
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-07-28 09:00 | Report Abuse

It's totally unbelievable at this moment and point in time of NIP roll-out that people still harbor the wishful thinking of Sputnik V landing in Malaysia, albeit missing the most crucial impacting moment.

Now with the Sinopharm Registered Holdership in hand, pray tell, what and when did you see or read any PROGRESS??????? It's all wayang, my friends, and you are all the SUCKERS!!!


2021-07-28 08:44 | Report Abuse

No, Mr have misunderstood the message. Please read were one of those mis-led. You're not one of the gang of liars, child rapist pedophile and the one lurking behind ladies skirts, dark rooms, shadows or even behind dump bins.


2021-07-28 07:47 | Report Abuse

During 2nd WW, Germany easily over-run Europe with a military armory....Tanks! In pandemic times, the Tested serum is the life saver.

If Pharma is only having 14M excess supply of SeenoVac, can anyone please enlighten if this 14M has been sold out from last week's call????

Think again, under same scenario, MOSTI has approved for another company to sell Pfizer to the private many hours would you presume for the vaccine to be sold out? 24 hours or 9 hours?


2021-07-28 07:31 | Report Abuse

Some were led to believe and trapped at penthouse by those shouting LU..8.00, 10.00, 15.00, 20.00, 25.00, just 2-3 months ago, and now missing. Kfliau was one of them and he stood his grounds even holding tickets at 7.00, hoping for a miracle cure for inescapable greed. Why these people didn't cut loss at 10% -15% was actually "herd immunity"

6.30 didn't cut, 6.00 still holding.. Told them it's "morning glory" play, sell at every spike..5.65, 5.55, 5.45..."too painful" they said, hold for 10.00

Told them cum Bonus price set at 5.25 = 1.05, not a sen more, not a sen less, numerous times and weeks before ex-date...they said, 15.00
History made at 5.25 = 1.05 (and who was right?)

Ex-bonus, told it would be a penny stock, and some nuts said his GF wants to take me to bed because when price dropped below 1.00, she sold at 97c...(now I would appreciate that call, and not missed that appointment).

Today at 85c = 4.25 (at 5 lots pre bonus), a drop from 7.25 = LOSS of 3.00 per lot, and the mirage is still playing with their sights for 10.00

Deepest sympathies and condolences for your losses. Covid-19 is such a cruel thief!


2021-07-28 07:01 | Report Abuse

No wonder those vaccinated with SeeNoVac got bitten in the azz after 6 months. And some were so pitiful to have even lost their lives.

You'll never know what's lurking behind your backs (backsides)!


2021-07-27 19:02 | Report Abuse

Be careful, there's a child rapist pedophile and a lurker, always behind your back, following your azz.

Another keep shouting 2.00, 5.00 LU..LU..LU


2021-07-27 17:34 | Report Abuse

5.00 coming...LU..LU


2021-07-27 16:40 | Report Abuse

Nice..someone asked, can to reply?

Red, red..more red...those buggers missing now.


2021-07-27 14:24 | Report Abuse

LU..LU..LU..5.00 coming


2021-07-27 14:18 | Report Abuse

And you must be new to this forum....hahahaha


2021-07-27 12:26 | Report Abuse

I'll be Back, ...hasta la vista, baby.


2021-07-27 12:23 | Report Abuse

What a fantastic feeling to be vindicated....Just because I didn't explain the mRNA virus as a practising Virologist, lurker called me spewing Fake News... I am so HAPPY to say these Investors truly DESERVE what is happening and more to come!!!!! HAPPINESS....WoW!


2021-07-27 12:14 | Report Abuse

Congratulations....5.00 coming


2021-07-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

This price has almost normalised after Bonus...not going anywhere.


2021-07-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

U-turn in promises again?!, great...repatriate them, less people, more SeeNoVac....good calculations.

Also, see the demands from Indon for their maids now...1 maid, 1 job...have they done this before?

Next load of industrial workers will cost the same as a ticket on the space shuttle to ISS.


2021-07-26 09:57 | Report Abuse

Please check the schedule again....Pfizer already landed and to start in Aug at PPVs. The incoming are on schedule...TICK, TOCK, TICK, TOCK..try the Moon faster...Thai and Indon are reportedly not taking.


2021-07-26 09:56 | Report Abuse

Time is rolling...tick, tock, yourself...PLS DO THE EXPORT TO THE MOON, if they need.


2021-07-26 09:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

If so confident of SeeNoVac, please order another 15M in case no more supply. Because Malaysia is such a populous country with 280 million Malaysians.


2021-07-26 09:47 | Report Abuse

No matter what, Pharma has to off load that 14 M SeeNoVac or have a deep cut.


2021-07-26 09:08 | Report Abuse

What's so damn good about Pfizer? Are you saying SeeNoVac is not better? Better be careful with many non-writers lurking behind.


2021-07-26 09:04 | Report Abuse

In the sense of the "not a penny stock" if the market cap is high, means Sapura Energy with a NOSH of 15.979 Billion, giving a market cap of 1.979 Billion, but listed price at 12c is not a penny stock?

What we called penny stocks are those with prices below 1.00

With Dnex as a benefactor of such a wondrous jewel in Silterra, WHY is the price not reflective of the worth???


2021-07-26 08:34 | Report Abuse

There are no "Haters", just the opposite. Some people cannot accept the coin has 2 faces, as in Pros and Cons of every arguments.

The Vaccination drive is a real fact which is in need of getting into super fast gears. Cases are breaking out like wild fires and deaths at unacceptable numbers. Doctors' are humans too and when badly treated, they are against the wall. You know what fighting instincts responses are.

SeeNoVac or Sinopharma, JnJ, Pfizer needs to be shot into arms as soon as possible, to safeguard lives from serious hospitalisation and fatalities. Pharma, since given the green light to sell Private needs to get things done within a month, latest...PERIOD, failing which the boomerang effect will be back to bite it in the azz.

25 million doses of Pfizers will arrive in July, Aug and Sept, which is sufficient for 12.5 million people. Another 1 million which has been donated by Saudi shall also be arriving in Aug.

Like it or not, SeeNoVac's market is very much confined to those who wish for an "inactivated virus" vaccine, industrial workers or some states holding as Reserves. And 14M is not a big figure.

KJ's explanation for not bringing in Vaccines earlier and not joining COVAX was the need to diversify procurement? Maybe he is thinking we are all 5 year old.


2021-07-26 07:52 | Report Abuse

Thank you Gerard,..having said all the "semicond and nano jargons" we also strongly believe that Fair Market Share price largely depends on PE and right now, ain't working in Dnex's favor.

May we know WHAT and WHY is Dnex still a penny stock and below 80c, since Silterra is no pushover and sole proprietorship of a technological application???


2021-07-25 13:14 | Report Abuse

"Let China sleeps, for when she is awaken, she shall shake the whole world" ---------- Napoleon Bonaparte

Anxiously awaiting for the addition of Silterra.... when is the Right moment?


2021-07-25 10:56 | Report Abuse

SeeNoVac may provide some additional income for Pharma, but at same time may adversely affect earnings if turns the other way, which is why Pharma has been reportedly applying to handle Moderna now.


2021-07-24 18:31 | Report Abuse

And please don't blame the sharp increase in cases to Delta variant as for the past 10 days, only 106 cases of Delta bringing to a total of 189 cases so far.


2021-07-24 17:36 | Report Abuse

Like you said, it's not just the question of Cross State for FULLY vaccinated Passports, but the perils and dangers of "false protections" for them. Those who REALLY and ACTUALLY have knowledge of why these are happening :

1) Doubtful efficacy and how effective against New variants, if 3rd Booster is not applied?

2) With total and national inoculation numbers at PPVs increasing by more than 400K per day, why are cases still increasing, not just in the past week or so but months?

3) Since Pharma is having an excess of 14M doses, literally means only 7 million humans consumption. Is this such a far fetch figure and would have completely SOLD OUT within 1-2 days?

4) Are Ministries the "hidden hands" and putting in a fair word for Pharma to off-load these 14M to Private sectors?

5) Does it matters to MOSTI to renew and extend another Contract with this vaccine supply from Pharma? And please don't just say it's because the earlier contract has been completed.

6) 14M is such a small and tiny figure if another Asian country is in desperate need of this chinese vaccine. What's the hold back?

But it seems Indonesia and Thailand is also leaving Sinovac for their Vaccine rollout?

Phili has just barred travelers from Malaysia and Thailand....


2021-07-24 16:23 | Report Abuse

Is this the reason for Pharma to be knocking on the doors of Std Chartered for the loans application? This 14 M is not paid by MOSTI for sure, then they'd better punch these vaccines out to the factories and States ASAP.


2021-07-24 16:09 | Report Abuse

Perlis is putting on hold the purchase of Sinovac by the State until they have achieved the 80% herd immunity with the help from NIP.

Kelantan was the first to turn away from Sinovac and only wants Pfizer from MOH.

Go figure....


2021-07-24 16:05 | Report Abuse

With another record cases today at 15,902 coupled with the Doctor's staging their Walk-out protest on Monday, we may see more helpless infected people dropping like flies.

Monday's Parliament sitting, a pacifier, may also have another Walk-out show.

What is the world coming to...rather the country?


2021-07-24 15:56 | Report Abuse

During the last Asian Financial Crisis 2008, Thailand was the first country to pull herself up and rises the fastest in this region. Basically, Thais are a singular ethnicity with almost all population loving King and country. At the highlight of the Crisis, many rich Thais donated generously to the Government, and armies going from door-to-door to collect the people's donations of Gold and Silver. Such sacrifice is the reason their King reciprocated in love and care for the people's welfare, healthcare and careers of the younger generations.

Locally, a pale in comparison as our currency keeps dropping with incompetent politicians, U-turns and unsynchronized policies, power hungry people fighting everyday instead of working on ways to better combat the virus. Sinking feeling every which way you turn.


2021-07-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

To add to Gerard's working on the EPS, Dnex may see her NOSH in the region of 3.6B to 3.8B (Part/all Warrants and PP inclusive)

Having said that, this EPS is typically based on Silterra's earnings alone and with the other 3 sources and pillars of income, EPS oght to be much higher at end 2021. Therefore, at the conservative PE 50x would give a higher Fair market price.

Anyone care to add or correct, please do not hesitate.


2021-07-24 15:10 | Report Abuse

@Cipta,... that Report is by BBC, which means they have reporters at ground zero in Indonesia and Thailand, and not from a chinese daily or words spoken from a person sitting on a chair at the Sinovac's office.


2021-07-24 14:51 | Report Abuse

To make further projections, someone could also list the income from PING's Q420, Q121 to let us gloat on better Oil prices viz higher shareholdings of 3 folds by Dnex!!!!.... Party's just begun.


2021-07-24 14:47 | Report Abuse

Gerard,...thanks for sharing the profitability comparison.

May we know Silterra's Q121 with Q420 and as compared to SMIC's? Is there any significant changes in Silterra against industry's figures?


2021-07-24 14:32 | Report Abuse

The Singapore Government recognizes Sinopharm but not Sinovac and those who wants the later need to pay at Private clinics. Such inoculation is excluded from Vaccination Tally. Singapore is not stingy right from the start and procured Pfizer at any cost.

Indonesia relied on cost effectiveness and order 125 million doses of Sinovac, an act which might be costing more now.

Public outage and protest in Bangkok on the Government's handling of Covid and dissemination of insight information on Vaccines including the purpose of a booster shot by Pfizer or Moderna, may provide the unspoken reason of efficacy.


2021-07-24 14:13 | Report Abuse

With Indonesia and Thailand using boosters shots from mNRA vaccines, especially for healthcare frontliners, Sinovac may need to step up with more Data and against other variants. Least, the current stock could become a liability and obsolete.

Very concerned, since I'm also taking Sinovac under NIP for free.


2021-07-24 13:59 | Report Abuse

@Cipta,..Thanks for sharing.

"These chinese vaccines may have saved lives, effective in preventing Covid hospitalisations or deaths, but has since wane in efficacy over time. A Thai study released this week found that antibodies in those fully vaccinated with Sinovac decline by half every 40 days."

Does this means the Efficacy reduction rate is halved every 40 days? Technically, if that is the rate, it would only last 4 months? The first drop by 50% is only 1.5 months?


2021-07-24 11:40 | Report Abuse

Firstly, Tan Sri Dato Syed Zainal had in March-April, 2021 revealed that the easier and faster course to raise funds is by PP, which he had complete the application and approval for 800 millions PP at his call. He had said at Press Conf and also in between sips of coffee, that RI + Warrants would sap more liquidity from shareholders, whom he has concern for.

Secondly, PING acquisition was without a single sen from Dnex's Bank accounts.

With the Warrants conversion fees and the Cash at Bank, Dnex has more than doubly covered Silterra's purchase price in Cash.

To say that Dnex will propose RI + Warrants is to spread rumors and blatantly discredit Dnex's financial position. Moreover, writer has no respect for the BOD and also no awareness of market sentiments.

P/S Not a Buy or Sell call, trade at your own Risks.


2021-07-24 11:40 | Report Abuse

Funny little kid,... do you need our approval to "sell all your shares at this counter next week"?


2021-07-24 09:48 | Report Abuse

Never ending, my friend. Once the Warrants are converted into mother shares, they rank pari passu with the listed Dnex shares.


2021-07-24 09:46 | Report Abuse

Should such deals be made for Pharma to be able to market and sell Sinovac to other ASEAN countries, you have our respect, in fact, you're earning foreign currencies.

But if you're holding back only to sell to local Malaysians. depriving earlier protection, then we spit on you.

We understand the need for industrial workers especially foreigners to be vaccinated, but to exploit with every U-turn from MOSTI, then you're no better than pond scums.


2021-07-24 08:33 | Report Abuse

The logic and maths just don't add up. Pharma could deliver the 12 M doses, bottling far exceeding their monthly and the past 2-3 months's capacities... where did the FULLY bottled vaccine come from...CHINA?

Now, they also have 14 M available (may it be for the good of Rakyat) but didn't MOH and MOSTI said they couldn't have enough for the people just a month ago? Why the hold back?

Are these people playing with people's lives? Cases have soared to above 15K and deaths more than 100 each day.

Do these people think that with money flashing to buy, they are able to immediately deliver? Do they have no shame?


2021-07-24 07:40 | Report Abuse

Past 2 additional listings of Warrants converts of 45 and 30 millions shares have lesser impacts on the mother's price, signifying these shares are well absorbed by the daily traded volume of only 59 and 58 millions respectively.....they didn't go to market.

Insofar, out of the Issued Warrants of 695,396,809 of which 496,213,821 had been additional listed, giving a balance of 199,182,988 unconverted and outstanding. Nosh has been brought up to 2,884,642,148


2021-07-21 13:27 | Report Abuse de Man...!!


2021-07-21 09:21 | Report Abuse

Good morning, JJ..and welcome. Please share back too.


2021-07-21 08:30 | Report Abuse

Over at Asia, Nikkei has opened with a jump of +330 pt up, Australia and Korea are also up. Expecting Shanghai and Hang Seng to also be up...


2021-07-21 08:24 | Report Abuse

Dow rebounded and gained back more than 540, with NasQ higher by +223. There're also some nibbling at Oil after the short positions covering and longs profit taking by Oil Traders which saw it fell below $70 to $66, but now at a few cents above $69.

We are less worried about Oil since this is summer and with winter coming in a few months, Oil price shall once again nudge higher. We are glad to see Oil price touching $70 and the nightmare at $40s and below is long gone history. USA Oil and shale were even in negative territories and would not hope see a repeat.

Good Day!