
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-09-09 14:24 | Report Abuse

MUDA will be Harapan biggest spoiler! Voters know MUDA will betray Harapan! Buy why continue to push for MUDA to be including as new component party!


2022-09-09 14:24 | Report Abuse

It's open secret MUDA is fully sponsored by Mahathir cronies! Are the Lims pretending they dont know about this!


2022-09-09 14:23 | Report Abuse

Of course, the Lims are very adamant to include MUDA as new Harapan alliance! Come on! Have you not learn from Johor by election! MUDA was totally rejected by voters!


2022-09-09 14:22 | Report Abuse

Umno is at it's weakest ever in history! Yet Harapan leaders can't even exploit it at all!


2022-09-09 14:22 | Report Abuse

GE15 is just months away! The full term of current government is coming to an end!
However, on Harapan side, we can see they are not ready at all! They really don't have any focus or game plan to attract voters!


2022-09-09 14:21 | Report Abuse

Parliment session used to be great place to get rakyat so angry and dissatisfied with status quo of elite malay politicians! But nowadays, it seems our parliment series suffer same fate as Walking Dead series! No viewers!


2022-09-09 14:20 | Report Abuse

As usually, Harapan leaders screaming and shouting over new scandals or issues thinking rakyat will get so excited and angry with themselves! Rakyat have long resign to the fact that Harapan leaders are just making noises!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 14:14 | Report Abuse

Affordable homes has become global issue! However, having said that, Malaysia still have plenty of affordable homes if malaysians accept that they cannot afford premium ones! I can easily buy 30k home in KL anytime of the day! But of course, the condition of this house are terrible! You need plenty of repairs, but you can DIY if you intend to do it!

News & Blogs

2022-09-09 14:10 | Report Abuse

Senior Lim always so busy telling PM Sabri what to do! But on Harapan side, things are bloody messy! Why not Senior Lim focus on improving Harapan instead!


2022-09-08 23:11 | Report Abuse

Probability! Who have ever thought that China can produce their own Musang King!


2022-09-08 22:44 | Report Abuse

They already started to sell in small quantity but by next year, China will go big on Musang King!


2022-09-08 22:43 | Report Abuse

Little did we knew, China already planted 2k hectares of Musang King in Hainan! And it's only going to get bigger!


2022-09-08 22:42 | Report Abuse

Bad days ahead for Malaysia Musang King farmers! I think many will be caught hard when China start to sell their own Musang King! Yeah, China is going to be much bigger producer of Musang King compare to Malaysia!


2022-09-08 21:14 | Report Abuse

No point reporting to police! You may end up been investigated instead!


2022-09-08 15:54 | Report Abuse

What China is doing with continuous lockdowns is wrong! That's what you get when you don't change the leadership!
If Chairman Xi got another term, then he will become just like Putin! Absolute power corrupt absolutely! That's why it's important to change leadership every 10 years! What should be maintained is proper policy and long term goals!
CCP is a collective organisation where inputs from many technocrats are mold into a very long term goals that China wants to achieve! However, giving a single person to decide the course of CCP path is a dangerous thing!


2022-09-08 15:51 | Report Abuse

Getting fever is far worst in my opinion! Covid has gotten so mild nowadays that very few actually suffer heavy symptoms anymore! Another factor is because, our body already develop natural immunity!


2022-09-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

Me and wifey already infected with Covid few months back! But we hardly knew about it! I got it from wifey who is active in her church!
So we basically self quarantine ourselves but we hardly felt any symptoms! Probably because we took precaution like getting vaccinated!


2022-09-08 15:47 | Report Abuse

Mask mandate already lifted in Malaysia! You can now exercise your freedom of choice! Nobody going to tell you to put on your face mask except for few restricted places!
But in China, they still use lockdowns as the best method to curb spread of Covid! At last, chinese China will not experience the natural immunity that we already experience!


2022-09-08 00:55 | Report Abuse

Android box for big screen tv! I dont' have pc! Just tablet and smartphone!


2022-09-08 00:54 | Report Abuse

Genting Highlands are providing employment and also source of revenue to our nation! May i ask, what contribution does thing illegal ones provide! Enriching enforcement officers right!


2022-09-08 00:52 | Report Abuse

So as usually i do my usually chores, going to shops nearby my house! I rarely drive as walking to shops is so convenient to me! My wifey do all the driving nowadays!
One thing that i do notice is that, there are this weird shops that sell unprofitable stuff and yet you see many people going in and out!
So i was curious and walked into one of them! Behold, it's a gambling den! You know, those with row of PCs doing nothing but keep gamblers addiction for hours! I saw many muslims playing as well!
And i am sure this is happening all over Malaysia! I heard that each of this gambling cafe can earn up to 10k a day! And that's the bare minimum!
Harapan did the worst thing by increasing Genting gambling tax to the max which made it hard for Genting Highland to turn profit! That's why if you go to Genting, they are short of staff on non gambling section! Genting casino provides cashflow for the rest of non gambling division!
And yet the illegal ones which mushrooming like wildfire are don't even pay a cent! And yet, some enforcement heads are getting bloody rich at the same time! I wonder how!


2022-09-08 00:43 | Report Abuse

Inflation pressure will ease alot particularly in Asia! But for EU, the inflation pressure remain high! Same with US! So drop in oil price benefit Asia the most!


2022-09-08 00:42 | Report Abuse

Oh, just dropping some clues what to buy, dont buy OnG stocks and also palm related ones! Go for stocks that benefit from dropping crude oil! Plenty of choice really!
As crude oil drop to new low, of course countries like Vietnam and Indonesia will ramp up their infrastructure development! Just a hint there!


2022-09-08 00:40 | Report Abuse

But i won't go big! Just 30% of my capital! Been 100% for a bit while now and after some hiatus, i saw some buying opportunity!
Look, i just want to make a small buck nowadays as markets are very unstable!
So i don't dare to share what stock to buy as i may sell them like lighting once i see this unravel!


2022-09-08 00:38 | Report Abuse

To make a quick buck of course! Hihihaha! Yeah, bought some for contra but i think i will hold them as i think they will go up further!
Just avoid OnG stocks! Oil already hit a peak and only will go down further looking for new support!
At this point, i don't know how low oil will go! So why do i buy non OnG stocks now!
Because as oil gets cheaper, cost of production will too! Bourse been months ahead of the curve, will go up before investors realise what is happening!


2022-09-08 00:36 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-09-07 23:47 | Report Abuse

Chip Act is more like bailout out for those US chip companies! China will eventually bypass South Korea, Taiwan and US in producing the most advanced chips known! It's just matter of time! And China is much more focus compare to US!


2022-09-07 23:24 | Report Abuse

Go fro Bflix! My son install it on my android box so i can watch all free movies and series available! But i still have Nextflix account as it's more reliable and smooth!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 23:23 | Report Abuse

Firehawk! Yeah, Sabri vs Zahid! I won't place my bet on Sabri! Zahid can sack Sabri from Umno anytime now!
But i doubt Mohiden will make a comeback! Bersatu brand not as popular! Umno under Zahid will lose alot of seats!
Rakyat are not dumbass as some political analysts like Raja Petra thinks!
Harapan could have capitalize on this but they really mess up big time during those 22 months!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 22:47 | Report Abuse

As for PM Sabri push for Bahasa as Asia language, he is dreaming! Malaysia has only 16 million malays! And Malaysia no longer has the competitive edge over other Asean countries! Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia are fast bypassing Malaysia by miles!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 22:45 | Report Abuse

Beside, Australia need more Bahasa speaking MPs as Indonesia is rising fast!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 22:45 | Report Abuse

Bahasa Indonesia is much more important nowadays! As for Bahasa melayu, it's too rigid as it's too tied to Islam! You can't publish other religion books using Bahasa melayu but Bahasa Indonesia has no restriction!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 22:09 | Report Abuse

I saw a clip about a chef in Netherland who had to get his food from food bank! A chef! Mind you! And he has to get food from food bank!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 22:07 | Report Abuse

Some EU countries cost of living are so high now that they have to turn to food banks for their daily meals! That's how serious things are in EU right now!

News & Blogs

2022-09-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

So out highly paid offcials in Malaysia can't even uncover what 2 book authors from US can do! Shame!


2022-09-07 16:25 | Report Abuse

Beside, more and more EV cars are on the road today compare to few years ago! Maybe 30% of cars in developed countries already EVs! And demand for ICE cars are slowly declining!


2022-09-07 16:24 | Report Abuse

Forget the dumbass EU! They set themselves on fire due to their own dumbass leaders!
Russia now export half of their oil to China! So why do China need to buy using US dollar! Basically, we are getting false demand equation!
Why EU are desperately importing oil and gas using US dollar at very high price! China and India are getting their oil at discount from Russia bypassing petrodollar!


2022-09-07 04:03 | Report Abuse

Best not to worship any politicians! Our politicians are very corrupted regardless which party they belong! Politicians love to portrait themselves as saints but worse than devil himself!
One must focus on what they have done and what they can do further! If they have trail of corrupt practice, then dont hope for any miracles from them!
Shafie Apdal is not a saint! He was with Umno for 40 years and he has long list of abuse power and corrupt practices! I don't think he has any good intention for Sabah as shown from his short stint! He almost started IC Project Shafie you know!
Actually i pity Sabah people who place hope on him! It's like placing hope on Lucifer, hoping Lucifer will bring good to humanity!


2022-09-07 03:57 | Report Abuse

Sabri yesmen are also problematic! Annuar was involved in plundering MARA years ago! Tajuddin had abuse his position in many organisations! So Sabri yesmen are just as corrupted as Zahid's!


2022-09-07 03:55 | Report Abuse

Coming back to the original topic, it's biding time for both Sabri and Zahid! We don't really know who will win! Or perhaps both will lose!


2022-09-07 03:54 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, Harapan leaders fail to capitalize on current situation!
The Lims are just as corrupted as LGE corruption trial saw many clear evidence of abuse power! Anwar is no better as he is so fond of flying on private jets provided by his wealthy sponsors! In fact Anwar is so surrounded by pretty boys nowadays that he is not even trying to hide his fetish anymore! I really don't know why he still has tiny crowd of supporters who believe Anwar would be the best PM ever! He is not! Anwar is just a political chameleon!
Harapan do have Rafizi, and Anthony Loke, as alternative leaders but they still very much on 2nd level at the moment due to reluctance of Harapan dinos to retire!


2022-09-07 03:49 | Report Abuse

LCS scandal also saw the core of Umno 'Demi bangsa, agama dan negara' mantra totally demolished! So it seems, the corrupt practice has gone way down into many of Umno warlords! Seems no malay institutions were not touch! Everything from Felda, Tabung Haji, military retirement fund, civil service fund, you name it, were plundered high and dry!
Even Umno youth leader enjoys free flow of 'gifts'! Many freely showoff their luxury cars! One just got involve in accident where his almost 2 million Ferrari was destroyed! Imagine how wealthy Umno leaders are nowadays!


2022-09-07 03:44 | Report Abuse

For Umno, winning GE15 is a pipe dream! Majority malays are so disgusted with Umno of today! Umno is corrupt and corruption is way of life for Umno!


2022-09-07 03:42 | Report Abuse

So we should not be that hopeful for GE15 to be held this year! Unless Zahid pull the rug under PM Sabri and sack him from Umno which is very likely after his verdict this 15th!