
ahpooki2 | Joined since 2020-08-11

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2021-01-12 12:25 | Report Abuse

xuxu if no emergency order now already 3.0+++
12/01/2021 11:09 AM


emergency order will be good for gloves actually..


2021-01-11 16:34 | Report Abuse

results are going to come out this month...


2021-01-11 16:12 | Report Abuse

at the closing bell...i will put in a buy bid for 3.12... 100 shares...LOL


2021-01-11 15:55 | Report Abuse

STEADYBOMBIBI85 What happens if darurat ?
11/01/2021 3:54 PM


glove counters will explode !! coz all other counters on bursa will tank...


2021-01-08 15:04 | Report Abuse

PE Ratios - What's wrong with the Malaysian Analysts ?

The following are 2 Analyst report for 2 companies (Boxed in Yellow) in India.

I only want to point out the twisted rationale of the Analysts Reports being floated about Glove companies.

1. Granules India Limited (Pharma Company). No they don't produce Vaccines.
The Analyst has estimated an Earnings(EPS) increase of 21% for FY 2021/2022 (The EPS growth is Annual)
They assign a PE of 16.


2. Trident Limited (The largest Terry Towel & Bed Linen manufacturer in the world)
The Analyst has estimated an Earnings(EPS) increase of 38% for FY 2021 & 15% for FY 2022.
They assign a Forward PE for FY 2022 of 11. (The EPS growth is Annual)



On the other hand you have Glove companies (ALL OF THEM) producing 100% to 200% incremental EPS QoQ (That's 400% to 800%) PER ANNUM.

And what PE do the ANALYST's give it ? 10 ? 11? 12 ?


2021-01-04 17:09 | Report Abuse

getingreal Making a press release on intention to pay 20% is not an anouncement of a 20% dividend, so its a tease not a comitment. Its called manipulating the market to prop up the share price. KLSE where are you?
IBs short selling to press down share price to suit their upcoming SWs not manipulation??


2020-12-24 17:42 | Report Abuse


i believe the pandemic wont be over so soon..it will be many years before covid can be said to be under control. not until year 2023 probably. so we have to live with the virus for now. and hopefully, no new virus emerges thereafter...


2020-12-24 17:10 | Report Abuse

@come next week no show... just hold and be patient..dont panic..


2020-12-24 16:57 | Report Abuse

RunFirst Next monday see u all at RM6
Next friday see u all at RM5
24/12/2020 4:48 PM


on the 15th Jan, i see you at RM3, how about that?


2020-12-24 16:09 | Report Abuse

dont buy, dont sell, dont panic, let the IBs play their games... they short sell for so many days already..they cannot deliver the stock, they kena fine..LOL


2020-12-24 15:50 | Report Abuse

RunFirst See u all at RM5.9
24/12/2020 3:48 PM


aiyah..u wait until RM3 better...


2020-12-24 15:44 | Report Abuse

Keyman188 Share price up or down got related to structured warrant mehh !!!...

Then like that most of the bluechip share price up or down also tight up with structured warrant lorrr.....

Keyman188 a bit naive liao like that...

so next time need to see all structured warrant 1st before Keyman188 can buy bluechip lorr....

OMG...like that structured warrant leading bluechip liao....


you mean you didnt know??...oh dear...


2020-12-24 15:38 | Report Abuse

only the IBs are trapped by their structured warrants...so they die2 have to manipulate the prices lo..we just watch and laugh...LOL...


2020-12-24 15:36 | Report Abuse

IBs at play..got warrant due 31st Dec, they need to push down the share price to reduce their payouts on that warrant...so obvious...isnt it?


2020-12-24 15:33 | Report Abuse

you like to run so much..run lah...why keep staying here and keep saying run???


2020-12-24 15:31 | Report Abuse

IB1 sell to IB2, sell back to IB1....slowly push down the price...pakat lo... so ignore their games...


2020-12-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

dont buy, dont sell, dont panic... let them play their games..


2020-12-24 15:08 | Report Abuse

aiyah...most of us bought when it was RM3 to RM4 or less... no need to run..we are holding... only panic monkeys will sell...


2020-12-24 15:06 | Report Abuse


it will go down as much as they (the IBs) can push it down...so dont buy yet, and dont sell any of your shares to them.. Let TG sort out its issues, let them do the SBBs etc...wait and hold for now..


2020-12-24 14:56 | Report Abuse

FortuneBlooming I dare say until at least end 2022

right now, it's just IBs creating that impression that gloves are passe...all to meet their structured warrant needs..they need to cut loss on their warrants..that's why the artificial pushing down of all the gloves..they make it look like it's a sector thingy...

so dont panic sell your shares...they will at the same time buy these up to cover the short selling they did...


2020-12-24 14:35 | Report Abuse

dont sell your shares now, dont buy yet until near to Jan 15th when the IBs will push TG down to it's lowest, then go all in.....


2020-12-23 17:27 | Report Abuse

i hentam kao2 at 1.54


2020-12-22 16:24 | Report Abuse

so obvious they trying to push down all the glove counters to make it look like it's a sector thingy.....


2020-12-22 16:22 | Report Abuse

the more they short sell...the more they going to lose... dont sell any share to them...


2020-12-22 16:06 | Report Abuse

so funny these IBs trying so hard to press down the prices.... trying to cut loss on their warrants...lol lol


2020-12-17 16:17 | Report Abuse

staedy acually i don't get it, if what those ppl said it true that the market is 3-9mths forward looking and the market cannot accept that glove counter will have lower income in year 2022/23 than how come they can accept vaccine counter that will definitely running out of business by year 2022 when most of the people who are willing to take the injection already do so?
17/12/2020 3:52 PM


it's just a cock and bull story trying to scare people into dumping gloves...vaccine business will end by next year, if there are any business to begin with...and that is if they dont fail...or worse, create even more covid cases.....


2020-12-14 15:45 | Report Abuse

again...i say the SC should investigate JP morgan !!


2020-12-14 15:38 | Report Abuse

SC should investigate JP Morgan's call....!!


2020-12-14 14:19 | Report Abuse

@sam singh ... u must like backsides... keep saying it... well then, you will have a lot of choice to pick from, right? if all the TG supporters need to sell.... have fun in chow kit...no need come here wasting your time...


2020-12-12 11:33 | Report Abuse

oh wow..another virus.... more gloves and PPEs are gonna be needed....


2020-12-12 11:30 | Report Abuse

underwear friend.. what the use of this email ?

read and understand....


2020-12-12 11:18 | Report Abuse

dont let them collect on the cheap !! so obvious they are doing this purposely....


2020-12-12 11:03 | Report Abuse

JP mahaigan doing this to frighten the retailers, so can scoop up the shares cheaply....so obvious isnt it?


2020-12-12 10:48 | Report Abuse

all these US banks can be trusted? Goldman Sachs, JP morgan...etc..etc...?


2020-12-12 10:27 | Report Abuse

they meant USD 3.50 lah... mana dia orang tahu tentang ringgit??.. LOL


2020-12-12 10:26 | Report Abuse

says a lot about their bank...lol lol...

Master123 JP Morgan given Tesla TP US90. End up Tesla US600 now..Lol
12/12/2020 9:48 AM


2020-12-12 10:12 | Report Abuse

Geek2020 https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/business/2020/09/30/jpmorga...

Old habits die hard
12/12/2020 9:29 AM

doing it for their own benefit? later will revise TP upwards when they have collected enough...


2020-12-11 15:22 | Report Abuse

if u feel strongly about what's happening to your investments in glove counters, write to aduan@seccom.com.my and make your views known...

i have...

Dear Sir,
Sub : The wisdom, or the lack of it, in permitting Structured Warrants
I am writing to you again with regards to the above.
We have just witnessed the astronomical results reported by Top Glove Corporation Bhd, in their 1st quarterly report that showed revenue of more than RM 4.7 billion and a profit of more than RM 2.3 billion. This is probably a record earnings by any company in Malaysia. At a time when the entire economy is struggling to stay alive, this is definitely a record.
However, share price of the stock went into the negative. How does a normal investor make sense of such occurrence? I am an investor for many years and invest in Equity in several markets. The way the share prices of companies on KLSE have moved in the last two quarters is not just baffling but goes against the natural progression and reflection of a company's performance.
As a keen observer and researcher of stock fundamentals, markets and the like, I must say that there is something wrong. There is definitely a vested interest in keeping the price low. If you do not see that as possible, I urge you to look again in the best interests of the common investors and the nation thereof.
My understanding is that the Structured Warrants (as you call them but are generally known as “Contract For Difference”), are the culprit. At the outset, I fail to understand why such an instrument is till permitted to be issued on Equity (Which is essentially the Asset, not the Warrant itself) when it has been consistently banned in major economies of the world. You may argue that Malaysia is different. However, please know that such instruments have one very certain outcome: “ The issuer wins”. Which means someone has to lose. Hope that much is clear between us.
I am sure you have access to historical data on these warrants, which we have studied extensively. I request you to look in that data. You will find that the Asset (the price of the Underlying Share) has always been conducive to the Exercise Price at the time of expiry. This is irrespective of the performance of the company (Which is the Underlying Asset), typically the case of Top Glove Corporation Berhad. This also means that the Warrants itself expire out of money. As per statistics gathered so far, approximately 95% of the Warrants expire out of money.
What is the wisdom in such a Financial Instrument?
To the point of Issuers:
An issuer of any instrument is to be considered the Promoter of that instrument? Since the Warrants by themselves have zero value without an Underlying Asset, it is imperative that an issuer of such instruments be considered Promoters of the Underlying Asset. They must necessarily be put through the same rules, regulations and guidelines applied to Promoters and Substantial shareholders of a company.
This obviously implies disclosure and transparency in the issuer’s dealings in the Underlying share.
That is simply not the case now. On the contrary, the issuers being Banks, Investment Banks, Analysts and Traders all under one roof, go forth and issue Analyst reports and Target Prices that suit their Structured Warrant expiry dates and values. With due apologies, I have to say this is nothing short of manipulation. Transparency and oversight and control over Manipulation in the stock markets are your organization’s responsibility. I sincerely hope you will not find yourself complicit in such a situation.
I fail to understand, as does many of my colleagues and friends how all of this is in line with the Securities Commission’s tag line “ An informed Investor is a Protected Investor”. The field is definitely not level.
How can an honest retail investor or for that matter any genuine investor be it local or foreign feel assured that whatever investments they make on Bursa companies are truly protected by fair practices.
I am sure I am not the first person to make such a query. There are countless comments on forums that questions the legitimacy of these third party issuers of structured warrants that are not only hurting the company's fair value but also cheating the un-suspecting investors of their hard earned money . I'm sure you are aware that such structured warrants or CFDs are already banned in many countries.
I am requesting you to clarify why the hedging activity of the issuers are not disclosed. On a more intense note, why are such instruments permitted at all.
I look forward to get an informative reply from you.


2020-12-11 15:18 | Report Abuse

if u feel strongly about what's happening to your investments in top glove... write to aduan@seccom.com.my

i have written to them...

Dear Sir,
Sub : The wisdom, or the lack of it, in permitting Structured Warrants
I am writing to you again with regards to the above.
We have just witnessed the astronomical results reported by Top Glove Corporation Bhd, in their 1st quarterly report that showed revenue of more than RM 4.7 billion and a profit of more than RM 2.3 billion. This is probably a record earnings by any company in Malaysia. At a time when the entire economy is struggling to stay alive, this is definitely a record.
However, share price of the stock went into the negative. How does a normal investor make sense of such occurrence? I am an investor for many years and invest in Equity in several markets. The way the share prices of companies on KLSE have moved in the last two quarters is not just baffling but goes against the natural progression and reflection of a company's performance.
As a keen observer and researcher of stock fundamentals, markets and the like, I must say that there is something wrong. There is definitely a vested interest in keeping the price low. If you do not see that as possible, I urge you to look again in the best interests of the common investors and the nation thereof.
My understanding is that the Structured Warrants (as you call them but are generally known as “Contract For Difference”), are the culprit. At the outset, I fail to understand why such an instrument is till permitted to be issued on Equity (Which is essentially the Asset, not the Warrant itself) when it has been consistently banned in major economies of the world. You may argue that Malaysia is different. However, please know that such instruments have one very certain outcome: “ The issuer wins”. Which means someone has to lose. Hope that much is clear between us.
I am sure you have access to historical data on these warrants, which we have studied extensively. I request you to look in that data. You will find that the Asset (the price of the Underlying Share) has always been conducive to the Exercise Price at the time of expiry. This is irrespective of the performance of the company (Which is the Underlying Asset), typically the case of Top Glove Corporation Berhad. This also means that the Warrants itself expiry out of money. As per statistics gathered so far, approximately 95% of the Warrants expire out of money.
What is the wisdom in such a Financial Instrument?
To the point of Issuers:
An issuer of any instrument is to be considered the Promoter of that instrument? Since the Warrants by themselves have zero value without an Underlying Asset, it is imperative that an issuer of such instruments be considered Promoters of the Underlying Asset. They must necessarily be put through the same rules, regulations and guidelines applied to Promoters and Substantial shareholders of a company.
This obviously implies disclosure and transparency in the issuer’s dealings in the Underlying share.
That is simply not the case now. On the contrary, the issuers being Banks, Investment Banks, Analysts and Traders all under one roof, go forth and issue Analyst reports and Target Prices that suit their Structured Warrant expiry dates and values. With due apologies, I have to say this is nothing short of manipulation. Transparency and oversight and control over Manipulation in the stock markets are your organization’s responsibility. I hope you will not find yourself complicit in such a situation.
I fail to understand, as does many of my colleagues and friends how all of this is in line with the Securities Commission’s tag line “ An informed Investor is a Protected Investor”. The field is definitely not level.
How can an honest retail investor or for that matter any genuine investor be it local or foreign feel assured that whatever investments they make on Bursa companies are truly protected by fair practices.
I am sure I am not the first person to make such a query. There are countless comments on forums that questions the legitimacy of these third party issuers of structured warrants that are not only hurting the company's fair value but also cheating the un-suspecting investors of their hard earned money . I'm sure you are aware that such structured warrants or CFDs are already banned in many countries.
I am requesting you to clarify why the hedging activity of the issuers are not disclosed. On a more intense note, why are such instruments permitted at all.
I look forward to get an informative reply from you.


2020-12-10 18:31 | Report Abuse

2234 cases today..... !!


2020-12-10 16:52 | Report Abuse

yeah..i really hope u r one of those 20% gainers..i honestly do... but maybe the 80% of us are not as savvy as u in investing...you should really share your expertise...would be much appreciated.


2020-12-10 16:43 | Report Abuse

cool..imagine if u bought on weakness and today the price was not being held back....selling on strength would have been on a different level..


2020-12-10 16:16 | Report Abuse

great move..!!..but why the price not going up despite delivering astronomical results?


2020-12-10 16:11 | Report Abuse

sieng1987 Without the Warrants, there will be fair valuation, more predictable movements and a level playing field.

bro, if the market is so straightforward, there will be many rich people now

do your due diligence is the key
10/12/2020 4:00 PM


can help share what your due dilligence taught you? it may be helpful to some of us....


2020-12-10 15:59 | Report Abuse

the price aint going to close significantly above 7..not until january/february maybe, with spurts in between...


2020-12-10 15:56 | Report Abuse

tradewinds...can start? i'd be the first to sign on the petition...