
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-07-21 08:05 | Report Abuse

Is Dparma being used as "second fiddle" again after playing the Sputnik V prop up man? Sputnik V had been dragged for miles and NPRA approval depends on WHO, whom are..hhmmm..

Dpharma, is said to be Registered Holder of Sinopharm, but Kanger has placed an order for 5 million doses ahead of Dpharma? Sinopharm is imported prepacked, and no FnF is necessary?

Secondly, Sinopharm is to be distributed to Private sectors and not used in NIP as with Pfizer and AZ?

Anyone with better understanding, please share..


2021-07-20 22:31 | Report Abuse

Dow rebound strongly, up 491 at 10.30am in USA. Green all across EU, with DAX, FTSE, CAC all up.


2021-07-20 13:24 | Report Abuse

Dow having a meaningful correction had been on the cards the past several weeks, if not months.

Today, at mid-day, Asian markets are not having any beating...just slightly "SOFT". We don't see any sharp falls or repercussions from Dow.

To compare, KLCI had lost in in percentage wise and relations to small Indexs, the greater part of 4.7% !!


2021-07-20 13:11 | Report Abuse

We do not claimed to be any Sifu and armed with charts and candlesticks readings. We prefer to be more Realistic and Logical in the Pros and Cons of this counter which we VALUED to be under transformation since January 2021.

Even at this stage of the game, the Warrants is still in play until end of the month. Silterra's unveiling will cause the "Feel Good" sentiments which may allow Local funds and Institutions to better rating of Dnex. With each passing QR, we have confidence and hold the evident of proof from their Results.

The 4 Pillars of business or 4 spokes from their wheel of Fortune, namely PING, NSW, Undersea Cable and Silterra are all strong performers and we do not expect any to falter or lose steam in their charge forward.

So, we have been patiently picking at every drop below 70c, adding to increase our portfolio after having taken profits earlier.

We are not one to shout..LU..or gazed into crystal balls..BUT we have a good feel and idea that with the full completion of the transformation...DNEX shall no longer be a penny stock !!

Hear! Hear!

P/S Not a Buy or Sell call, Trade at your own Risks.


2021-07-20 12:55 | Report Abuse

Tuan Faris, ..Selamat Hari Raya Haji and happy holidays.

Maybe it's a blessing as whenever Dow drops heavily, KLSE is on holiday the following day, if you noticed, already happened few times.


2021-07-20 07:41 | Report Abuse

The Dow closed down 725 pt for the day continuing the previous drop of 300 pt. DJ was pushing 35,000 and found much resistance. News from the street was the returning of Covid-19 cases in US, spooked the market. Further, Oil price ($68) dropping after OPEC prepares to boost production. Inflation was not flamed with 10 year Bonds interest easing.

Some Analysts were quick with comforting messages that this is merely a correction and may even gradually lose up to 5%.

Right now, nobody seems to think its anything awful and no crashes in sight.

KLCI was already on its own correction dropping from 1594 (28th May), 1589 (18th June), last at above 1555 (24th June) to present 1519 (19th July)

Amidst the back drop of FDI exiting, political uncertainty (but now Parliament convening, with only 80 MPs, no CHANGE possible) DNEX has been busy with all transitions and transformations steps taken in stride.

Given that additional listing of 45 million shares on 21st July, we feel DNEX would continue to march forward, even with a little "stalling"

We are long on DNEX.

P/S Not a Buy or Sell call, Trade at your own Risks.


2021-07-19 15:26 | Report Abuse

Extending our early best wishes of "Selamat Hari Raya Haji - 20 July 2021" to all our Muslim friends and comrades...Dnex is strong for the long run!!! Go, Go, Go..Dnex..


2021-07-18 14:16 | Report Abuse

Another Fact with Figures we like to share and for your Sunday afternoon nap bedside story :

From April 2021, Tan Sri Dato Syed Zainal has been smiling in his sleep every night. He has no worries and no stress for financial support, and in fact, he knows where and how to get them "when necessary".

Dnex is married to the Fox on the top rung and on the subsidiary, Dnex Semiconductor Sdn Bhd, have the chinese CGP and their Investment arms on standby. Both financial muscles are more than ready and can lift heavy duties like feathers and readied with ease on support like a knife cutting through butter.

Fox pulled in USD178 Billions in Revenues in 2019, reported in their 2020 Financial Accounting. For Malaysia, our Malaysian International Reserves, in Gold, Forex and the International Monetary Funds, totaled USD109.3 Billions in April, 2020. (now probable less in 2021)

Fox's President Terry Guo is a philanthropist and showed his patriotism 2 weeks ago when Fox obtained approval from the Taiwanese Govt to accept from their generosity, USD350 million (RM1.45 Billion) worth of Pfizer vaccines. He may just with a nod or a wave of his hand and not necessary to say "Get it in" and Dnex is his for the taking.

Dnex NOSH may be at 3.8 Billion and market cap at RM2.85 Billion (present vulnerable Mart price 75c) based on all Warrants and PP be completed. At the wave of a hand, shareholders like us may receive a "Notice of Purchase" from Fox to buy whatever shares they do not own yet.'s%20gold%20reserves%20amounted%20to,%2C%20such%20as%20SDRs%20(RM453.


2021-07-18 13:44 | Report Abuse

MV!...happy weekend and thanks for your kind words. Just locked in and hoping to remind of the "beauties" of what we hold dear.

Stay home and be safe.


2021-07-17 19:32 | Report Abuse

Tuan Faris,..& Mr Ben....Domo arigato gozaimashita. Thank you for your kind words. We hoped to share and perhaps in return, may find some valuable information for all of us.

This is a long term investment and some may stay mid-term, so along the trip, we need to refresh our courage and remind ourselves upon the faith of such an investment (big or small) with all risks involved.

Good luck, stay home and be safe with your family.


2021-07-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

Welcome, Money...just hope to share. Please double check the facts and also share back with us if you have anything interesting for our benefits too.


2021-07-17 14:41 | Report Abuse

Been holding back a long while,..but what the hack. Not to pour cold water, but Investors ought to consider with TRUTH, FACTS and FIGURES.

The approved 30% new PP, as mentioned by Tan Sri Dato Syed Zainal, would be placed in tranches and on when necessary basis. Also, we are quite certain, they would not be going out in a lump 30% and ONLY to 1 Buyer.

Some of it may be negotiated with the Fox, but we do not see them taking the whole 30%, even though, they wished very much for. They currently have a shareholding of 4.27% and the threshold/bar for Mandatory MBO, cannot and MUST not be breached. Truth sucks...

Should the turnaround be successful undertaken, and the Fox are satisfied with the chips for their supply chain, we may witness professional co-operations and harmony. Otherwise, sparks would be uncalled for.

For better or for worse, in health and in sickness...the Fox is in the chicken house.

Sorry to disappoint with Truth and Thank you.


2021-07-17 14:25 | Report Abuse

Stopping there?, we just got to unbutton the second button. The Main course is of course..Silterra, passed over this National Treasure by Khazanah for Dnex to perform the patriotic duties to hold and caress this beauty and awaken her extraordinary features, showcasing outstanding products and to provide synergies to the EVs of the futures. MEMS and Senors, downstream value-added semicond chips.

Anticipating the makeover, upgrading and profitability turnaround also captured the eyes and piqued the interest of one of the world's top 4 Semicond Company..(you already know who)

Khazanah had pumped in no less than RM8 billions but the Selling price is for a song, only for the one, Dnex. It is a "No Lost" deal with so many others lined up at the bidding, only to fall on the laps and loving hands of Dnex. (Sell outright now and make RM300-350 millions)

We await with quivering hands of excitements, similar to a 16 year old going out for a first date. But then, that's another part..the deserts...left to your imaginations.

P/S Not a Buy or Sell Call, Trade at your own Risks.


2021-07-17 13:46 | Report Abuse

Undersea Cable laying projects are awarded on per Job basis or DAY cost pe se. The daily rent is in the 6 figures! With IT Giants from USA extending their hubs to Indonesia, the tasks and contracts are also flowing to Dnex.

And that's just for the soup....the most delicious and lips smacking is yet the Main course, and sweetest are the deserts.

You follow?... get the drift? Wet your appetite yet?


2021-07-17 13:38 | Report Abuse

Also read more on the Govt's NSW Contract recently renewed and extended to Dnex exclusively, DESPITE being hauled to Court and found guilty of monopolistic traits. The fined was RM10 million, and Dnex said "Thank you very much, sir"

Can you refresh us on how any company being award a contract with specific Value and based on Digital programs would lose money? Go figure.


2021-07-17 13:14 | Report Abuse

Perhaps, if you had done your homework well, you should know the income derived from PING alone, effective 1st July, 2021 at 90% shareholding, instead of previously 30%. From July, 2021, Oil price at USD73 to USD76, with production cost below USD19 and pumping 7 days a week, without downtime, managing an average or above 4,000 barrels per day......please do the maths.

And that's just for appetizers/starters, wait till you get to the soup, main course and deserts....yum, yum.


2021-07-17 12:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh..@Mari..2,...You're so complicated and confusing to the hilt.

Yesterday, you asked for the price to lift till 80c..(maybe for your great escape, but we already know your're an escapee from Tanjung Rambutan).
Today, you asked for the company to be earning RM30M every Q, but price stays same or lower for you to hop onboard. (Got such thing meh?, we also want.)

So, we are turning in circles trying to understand your predicaments, up or down?..are you in or out?

See, now our heads are turning sideways.


2021-07-17 09:23 | Report Abuse

What else do you expect MOSTI to do? Faced with rising cases exceeding 13,000 and deaths of 80-120 each day? Even on increased vaccinations of 300-400K now, cases are as rampant as wild bush fires.

What seems to be the light at the end of a tunnel with more inoculations, turns out to be wet firecrackers, headlights from an on rushing truck.

There's no other choice but to switch vaccine, for the greater good of Rakyat. Although, he has graciously offer consolation on a Plan B and to deny low efficacy.

Consider it most unfortunate for Pharma to have keys to the front door, but not the keys to the Vault. Maybe better luck next time.

Money is secondary, when compared with lost lives...One last question, straight to the point...HAVE YOU EVER LOST A CLOSE FRIEND, RELATIVE, LOVED ONES TO COVID?


2021-07-17 08:00 | Report Abuse

And before anyone gets any bright ideas, the 3rd or Booster shot is ACTUALLY a mix Vaccine.....meaning to use ANOTHER RELIABLE vaccine to overcome any shortcomings from Sinovac.

SAY AGAIN,....3rd BOOSTER SHOT, if necessary...1000% DEFINITELY, certainly NOT Sinovac. End of case, no further discussions.


2021-07-17 07:38 | Report Abuse

Is it necessary to waste time and money to test Booster to expel fears of low efficacy (65%) of Sinovac??? To what results and purpose???


"More recently, a Hong Kong study indicated that those who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had 10 times the amount of antibodies than those given the Sinovac vaccine."

"Chile and Seychelles, which used China-made vaccines, had reported an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases despite having a very high vaccination rate of between 65% and 70% of their populations."

“Analysis has shown that Sinovac only has a 65% efficacy against symptomatic infection in contrast to a 96% and 92% efficacy of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines respectively.”


"He said this was why countries that have used the Sinovac vaccine are reviewing their strategy, including proposing the mixing of vaccines and booster doses to overcome any shortcomings of the Sinovac vaccine."


2021-07-17 07:37 | Report Abuse

Just what do you expect him to say????..The whole world is eyeing all comments on Vaccines from every Govt.

If the efficacy is as perfect and up to expectations, WHY not continue since the system and machinery is purring like a Lamborghini???

Do you not know that the most diplomatic way to say things is to say it backwards???? He's well oiled.


2021-07-16 22:07 | Report Abuse

@Mari, ...did you escape from Tanjung Rambutan or are you a script writer for a Spielberg movie? How did that amount of Warrants converted for additional listing not reported to SC?

Do you actually keep track of the amount of converted and the outstanding unconverted Warrants?

And if you had paid attention in today's trading was the Buyers taking out the Seller's parked bids...not a damn dumping in sight! Therefore, the market price was going upwards, not the opposite...get it yet?


2021-07-16 21:34 | Report Abuse

You're not too keen or passionate about your Darling, aren't you? Above RM2 and you stood her up.


2021-07-16 20:59 | Report Abuse

Very comforting and glad to note the volume for this day almost touched 200 million shares, dispelling the myth of unwarranted weights from additional listing of 28.7 million shares. It was as light as a feather, and even the market price was up 3.5 sens. It may seems like an increase of a small token sum but the buying sprees, sporadically snapping up the Sellers in blocks of 50 - 300 lots was pleasurable to watch. Hoping for more from Dnex in the coming week.

Stay safe and be well, have a nice weekend.


2021-07-16 20:13 | Report Abuse

Mr Yeoh,...don't understand how other ASEAN colleague countries would wish to procure any Vaccine from a third party, and NOT directly from the Vendor at source? Furthermore, China is not too far away as Russia whom have signed Term Papers with Dpharma to distribute Sputnik V in Malaysia, transfer their technology to Dpharma, and also wish to appoint Dpharma as their Asian Manufacturing Hub. Now, that's glorious, isn't it?


2021-07-16 14:33 | Report Abuse

Singapore provides FREE shots of Pfizer and Moderna. For those who wish for Sinovac, they have to pay USD25 themselves. Also, those vaccinated with Sinovac are not included in the tally for inoculation.


2021-07-16 14:17 | Report Abuse

Obliged Mr Yeoh, we should always present FACTS and FIGURES for fellow investors and not shout ridiculous TP for nothing. Reflects badly on oneself. Good luck!


2021-07-16 14:02 | Report Abuse

Tuan Faris, you're most welcome. We love to share for we care, as in forum of all other counters.. As investors, we like to gather logical and rational information for mutual benefits. Two way traffic... Salam!


2021-07-16 13:22 | Report Abuse

What's so surprising? Any unwritten rule to confine postings at other counters? What's there to hide? Didn't I mention earlier we picked up Pharma and Dpharma at 1.55 back in March 2020 at start of pandemic?


2021-07-16 12:44 | Report Abuse

The Fox is on a super scales of things and business, unthinkable to some here. Their actions to purchase the blocks from "willing Seller" has already been approved by the other Directors beforehand. When they want, they just take a whole block, no need to scoop like ikan bilis.

And last but not least, IT IS A CORPORATE COURTESY to call upon the company before you take a bite of their shares. It's manners and being polite. They acted in good faith and deserving of international recognition. Go figure and learn some manners in the process...


2021-07-16 12:39 | Report Abuse

Maybe Mari hasn't seen or rub shoulders with the Super Rich or watch "Crazy Rich Asians", the movie. The Fox bought 120 million shares at 90c which was just 3c below the prevailing market price, AT THAT MOMENT, instead of scooping up from Open market and driving up the price to insane levels. Their purchase allows them a seat on the BOD, at the pocket change price of RM108 millions.

President Terry is a philanthropist and as a Corporate Social Responsibility move, DONATED USD350 million (RM1.45 Billion) worth of Pfizer vaccines to the people of Taiwan.

So, what is the shit of getting a seat, which may prove beneficial mutually to Dnex and to Fox????????? Think before you post.


2021-07-16 12:28 | Report Abuse

This guy must have just woke up. Silterra is not a Game Changer?..."nothing fundamental change to their business at all"???? You may need reading glasses...

And "foreign chinese company gets to pay premium price"??? what shit are you yelling about? You like the price you buy, don't like, just stay sidelines and watch Dnex grows into a Giant.


2021-07-16 12:22 | Report Abuse

The News will hit the streets at lunch break.


2021-07-16 12:07 | Report Abuse

Sama sama Tuan, pending announcement...all Green...kacang Cap Jari.


2021-07-16 11:52 | Report Abuse

@jlex11...yeah, they say is sellers' market......look, already 120 million shares done before half day. Today over 200 million? Good News coming??? Cheers, mate.


2021-07-16 11:47 | Report Abuse

Actually, posted by interferens...should thank him.


2021-07-16 11:41 | Report Abuse

Sinopharm to Dpharma.....good news.


2021-07-16 11:40 | Report Abuse

Kenyataan Akhbar KPK 16 Julai 2021 – Keputusan Mesyuarat Pihak Berkuasa Kawalan Dadah Kali Ke-361 Berkenaan Pendaftaran Vaksin COVID-19

Kementerian Kesihatan Kesihatan (KKM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa Mesyuarat Pihak Berkuasa Kawalan Dadah (PBKD) kali ke-361 telah bersidang pada hari ini, 16 Julai 2021.
Mesyuarat telah bersetuju memberikan kelulusan pendaftaran bersyarat untuk kegunaan semasa bencana bagi dua (2) produk vaksin COVID-19 iaitu:

1. COVILO Suspension for Injection COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell), Inactivated
Pemegang pendaftaran: Duopharma (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Pengilang: Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co. Ltd. (BIBP), China
COVILO merupakan vaksin yang dibangunkan oleh China National Biotec Group Company Limited (CNBG), Sinopharm, yang juga dikenali sebagai vaksin COVID-19 Sinopharm.

2. Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Suspension for Injection
Pemegang pendaftaran: Johnson & Johnson Sdn. Bhd.
Pengilang: Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Belgium

Kelulusan pendaftaran bersyarat ini memerlukan maklumat kualiti, keselamatan dan keberkesanan produk vaksin tersebut dipantau dan dinilai berdasarkan data-data terkini dari semasa ke semasa. Ia bagi memastikan perbandingan manfaat-risiko (benefit over risk) bagi produk-produk vaksin tersebut kekal positif.

KKM akan sentiasa mempertingkatkan tahap kesihatan awam dalam memerangi wabak COVID-19 melalui perolehan bekalan vaksin yang telah dinilai daripada aspek kualiti, keselamatan dan keberkesanan oleh Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA) dan diluluskan oleh PBKD. Kerajaan juga komited untuk memastikan penduduk dewasa Malaysia mencapai imuniti kelompok (herd immunity) selaras dengan sasaran Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan (PICK).

Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Malaysia
16 Julai 2021


2021-07-16 11:15 | Report Abuse

At least someone is using his brains as gifted by The Almighty,...unlike the other who keeps banging his head on the wall repeatedly and shouting..LU..LU...LU...LU...2.00 now.


2021-07-16 11:07 | Report Abuse

David...those were not small players to just push over. They were holding 500 to 600 lots at above 33c. To convert may require 250K to 300K...not actually shillings in the pocket. And this is a 50c conversion fee, not 10c in most penny stocks.


2021-07-16 10:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

Yes, some of these balance may be converted but most of them could be held by Bankers or funds. Since they were free since 2016, they may be offered financing for conversion and lodged under lien. May not make it to market....means, they are not for Sale..... yet.


2021-07-16 10:11 | Report Abuse

You may not believe this but there are people who have kept from 35c and above....and these are not small blocks (have been approached by them). When the time comes to convert, you'll need at least a quarter million RM to half a Million. Yes, they might cut, like you say at 15c or 18c...but then the fanning out and some of those who bought in small pieces may NOT actually know the Trading suspension date...and the onus is on them to they may lose some or find ways to convert....musical chair goes on.


2021-07-16 08:24 | Report Abuse

The ball is now actually in the BOD's court to unveil Silterra for all to acknowledge once and for all. Investors have supported through thick and thin and all the on-coming Warrants can mean nothing to add weight as the new PP is to be staggered. Having said, all conversions might not go to market as investors feel Dnex is now at forward momentum. Why go to waste? If you can remember, back in 2019, lumps of PP were placed out at around 19c to 25c? Such practices are no longer on the cards. We, and the company value the fair prices and subsequently to move away from being a penny stock.


2021-07-15 20:12 | Report Abuse

Sinopharm, imported and distributed by Kanger????? Did Kanger sign any Term Papers with GOM? MOH?


2021-07-15 20:04 | Report Abuse

NPRA...just rubber stamp next to WHO seal...APPROVED for Malaysia.

Sputnik V got WHO meh??? No right? rubber stamp for you..hahahaha...


2021-07-15 19:53 | Report Abuse

Is this in lieu of Sputnik V......sweet dreams everyone...