
alenac | Joined since 2013-01-21

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2013-03-18 23:37 | Report Abuse

Whoever believe Sharizat that she does not know in and out of her husband cows to condo business are cows themselves and deserved to be slaughtered? Rakyat looked real stupid.

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 23:31 | Report Abuse

LGE says first opportunity to change the fedral government in the forthcoming election but I say this is the second opportunity to change, the first one was in the late nineties but the chinese did not support the opposition.


2013-03-18 21:41 | Report Abuse

MRCB looks to go down further. Start dropping since 11 mar 2013. May tests 2013 low of 1.21 soon. Unless good corporate news come in, may go all the way down.


2013-03-18 00:47 | Report Abuse

8th Mar onwards showing some accumulation, but volume small and prices moving up, if no surge in vol next week prices will not hold.


2013-03-18 00:19 | Report Abuse

well, for YTL Power, u got to look at the time factor to the termination of the power supply to TNB, maybe 2 years time. Look at their huge loans too. I have got the feeling that any buy over by YTL may not happen fast as it may increase gearing at the group level. That may be cause for concerned for funds and bankers. That's my reservation. If anyone can confirm would be good.

News & Blogs

2013-03-18 00:07 | Report Abuse

well during the late nineties, the malays actually voted for the opposition but the non malays, especially Chinese voted for Mahathir. Now the chinese experienced the blowback from him. You deserved the government you vote for. Cheers!!!!

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 23:47 | Report Abuse

Aminah Abdullah if not mistaken is an ex PKR member. So BN NGO making noise.

KC Loh, you must be a loyal BN component member, from the way u r trying to defend BN.

Well, if you make money by being MCA or BN component party member or leader, then good for you. We have no issues with you.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 23:36 | Report Abuse

Change can only happen if majority of all races vote PR. The answer rest with the Malays, whether rural or Urban. The majority of the chinese is with PR as far as we know. The biggest hurdle is the mentality of the malays where the fear that chinese will dominate the economy if PR is in control is the idea planted by TDM to frighten them so that he can remained in control of Malaysia for the rest of his life whether officially or otherwise.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 22:54 | Report Abuse

Hatred are not spread by PKR but by UMNO, Perkosa and Pukida. Violence and intimidation in Ceramahs are instigated by the said groups, while the police stand by and watch. The biggest "khianat" of selling citizenship is done by which party in Sabah? If they can do this by not informing the rakyat and was only exposed in the latest RCI, they are capable of undermining the rights of the rakyat. They are capable of anything. Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 22:40 | Report Abuse

Under BN we r already deep in mud, doesn't really matter with the speed Najib is spending the tax payers monies, we will go bust before 2020. Anyway the cows to condos scandal made us all Rakyat Malaysia looked stupid. And the giving of citizenship to Illegals Philipinoes, Pastuns and Indians provides lessons in blowback and why we deserved the invasion of Sulu Sultan. Ask CSL whether being blown is gratifying.


2013-03-17 22:27 | Report Abuse

DRB is drifting and will go lower if the so called business plan is not convincing enough for foreign funds to swallow. High Loans and have to carry Proton, which needs RM2.5 billion CAPEX to develop 5 models in five years.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 22:18 | Report Abuse

Yes, PR is better, the states under their admin do not have large scale ,big corruption and land stealing for a song. They don't have cows living in condos. They have open tenders and they don't give cronies contracts like Najib does such as KIDEX, MRT, Raja Ropiah/Deepak and many more, piss!!!! wait for tanjung Agas scandal to explode later too. In Penang Gerakan sells land to E&O for a song ie RM1 per sq foot plus 10% on reclamation.


2013-03-17 20:57 | Report Abuse

Private placement is at 10 sen, if they are subscribed via cash I don't see they will sell below 10 sen. But I see the main shareholders keep selling warrants because the warrant is received for free and in that case if the average thru warrant and mother share then 4 to 5 sen could be possible.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 17:51 | Report Abuse

well, let's agree to disagree, as BN also have elections promises and lies some which are even 30 years old!


2013-03-17 17:48 | Report Abuse

Could go up by 1 sen upwards if turnover above 1000000 lots on Monday. If not may be slight negative or no change. Go below 10 sen tomorrow quite remote as post suspension in 2012 most holders are likely to selloff at that time. Unless, substantial shareholders decide to parachute tomorrow for some reasons we are not aware of.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 17:08 | Report Abuse

He is just saying the market expected to be subdued next week and once election date is announced prices and index will start to drop. Makes sense? But how much can the index drop? Below 1600 possible then.


2013-03-17 16:54 | Report Abuse

Turnover tanking since 28th February 2013. Unless good corporate news next week, the price and vol surged in Feb is just a flash in the pan.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 15:52 | Report Abuse

Iafx, read what Musa Hitam said about what BN predicted about Pakatan is just about bulls. Which ever government comes in they have to take good care of the economy, but we know about how BN rules and how Pakatan rules the states, of course, this is just 4 years. Any real big scandals in Pakatan rule states? For BN you can write to fill few pages still not enough space.


2013-03-17 15:41 | Report Abuse

last week carried forward accumulation all time high for the last 2 years plus. So net buying last week.


2013-03-17 15:21 | Report Abuse

ChinaAuto, 4th and 5th March Happy hour and after that its downhill (net seller)Next week if one or 2 daily turnover more than 500000 lots should uplift the price. If not it will be a drifter.


2013-03-17 14:55 | Report Abuse

A lesson in buying is when u go to shop to buy something that is not essential, what do u do? Asked the boss, still got stock aarh? He said got a lot of stock to clear. So when stock is a lot, will take sometime to move up even if good news come out.


2013-03-17 14:50 | Report Abuse

That's why buy on +ve news not too late.


2013-03-17 14:48 | Report Abuse

Last week (thursday and friday)surged in turnover is actually panic dumping of at least 70 mills shares. Bad news comming?


2013-03-17 14:31 | Report Abuse

My strategy to buy this share will be any valuable positive news. I won't be greedy to buy when it's low and no doubt enticing as the price can go even lower.


2013-03-17 14:21 | Report Abuse

2 years plus all time low and huge overhanging shares. Buying in is like catching falling knives.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 14:10 | Report Abuse

iafx, why u worry if PKR give this and that, give all to rakyat OK mah! Would you rather they give to cronies like BN?


2013-03-17 14:05 | Report Abuse

Early Jan 2013 price surged with vol but dun last. Tomorrow onwards may decide whether going to be a run up or just feeble attempt to push price up by weak holders.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 13:41 | Report Abuse

The hudud expert and his son talk a lot but when ask him and MCA to challenge the hudud enactment in Terengganu and Kelantan, he passed the buck to the Bar council. Hair saloon and private sessions in hotel can lah.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 13:31 | Report Abuse

I agree on Kis as all the charts in the world will not predict the stock movement tomorrow. Stocks vol and prices are determine by Supply and demand. So tracking the supply,demand and prices are sufficient. Plus +/- news analysis to determine whether people will buy or throw.

News & Blogs

2013-03-17 13:24 | Report Abuse

As far as I am concerned whether the PM is guy or not, is none of my business. So long as he and the party are not corrupted as the current ones. So long as the new PM is not embroiled in scandals over land and other projects I am satisfied. Why make an issue out of it, it's only a certain type of people who wants to capitalize on this issues to gain political mileage. In Australia we have a Lesbian finance minister, so what? Do Australian go about showing video of her having sex?


2013-03-17 13:06 | Report Abuse

All funds are calling for hold when they are selling. Bad signs.


2013-03-17 12:55 | Report Abuse

Digi program selling started from 18 february 2013. To mop the overhanging share and support the price upwards required at least 400 mills.


2013-03-16 14:13 | Report Abuse

Astro is looking to test the all time low of Rm2.59.


2013-03-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

Heavy overhanging shares as program selling was done by substantial shareholders. Highest vol last friday since the last 2 years. But price collapsed.


2013-03-16 11:49 | Report Abuse

Why so many make losses? Thot its a done deal?


2013-03-13 23:01 | Report Abuse

Not much of accumulation for past few days on the reaction of some who went in believing that this few days the price is all time low or slightly above all time low.


2013-03-13 22:48 | Report Abuse

Don't think the 2 datuks have disposed of the shares as yet. Shah and IJM must stir up some grand plan and attract confidence of the funds first b4 the share can fly. Of course, more contracts must come in too.


2013-03-13 22:37 | Report Abuse

Remote possibility on this as SC will be watching closely.


2013-03-13 22:35 | Report Abuse

Today's turnover all time low. This stock may be lying low for some time unless the management-syndicate JV to goreng another round.

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 18:16 | Report Abuse

What happened in the screening of Tanda Putera is exposed by the student. It was an attempt to create hatred of the chinese. Paint a negative picture of the opposition parties. Listen, Listen ..............all over again.

News & Blogs

2013-03-12 16:47 | Report Abuse

The Sun quoted Sin Chew today that intelligence sources in the government knew 2 weeks before that the Sulu Sultan and his people will invade Lahat Datu but did not take the up most precaution. So what Tian chua stated has been confirmed that the government let them in and start a sindiwara, that cause many lives lost.


2013-03-11 23:08 | Report Abuse

Foreigners are putting money in malaysian equities while malaysian are getting out.


2013-03-10 20:10 | Report Abuse

Lacked Luster, price near all time low. High overhanging shares and low volume don't looked good at all.

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 18:31 | Report Abuse

Correction "....BN politician knows about............"

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 18:29 | Report Abuse

Based on the statistic provided in the link, the debt increased because the Federal government lend directly to the previously controlled Penang Water company in view of the restructuring of the water assets to defray the Capex needed. So the money from the debt did not go to LGE administration. In fact the cashflow from the water debts was not used by the state to provide direct welfare benefits to the people of Penang. So the writer from the blog is attempting to spin the whole issue out of context. An accurate understanding of various state government accounts and the state and federal government relationship are essential to avoid confusion. Of course BN politician about all this, but will spin knowing that some people will be confused.

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

Water debts should not be taken in as the National debts do not take in GLCs loans consistent with the constitution of Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 17:49 | Report Abuse

"But now Penang is already facing a 700mn deficit if this link can be trusted :"

If you have doubt about such a link please used official statistic to substantiate, this is why Andychuchy28 and others are not amused as it become misinformation as we will all be going to polls to elect the best government.

News & Blogs

2013-03-10 17:32 | Report Abuse

First of all you must let me know how much Kho Tsu Khoon left net of water debts and this leftover is then used by LGE. Then what u said can be proven."trying to answer" is not proven. If u can't then so be it.