23 | Report Abuse

OPEC make a cut because they know supply are ample! Wait for few weeks, oil will drop alot!


2022-09-05 23:13 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah! My undercover neighbour also told me another thing! That ethnics in Sabah demand very high dowry! Meaning if one wants to marry their daughter, then they have to pay like 30k dowry!
Boy, that will surely lead to much faster extinction rate! Correct my infor!


2022-09-05 23:11 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! Correct my infor if i am wrong! That ethnicity factor is very strong in Sabah! Meaning the bumis only marry within their ethnicity!
Based on the population of each ethics, it's no brainer the rate of extinction is very high!


2022-09-05 23:09 | Report Abuse

Oh Yeah! Shafie was so confident Mahathir fixed deposit would vote for Warisan! Unfortunately for him and Mahathir, they are now in 2nd and 3rd generation, so they are not indebt to Mahathir!
Unfortunately for Sabah bumis, with tiny population, going forward, Sabah politics is beyond their control!
Sabah population is now hitting 4 millions!


2022-09-05 23:06 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! Shafie Apdal was part of IC Project Mahathir! In fact he was planning to introduce IC Project Shafie!
As i am not Sabah people, my knowledge is based on what my undercover neighbour is feeding me!
Basically he said, Sabah is beyond repair!

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2022-09-05 21:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_again > Sep 5, 2022 6:27 PM | Report Abuse

It’s a lot simpler to make Xinjiang like camps here in Malaysia

Answer : The Brittish did that here in Malaysia! Remember 'New villages' where all local chinese were lump into camps so the communists cannot exploit them!
As for Xinjiang, CCP is doing it to prevent those extremists in Pakistan and Aghanistan from exploiting muslims in China! Only US and EU have problem with this because you know, then they cannot destroy China from within!


2022-09-05 21:03 | Report Abuse

Since local chinese in Sabah are only 200k! I strongly encourage you guys to intermarry with Sabah bumis! And register your children as bumis! Or else, Sabah will be turn into all muslim state in 50 years time!


2022-09-05 21:01 | Report Abuse

However, because of lack of choice, they end up marrying malay! So their children are now malays!
This only spend up the extinction of bumis in Sabah!


2022-09-05 20:59 | Report Abuse

He said the bumis are categoried under 'KDMR'! Meaning kadazan, dusun, murut and rungus! Correct me if i am wrong as i am not from Sabah and i have spend my whole life in peninsula! This is 2nd hand infor from my undercover neighbour working there!
He said 'KDMR' society are very divided! They do not promote marriage among each ethnicity! Meaning if you are kadazan, you must marry kadazan! If you are rungus, you must marry rungus! And so forth!
Unfortunately, the population of KDMR overall is very very tiny! Less than 800k in all!
Kadazan are only like 200k! Dusun are only 350k! Murut 200k! Rungus 50k!
So if they cannot intermarriage between ethnic, then how are they suppose to expand their population!
The answer is obvious! Probably within the next 2 or 3 generation, they go extinct!
And if they insist on marrying their own ethnic, then most proabably they are marrying their own relative!
And inbreeding is the worst culprit of genetic defects!


2022-09-05 20:54 | Report Abuse

He said that local universities have carried out studies for years! And of course there's sinister agenda for this studies as Umno leaders want to increase the muslim population in Sabah!


2022-09-05 20:53 | Report Abuse

Now, i have asked my undercover neighbouring to elaborate on his 'endangered species' theory on bumis population in Sabah!


2022-09-05 20:52 | Report Abuse

Even with 70 millon population, Japan is now face with prospect of dwindling population! Even Elon Musk voice his concern over Japan depopulaton dilemma!


2022-09-05 20:51 | Report Abuse

I was attracted by this topic after reading Sabah CM, Hajiji on preserving the ethnicity of Sabah bumis!


2022-09-05 20:48 | Report Abuse

Rafizi comeback do have big impact! He was outcast by Harapan leaders during those 22 months! So Rafizi indeed have huge implication especially swinging majority malays into voting Pkr instead of Umno!


2022-09-05 20:47 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately for Umno, malay voters have changed alot! The outcome of GE14 already shown that the older generation of Umno voters were dwindling!
Unless Umno make way for leaders like Khairy and those who are below 50s, i very much doubt, Umno remain appealing towards current majority malay voters!


2022-09-05 20:45 | Report Abuse

However, if Zahid adamant to stay as president by processing to appeal any guilty verdict, then you know i know what will happen!


2022-09-05 20:44 | Report Abuse

Even Sabri is said to be given a losing seat for this coming GE15! But let's not jump to conclusion as this 15th, Zahid fate will be decided by court! If Zahid found guilty, then he has to vacant Umno presidental seat! Which means, Tok Mat will act as Umno president!


2022-09-05 20:42 | Report Abuse

So Khairy seems to be the first casualty of Sabri vs Zahid civil war! Khairy will not be field back as Rembau candidate instead Tok Mat will take over the seat!
In fact many of current Umno lawmakers who have cabinet post now better accept that they will not be field again!
In fact the list of Umno candidates are already decided by Zahid! It's no brainer all of them will be on his side! Even Tok Mat seat in Rembau was decided by Zahid!

News & Blogs

2022-09-05 14:29 | Report Abuse

Best not to open social media under your real name unless it's for business! This is because, you risk exposing your identity to the rest of the world especially to scammers! Do you know scammers can actually know you much better than you know yourself if you have social media like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and so forth! Facebook is the worst as scammers actually can extract most out of your identity!

News & Blogs

2022-09-05 14:26 | Report Abuse

60% of human population are in Asia! Yet the western nations dominate global affair!
US obligachs or the enlightens are firing up war between Taiwan and China! I say Asia should not be duped into this domestic affair! Let China and Taiwan settle their difference on their own! Why the heck are the whites so intervening into chinese affairs! Unless of course, it benefit tremendously for the military arms suppliers of US of course!
It's time for Asia people to take charge of humanity destiny! Why all the time depend on western nations to decide!
China of course is the most population nation in the world and in Asia! So China can take leadership provided they do not intervene in domestic affairs of other Asia nations!

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2022-09-05 14:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Khairy political career already ended! Better join other party!

News & Blogs

2022-09-05 00:44 | Report Abuse

No! Khairy popularity has dip lately!

News & Blogs

2022-09-04 20:59 | Report Abuse

Khairy and Tok Mat are in very good terms! Tok Mat was hand picked by Badawi decades ago, groom to be MB of N. Sembilan! Tok Mat was not ambitious to begin with! But was push into commanding role of Umno when Zahid took garden leave! The rest is history! PM Sabri should give room to Tok Mat to lead Umno as he is competent captain of the ship! Or else there won't be any Umno come GE16!

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2022-09-04 20:57 | Report Abuse

We should not celebrate Octoberfest in public area! Organise them in hotel convention centre away from public! We should not promote drinking as a way of life here! As long as the right to drink for non muslims regardless of day or month is sufficient! Please Dap and the Lims! Stop propagating non Malaysia culture like Octoberfest! We really don't need it!

News & Blogs

2022-09-04 20:52 | Report Abuse

When parliment approved 10% tariff on online goods, LGE started yelling to abort such plan! Come on! It's approved by lawmakers of all sides! The reason why ringgit continues to slide is because US increasing its interest rate at the worst time and our government has little income thanks to abolishment of GST!

News & Blogs

2022-09-04 20:50 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Agreed! LGE is the worst finance minister ever! For 22 months talked about 1 trillon debt yet added another 200 billions less than 2 years! He better practice that GST maggi mee song in prison next to Najib cell!


2022-09-04 17:27 | Report Abuse

And get those drains clear up! Instruct all town councils to do major drain clean up!


2022-09-04 17:26 | Report Abuse

Well sources said that GE15 will be held in November! Heck, that's the worst month of the year! You know, heaviest downpour of the year!
We should see flood everywhere by November! Especially now that we are experiencing climate change!
Extreme weather will only get worst going forward!
My advise to present government, get all your flood gears ready! Place them at prone flood towns! Get the army involved too!
We may experience bigger flood this year end!

News & Blogs

2022-09-04 17:21 | Report Abuse

Heck, even ordinary rakyat like me knows how to prevent flood in Kelantan! Just spend few millions to make sure rainwater from higher elevation pours to big drain unto rivers straight to sea!

News & Blogs

2022-09-04 17:20 | Report Abuse

Pas has been taking care of Kelantan for over 30 years! Can't even provide decent pipe water! Every year end flood! Now so ambitious want to take care of whole Malaysia!

News & Blogs

2022-09-04 16:41 | Report Abuse

I hope sane minded malaysians will never vote for Pas fake holymen! They are compulsive liars just to exploit the guilt of fellow muslims! Islam doesn't need Pas! Pas need Islam to exploite muslims!


2022-09-04 16:35 | Report Abuse

But you should know! Dictators are dictators! Once they have absolute power, absolute power corrupts! And the darkside takes over!


2022-09-04 16:34 | Report Abuse

So what does this means! Don't ask me! I am not a lawmaker! And i am certain whatever happens in the future, it's not me that going to suffer! Instead the current and future generations of humans on earth!


2022-09-04 16:33 | Report Abuse

That means, China will have a new emperor! So don't be surprise to hear Chairman Xi getting a new title, Emperor of CCP!


2022-09-04 16:32 | Report Abuse

So Politburo will decide whether to extend another term to Chairman Xi! And based on China mainstream media, he will get it! Once that is confirm, then basically Chairman Xi will be so powerful, he will get as many terms as he wants!


2022-09-04 16:31 | Report Abuse

And to be fair, Malaysia is higher indebt to China! Thanks to Najib, we do have many China sponsored projects that are already fully paid but nothing has been done on the ground!


2022-09-04 16:30 | Report Abuse

Instead, CCP is now quietly spreading their ideology through debt diplomacy! Sri Lanka already in their hands! It's just matter of time before more and more countries will not be able to pay back China!


2022-09-04 16:29 | Report Abuse

What the west didn't expect is that as China progress economically, CCP also became stronger! And chinese China remain undisturbed with calls for democratic system as they can see how the democratic western nations are falling apart!