
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2013-06-09 15:29 | Report Abuse

in addition, i was to REMIND the Muslim investors in this forum that BERJUDI/GAMBLING is HARAM. That is what you're doing when you buy MAS.


2013-06-09 15:26 | Report Abuse

Syed you idiot! I already gave a list of companies on page 49! There is no FREE LUNCH. Don't be a lazy cry baby bum investor asking for "FREE TIPS" like a beggar.

The rest of you MAS investors. You know what I think of you.


2013-06-09 15:17 | Report Abuse

Hafiz. With all due respect. Please do some research on China Stationery. Doing fundamental analysis is one thing. Knowing something about China stocks that list outside of China is another. I'm going to post some links. If you want to learn something, and not be a sohai/sochai, then please take some time to read up...

@mofais2013 the PRICE people are willing to pay for a fraud is zero.

There are more links. But I won't waste your time. This stock is finished!!! Sorry GAME OVER MAN.


2013-06-09 08:49 | Report Abuse

because this is important. let me illustrate my point for the "small players".

Suppose you have RM1500 in February 2013 (earlier this year) to invest? What to do? You also buy AEONCR. Also could buy MAS. But you want to make money really really badly. Let me show...

Suppose you use a broker like HLe-broking or Maybank (so brokerage is cheap)

In Feb, AeonCR - 10.68. so you buy 100 shares. Spend RM1068 + RM10 +RM1 etc...

Cost around RM1079 (still have around RM400 cash for beer money) .... Today AeonCR closed 16.72

Therefore Theoretical Gain = RM 1672 - RM1079 = RM593 (in % thats is a 54.96% gain in 3 MONTHS!) - Wow! Still got CASH to SPEND lorrr!

in Feb, MAS - 0.695. wow! cheap cheap you think. so you buy maximum. 2100 shares (so sad, no beer money!).

Cost is RM1469.50 (still have only RM 20 for one glass of beer for yourself, so sad) MAS closed 0.33 SEN

Therotical Gain RM 693 - RM 1469.50 = -766.50 (Loss of 52.52%) AIYOH!!! no spare money for beer to drown sorrow lorrr!


2013-06-09 07:37 | Report Abuse

okay. you got me. there was more under the hood. why use SmartTag GPS when you have RFID, which is more universal? besides this share has been tanking (going down) for way too long, with zero dividends. as i said before and i will say again. another soh chai counter. berjudi at your own risk.


2013-06-09 06:53 | Report Abuse

Felicity mentioned this along with Latitude Tree, Homeritz, Classic Scenic (which i have owned in the past). Any comment on Lii Hen as a pure play on US housing recovery in light of the positive NFP report?


2013-06-09 06:45 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha Soh Chai counter for Soh Chai "investors" - bunch of idiots


2013-06-09 06:45 | Report Abuse

another soh chai counter. if you own this. you have won the soh chai investor award. sorry. but i enjoy breaking this bad news. -bunch of idiots

what future does a company that ONLY make toll gate passes have? come on ppl!!!


2013-06-09 06:41 | Report Abuse

because as far as i'm concerned, this counter is another soh chai counter. can you prove otherwise?


2013-06-09 06:39 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2013-06-09 06:35 | Report Abuse

the answer. inflation because of all this cheap money flowing around, plus ringgit devalued so much. back in 1980 RM1 = SGD1.1 now RM1 = SGD2.5 WTF????

News & Blogs

2013-06-09 06:33 | Report Abuse

yup. why do you think the good stocks are going up so much?

News & Blogs

2013-06-09 06:26 | Report Abuse

Correct sir. Why do you think all these Chinese IPO's are happening? Why rob a bank when you can IPO on Bursa. Hahahahaha


2013-06-09 05:59 | Report Abuse

good for you guys. This is a great counter to have invested in. too bad i was not smart enough to buy earlier. but this counter has had great dividends and rewarded shareholder nicely. good stuff! the intelligent investors counter!


2013-06-09 05:06 | Report Abuse

This is another prime Soh Chai counter candidate. don't be a sucker and cry later.


2013-06-09 05:04 | Report Abuse

Excuse me. Am I missing something? Last Dividend - 06/06/1997 ????

All time high RM8.20 in October 1996 ???? WTF????


2013-06-09 04:40 | Report Abuse

This is a SOH CHAI counter for Soh Chai "investors". Admit to buying or owning this counter is like saying to all you friends and family - Look at ME I'm a Soh Chai Investor!


2013-06-09 04:00 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH You LOSER AHAhahahahaha SOh Chai investor!


2013-06-09 04:19 | Report Abuse

these are the kind of counters that only the BEST analyst at JP Morgan Bank, Goldman Sachs Group, Citibank, Bank of America, Mitsui recommend to their clients whereby they use very TECHNICAL terms like "Goreng", "Fly", "Fry", "Up", "Small Payer", "Big Player", "Syndicate", "Agung", "Hunters" and MOST importantly "PLAY" to confuse and impress their clients.


2013-06-09 04:14 | Report Abuse

seems that Alkop is now "Malu" so he changed his name to Makjun (1 post). wow. you don't even bother to change your writing style. you even "blessed" yourself? WTF???

definitely a ****Class A Soh Chai****

For you SIR, I specially suggest you buy 100 lots EACH of these shares;

PATIMAS, LUSTER, HBGLOB, CAP, CSL, KNM, MAS, TIGER (with a name like that MUST go up what), MUI, JAVA, JAVA-WA, JOHAN, AGLOBAL, UNISEM, INSAS, HIL, KTB and PMIND to get started!


2013-12-28 11:45 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha I'm proudly present the i3investor (S)oh (C)hai Gold Medal Investor award to Mr Alkop ... Hahahahahaha


2013-06-25 22:25 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha Soh Chai counter for Soh Chai "investors" - bunch of idiots


2013-06-23 13:19 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha Soh Chai counter for Soh Chai "investors" - bunch of idiots

Announcements & Events

2013-06-08 01:48 | Report Abuse

Go to MAS stock forum room and read page 49 and 50.


2013-06-08 01:28 | Report Abuse

I tell you you are a CLASS A asshole jojochin.


2013-06-08 01:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-08 01:25 | Report Abuse

i must emphasize that a padi farmer, grass cutter, garbage collector can make money in the market. that is the beauty of the stock market. it doesn't care about who you are, your colour, race, religion, qualifications. got money...fine...just identify a company making decent net profit, profit margin, dividend paying, and most importantly, price graph, where the line is going from LOWER LEFT corner to UPPER RIGHT corner.

go here for some knowledge. if you can't understand. ask someone.


2013-06-08 01:22 | Report Abuse

go here for some knowledge. if you can't understand. ask someone.


2013-06-08 01:16 | Report Abuse

i must emphasize that a padi farmer, grass cutter, garbage collector can make money in the market. that is the beauty of the stock market. it doesn't care about who you are, your colour, race, religion, qualifications. got money...fine...just identify a company making decent net profit, profit margin, dividend paying, and most importantly, price graph, where the line is going from LOWER LEFT corner to UPPER RIGHT corner.


2013-06-08 01:06 | Report Abuse

what do you have to bring to this discussion? anything new or intelligent?


2013-06-08 01:06 | Report Abuse

i'm trying to help others unlike you.


2013-06-08 00:48 | Report Abuse

@bull007 why? sounds a little too familiar?

and why not be shocked and aghast at the number of people still thinking they can scrape pennies from this stock? thats is not shocking enough ah?

i believe i3investor slogan is: independent. intelligent. informed.

which of these fits the description of a MAS investor?


2013-06-08 00:21 | Report Abuse

Both of you, Tim Yong and alkop should stop trading shares by the sound of things. You have already caused you wives and families enough heartache!


2013-06-08 00:19 | Report Abuse

Tell me something Tim Yong. What is the bull case for MAS???

Are they magically going to declare RM2 billion profit????

Is competition getting less????

Is aeroplane getting cheaper by the day????

Do staff love MAS so much, that they are willing to take 50% reduction in pay???

Is the board of directors so concerned about MAS that they are going to take 90% pay cut????

Is jet fuel going to drop by 50%???

Is Jesus going to arrive on earth to save MAS???


2013-06-08 00:15 | Report Abuse

I'm NOT some kind of Market Genius or Market Magician. I CANNOT predict future stock price or future events. But what i'm saying is its pretty DAMN OBVIOUS, that MAS shares are TANKING (going down big-time). you don't need to be a PHD graduate or rocket scientist to figure this out!!! look elsewhere to invest!!!


2013-06-08 00:12 | Report Abuse

This is important so i'm posting it here. after a heated discussion in MAS room i posted some investment thoughts i should share here too.

let me illustrate my point for the "small players".

Suppose you have RM1500 in February 2013 (earlier this year) to invest? What to do? You also buy AeonCR. Also could buy MAS. But you want to make money really really badly. Let me show...

Suppose you use a broker like HLe-broking or Maybank (so brokerage is cheap)

In Feb, AeonCR - 10.68. so you buy 100 shares. Spend RM1068 + RM10 +RM1 etc...

Cost around RM1079 (still have around RM400 cash for beer money) .... Today AeonCR closed 16.72

Therefore Theoretical Gain = RM 1672 - RM1079 = RM593 (in % thats is a 54.96% gain in 3 MONTHS!) - Wow! Still got CASH to SPEND lorrr!

in Feb, MAS - 0.695. wow! cheap cheap you think. so you buy maximum. 2100 shares (so sad, no beer money!).

Cost is RM1469.50 (still have only RM 20 for one glass of beer for yourself, so sad) MAS closed 0.33 SEN

Therotical Gain RM 693 - RM 1469.50 = -766.50 (Loss of 52.52%) AIYOH!!! no spare money for beer to drown sorrow lorrr!


2013-06-08 00:06 | Report Abuse

listen you crazy old man. i'm not talking to you. go to sleep. you're delirious (not making any sense) or adding to this discussion in ANY meaningful way.


2013-06-07 23:52 | Report Abuse

yeah, okay. don't listen to me. the market will continue to hammer your pocket. you will come here to complain. and i and all the others will laugh at you. silly stubborn man.

to the others with open minds, listen and learn from the experienced ones on this forum who are here to help. for example, do a search for kcchongnz postings, for some good investment advice.

of course, nobody is 100%, but try to mitigate (that means reduce) your risk. by looking before you leap!


2013-06-07 23:44 | Report Abuse

god bless you? are you nuts, there is no god. prayer is NOT an investment strategy people.


2013-06-07 23:42 | Report Abuse

it is idiots like you that make me feel more and more confident of making money in the markets day in, day out.

like i said. i'm not a nice guy. like the markets.

peace out yo.


2013-06-07 23:40 | Report Abuse

alkop, just shut up and read and absorb my advice. you may learn something and stop being a stubborn old man and lose money hand over fist.


2013-06-07 23:39 | Report Abuse

Do you see how much of major impact one wrong investment decision can make in only 3 months? Remember, you have to make the choice at the same time. But essentially the result is similar if you pick other "Rich Man" counters. It is not possible to think of counters like "Rich Man", "Poor Man" counters. this is silly. you need to think in terms of percentage. You need to ask yourself. If i invest X amount now, how much (in terms of PERCENTAGE) do i expect to gain or lose? not the absolute price of the share.

What if you bought 1 share (in US you can buy 1 or more shares) of TESLA in August 2012, because you only had USD 25 to invest. At that time it was trading at USD 22.

Today, USD 100 .... you do the math.


2013-06-07 23:28 | Report Abuse

let me illustrate my point for the "small players".

Suppose you have RM1500 in February 2013 (earlier this year) to invest? What to do? You also buy MAS. Also could buy MAS. But you want to make money really really badly. Let me show...

Suppose you use a broker like HLe-broking or Maybank (so brokerage is cheap)

In Feb, AeonCR - 10.68. so you buy 100 shares. Spend RM1068 + RM10 +RM1 etc...

Cost around RM1079 (still have around RM400 cash for beer money) .... Today AeonCR closed 16.72

Therefore Theoretical Gain = RM 1672 - RM1079 = RM593 (in % thats is a 54.96% gain in 3 MONTHS!) - Wow! Still got CASH to SPEND lorrr!

in Feb, MAS - 0.695. wow! cheap cheap you think. so you buy maximum. 2100 shares (so sad, no beer money!).

Cost is RM1469.50 (still have only RM 20 for one glass of beer for yourself, so sad) MAS closed 0.33 SEN

Therotical Gain RM 693 - RM 1469.50 = -766.50 (Loss of 52.52%) AIYOH!!! no spare money for beer to drown sorrow lorrr!


2013-06-07 22:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-07 22:08 | Report Abuse

KLCI is going Up and UP and UP, along with the other stocks i mentioned earlier. and these fools keep on buying MAS which has gone from 3.05 in 2009 to 30 CENTS! 30 CENTS!!!

This is like going to the longkang to fill your glass for a drink when you have perfectly good, safe tap water to drink.


2013-06-07 22:00 | Report Abuse

someone need to call out the fools and idiots. i mean WHY do they make it SO HARD on themselves, and then come bitching and moaning to everyone about their loses.

isn;t it more prudent to some to a forum to READ UP, and SEEK ADVICE, before boasting about your idiotic purchases to everyone.

I need and come to i3investor for INTELLIGENT discussion about WACC, future earnings, ROE, and various other ratios, NOT lazy cry-babies


2013-06-07 21:56 | Report Abuse

why so quiet now? everyone was so energised earlier? was it something i said?


2013-06-07 21:55 | Report Abuse

I'm a real bastard and i love and enjoy seeing you idiots keeo throwing your money down the drain on MAS and bragging about it. It make me feel better about myself and builds my confidence you see.

so keep on doing it. i love a good laugh. come on...who's next up???


2013-06-07 21:50 | Report Abuse

Because if you keep on posting that you're investing in MAS, all the serious investors will be laughing at you. I definitely only come here for the COMEDY (in case you don't understand, that means joke, funny) value.


2013-06-07 21:45 | Report Abuse

For a start. You can start building/earning some respect by posting in this rooms;


if you can't afford to buy 1000 shares, just buy 100 shares. its a damn lot better than spending the same money on MAS!