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2016-07-10 11:12 | Report Abuse

Murali. Is it what we call 'lazy' ? Lazy to develop new skills that is uncomfortable but hardworking in doing existing comfortable job or feeding his egoism. He thought..... he is being a trader or investor. He doesn't realize that he is actually a gambler in share market. It is better for him to get back to his teaching profession in the school. Share market is not his cup of tea.

News & Blogs

2016-07-10 10:53 | Report Abuse

Nice story....Good for motivation purpose.

Have you ever ask yourself what is the major weakness for being a teacher for more than decades? Can you relate your teaching experience in developing your new investment skills? Do you really know what skills you need to equip with that necessary in investing?

Sorry for being straight forward....Get back to your desk to list down your top 30 picks and do your research in its business and industry and work out basic ratio i.e. PER, Gearing, Profit margins, Dividend yields. You are a hardworking person but not work smart. Don't know how to pick up good points from many sifus here. Stop feeding your egoism if you want money get into your pocket.


2016-07-09 22:56 | Report Abuse

8wpwtmt8. It's a good opportunity for us to top up if the price maintain at this level even though the company has reported higher earnings in coming QR.

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 22:51 | Report Abuse

Cpteh. You can certainly pick up many good points from sifu Raider through reading his forum especially building a proper mindset in margin of safety in investing. Who know these knowledge can become a good selling points for offering tuition to newbies in future. Lol


News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:38 | Report Abuse

Nice to chat with you too. VenFx.

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:28 | Report Abuse

VenFx. We have learned a lot from many sifus here. But some people prefer (sub-consciously) to take long route in learning and don't want to pick up good points addressed by others.

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:16 | Report Abuse

VenFx. We prefer people would turn a deaf ear to our advice too. lol

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:09 | Report Abuse

Cpteh. Lemon Juice has offered you an excellent idea on how you start to do your home work. You better learning by heart lor..lol

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:07 | Report Abuse

VenFx. I am not a pro in casino so I know nut in counting card. I know (talk coc) only la. lol

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 18:01 | Report Abuse

Murali sifu. Exactly. What he is doing now nothing more than betting in casino. Be a proffesional in casino also got to learning a lot of skills ....ie probability, counting card..... wakaka

News & Blogs

2016-07-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

CPteh. Reading would certainly enrich your knowledge. You would have more ideas on how to strategies your investment. Bear in mind, putting your knowledge into action is another issues. It could be a disaster when you are clouded too many theories in your mind. If you keep reading investment books without applying the theories in your real life, it doesn't help much. You know (talk coc ) but you don't really know how it actually works for you. Keeping a balance between reading and action can't be ignored. Stretching yourself in doing your homework is more important. You would know what to do to keep improving yourself.


2016-07-09 17:09 | Report Abuse

Share price seems a little over hyped with about 70% increased in less than 3 months. When you look at the order book, its revenue and profit would certainly continue to grow in the next few quarters. Is it AWC over valued after the rally?

PER: 15.5x
DY: 2.5%
Gearing: Net cash
Outstanding order book: > RM 700 million

31 Mar 16 - 2.25 cents
31 Dec 15 - 1.46 cents
30 Sep 15 - 0.56 cents
30 Jun 15 - 0.97 cents
31 Mar 15 - 0.25 cents

31 Mar 16 - RM 75.3 million
31 Dec 15 - RM 60.2 million
30 Sep 15 - RM 37.8 million
30 Jun 15 - RM 33.7 million
31 Mar 15 - RM 31 million

31 Mar 16 - PBT RM 8.9 million
31 Dec 15 - PBT RM 7.1 million
30 Sep 15 - PBT RM 2.1 million
30 Jun 15 - PBT RM 2.1 million
31 Mar 15 - PBT RM 1.4 million


2016-07-09 11:16 | Report Abuse

Those researchers are either don't use their common senses or twisting the facts or close both eyes to dish out their reports. You see, TAAN amortized its Plantation Expenditure RM 20 million and and still managed to fetch PBT RM 43 million from the plantation segment last year.

What about Jtiasa? Jtiasa applies policy of non amortization plantation expenditure and yet suffering losses RM 30 million in plantation segment for the past 9 months. If Jtiasa applies amortization policy, it would have suffered additional losses RM 30 million at least.


2016-07-08 21:05 | Report Abuse

Jtiasa has no value to trap to investors. High gearing, low dividend, low profit and poor operation officiency. Where is the value come from? The debt has been going up without a sign of stopping. Be prepared, Jtiasa may make a cash call in near future. If you doubt, you can double check its cash generating ability for the past few years.

If you really love plantation stock, go for much better run companies like TAAN, WTK, Kmloong, Uplant, Umelaka.......


2016-07-08 20:05 | Report Abuse

what is the consequences of making a decision by denying facts to feeding your betting mindset or egoism? Small matter la...lost money only lor.


2016-07-08 10:52 | Report Abuse

Business growth momentum remains on the right track. Buy the dips.


2016-07-07 22:59 | Report Abuse

Icon. Relax. You are still on holiday.

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 22:26 | Report Abuse

Kheng. If you really got the passion to learn and willing to go through the hard work in investing. You would find the way. It doesn't help much if you are relying on a sifu recommendation. You should get a mentor instead of sifu. haha

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 21:55 | Report Abuse

If you are a very defensive PEG investors then you can go for blue chips like Carlsbg, Dlady, F&N, Heim, Nestle, PBB, Litrak but don't blame for high PER this and that.

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 21:37 | Report Abuse

Stockman. We all know that PEG is very important for value traders. To be a real value trader, you have to do extensive of research of the companies. It would have taken a lot of time. You think so easy meh? You got to do a lot of recording of some companies:
- grow is still on going.
- have reached maturity stage.
- temporary halt growth.
- going down to Holand.
- making a return.
- attached with high gearing and no dividend...
I don't think many got the time to keep track so many companies. You got to keep update your database....Sorry to say that...Try to do it yourself in real life then you can taste it. From my observation in exchanging information in Tek Seng forum, you gave me an impression that theoretically, you like growth companies but you refuse to take higher risks due to gearing, business operation....People ask you to suggest a PEG company but you played taichi... Come on! this is a cybercafe for chit-chat. what were you worrying? Are you an accountant?

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 19:56 | Report Abuse

Don't play generic phrases here la. Here is not a corporate world. You won't get much benefits from this forum even though you play taichi unless you intention is to become famous here and give seminars to newbies charging a fee.

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 18:54 | Report Abuse

Be careful of stepping on a landmine! It is a disaster if you have identified G in a wrong counter....very tricky one. There are many good examples witnessed in the past few months. lol

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 18:40 | Report Abuse

BY the time you have acquired sufficient knowledge, skills, experience and enough comparison stocks in a industry, you would understand PER, Gearing, EV, DY....can be very flexible in application. Low doesn't mean give you an edge every time. High doesn't mean not good. It all depends on the situation at that time..lol

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 18:27 | Report Abuse

CPteh. Making money in stock market is just the end products in investment. What important is the process (knowledge, skills, experience and strategy) you have undertaken which would lead you to money makes money. It takes time to develop a system suit to yourself and a proven system through some track records .

Start with crawling, stand-up and follow by walking before running. If you don't believe then you try to jump queue and see what would happen next...probably in next 24 months. You could make money initially due to lucky by following someone recommendation but the lucky star won't get along at all times. Instead, your greed would sneak in leading you to longkang.

Building a strong foundation will lead your base stronger and be more conservative in investing hence you won't over confident. Your knowledge, skills and experience will be accumulated over days by days. If you are really frank to yourself, you can have own self review your performance to identify the pitfalls.

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 14:59 | Report Abuse

Sometimes, we base on our instinct to make a buy and sell decision. If you don't have sufficient knowledge, experience and hardwork FA &TA, how can you rely on your instinct? You still can feel it but the question is how reliable of your feel. Use guts all the times?

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 13:21 | Report Abuse


You don't really appreciate the intention of the writer. Don't think we can above anyone...you know that stock market is the results of actions of human being. Do you think you can escape from emotion being effected through reading news, watching price movement, chi-chat in forum....?

Investment is an art. KC appreciate it so he has demonstrated one of a systematic way to handle his investment without putting too much emotion on it. He just let the system to take care his stocks. Don't you think this is a wise way?

Posted by stockmanmy > Jul 7, 2016 12:52 PM | Report Abuse

Why do I have the sense that people in I3 seem to think that stock market analysis starts and stops at FA and TA?

20 formulas and 5 valuation methods will not help you at all if you have no sense of PEG, no sense of business cycles, no sense of the future, no sense of forecasting, ......and being too arrogant.

Stock market do not start and stop at Balance sheet analysis and income statement analysts or even chart analysis.

Stock market is not a Maths problem to be solved

Stock market is about human beings and the future.

News & Blogs

2016-07-07 09:58 | Report Abuse

He is awaken after listening to long long TA lullaby music in his dream...everyday watching price and volume chart up and down....TA is merely a supplement to investors or value traders.

News & Blogs

2016-07-06 22:36 | Report Abuse

Director was dumping the shares? This director has disposed 156,000 shares or 2% of his entire stakes recently. He hold 7% shares of FLBhd only.

News & Blogs

2016-07-06 21:08 | Report Abuse

Capital expenditure is a peanut when you compare its Net cash inflow generated from operating activities. Fyi, the company has generated cash inflow of RM 33.5 million. Please supply more information for comparison purpose la...if not where you want direct the reader after reading?

Please look at the company net cash flow generation from operating activities:

Year 2015 - RM 33.5 million ( Capex RM 4.8 million )
Year 2014 - RM 14.7 million ( Capex RM 2.7 million )
Year 2013 - RM 13.2 million ( Capex RM 2.0 million )
Year 2012 - RM 28.4 million ( Capex RM 1.4 million )
Year 2011 - RM 7.9 million ( Capex RM 1.7 million )

" 值得一提的是,FLB在2015年投入的CAPEX高达RM4.5m,和2013年的RM2.0m和2014年的RM2.7m相比,高出了不少。管理层曾表示FLB将投入资金以购买先进的机械设备,不知这CAPEX是不是投入了这一项。"

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 20:51 | Report Abuse

Lemon Juice. There have been brainwashed until can't remember their name other than the identity given by the preachers. There is nothing we can do if end of the world going to happen. Sell the properties to get the money for what since it were end of the world. Why the preachers need to much money as end of the world approaching? Those people did not live in the world applying common senses. Just accept any events that we don't have any control on it.


2016-07-05 19:49 | Report Abuse

Possible of flushing out weak holders. FLbhd's revenue is still trending upward. Dropped in PBT slightly was mainly due to forex loss in last quarter. It will report a slight forex gain next quarter. bonus issues and free warrant have not been proposed by the company . Not to forget, Uncle Koon is a FA cum partly TA player.

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 18:45 | Report Abuse

Think he should learn how to embrace the " market crash " with proper a mindset and proper financial planning in investing in stock market. Don't be a doom sayer to instill fear of market crashing here.

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 18:34 | Report Abuse

Lemon juice. You see his statement below. ' Listen ' 'listen '....he is a teacher and that's the reason he advocated 'listen'. Did he know the direction that he is heading after watching this video clip plenty of times? Is he wanted to build up a dilusion of market crash in his mind? I believe that everything happens in the macro, political, war, natural disaster would lead him to relate market crashing is on the way....every event pop up then market crash is approaching...lol

" I have listened to this clip for 10-20 times ... and will make it a habit to listen once a week till market-crash, taking this as part of the preparation of crash. "

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 16:46 | Report Abuse

Who can trigger crash in KLSE? You think retailers have the ability to do this wonderful job? You think Foreign Funds got sufficient shares to sell down our index? You think Ah Jib will let our EPF and local funds to give a market a blow? Do your homework and don't talk coc without supporting facts to justify your crash theory la.

News & Blogs

2016-07-05 16:32 | Report Abuse

Boom and follow by crash.... Is the property counters has staged crashing few months ago? KSL peaked at 2.45 and traded at 1.1 or plunged more than 50%. KSL is not the only one. There are many ie SBCcorp, Glomac, CIMB, Affin, MBSB, Puncak....too many to mention here.

How you define crash? Is it crash meant KLCI must go below 1000 point? Maybank should trade at RM 5? PBBank's price should drop to RM 10?

Can I put this way...prediction crash is the most easy job. You know it would crash one day so you don't have to do anything now. You can keep saying crash, crash, crash and stop doing your homework and enjoying life???


2016-07-04 11:48 | Report Abuse

The quantity of shares disposed by director is negligible....100k shares only.


2016-07-04 11:46 | Report Abuse

If the company is able to maintain the dividends payout at this level, I don't think many investors would dispose their shares at this price. It may rebound soon.


2016-07-04 11:00 | Report Abuse

FLBhd is considered quite generous in distributing dividends to the shareholders by look at its track records. With the current DY of 8.3%, PER 5.8x and Net cash, is it the share price overvalued or merely a correction? Not to forget, Uncle Koon is still on the boat. He loves bonus issues and warrant so.....

PER: 5.8x
Dividend Yield: 8.3%
Gearing: Net Cash 75 cents

31 Mar 16 - 3.21 cents
31 Dec 15 - 10.37 cents
30 Sep 15 - 9.35 cents
30 Jun 15 - 7.80 cents
31 Mar 15 - 3.22 cents

31 Mar 16 - RM 53 million
31 Dec 15 - RM 58 million
30 Sep 15 - RM 43 million
30 Jun 15 - RM 50 million
31 Mar 15 - RM 30 million

31 Mar 16 - RM 3.3 million ( Forex Loss RM 3.4 million )
31 Dec 15 - RM 11.8 million
30 Sep 15 - RM 11.8 million ( Forex Gain RM 4 million )
30 Jun 15 - RM 8.9 million ( Forex Gain RM 1.1 million )
31 Mar 15 - RM 3.8 million

2015 - 15 cents
2014 - 8 cents
2013 - 8 cents
2012 - 6 cents
2011 - 6 cents

News & Blogs

2016-07-03 12:15 | Report Abuse

The construction of the building is slated for completion by FY17, and earnings impact should start in FY18.


News & Blogs

2016-07-03 11:43 | Report Abuse

4.2% of the population in Malaysia failed to repay PTPTN. What a joke.

News: 24 Apr 2016

BUKIT MERTAJAM: A total of 1.25 million borrowers who failed to repay their National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loans have been listed in the Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS).

PTPTN chairman Datuk Shamsul Anuar Nasarah said the hardcore borrowers were not only listed in CCRIS by PTPTN but by numerous other financial institutions. "Some of the borrowers from PTPTN also failed to pay up their loans to other financial institutions.

Actually, CCRIS is not aimed at blacklisting the names of the borrowers but to enable other financial institutions to look at the borrowers' records for credit affairs," he told reporters after launching the National Education Scheme (SSPN-i) Plus, here, yesterday.

He said PTPTN started listing the hardcore borrowers in the information system in stages since June 16 last year aimed at encouraging borrowers to be more disciplined and responsible in repaying loans.

He said borrowers who had poor payment record risked difficulty in obtaining loan approval from all financial institutions including for personal loans, credit cards, housing and vehicle.

In another development, Shamsul Anuar said PTPTN targeted RM2 billion to be deposited into its new product SSPN-i Plus, which was introduced since June last year, by 2020. To date, he said 7,237 SSPM-i Plus accounts had been opened involving a deposit of RM534,000 and expected another 30,000 more accounts would be opened by the end of the year.

He said depositors in SSPN-i Plus could opt for numerous packages in salary deduction including a package as low as RM50 a month together with other advantages.

He said, in conjunction with the first year of the launching of SSPN-i Plus, PTPTN also organised a lucky draw for depositors with prizes of a RM500,000 apartment, a BMW car and a Honda CRV and other items worth RM3 million. SSPN-i Plus, is the best saving plan, combining education saving and a cheap and comprehensive takaful protection package. --Bernama

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2016/04/141094/125-million-ptptn-borrowers-listed-ccris


2016-07-02 10:58 | Report Abuse

It's a very lucrative project over the period of 25 years. Compound interest rate is about 11% in order to turn RM 600 million into RM 8.2 billion.


2016-07-01 19:08 | Report Abuse

As an independent director, he is not able to access the financial results of the company before the Board meeting was held for discussing in the meeting in May 16. He might know some information a bit indirectly from his brother. Investors can accept the company for not performing well since risks is involved in every investment. But investors couldn't stand this fellow threw the shares following the board meeting before the announcement of QR. It was obviously an insider trading....not sure against the law or not.


2016-07-01 14:48 | Report Abuse

I prefer to wait and see its earnings ability in next month before joining the bandwagon.

News & Blogs

2016-07-01 14:40 | Report Abuse

Paperplane. You stock portfolio was doing well last month. Ranking up from 10 to top 3. Congrate.


2016-07-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

At the price RM 3, Puncak minorities shareholders are shivering.


2016-07-01 11:37 | Report Abuse

Don't know how much it can go. I just left my profit there to roll by itself.


2016-07-01 11:25 | Report Abuse

This independent director is a lawyer and the brother of MD. At the age of 55, got money and name still wanted to play insider trading.... Really a sucker.


2016-07-01 10:27 | Report Abuse

Can't deny that we learn some skill of guessing through real experience with a small capital. lol

Up Down, I put 30% of my money in Air Asia

I put 1.875% in Borneo Oil

now you know how much I love Borneo Oil and how much confidence I have in it

Posted by Up_down > Jul 1, 2016 10:22 AM | Report Abuse

Icon. You can foresee the AirAsia would report good results confidently with the information available. That's why you sailang in AAsia. What about Bornoil?


2016-07-01 10:24 | Report Abuse

RM 2.27??? Up so fast and getting close to NTA.


2016-07-01 10:22 | Report Abuse

Icon. You can foresee the AirAsia would report good results confidently with the information available. That's why you sailang in AAsia. What about Bornoil?