
alenac | Joined since 2013-01-21

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2013-06-01 23:21 | Report Abuse

As expected, proton will kill this company in the long run.


2013-06-01 00:35 | Report Abuse

Towards 1/2 sen or 1 sen next week.


2013-05-30 01:06 | Report Abuse

Sure 88, that's what I meant as rent seekers.


2013-05-30 00:14 | Report Abuse

Reminds me of Gpacket, that Puan Chan Cheong fellow also used lots of jargon EBITs or whatever every quarter when he could not meet profit forecasts. More turnover or sales volume does not mean there will be profits every quarter. Confidence or optimism does not translate to a profit, in an inefficient organisation like MAS,
have to wait for oil price to fall only then profit can be achieved.


2013-05-29 23:15 | Report Abuse

Going below 23 sen soon. First Q is supposed to be the busiest period but seemed to be the rent seekers are still there. An example of how not to run an airline to the ground.


2013-05-24 22:22 | Report Abuse

World stocks will end their run as in the past when US interest rates begin to climb. Funds will move into US market and abandoning other markets to support the US economy. The question is when? Can it be the first Q of 2014 or sooner?


2013-05-24 22:16 | Report Abuse

What I observed here is certain people here wants easy money and quick run in stocks they invest. These are the people, time and again will be caught when the down turn comes. There are many people who have to learn the hard way for years to make decent returns in the stock market. Investment is no fun. Beware!!!!

Personal Finance

2013-05-23 21:13 | Report Abuse

Isytiharkan tanah rizab Melayu di bandar'
11:01AM Mei 23 2013
Pada 12 Mei, Malaysiakini melaporkan ucapan bekas hakim Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah dalam "Wacana Post Morterm PRU-13: Bicara Kepimpinan dan Survival Ummah".

Mohd Noor Abdullah dilaporkan menyeru golongan Melayu agar bertindak dengan lebih agresif untuk mempertahankan hak mereka serta menyusun semula masyarakat, ekoran keputusan pilihan raya umum 5 Mei.

Beliau membuat seruan demikian kerana orang Cina didakwanya mengkhianati ikatan setia kawan orang Melayu melalui usaha untuk merampas kuasa politik.

Ekoran kenyataan itu, beliau mendapat kritikan keras pelbagai pihak, termasuk oleh Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menyifatkannya mengatasi kumpulan pelampau Ku Klux Klan di Amerika Syarikat.

Gabungan NGO-NGO Malaysia dalam kenyataannya pula mendakwa, laporan Malaysiakini berhubung perkara itu tidak tepat, berniat jahat dan bertujuan melaga-lagakan keharmonian dan perpaduan kaum.

Mereka mendakwa kenyataan itu dimanipulasikan oleh wartawan dan berita itu hanyalah segmen-segmen kecil yang dipilih-pilih berdasarkan ucapan penuh Mohd Noor yang berdurasi hampir 60 minit.

Justeru, bagi membantu pembaca mendapatkan gambaran sebenar, berikut transkrip penuh ucapannya berdasarkan rakaman audio dalam wacana itu.

Di bawah ini bahagian kedua daripada tiga bahagian:

Orang Cina must bear the consequences of the Malay backlash oleh kerana sudah dapat kekayaan negeri. Kuasa ekonomi sudah pegang, hendak kuasa politik pula. Dilembikkan apa yang ada pada Melayu ini. Macam mana jadi begitu? Mana maruah kita?

Mari kita bertindak agresif, perlembagaan menyatakan, tanah rizab Melayu yang telah diisytiharkan sebelum merdeka wujud sampai bila-bila, dan kalau dicabut (atau) dikeluarkan, tambah lagi.

Lepas merdeka ini, menteri besar dan exconya boleh lagi mengisytiharkan kawasan-kawasan Melayu ikut jaminan perlembagaan.

Apa kita boleh buat? Pertama, tanah rizab Melayu hendaklah diisytiharkan di kawasan-kawasan bandar supaya orang Melayu boleh memiliki rumah, bukan saja memiliki rumah tetapi berniaga di kawasan bandar yang selama ini dimiliki oleh orang Cina.

Istilah cantiknya ialah "menyusun semula masyarakat", itu istilah cantik. Istilah kasarnya, berhijrahnya orang Melayu ke bandar supaya rumah-rumah yang ada di bandar itu, sama-sama kita memilikinya dengan orang lain, bukan kita sekadar melihat saja.

Kedua, isytiharkan tanah rizab Melayu, bagi orang Melayu berladang dan menternak kerana perlembagaan mengatakan, menteri besar boleh isytiharkan tanah rizab Melayu di mana-mana saja.

Kalau begitu, cari tanah yang cantik untuk orang Melayu bercucuk tanam dan berladang. Jangan seperti sekarang, lima ekar, 10 ekar sahaja, tidak.

Kalau bukit itu ada batu, berikan orang Melayu buat kuari.... Begitu juga kawasan berternak.

Kalau ada kawasan seperti Genting Highlands atau Gunung Ansi di Negeri Sembilan, untuk kawasan peranginan, isytiharkan sebagai kawasan tanah rizab Melayu untuk orang Melayu membuat kawasan pelancongan dan peranginan. Jadi kita ini bukan sekadar memerhatikan, kita punya! Buat macam itu.

Saya gunakan istilah agresif saya. Kenapa tidak? Tanah rizab Melayu ini kita susun atur, kita agih-agihkan di tempat-tempat untuk menjamin majoriti kawasan Melayu dan untuk masa depan PRU seterusnya.

Ini cakap agresif, supaya, mana kawasan Melayu diletakkan, letakkan supaya menjamin kawasan itu kawasan hijau.

Fasal 153, kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, sudah 56 tahun berlalu kita masih memiliki tak sampai 20 peratus (ekonomi) negara ini. Kenapa? Jadi saya agresif dan katakan, susunlah strategi supaya dalam masa 10 tahun ini, Agong mengarahkan badan-badan, pihak berkuasa berkenaan untuk menjamin supaya kekayaan negara ini dimiliki 67 peratus (Melayu) dalam tiga bidang.

Fasal 153 ini menjamin supaya Melayu berada pada tahap yang selesa sepatutnya, dalam bidang pelajaran, perkhidmatan awam dan perniagaan. Jadi, susun strategi, daripada hari ini, seeloknyalah, kalau tidak dari semalam lagi.

Segala perniagaan sudah ada 67 peratus untuk orang Melayu ambil sahaja bila-bila masa. Apa perniagaan yang ada sekarang ini, dah ditetapkan 67 peratus untuk Melayu ada di sana. Nak berniaga esok, minta lesen dapat.

Kenapa hendak tunggu lagi, minta nak pertimbangkan, tidak. Agong mempunyai hak untuk mengarahkan pihak berkuasa yang wajib untuk menentukan kadar peratusan Melayu sekian banyak.

Jadi kalau katakan SPAD mengarahkan teksi di seluruh KL ini sekian banyak, untuk Melayu sekian banyak, (kalau ada) masih kosong lagi, Melayu hendak bawa teksi, buat sekarang, tak payah tunggu lagi. Sepatutnya begitu dalam apa (pun) jenis perniagaan.

Tapi janganlah berniaga setakat bawa teksi saja. (Perlu buat) dari peringkat pengeluaran sehingga downstream.

Supaya jangan kita hendak buat rumah, hendak cari zink pun tak dapat cari. Papan pun tak dapat hendak cari. Tak boleh. Macam kuari tadi, satu bukit itu tanah rizab untuk Melayu saja. Nak batu minta, pergi ke sana, sudah ada.


2013-05-22 21:33 | Report Abuse

today another 32 mills net buying, going strong, likely to break 44.5 sen strong resistant line?


2013-05-20 21:58 | Report Abuse

Today, broke all time high for the last 2 1/2 years cumulative accumulation overtaking 15th oct 2012 accumulation. Some good news coming out or driven by the current O&G theme?

If broke 44.5 sen very strong resistance this week will go all the way up to 60 sen?


2013-05-14 20:33 | Report Abuse

Maintain BUY on Gamuda Bhd with our fair value raised from RM4.36/share to RM5.38/share, pegging the stock at a lower discount of 5% (previously: 10%) to its revised SumOf-Parts (SOP) value of RM5.40/share.

- The fair value upgrade primarily reflects our conviction of Gamuda’s status as a prime beneficiary of renewed infrastructure spending, where the conclusion of the 13th General Elections removes a major overhang.

- We came away from Gamuda’s luncheon briefing yesterday feeling more upbeat about its prospects. Firstly, the MRT 2 or Sg.Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya (SPP) line may receive federal approval by July 2013. By extrapolating the cost structure for the on-going Sg.Buloh-Kajang (SBK) MRT line, the SPP line may initially cost ~RM25bil.

- We expect this new line to be ‘shovel-ready’ by mid-2015. This is when the civil portion of the SBK works is tipped to be substantially completed, thus ensuring the availability of manpower and equipment.

- This implies that contract awards for the SSP line could materialize by early-2015. Meanwhile, the third MRT line (Circle Line) is firmly on the cards, where its implementation would likely be two years from the former.

- Secondly, the MMC-Gamuda JV are strong bets for future MRT jobs – given its proven rail-based expertise coupled with ownership of ten tunnel boring machines (TBM) under the SBK line that can be re-deployed. The PDP for the SSP line could be announced shortly after its approval.

- Thirdly, Gamuda is also eyeing a role in the upcoming KLSingapore High Speed Rail where it could tie-up with foreign partners. Other notable bids in the near term include the Gemas-JB double tracking, JB-Singapore Rapid Transit System and Langat 2.

- Fourthly, Gamuda has set aside some RM3bil to expand its landbank over the next three years. The targeted areas would be across major cities in Malaysia. Some of these are at the advanced stages of negotiations.

- Fifthly, it expects to see more progress on water consolidation efforts in Selangor post-elections – and likewise, the toll assets. Of this, the water business (SPLASH, Gamuda Water) and Litrak alone account forRM0.56/share (10%) and RM0.43/share (8%) of SOP.

- In our view, part of proceeds from the sale of these assets (if it materializes) will likely be returned to shareholders if it is not deployed for more landbanking needs.

Source: AmeSecurities


2013-05-14 20:29 | Report Abuse

Today strong accumulation, target of 45 sen should be no problem this week, if volume continue to be active and rising.


2013-05-13 22:50 | Report Abuse

Last year end Sept and early Oct runup required nearly 400 mills share turnover to push the price up to 40 sen, but Post election run up volume push of 100 mills plus is enough.


2013-05-13 22:34 | Report Abuse

Sanichi is a trap, 44 mills sell off today.

News & Blogs

2013-05-12 23:27 | Report Abuse

King Rats of the NEP – William Leong
AUG 17 - Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin, chairman of SP Setia Bhd, provided statistics to show that Malaysian Chinese businessmen have prospered and fared well under the pro-bumiputra New Economic Policy.

He said Chinese individuals controlled 73% of the wealth owned by the top 40 richest Malaysians and make up eight of the top 10 richest Malaysians. The people know who these persons are. Some of them are not only among the richest in Malaysia but in the world.

The people also know how they made their fortunes in the past 40 years. The complaint is not that there is no Malaysian Chinese, Indian, Sikh, Kadazan, Dusun, Iban or other non-bumiputra who has found fame and fortune under the NEP. There will always be those who will thrive even in the most brutal and oppressive regimes.

The complaint is that due to the abuses of the NEP, Malaysians have been deprived of their inalienable right to seek a livelihood with dignity.

Malaysians irrespective of race or religion is entitled to the inherent dignity and inalienable equal right to a livelihood and a standard of living adequate for the well being of himself and his family.

Malaysians are entitled to seek a livelihood with dignity. They need not in the struggle for survival have to be like the King Rat in James Clavell’s novel who engaged in bribery, corruption and black market activities to survive in a Japanese POW camp.

The King Rat, an enlisted man without distinction in civilian life becomes a major power in the prison camp by being the most successful trader through bribery and corruption and black marketeer.

The Japanese gave the prisoners nothing other than filthy huts to live in and the bare minimum of food. Officers were reduced to wearing rags and were closed to losing their humanity. Even the senior officers had to come to the King Rat for help in selling their valuables to buy food.

The King Rat thrived in the brutal environment of deprivation of a prison camp. The abuses of the NEP or its bastardization as described by Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, have created an environment that has spawned King Rats.

The implementation of the NEP required the government to grant wide discretionary powers to officers in approving licenses, permits and other instruments to intervene in economic activities.

By wielding such powers, it allowed such officers opportunities to seek payments from business tycoons to street vendors to obtain licences or approvals. Hawkers and street vendors have to make under counter payments before they are granted licences to eke out their meager earnings.

Business tycoons have to pay much more for their projects to move. This has given rise to both petty corruption and grand corruption. How else can yyou make a living in a country ranked 56 in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index?

Malaysians should not be subjected to such indignities.

Tan Sri Liew called on the Chinese businessmen to work with their Malay counterparts. This has been done from the outset of the NEP. The disingenuous did not wait for Tan Sri Liew’s call. Many contracts given to the Malays were subcontracted to Chinese contractors.

Class F contracts are only given to bumiputra contractors selected according to the personal discretion of government officers or local council mayors and not by open tenders. The Ali Baba system has put paid to the noble objective of granting contracts, licenses and permits to Malay businessmen to uplift their economic status.

After 40 years and billions of ringgit in contracts 82 per cent of the rural poor and 67 per cent of the urban poor are still Malays. So long as the majority of Malays remain in poverty, Perkasa and the extremists will claim that the NEP must be continued. The NEP will then stand for the Never Ending Policy.

One cannot blame the Chinese and non-bumiputra contractors taking on the jobs as second, third or even fourth hand sub-contractors. They also have to survive. They also have needs. Many of these sub-sub contractors end up not being paid for the work they have done.

In many instances, the contractors at the top have taken payments upfront leaving nothing for the sub-contractors.

I know of many Chinese and non-bumiputra subcontractors who end up being bankrupts in this way. Why should these sub-subcontractors be forced to earn a living in this way? If Class F contracts are awarded based on needs and not race, much grief and suffering would be avoided for all involved.

Tan Sri Liew pointed out examples of the spectacular gains made by Chinese businessmen under the NEP. It must however be noted that due to the restrictions imposed by the NEP especially under the Industrial Co-ordination Act and key economic areas, Chinese businesses are not a force in manufacturing and they are no longer owners of the number of banks and finance companies they had before the 1970’s.

News & Blogs

2013-05-12 22:30 | Report Abuse

Liew deserved what he got, some years ago after Pakatan victory, he commented that he was an UMNO crony and profited from them. So why complained?

News & Blogs

2013-05-12 22:04 | Report Abuse

When you still can't win with a 2/3 majority, after spending so much, get a scapegoat and continue playing the chinese bogeyman tale. Hold a seminar of like racist mind and start to threaten the chinese and get an ex judge to start the ball rolling to gain credibility. By coincidence, he is also a member of the MACC, that by itself indicate why no action is taken against Taib Mahmud and Why Teoh Beng Hock death was not taken seriously. A racist member of the advisory board and of the bar with skewered perception of the purpose of election is to return BN to power.


2013-05-12 10:03 | Report Abuse

7 sen is your profit if ex rights listing price is 36 sen, but it may lower than that when market is volatile. May be 23 sen or closer to that if the general market start to move south at end of May. The moment hot foreign funds start to move out of Malaysia that's when the panic starts.


2013-05-12 09:57 | Report Abuse

Gamuda on 2nd wave or level 2 since it pulls away from price stagnancy of RM3.50. Accumulation starting again, since huge sell off on 6 May 2012.


2013-05-11 23:03 | Report Abuse

Last 5 trading days 40 mills accumulated


2013-05-11 22:57 | Report Abuse

According to some sources, Taxmen visited Supermax a team of 20, well not surprising, Deepak also got it.


2013-05-11 14:42 | Report Abuse

80 sen only when billions RM contracts are clinched, if not the current price will swing both sides. So dun hope so high at the moment.


2013-05-10 01:27 | Report Abuse

Events are moving fast according to RPK. Who will win when there are fires flaring up in one's own backyards. What will Azmin tells or exposes,and are we having kataks jumping on both sides again?


2013-05-09 23:05 | Report Abuse

Marginal accumulation post election. So not much of hope unless Turnover more than 500000 lots, but still not guarantee price will close upwards.


2013-05-08 23:59 | Report Abuse

Share buyback in progress since pre election and still going on. Last q results likely to be good then.


2013-05-08 23:10 | Report Abuse

Sendai gets what? This is hot air and I dun see the money?

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 23:02 | Report Abuse

"PAS menyatakan penghargaannya kepada pengundi Cina yang sanggup mengenepikan sentimen perkauman dan memilih calon Melayu Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum 5 Mei.
Ketua penerangan PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata trend yang dilihat di berpuluh kawasan kerusi parlimen dan DUN itu menunjukkan bahawa dakwaan Umno bahawa pengundi Cina menolak calon Melayu adalah satu fitnah.

Oleh yang demikian, beliau melihat bahawa usaha untuk menimbulkan pengundi Cina menolak calon Melayu sebagai usaha untuk membangkitkan kebencian antara kaum.

“Pengundi cina sanggup memberi undi kepada calon Melayu tanpa sentimen perkauman sempit sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh Umno."


2013-05-08 21:44 | Report Abuse

Today net accumulation 35 mills. If tomorrow turnover above 600000 lots then we can see some substantial price movement.

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 21:38 | Report Abuse

PJ in Gridlock 50K in Pakatan Rally Now.

"Di pentas, Pengarah Strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli memberi arahan kepada Utusan Malaysia supaya tidak memainkan isu perkauman.

Katanya, bukan sahaja orang Cina tetapi Melayu juga menyokong Pakatan.

Suasana bingit dengan sorakan dan tiupan vuvuzela, sambil melaungkan "Najib, tipu", "Ubah"."


2013-05-08 18:02 | Report Abuse

Looks like Mas ex rights will be closed to 23 sen. As its Or is only 3 sen.

Posted by alenac > May 2, 2013 11:02 PM | Report Abuse X

MAS share unlikely to be stable until right are subscribed and listed. Additional 4 times the current listed shares will drive the shares lower till 23 sen methinks or lower if weak holders decide to liquidate after subscribing to the rights.

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 13:58 | Report Abuse

Now Kutty said the malays are misled by DAP and Najib said Chinese are misled by Pakatan.(the sun front page today) Yesterday it was chinese Tsunami. Make up your mind BN and cronies, your conflicting statement make you bigots looked like fools.

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 13:49 | Report Abuse

When your strategy failed always blame the chinese.

"The popular vote in Election 2013 tells the story of a “Bangsa Malaysia” generation voting for the first time and across racial lines, but for Barisan Nasional (BN), blaming Chinese voters is far more convenient to ensure unity and mask strategies that failed.
Some three million of the 13.3 million voters cast their ballots for the first time in last weekend’s polls and many likely did so for BN’s foes Pakatan Rakyat (PR), who vowed to end cronyism, excess expenditure and endemic corruption."

News & Blogs

2013-05-08 13:43 | Report Abuse

BN will never learnt untill they sit in opposition bench.

"No amount of rhetorical whitewashing can hide the fact that the poor performance of Barisan in the 2013 election is due to its failure to win the heart and mind of the urban voter. The faster it faces reality and move away from its obsolete race-based mindset, the better its prospects for the next electoral battle."

News & Blogs

2013-05-07 19:34 | Report Abuse

Najib blamed the Chinese for his failure. His stance and social policies were inconsistent right up to choosing BN candidates. In other words he did not walked his talk. BN men just can't changed and does not faced reality.

Najib a failed Stateman.

"The measure of a statesman is determined by their reaction to critical situations - especially in scenarios where he is leading a highly divided demographic - and Najib had just undone all the work he had undertaken in his four years, including his coining of the ‘1Malaysia’ slogan- with his horrible gaffe in branding the election results on Sunday as a result of a "Chinese tsunami".

"Dodging any public dialogue, forum or debate on policies, he stood on the comfort of BN-backed platforms and threw baseless allegations and wilfully distorted facts about Pakatan administrations - he was one of those politicians making a cacophony of noise with desperate hopes that his shouts will muffle out any dissent or counter arguments.

He was busy telling the people that only BN can do a proper job in these states. He made assessments that Pakatan is not fit to lead these wealthy states, without outlining any concrete reasons.

BN knows best?

This man was telling the people that BN knows best. But this was the same man that during a national day gathering said that the "the days of the government knows best is now over". If he can't see his own hypocrisy, Najib must be as delusional as ever in branding himself as a statesman.

And when it dawned upon him on the wee hours of May 6 that he failed to obtain a two-thirds majority - a promise he made to Umno and BN without as much as assessing the ground sentiments - and that he failed miserably in Selangor despite being the elections director for his party there, Najib turned his ire on the Chinese community."

News & Blogs

2013-05-07 19:16 | Report Abuse

Recall my comments, the words "You must be grateful is being played again"

Mar 10, 2013 03:56 PM | Report Abuse

"sometimes I wonder why there are so many stupid idiots who blindly support BN/UMNO/MCA after so incidences or episodes of country mismanagement???"

They are not stupid idiots, they are mainly malays, especially the rural ones, are told and more words being drummed into their minds to be grateful to the UMNO led government and now the same method is being done to the Indians, after so called spending millions on them. They want to keep these people poor and dependent on them and become BN fixed deposits. As to the spending, how much really reached the poor? Obvious isn't it when government spend some people also helped themselves to the ringgit. The coming election slippage will be even bigger. Haven't we heard before after the election MCA branches money men will start to renovate their houses. On the question of gratefulness, TDM, Najib, Rosmah and almost all cabinets members have the same mentality. Furthermore, they went many steps further to warn these poor people that if they do not support BN, the chinese will take advantage of their newly found political power to divert the country resources to themselves. Of course, the poor and less educated don't know that currently states like Selangor and Penang are more efficiently run by PR than former BN parties. Where can it be seen that the chinese elected members have used such political powers to divert resources to themselves or the chinese community in such states? In fact when BN were ruling the states many pieces of land were sold at token prices to enrich BN cronies in Penang and Selangor. That is only land and many other contracts given to cronies at highly marked up price given to cronies are still ongoing. The most prominent one recently is Raja Roopiah and Deepak deal.

News & Blogs

2013-05-07 19:06 | Report Abuse

"Contrary to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s arguments in his victory speech, the “2013 tsunami” wasn’t merely racial.

There are also powerful socio-economic and political forces at work.

Basically, Malaysia’s cities, suburbs and towns are establishing their way of doing politics and the issues that matter to their residents and voters.

Malaysia’s urban areas have different views as to how the country should be governed.

They want change, even if this does not necessarily mean a change in government." Karim Raslan

News & Blogs

2013-05-07 18:59 | Report Abuse

Penggunaan istilah ‘Tsunami Cina’ tidak bertanggungjawab — Tamrin Ghafar

MAY 07, 2013

7 MEI — Menggunakan istilah “Chinese tsunami” atau “Tsunami Cina” adalah satu kenyataan yang amat tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap masyarakat Cina oleh Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Jangan lupa kemenangan Umno/BN bukan sahaja dari sokongan orang-orang Melayu semata-mata ia juga disokong oleh ramai juga pengundi-pengundi kaum Cina dan India.

Malangnya bagi BN, berbeza dengan majoriti pengundi-pengundi Melayu dan lain lain, majoriti pengundi-pengundi Cina menolak Umno/BN BUKANNYA bererti mereka membenci Melayu tetapi mereka benci kepada penyelewengan kuasa, rasuah, mengkayakan segelintir kroni dan amalan nepotisma.

Walaupun berjaya tetapi nampaknya pemimpin-pemimpin Umno masih lagi meniup api perkauman dengan meluahkan perasaan kebencian yang menebal di dada terhadap masyarakat Cina seperti yang di lakukan semasa kempen pilihanraya.

Sepatutnya pemimpin-pemimpin Umno menerima keputusan kemenangan itu dengan hati terbuka dan BUKANNYA mengeluarkan kenyataan kesat yang terus menyingung perasaan seolah-olah masyarakat Cina adalah “bangsat” yang tidak tahu membalas budi.

Bagaimana Umno/BN hendak melaksanakan “national reconciliation” terutama apabila MCA mengambil penderian menolak sebarang lantikan kabinet, exco, dan lain lain ekoran kekalahan teruk mereka, jika pemimpin Umno TIDAK menghormati perasaan mereka.

Jika inilah sentimen Najib terhadap masyarakat Cina, maka terjawablah konsep 1 Malaysia yang diwar-warkan adalah retorik semata-mata.

Hormatilah perasaan mereka jika mahu mereka kembali menghormati dan menyakini Umno/BN.

Sampai bila Umno hendak meneruskan politik perkauman ini. Berfikir dan bertindaklah secara matang dan siuman. CUKUPLAH!!!

Yang menang tak menang semua dan yang kalah pun tak hilang semua.

* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.

News & Blogs

2013-05-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

What fucking racism, otak udang!!!!!! Who placed Zul Katak Kulim in Shah Alam? Who the fuck refused to challenge and give way to Ibrahim Ali?

News & Blogs

2013-05-06 15:08 | Report Abuse

"Juga, apakah keputusan PRU kali ini berupa ‘Chinese tsunami' seperti yang Mohd Najib ungkapkan atau ia adalah sesuatu yang lebih besar dan menyeluruh iaitu ramai pengundi tidak lagi menerima BN dan kerajaan BN seperti yang wujud sekarang?

Adakah tidak mungkin bahawa ini bukan tsunami Cina atau cauvinisme kaum, tetapi tsunami Malaysia yang berpaksikan aspirasi dan realiti baru, khasnya di kalangan pengundi muda?" A. Kadir Jasin

News & Blogs

2013-05-06 13:22 | Report Abuse

Yes, Najib's blamed game has started over Pakatan slight gain on Parliamentary seats attributing it to "chinese Tsunami" but the fact is that he has not convinced the chinese that he was serious in reforming the country's institution from racism, corruption and cronyism. By putting racist Zul Nordin in Shah Alam and UMNO not contesting against Ibrahim in Pasir Mas he has alienated the chinese and malay moderates in the Urban centres. In particular in Selangor, PAS has made further inroads in the rural countryside taking 15 Aduns indicating the malays have increasingly rejecting UMNO in Selangor. Despite the Brims handouts and votes buying by BN/UMNO, Pakatan is commended in making further inroads in Selangor, Terrenganu and Johor.


2013-05-06 11:04 | Report Abuse

beautiful!!!!!! 16000 lots done at RM5 today, the sky is the limit

News & Blogs

2013-05-06 04:13 | Report Abuse

1) Pakatan lost Kedah. The three states that Pakatan Rakyat has retained - Selangor, Penang and Kelantan - were all won by two-thirds majority:

Selangor - Pakatan 44, BN 12
Penang - Pakatan 30, BN 10
Kelantan - Pakatan 33, BN 12

2) MCA is left with six parliament seats (down from 15), while Gerakan is left with one seat (down from two). The sole Gerakan seat is Simpang Renggam in Johor, which was successfully defended by Liang Teck Meng.

3) DAP is the biggest winners (it gained 10 seats overall), while both PKR and PAS lost one and two seats respectively compared to the 2008 results.
Form Malaysiakini

DAP - 38
PKR - 30
PAS - 21

4) The seven additional seats gained by Pakatan are from Sabah (2 seats) and Sarawak (five seats).

5) Early calculations indicate that Pakatan Rakyat has won slightly more popular votes than BN nationwide - 51% against 49%.


2013-05-06 03:53 | Report Abuse

hahaha Only Kedah fell to BN, Perak and Terengganu at razor's edge for BN. Selangor BN did badly and Selangor Pakatan has 2/3 majority.

News & Blogs

2013-05-05 00:09 | Report Abuse

The mood is different now, people of all races are going back from KL with a certain mission. I think most of them have decided to vote for a better and equitable Malaysia. Your guess is as good as mine. Happy holidays and voting.

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 23:17 | Report Abuse

U r joking, cannot be from Subang, it should be from KLIA!

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 22:52 | Report Abuse

Signs are pointing to Pakatan win tomorrow. Will Najib have to vacate Putrajaya in tears?

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 18:21 | Report Abuse

Why worry too much whoever wins tomorrow, will have lots of cleaning to do. If BN wins, Najib got a lot of promises to fulfill, that requires more loans and bonds to be issued and Malaysia got lots of existing debts to pay if not there will be a run on the ringgit as the outstanding external debts,they are loans, guarantees,bonds and other debts from all sources wiil be one of the most important criteria in determining the confidence of our ringgit,notwithstanding its pegged or not. When external debts becomes unbearable, the only option is devaluation. If Pakatan wins, the new PM got lots of BN created shits to clean up not only the previous government debts but including the huge debts created by the statutory bodies, GLcs and guarantees given under Danajamin to private companies.

What we should worry is when will the post election government come back to us to get back the money they have already spend?