
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2013-06-13 23:34 | Report Abuse

hahahahaha ... having a few good laughs today. thanks guys.


2013-06-13 23:17 | Report Abuse

you're getting almost 70 SEN dividends per year. quit complaining. if you want capital gain, do some homework lah. maybe buy public bank instead.


2013-06-13 23:15 | Report Abuse

this seems more like an online campaign to test public perception, rather than a realistic possibility which is why i find it hilarious.


2013-06-13 23:02 | Report Abuse

slow and steady wins the race my friend. but that rabbit and snail story has been repeated too many times. i went for something a bit different ... :)


2013-06-13 22:52 | Report Abuse

Since you're obviously an immature child HM, i found a story for you so that maybe you can understand something.....enjoy :)

The snail is late again. One hour late. It’s not the first time. In fact, it’s the 4th time this month. He’s just too slow. The other animals are getting more and more impatient each time.

“I have better things to do,” says the squirrel. “I still need to practice my singing,” says the songbird. “I have a whole garden of carrots that need my attention,” says the rabbit. “Let’s carry on our meeting without the snail. We’re busy animals. We don’t have time to waste,” the rabbit continues.

Towards the evening, the rabbit thought of possible solutions to the problem. The meeting cannot always carry on without the snail. It’s only fair that he too must have a say in all matters. “I will help him,” thought the rabbit. “I will encourage him to walk faster, to be more efficient and I will be a good example to him. The next meeting, I shall go early to his house and walk together with him to the meeting hall.”

On the day of the meeting, the rabbit rose early and rushed to the snail’s house. The snail was grateful for the rabbit’s help and tried his best to push forward as fast as he can. However, no matter how hard the snail pushed, they are still moving inch by inch. Knowing that the snail tried his best, the rabbit slowed down and take each step at a time.

Taking each step at a time, the rabbit started to notice the beautiful flowers by the roadside. The colorful flowers with butterflies everywhere made the rabbit smile. The tall trees that stand so elegant towards the sky amazed the rabbit. Fluffy clouds dancing in the blue sky brought joy to his heart. The sound of the wind on the leaves was like music to his ears. “What a beautiful day,” whispered the rabbit. “How beautiful nature is, how amazing God’s creation is. Thank you, snail for helping to open my eyes and my heart to appreciate the wonders of this world.”



2013-06-13 22:30 | Report Abuse

yeah. don't be a dumb dumb and buy TIGER, CSL, CAP and all that other crap in Bursa. buy a nice clean new white shirt. something that will attract the sexy ladies! :)


2013-06-13 22:19 | Report Abuse

yoyo till the traders get back from the Hamptons. my sources are whispering that these are just jitters ahead of the German constitutional court decision.

japan is a sideshow. whether or not Abe or Kuroda have lost the plot has yet to be seen


2013-06-13 22:12 | Report Abuse

no lah. you take profit now, then where to buy back. think about it. its much easier to just add to your positions then to sell all and buy back later. creates much more hassles. of course, if you have no more bullets, then is a different story.

i hope Mr TTB if iCap fame is reading, and goes on a buying spree instead of holding onto all that cash.


2013-06-13 22:10 | Report Abuse

that right. corrections are normal and healthy part of a bull market.

@iafx - yes, 100% from all-time-low, only recently (2011) punched through the previous all-time-high in KLCI (set in January 2008, KLCI high 1524.69 points). therefore the "big one" still some time off.

you are right in saying fed is doing the right thing. if they announced end of qe tomorrow, one helluva market "correction" will happen.


2013-06-13 21:50 | Report Abuse

we only just had a major crash in 2008. Our market only started moving last year. why all this fear? do you seriously think that we are near a market top like 1996, or 2007???


2013-06-13 21:41 | Report Abuse

BREAKING NEWS (Bloomberg Newsdesk) ... Only for Bloomberg Terminal Subscribers

Chua Soi Lek has to wait another day to launch his Blue Movie Franchise....

CSL (China) and KKR to bid for Pilot Pen Corp Japan ... est. bid USD 5 billion !!!!!


2013-06-13 20:58 | Report Abuse

When the markets tank, I SMILE :)


2013-06-13 20:57 | Report Abuse

man i'm hoping the market goes down to 1650 or 1600 . I. Have. Bullets!!!


2013-06-13 20:53 | Report Abuse

Is that RIGHT!!! Wowwow. Imagine that! CSL with "Entertainment" at the end!

CSL Entertainment ... release "best of" Chua Soi Lek blue movies

CSL "Extreme" - this is back in the old days

CSL "Golden Hits" - i think we know what is happening in this one

CSL "Day After Tomorrow" - yet to be produced. still looking for actors

Only then will CSL be complete for a WB takeover bid ... maybe RM 1200 is too conservative lah


2013-06-13 20:41 | Report Abuse

Not a bad performance. strong support for MBM-R.

The Govt is creating this confusion among population to benefit themselves.

Do you seriously believe that crap about abolishing car duties??


2013-06-13 20:37 | Report Abuse

NO WAY LAH .... RM 120 ??? Are you kidding me .... its way TOO LOW !!!

A more REALISTIC TP is RM 500. This is the TRUE/FAIR value of CSL !!!

Trust me. I know what I'm talking about!



2013-06-13 20:21 | Report Abuse

Hahahahahahahaha ... thanks for that (i hope you don't mind if i use in future) :)


2013-06-13 20:16 | Report Abuse

good day for Parkson whilst a bad day for everyone else. could this be the sign that Parkson investors have been seeking?

which is interesting, because it has been the reverse, until today. Bad days for Parkson, and good days for everyone else ... for almost forever.

News & Blogs

2013-06-13 19:07 | Report Abuse

Hahaha :) Oppppps maybe Bingo is the "great whale" of Bursa, causing Gap up to 1850 on short covering hahaha

This article is funny man. I need more laughs like this in my life Hahaha

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Announcements & Events

2013-06-13 18:59 | Report Abuse

of course lah .... you know how much curry Tabung Haji enjoys to eat.

also have you checked out

looks like 1995 web-page design.

News & Blogs

2013-06-13 18:33 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Today is comedy club day!


2013-06-13 17:37 | Report Abuse

maybe you shouldn't use potenza, already senior member using....of course its up to you. why not try arv19 for size? hahahahaha

@zero the real 'cult' is in the MAS room. hahahahaha


2013-06-13 17:35 | Report Abuse

not "us' maaaa. where got such "power"? normal lah. market must go down before it can go up again. never moves in a straight line. except maybe Takaful, HL Cap, Tasek. hahahaha


2013-06-13 17:09 | Report Abuse

Sale will be over only when index retraces back to 1700


2013-06-13 17:06 | Report Abuse

have your shopping list ready BEFORE going for Parkson Grand Sale.


2013-06-13 17:04 | Report Abuse

good good good. prepare your bullets. buying opportunity is coming.


2013-06-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

index heading to 1700.... Must. Find. Bullets.


2013-06-13 16:15 | Report Abuse

Nothing "unusual" about DumbTag price movements, thats why no UMA ... Hahahaha


2013-06-13 16:10 | Report Abuse

maybe a arv19 or arv20 will appear soon Hahahahahaha


2013-06-13 16:09 | Report Abuse

hahahahaha love your work potenza11 Hahahahaha


2013-06-13 15:58 | Report Abuse

doesn't take long for Melayu to show true color Hahahahahahaha

what happend to peace, love and harmony? Hahahahahahahaha


2013-06-13 15:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-13 15:50 | Report Abuse

No, you're wrong Wak Jono. When its convenient, Malay's like to say "we are all Malaysians" but we know what Melayu is really thinking....its on the Utusan front page and coming from Perkasa mouths.


2013-06-13 15:41 | Report Abuse

I suggest you gamble with Khazanah, because you enjoy and are used to receiving Govt Hand-Outs and Preferential treatment. Its Hari Raya for you everyday, in your mind.


2013-06-13 15:40 | Report Abuse

So what do you have to say to all those "Long-Term" MAS investor who have lost -75% if investment???

Why do you think Khazanah is still propping up MAS even though they know they'll never win.

ANS: It is too Politically Embarrassing to see a "Malay" G-L-C company fail. Too many people lose jobs etc. Therefore must keep pumping money in.

And I'm not making this up.....this is a FACT

1 week 1 month 6 months 1 year 5 years
Malaysian Airline System Bhd -4.62% -21.52% -11.58% -42.72% -76.19%
BURSA MALAYSIA KLCI IDX -0.98% -1.99% +6.03% +11.17% +42.54%


2013-06-13 15:28 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA .... love your work .... where have you been all my life BB


2013-06-13 15:26 | Report Abuse

Flawless logic. Listen to business man Syed. I suggest you gamble with Khazanah, because you enjoy and are used to receiving Govt Hand-Outs and Preferential treatment. Its Hari Raya for you everyday, in your mind.


2013-06-13 15:22 | Report Abuse

What does Bursa turnover have to do with MCap??? Are you nuts ah?????


2013-06-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

No "smell" of downtrend. we're in a BULL market. until the taxi driver and your kueh teow man is talking about Bursa, we're not at the top yet.


2013-06-13 15:09 | Report Abuse



2013-06-13 15:07 | Report Abuse

index will touch 1700. patience.

Currently MAS MCap 5.54 Billion, therefore if...

MAS goes to 40 cents, that means MCap = RM6.68 Billion

MAS goes to 50 cents, that means MCap = RM8.36 Billion

So tell answer me, who has got all these BILLIONS to give all you retails investors?

And WHY would anyone pay a premium for the PRIVILEGE of competing with Malindo, AA and a sh*t-load of debt that never can or will be repaid?


2013-06-13 15:01 | Report Abuse

no. must go to 1700. that is the law of the market. sorry.

News & Blogs

2013-06-13 14:48 | Report Abuse

Thanks mate. Looks like that pull-back is finally here. The sooner the election gap closes, the better.


2013-06-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

1. listen to Wak Jono. IF MAS can post consecutive quarters in the BLACK, then of course share price will slowly drift up. that is a no-brainer

2. wait until the market hits 1700 before buying again.


2013-06-13 03:52 | Report Abuse

mate. there isn't ever too much to pay for a good company, respectable management etc in a bull market situation. less margin for error, but a blue chip is a blue chip. this is not a gamble, unlike a punt in MAS, AGLOBAL, CSL, CAP, TIGER.

people bitched and moaned about Digi @ 12, Dutch Lady @ 20 and Nestle @ 40. who's complaining now?


2013-06-12 22:04 | Report Abuse

Tongkat Ali 4 me ..... Kicap Fatimah 4 her :) why not maaaa ?


2013-06-12 21:53 | Report Abuse

So far. LOVING the ride. Feels like I'm dating 5 MAS air stewardesses at the SAME TIME! Hahahahahaha.


2013-06-12 21:44 | Report Abuse

As that fat republican qwai-lo says ... if you're gonna THINK, THINK BIG Hahahahahahaha