
alenac | Joined since 2013-01-21

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2014-07-19 00:27 | Report Abuse

Obama also spoke about Hamas terrorism against Isreal territorial sovereignty which ironically Malaysia supports its opponent, where in the case of MH 17 shot down probably, according to Obama by separatists backed by Russia fighting against Ukraine territorial sovereignty.


2014-07-18 21:09 | Report Abuse

Maybe less than 20 sen when the next report is out as it is making loses at 5 mill a day.


2014-07-18 21:04 | Report Abuse

Fam Jenny, ur church is not main stream christian church. M not christian but other christians said "its ajaran sesat"


2014-07-05 19:41 | Report Abuse

Yeah many got burnt in this counter in the past but with EPF owning 64% this counter is rather safe unless the existing CEO started "stealing" from the company.


2014-07-04 22:50 | Report Abuse

Yesterday Marina Mahathir wrote in the star:

"If anyone is worried about this development, and they certainly should be, then the answer is to look at the state of our young men today, particularly the Muslim men at the bottom of the social scale.

The ones who drop out of school early and face a future of either unemployment or menial work. The ones who take drugs in order to make their dull and bleak everyday lives slightly more interesting.

And we need to take some responsibility for these young men. We’ve been telling them that as Malay Muslim men, they are superior to everyone else and entitled to everything in this country."

and today even a highly educated Malay at the top of the social scale is a terrorist.


2014-07-04 21:28 | Report Abuse

The buy call will be automatic when the oldman kicked the bucket.


2014-07-04 21:24 | Report Abuse

Saw the CFO face in the paper, looks more like a conman than a company man.


2014-07-03 23:29 | Report Abuse

Chief Financial Officer, Chin Siew Weng said "we will try to persuade the auditors to release the accounts" post suspension. Problem is the auditor could of course release a set of bad financial reports with many disclaimers as to its accuracy. So just to maintain its listing, will the price eventually increase with an inaccurate report and already pre fire there were doubts over the accuracy of its previous financials.


2014-07-03 21:17 | Report Abuse

To quote Marina Mahathir in her article today

"If anyone is worried about this development, and they certainly should be, then the answer is to look at the state of our young men today, particularly the Muslim men at the bottom of the social scale.

The ones who drop out of school early and face a future of either unemployment or menial work. The ones who take drugs in order to make their dull and bleak everyday lives slightly more interesting.

And we need to take some responsibility for these young men. We’ve been telling them that as Malay Muslim men, they are superior to everyone else and entitled to everything in this country."


2014-07-02 21:33 | Report Abuse

Show is gonna end, where is the Chinese Sexy Lady? Must have boarded MH370 and disappeared into oblivion.


2014-06-10 20:37 | Report Abuse

Wait for next round of financial institutions consolidation then it will bounce. How high depends on the prospective profit.


2014-06-10 20:34 | Report Abuse

Cres still under performing the CIindex. Still slow but momentum wiii catch up when project go full steam.


2014-06-09 22:23 | Report Abuse

Overhanging shares todate 236 mills, since 20th march, more distribution of shares than accumulation.

News & Blogs

2014-06-07 20:06 | Report Abuse

Have to agree with you Mr Koon, there will not be racial bloodbath but there will be instigators like Perkosa, Isma and many other UMNO sponsored so called pressure groups disguised as NGOs. The purpose is of course to keep the rent seeking gravy train running by having their loud presence to justify UMNO's aids to these people.

News & Blogs

2014-05-20 00:04 | Report Abuse

From a high of RM1.93 to a low of 12 sen. What a journey?


2014-05-17 10:45 | Report Abuse

well, the Malaysian Government already given up on MAS from the words of PM to a foreign paper. What are you guys waiting for, there will be fire sale soon!!!!!


2014-05-17 10:37 | Report Abuse

This counter another Amedia, lots of drama and sudden limit down. Many already got caught how many more will be victims?


2014-05-08 21:29 | Report Abuse

China Sexy Lady on its last leg in malaysia. Come put the money in her whatnots. You sure go paradise.


2014-04-29 21:43 | Report Abuse

Dun forget also that in china, companies produce several sets of accounts.Now you guys wont know which is the true one.


2014-04-29 21:33 | Report Abuse

Watch out to collect more if break 48 sen.


2014-04-29 21:32 | Report Abuse

Warned you guys, when there are signs of fruad. But some buy somemore!!!!
Anyway some of you guys are rich no doubt.

Apr 17, 2014 10:35 PM | Report Abuse

OMG the plot thickens. CSL is gone and possibility of rising from its ashes is remote. Anticipate huge losses thereafter.

Apr 8, 2014 10:31 PM | Report Abuse

OMG, same modus operandi as company who wants to cheat shareholders by having a borne fire and write off inflated assets. After used all the cash resources to justify building new factory. In that way all artificial cash can then be justified via capitalising as fixed assets.


2014-04-17 22:35 | Report Abuse

OMG the plot thickens. CSL is gone and possibility of rising from its ashes is remote. Anticipate huge losses thereafter.


2014-04-08 22:31 | Report Abuse

OMG, same modus operandi as company who wants to cheat shareholders by having a borne fire and write off inflated assets. After used all the cash resources to justify building new factory. In that way all artificial cash can then be justified via capitalising as fixed assets.


2014-04-01 23:09 | Report Abuse

Good to see there are die hard supporters of Chua Soi Leg here. Anyway overhanging shares are at all time high todate. Need 80 mills to prop up the shares.


2014-03-31 21:46 | Report Abuse

Don't need god to determine the future of MAS. It's going bankrupt if no government bail out. If government bail out will cost a few more billions of tax payers monies to pay for death claims and so on. But the question is if MAS were to be bailed out, would it be able to make money post bail out where a load factor of 85% could not bring profit? So the rationale is to let it go down by appointing a liquidator or go for bankruptcy protection whichever come first. Restructure and revive later. It would then be a stronger animal.

News & Blogs

2014-03-30 17:03 | Report Abuse

Kah, kah, kah MH370 hilang blame Anwar!!!!, OKU, oku, ........

Posted by Duitbesar > Mar 30, 2014 02:57 PM | Report Abuse

Kapten kapal MH370, dia otak sudah kena racun. Bayangkan betapa bahayanya manusia perosak kat Malaysia ini. Abang memang salahkan kapten kapal atas apa yang berlaku. Korang jangan pura2 buat tak tahu racun mana dia buat begitu.


2014-03-30 16:30 | Report Abuse

The tragedy of MH370 just reflected that government has no place to meddle in business. With the lawsuits coming from American lawyers, where even local victims are hiring international lawyers, taxpayers monies are going to be used to rescue MAS in billions. A better way is to go bankrupt if not more money will have to be collected from GST to pay the victims.

News & Blogs

2014-03-28 22:10 | Report Abuse

Wow heavy dumping of this counter today. Looks like sell on news for the next few session. GP has finally found a stupid wolf to inject more money into a money sucking machine. Looks like Puan and gang will be minority shareholders and would be interesting to see whether he will make an exit from P1 by slowly unloading his shares to the public. His management records really sucks. GP really need a new team of managers from top down, if not it would be business as usual for GP.


2014-03-26 22:57 | Report Abuse

Best to declare Mas bankrupt.


2014-03-26 22:47 | Report Abuse

Looks like MAS will go under soon, Insurance compensation will not be enough. Victims can sue for more after receiving insurance claims. US lawyers are asking for US$8 mill per person. 223 persons will be huge and send MAS to insolvency swiftly.


2014-03-20 19:23 | Report Abuse

Boss got big divorce proceedings with wife, some one better check out who is the ultimate owner of the property where rental was overpaid.


2014-03-19 17:59 | Report Abuse

based on total buyback cost of the number of shares distributed


2014-03-09 23:22 | Report Abuse

"On Sunday afternoon, a statement issued in the name of a previously unknown group claimed that the disappearance of the plane was a political act aimed at the Chinese and Malaysian governments and referred to last week’s attack in a Chinese train station by alleged Uighur separatists. It stopped short of a claim of responsibility. Malaysian officials said that they were unaware of any claim of responsibility but would investigate all possibilities."


2014-03-09 21:55 | Report Abuse

"John Goglia, a former board member of the National Transportation Safety Board, said that the lack of a distress call suggested that the plane either experienced an explosive decompression or was destroyed by an explosive device.

"It had to be quick because there was no communication," Goglia said. He said the false identities of the two passengers was "a big red flag"."

News & Blogs

2014-03-09 19:51 | Report Abuse

"The Uighur separatists theory makes sense. Which is why they are targeting a plane full of Chinese nationals. The separatists are really getting very violent these days. I think possible that they might play a role."

Normally, the Uighur separatists do not owe up to what they do as there is fear of the chinese government reprisal.