
alenac | Joined since 2013-01-21

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2013-05-04 18:00 | Report Abuse

All time low was 3 sen in 2009.

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 17:54 | Report Abuse

Do the states under Pakatan collapsed, in fact Selangor and Penang property prices continue to be strong, their economic activity vibrant. When a person talks through his rear end he just can't think properly. That goes too for their leaders.


2013-05-04 17:45 | Report Abuse

People who support BN, should realize that If BN continue to rule, Singaporean Government will be very happy as there are no economic competitor and in another 5 years Sing $ will be on par with USD.


2013-05-04 10:26 | Report Abuse

another 12 mills shares net sell.


2013-05-04 10:17 | Report Abuse

TA target achieved. Next step?


2013-05-04 10:14 | Report Abuse

Kulimchan another malay cybertrooper.


2013-05-03 23:05 | Report Abuse

No much accumulation for the last few months. Probably influenced by weak palm oil prices.


2013-05-03 22:52 | Report Abuse

Eversince 9th April till todate, Net selling of 11 mill shares.

News & Blogs

2013-05-03 18:53 | Report Abuse

"9999 affordable house will built in Penang by BN and 1 million around
the country next year. Is Pakatan Pantat can do the same project?"

Janji dicapati, cybertrooper where have you been hiding?


2013-05-03 18:51 | Report Abuse

today net sell 17 mills shares


2013-05-03 18:43 | Report Abuse

Kill No Meat = KNM


2013-05-02 23:02 | Report Abuse

MAS share unlikely to be stable until right are subscribed and listed. Additional 4 times the current listed shares will drive the shares lower till 23 sen methinks or lower if weak holders decide to liquidate after subscribing to the rights.


2013-05-02 22:55 | Report Abuse

8 years all time low. What a stock!!!!! 380 mills overhanging shares within the last 2 1/2 years


2013-05-02 18:33 | Report Abuse

Najib condoning corruption when he said "beri salah,tak beri kalah...a culture in umno dulu,kini,selamanya!" in UMNO. UMNO = Corruption.


2013-05-02 18:16 | Report Abuse

OR cannot go up to 70 sen if split in to 4. It will follow mother price closely minus 23 sen per share.


2013-05-02 18:11 | Report Abuse

Mamak Kutty using racism in Shah Alam ceramah to support Zul. DAP as chinese bogeyman appeared in poison phamplets. UMNO = PERKOSA, PUKIDA & MCA. KKK of Malaysia.

When you can't win over the malays used anti chinese sentiments. UMNO has never change despite all the transformation craps.

News & Blogs

2013-05-02 18:10 | Report Abuse

Mamak Kutty using racism in Shah Alam ceramah to support Zul. DAP as chinese bogeyman appeared in poison phamplets. UMNO = PERKOSA, PUKIDA & MCA. KKK of Malaysia.

When you can't win over the malays used anti chinese sentiments. UMNO has never change despite all the transformation craps.


2013-05-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

Respon kedua,
Semenjak tahun 1970, bila Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah Ingeris dihapuskan dan ditukarkan bahasa penghantaranya ke BM, ramai penduduk2 kampung yang beragama kristian di Sabah dan Sarawak hanya mengunakan bahasa tunggal dan rasmi ia itu BM. Dah 40 tahun kitab injin dalam BM telah dipergunakan dan sekarang ni dah ramai orang2 Kristian Sabah dan Sarawak telah berhijrah ke Barat semenanjung kerana tiada peluang pekerjaan di tempat asal membawalah kepercayaan dan Gereja mereka bersama2.Kerajaan BN bukan tak tahu orang bumiputra kristian ni dah lama dan turun menurun mengunakan BM di Kitab Injin mereka. Kenapa diam berpuloh2 tahun!!!!! hingga sekarang saja nok cari pasal.

Mengapakah menjolok sarang terbuan sekarang? Kerana timbulnya politik anti kristian dan rasis UMNO/BN pada masa kuasanya semakin lemah dikalangan melayu setelah PRU Ke12.

Cara yang mudah tok selesaikan perkara kalimah allah, kita tukar bahasa pengantaran kapada Ingeris sekarang. Kita biarkan orang melayu mengunakan Allah secara exclusif.


2013-05-02 12:08 | Report Abuse

Respond bodoh Azmi tak selaras dengan apa dibuat oleh BN.
"Terdapat banyak sebab mengapa ramai rakyat berhijrah.... "
Response tok bang babi pertama, kalu begitu kenapa Pok Jib nok tubuhkan Talent Corporation jika tak prihatin terhadap masaalah tersebut atau pun koncu2 nya nok buat duit tok diri kerana berjuta2 dan berguni2 duit dah belanja tok Talent Corp?


2013-05-02 09:10 | Report Abuse

OR should be around 9 sen if price of 35 sen sustained.


2013-05-01 22:56 | Report Abuse

High overhanging shares to be absorbed. Say half billion RM to push price up?

News & Blogs

2013-05-01 21:04 | Report Abuse

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin mengkayakan kerabat dan kroni mereka

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan undang-undang demokrasi terus dicabul dan ditelanjangkan oleh puak mereka.

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin menambahkan lagi hutang negara yang sudah sampai ke tahap yang menakutkan.

Undilah BN, Andai inginkan anak-anak anda terus dibelenggu hutang piutang hanya untuk secangkir ilmu sedang pemimpin anda rakus meratah kekayaan negara.

Undilah BN, Andai anda rela korupsi terus menerus menjadi asam garam pemimpin negara. Kapal selam dibeli jadi hiasan. Stadium dibina runtuh menyembah. Hutang piutang ditanggung rakyat.

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan perkauman terus disuburi dibajai. Islam terus dijadikan alat untuk menfobiakan kaum lain. Akhirnya, agama jadi candu untuk menghalalkan yang haram.

Undilah BN! Andai anda inginkan negara keadilan dan kebajikan terus terkubur!!


2013-05-01 21:03 | Report Abuse

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin mengkayakan kerabat dan kroni mereka

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan undang-undang demokrasi terus dicabul dan ditelanjangkan oleh puak mereka.

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin menambahkan lagi hutang negara yang sudah sampai ke tahap yang menakutkan.

Undilah BN, Andai inginkan anak-anak anda terus dibelenggu hutang piutang hanya untuk secangkir ilmu sedang pemimpin anda rakus meratah kekayaan negara.

Undilah BN, Andai anda rela korupsi terus menerus menjadi asam garam pemimpin negara. Kapal selam dibeli jadi hiasan. Stadium dibina runtuh menyembah. Hutang piutang ditanggung rakyat.

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan perkauman terus disuburi dibajai. Islam terus dijadikan alat untuk menfobiakan kaum lain. Akhirnya, agama jadi candu untuk menghalalkan yang haram.

Undilah BN! Andai anda inginkan negara keadilan dan kebajikan terus terkubur!!


2013-05-01 21:02 | Report Abuse

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin mengkayakan kerabat dan kroni mereka

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan undang-undang demokrasi terus dicabul dan ditelanjangkan oleh puak mereka.

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin menambahkan lagi hutang negara yang sudah sampai ke tahap yang menakutkan.

Undilah BN, Andai inginkan anak-anak anda terus dibelenggu hutang piutang hanya untuk secangkir ilmu sedang pemimpin anda rakus meratah kekayaan negara.

Undilah BN, Andai anda rela korupsi terus menerus menjadi asam garam pemimpin negara. Kapal selam dibeli jadi hiasan. Stadium dibina runtuh menyembah. Hutang piutang ditanggung rakyat.

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan perkauman terus disuburi dibajai. Islam terus dijadikan alat untuk menfobiakan kaum lain. Akhirnya, agama jadi candu untuk menghalalkan yang haram.

Undilah BN! Andai anda inginkan negara keadilan dan kebajikan terus terkubur!!

News & Blogs

2013-05-01 18:42 | Report Abuse

BN is anti christian extremist, the evidence can be seen when Zul katak Kulim and Ibrahim PERKOSA stands for election under BN. So much for CSL anti hudud stand is just a stupid ploy when we know the truth.


2013-05-01 18:36 | Report Abuse

"national debt is an issue only expert can answer ....."

Another bullshitter, another cybertrooper.........possible for Najib to do a Greece? Janji dicapati!!!!!!!!!! They go around the country saying what they promised will be fullfilled.......but I have seen time and time they promised to reduce corruption but they themselves indulged in corruption.


2013-04-29 18:37 | Report Abuse

"However, we are more concerned of NNCB’s venture into coal trading
which we view as highly cyclical and risky given the historical price
volatility of coal. Given the lack of a track record and market intelligence,........................."

The above analysis was from TA, the company is diversifying from telecomunication to coal, going into commodities when prices are dropping..........!!!!!! The directors lacked of foresight or just desperate?????

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 14:40 | Report Abuse

"At this rate of inflation going on in the country, even if my retirement fund has RM1 million in it, they'll be worth PAPER (it's printed on) when I retire." Quoted from Ryan78

Well my friend, most people will not have 1 mill in pocket upon retirement. So instead of giving freebies such as BR1M 1,2 & 3 which show insincerity on the part of BN, a comprehensive welfare system upon old age, on employment and the retired , since Najib wants to promote high income economy, there must be safety net for the unfortunate nat subsistence level.

News & Blogs

2013-04-28 20:31 | Report Abuse

A New Malaysian Government- By Dr. Azmi Sharom.

Do your duty, circulate to every names on your list to refresh their mind and understanding. We really, really need to ensure every body understands well understood the future of our country of 'Malaysia'.

A New Malaysian Government - win-win for all parties, including BN

In full agreement with the rationale of Dr. Azmi Sharom. All Malaysians stand to gain for voting PR into Government, and BN has the badly needed chance to clean up itself while in the Opposition, and to prepare to take over if PR does not perform! It is a WIN-WIN for all parties!
This article by By Dr. Azmi Sharom, a law lecturer, well educated, well read...a person who refuses to accept what is going on, who feels the injustice not only for the Malays as he too is a Malay but for all Malaysians ...... he is really a anak Malaysia....

Actually, we will vote PR because We Still Love BN. After all it was started by great and honest leaders of the past. It’s for the good of BN that we vote for PR and for better future for the people at the same time. What happens, when PR become New Government:

We have a New Government with
Less Experience in CORRUPTIONS and SCANDALS.....
good for people

We have a STRONG and RICH Opposition with 50 years Experience in CORRUPTIONS and SCANDALS.

They know the ins and out of corruption and scandals, so they can better check the PR government........
also good for people and for BN.

BN will do their BEST to EXPOSE those who are CORRUPT, because BN has 50 years of experience in CORRUPTIONS

Final Result:
a TWO party system is........... BORN.

We vote for CHANGE.......
because we LOVE.......... MALAYSIA.

"The world is a DANGEROUS place not because of people who do EVIL, but because of good people who look on and DO NOTHING ABOUT IT"
Albert Einstein.

All (including former) Malaysians must know - By Dr. Azmi Sharom

If you have already watched this (and I'm not surprised at all), just pass it on....
Dr. Azmi Sharom-
All Malaysians must know.

Malaysia has never been an Islamic State as our Constitution is very specific on it.

It was the Mental Mamak (our equivalent to Singapore 's MM) who lied all the way when he declared Malaysia as an
Islamic Country and, therefore, State, in 2001.

Lim Kit Siang immediately corrected him but he being the person he is, insisted that he was right.

Jokers like
Ling Liong Sik,
Samy Vellu and
Lim Keng Yaik,
of course,
did not object and quietly agreed with him and so did the other BN leaders.

This mamak has damaged our country through and through.

MM also passed the Syariah Law in Selangor in 1995
with the help of
MCA, MIC, and Gerakan.

Ask MCA, MIC and Gerakan why they support an Islamic State and passed laws to support it, and now complain that DAP is supporting an Islamic State, when DAP has never ever agreed to do so..

The evidence is beyond doubt, it is in the public domain, ask them, the shameless ones, do they have an answer?

Worth listening to
this recording.
Our constitution is the most altered, amended, and modified constitution in the whole wide world.

We must never ever let UMNO get back their 2/3rds majority ever again.

If they do,
then our country will go to the dogs.

UMNO will again start changing the constitution like there is no to-morrow.

It will be changed to suit UMNO, just like they changed the constitution/rules/laws to allow for gerrymandering of the consituency, where a rural constituency with an electorate of 5,000 voters is entitled to vote for one MP/DUN, whereas in urban localities, an electorate of 100,000 can only vote for one MP.

What sort of democracy do you call this?

Can someone out there enlighten me.

Whether you're pro-BN or pro-opposition, please, do not,
in your wildest dreams ever allow UMNO
their 2/3rds majority.

Don't ever let
Malaysia go the way of Zimbabwe , Somalia, or Myanmar .

An interesting speech by Dr. Azmi Sharom; an Assistant Professor of Law at UM.

He explains the CONSTITUTION:
the Malaysian supreme law.
Listen to this, it's interesting and refreshing.

For people who think that only BN can govern properly.

Think again.

Once BN gets back their 2/3 in Parliament they will start amending the Constitution. T

hen we won't have the Constitution that protects ALL.

Educate yourself about what the supreme law of the land says.

Then vote wisely.

Please spread this...make it one of the most viewed.

You will help educate people about our law.

We want PR
not because
We Love PR,
We just want a CHANGE !


2013-04-28 20:29 | Report Abuse

A New Malaysian Government- By Dr. Azmi Sharom.

Do your duty, circulate to every names on your list to refresh their mind and understanding. We really, really need to ensure every body understands well understood the future of our country of 'Malaysia'.

A New Malaysian Government - win-win for all parties, including BN

In full agreement with the rationale of Dr. Azmi Sharom. All Malaysians stand to gain for voting PR into Government, and BN has the badly needed chance to clean up itself while in the Opposition, and to prepare to take over if PR does not perform! It is a WIN-WIN for all parties!
This article by By Dr. Azmi Sharom, a law lecturer, well educated, well read...a person who refuses to accept what is going on, who feels the injustice not only for the Malays as he too is a Malay but for all Malaysians ...... he is really a anak Malaysia....

Actually, we will vote PR because We Still Love BN. After all it was started by great and honest leaders of the past. It’s for the good of BN that we vote for PR and for better future for the people at the same time. What happens, when PR become New Government:

We have a New Government with
Less Experience in CORRUPTIONS and SCANDALS.....
good for people

We have a STRONG and RICH Opposition with 50 years Experience in CORRUPTIONS and SCANDALS.

They know the ins and out of corruption and scandals, so they can better check the PR government........
also good for people and for BN.

BN will do their BEST to EXPOSE those who are CORRUPT, because BN has 50 years of experience in CORRUPTIONS

Final Result:
a TWO party system is........... BORN.

We vote for CHANGE.......
because we LOVE.......... MALAYSIA.

"The world is a DANGEROUS place not because of people who do EVIL, but because of good people who look on and DO NOTHING ABOUT IT"
Albert Einstein.

All (including former) Malaysians must know - By Dr. Azmi Sharom

If you have already watched this (and I'm not surprised at all), just pass it on....
Dr. Azmi Sharom-
All Malaysians must know.

Malaysia has never been an Islamic State as our Constitution is very specific on it.

It was the Mental Mamak (our equivalent to Singapore 's MM) who lied all the way when he declared Malaysia as an
Islamic Country and, therefore, State, in 2001.

Lim Kit Siang immediately corrected him but he being the person he is, insisted that he was right.

Jokers like
Ling Liong Sik,
Samy Vellu and
Lim Keng Yaik,
of course,
did not object and quietly agreed with him and so did the other BN leaders.

This mamak has damaged our country through and through.

MM also passed the Syariah Law in Selangor in 1995
with the help of
MCA, MIC, and Gerakan.

Ask MCA, MIC and Gerakan why they support an Islamic State and passed laws to support it, and now complain that DAP is supporting an Islamic State, when DAP has never ever agreed to do so..

The evidence is beyond doubt, it is in the public domain, ask them, the shameless ones, do they have an answer?

Worth listening to
this recording.
Our constitution is the most altered, amended, and modified constitution in the whole wide world.

We must never ever let UMNO get back their 2/3rds majority ever again.

If they do,
then our country will go to the dogs.

UMNO will again start changing the constitution like there is no to-morrow.

It will be changed to suit UMNO, just like they changed the constitution/rules/laws to allow for gerrymandering of the consituency, where a rural constituency with an electorate of 5,000 voters is entitled to vote for one MP/DUN, whereas in urban localities, an electorate of 100,000 can only vote for one MP.

What sort of democracy do you call this?

Can someone out there enlighten me.

Whether you're pro-BN or pro-opposition, please, do not,
in your wildest dreams ever allow UMNO
their 2/3rds majority.

Don't ever let
Malaysia go the way of Zimbabwe , Somalia, or Myanmar .

An interesting speech by Dr. Azmi Sharom; an Assistant Professor of Law at UM.

He explains the CONSTITUTION:
the Malaysian supreme law.
Listen to this, it's interesting and refreshing.

For people who think that only BN can govern properly.

Think again.

Once BN gets back their 2/3 in Parliament they will start amending the Constitution. T

hen we won't have the Constitution that protects ALL.

Educate yourself about what the supreme law of the land says.

Then vote wisely.

Please spread this...make it one of the most viewed.

You will help educate people about our law.

We want PR
not because
We Love PR,
We just want a CHANGE !


2013-04-28 13:44 | Report Abuse

OTB, if PKFZ is a ghost town, how can Pulau Indah be worth RM1 mill per acre. Just by quoting the edge is not good enough.

Posted by smartly > Apr 24, 2013 09:20 AM | Report Abuse

OTB, do you know that Pulau Indah just next to PKNZ, the biggest scandal in M'sia and it is now abandon entirely, school, shops & apartments all turn into empty death town. It is now left with owners crying foul servicing the loan without seeing any sign of revival, also the condition is badly damage by unscrupulous scrap metal dealer/thief sourcing for valuable steel, aluminium of the structure. Development is extremely slow there.


2013-04-28 13:35 | Report Abuse

OTB, Kulimchan will say I dun know about Star being MCA Stooge and he carries on with posting craps, must be another BN Cybertrooper.


2013-04-28 10:49 | Report Abuse

hahah..... You are not informed, since AAB took over and later Najib our external Debts have double and triple, we only need another additional 250 bills loan to hit 1 trillion. The real total external debts including GLCs loans already reaching 750 billions. We are heading to Greece and you are sleeping and carry on supporting BN. Your and my children will suffer.


2013-04-28 10:31 | Report Abuse

"devaluation of our currency" said KChan.

This only meant that our external debts are high and to prevent bankruptcy from 56 billion preelection spending so far by Najib that will require the devaluation of RM post election to maintain economic stability.


2013-04-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

Q1 loss, moving to 37 sen 2011 all time low?


2013-04-27 21:23 | Report Abuse

Looks like most of the shares floating among weak holders are the EX MD's shares. Price Volume relationship irrational due to selloff and manipulation.


2013-04-27 21:01 | Report Abuse

Last 5 trading days net selling 10 mill shares.


2013-04-27 16:43 | Report Abuse

The direction will be towards RM1.80 if the Birdy sickness subsides in China. Accumulation all down since 8th Apr.


2013-04-27 16:34 | Report Abuse

Testing again all time low. Now the possibility of going down further is greater as a small net selling recorded over the last 5 trading days.


2013-04-27 13:35 | Report Abuse

Looks like possible to go below 44 sen according to my calculation unless the boss collects. Terrible weakness in this counter.


2013-04-27 13:30 | Report Abuse

Net selling last 5 trading days 1.5 mill despite adverse news.


2013-04-27 13:18 | Report Abuse

Will KNM hit a 2 years low next week?


2013-04-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

Last 5 days accumulation stable. Still above 200 mills for the last 2 years.


2013-04-27 12:20 | Report Abuse

Despite the price correction accumulation is stable for the last 5 days.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 13:02 | Report Abuse

Asyik duduk depan komputer buat kerja kutuk, malas nok cari kerja halal, geng2 BN cam tu lah, rempit tak sudah2. Buat jahat dan fitnah nombor 1.

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 16:19 | Report Abuse

This is the problem with BN leader like soi lek, too much blowjobs, cause his brain juice to move to his dick.

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 16:16 | Report Abuse

Corrupt Officials in china faced the firing squad. But in malaysia they become leaders of BN and cabinet ministers. What a comparision!

Soi lek should go back to china and show his sex tapes and face the firing squad.

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 15:21 | Report Abuse

Guys, Under BN, Michelle & Hubby, obtained benefits through tourism Malaysian promotions and many more projects. Eric Moo, did a concert show in China, which Shila won was a scam under 1Malaysia. All these are obvious beneficiary of conspicious consumptions under the pretext of Tipu2 1malaysia. So far Najib had spend 56 billion in his election, if he doesn't win, real bloody unlucky. He could be lucky if elected but the whole nation will be scandalised by the huge debts from the election and wiil be carried by us the rakyat and our children for many more generations


2013-04-24 23:59 | Report Abuse

I suppose price and volume decline is on the way.


2013-04-24 23:55 | Report Abuse

Lost opportunity for you then, I did make a comment on their good accumulation in March but since it did not hit my anticipated volume I did not enter. But it's good reference for any future entry to other counters of similar trends.