
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2013-06-07 21:31 | Report Abuse

Why not just find a stock that is in an UPTREND (in case you don't know what that means - it means the stock price is going UP) and at at least LIE that you've invested 100 lots so that you earn some respect????



2013-06-07 21:27 | Report Abuse

I am personally aghast at how many people are STILL buying KNM and MAS like idiots. if you are a trader, thats another thing. but to keep repeating the same mistake over, and over is insanity.

and why are people so keen on telling everyone what a failure they are at investing anyway??? do children come home bragging about getting straight F's at school or do people enjoy boasting about getting fired??? then why tell the whole world you're buying KNM and MAS for "long-term investments", like a fool????


2013-06-07 21:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-07 04:08 | Report Abuse

recently listed (via RTO), already one bonus issue and consolidation. what kind of rubbish is that? red flags everywhere.


2013-06-07 04:05 | Report Abuse

speculative stock. no fundamental value. lots a rumors. classic pump and dump. if you bought, my sympathies, but this sort of stock trading is not for amateurs.


2013-06-07 02:30 | Report Abuse

of course my comments are for humour only. according to analysis i believe they are well run, decent, dividend paying companies to partner with.


2013-06-06 22:59 | Report Abuse

thanks info and for the video. a great presentation, and easy for everyone to understand.


2013-06-06 22:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-06 22:05 | Report Abuse

smallturtle. that is a good suggestion. i've never heard of Dyna Mac, but anything paying dividends HAS to be better than this lousy piece of s&*t company.

YS1 - 1.00, 1.50? What kind of herion are you addicted to friend? maybe you should see a doctor or psychiatrist. stop throwing your money away in bursa.

News & Blogs

2013-06-06 22:02 | Report Abuse

not good news for Yee Lee investors, that is for sure.


2013-06-06 21:59 | Report Abuse

i seriously doubt you'll be making money here kuah. if there is a dead cat bounce due to some improvement in China results, maybe. but how? cost of sales and doing business is so high and competition is so intense? rentals are eye-wateringly expensive and Parkson don't own much property. even with 7.5% Chinese economic growth, which is still decent, they are struggling. where is the bull case? tell me.


2013-06-06 21:55 | Report Abuse

good advice.

News & Blogs

2013-06-06 21:54 | Report Abuse

chillout! nothing to worry about. latest Non-Farm Payrolls indicate US is recovering. Good News! A retest of 1700 may be the best buying opportunity available.


2013-06-06 21:50 | Report Abuse

also, one shouldn't be so focused on the cost. the biggest cost is yourself, not the broker. its only you that makes the good/bad investment decisions, therefore it is up to you to do the work, and take responsibility, and not be blaming the broker or the market if things go wrong.

lastly, the more often you trade, the more money you make for Bursa and the Government. not yourself. the costs quickly escalate because of the amount you pay for clearing fees and stamp duty. its is by far the largest transaction cost. NOT the brokerage.


Buy 3000 Tasek shares @ 16.00

Cost of shares 16.00 x 3000 = $48,000
Brokerage = $8.88 (CIMB Nominee A/C)
Contract Stamp (1 for every $1000) = $48 (Government)
Clearing fee (0.03%) = $14.40 (Bursa)

You can clearly see that contract stamp and clearing fee alone account for 87.5% of the transaction (one-way) cost. 87.5%!


2013-06-06 21:33 | Report Abuse

hard to say. all seem to provide decent service. after all, competition is intense. i just use CIMB because it is the most convenient for me. the 8.88 brokerage is decent. broker assigned to me is a very nice lady. always laughing, and very pleasant. no complaints from me.

but also have old account with Maybank Invest and inactive account with OSK. also okay with these two. Maybank Invest has very nice offices, especially the branch in Klang (Menara Trend).

I prefer the n2n plaform to trade. excelforce is okay, but only works in explorer, which sucks for a mac user like me (have to use Oracle Virtual Machine). Charting, OSK is the best because you can get 10 years historical data (fiinancial times - get up to 30 years).


2013-06-06 20:16 | Report Abuse

ya. unfortunately KLCI must re-test 1700 before going up again. at some point in future. if you buy a good company, then it shouldn't be affected much. see what happens when the US Non-Farm Payrolls get released in 12 minutes. hoping for good news!


2013-06-06 20:03 | Report Abuse

i was so tempted to sell. it rose by almost 0.60, 1 week after i purchased. but i had to remind myself that i originally bought to keep for fundamental reasons. my original TP was 3.00 in december. i also find it very difficult to add lots to rising shares, in a rising market.


2013-06-06 19:53 | Report Abuse

Oh. how could i forget...

Carslberg - I love beer!
GAB - who doesn't love Heineken and Guinness
Wing Tai - Uniqlo, Top shop, Pumpkin Patch etc.... and Property. (I usually don't like unrelated business, but i make an exception in this case)


2013-06-06 19:47 | Report Abuse

tell me about it. not surprised. the rise from 1.89 - 2.85 happened so fast. still no one wants to sell shares below 2.50 which is a good sign, especially considering volume has dropped significantly. same thing happened to power root. volume dried up for 2 weeks, then magically volume picked up yesterday and today, and BANG 2.20!


2013-06-06 16:42 | Report Abuse

WTF!!! 3,164,400 share for ESOS???? RM2,056,860??? Are you kidding me!!!


2013-06-06 16:37 | Report Abuse

Currently watching (some from Felicity's blog - Serious Investing);

Tasek - We all know how much Malaysians love cement, right?
Lafarge Cement - ditto
Aeon - We all know how much Malaysians love shopping, right?
Aeon Credit - We all know how much Malaysians love credit, right?
Public Bank
Tune Insurance
Alliance Financial
MBM Resources - Hino & Perodua
Diabochi - We all know how much rubbish lies around everywhere, right?
Adv Packaging - ditto
Apollo Foods - We all know how much Malaysians love sweets right?
Hup Seng - I like cream crackers
Oldtown - I like coffee
Johore Tin - We all know how much Malaysians love condensed milk & biscuits, right?
Tambun - Affordable housing is important now and in future
Hua Yang - ditto

(Unusual - interesting companies)
Formosa Prosonic - I like car audio & hi-fi - Kenwood/JVC - DY ~9% - revenue almost 10x market cap - ridiculous!
Classic Scenic - Small cap - Picture frames? - high DY
Latitude Tree - Small cap - Play on US housing recovery


2013-06-06 14:16 | Report Abuse

the only think thats going to derail this is 'black swan' events like a major attack somewhere, general strike or rioting in kuala lumpur. and i can't predict or plan for that, except to have some cash handy and supplies under the stairs...


2013-06-06 14:10 | Report Abuse

thanks. actually thank Harta management for their excellent execution and respect for minority shareholders (who can put a price on that).

but taking a "big picture" look around, it seems that Europe is finally waking up to the folly of austerity, and the US has finally turned a corner. what this generally means is high, highs globally (i'm hoping), punctuated by minor "crashes" along the way.

i think the penny dropped, when i realized that the cyprus fiasco barely registered on the markets. it really gave us an indication of how bullish the momentum currently is. now is the time for buying. not selling. as far as i'm concerned.


2013-06-06 14:03 | Report Abuse

yeah i guess going from 8.00 to .40 meets the definition of falling knife. just like Transmile and Ekran (which have gone to jeero) are ahead in the "falling knife" game.


2013-06-06 13:49 | Report Abuse

good things are never on sale. never cheap. only time you will find this stock cheap again is the next stock market crash in 3-5 years.

in addition, these excellent companies like Digi, Harta, Dutch Lady etc is like trying to find diamonds in africa or oil in deepwater. very rare and very hard to find. on bursa generally speaking. every uncle and auntie with a sundry shop thinks they can list, therefore we have a plethora of mediocre, poor and fraudulent companies on the exchange with no incentive to clean it up. i don't like that at all.

which brings me back to why i believe harta,, public bank etc will continue to go higher in a bull market, because there is no other viable alternative for fund managers to park their money. do you think for a minute they are buying MAS or dare-i-say KNM??


2013-06-06 13:31 | Report Abuse

don't worry. whilst you guys are till obsessing about knm, i bought power root at 1.49. today it touched 2.20 (up almost 70 cents in 2.5 months). that increase is MORE than the value of one knm share. who says i'm not having fun?


2013-06-06 13:26 | Report Abuse

there will be a pullback. but maybe not a major one. this stock is easy to trade because it is making very clear consistent horizontal support and resistance lines (on a technical chart). support is currently 2.10, then 1.90.

going on the "gap" up in the KLCI the day after elections, there has to be a pullback to close this "hole" in the chart (you can see this only on a candlestick chart, not line graph). just have an order queued at 1.88 (although it may not test this level again). You can set it for up to 2 weeks on CIMB itrade (which i use, and recommend).

i'm waiting to buy more and harta


2013-06-06 13:12 | Report Abuse

Its in a downtrend. has been since '08. only a blind man is unable to see this.


2013-06-06 01:58 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-06 01:41 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-06-06 01:40 | Report Abuse

jeeeez! stop wasting your time here. this stock is fundamentally and technically finished lah. time to book your loss, and start looking at the oldtowns, power roots, cbips, air asias, diabochis, nestles, dutch ladys, axreits, wingtais, hua yangs, tebraus .... buying stocks is not that hard.

stop looking for cheap cheap, like when you go shopping at Tesco. that mindset will lose you money!


2013-06-06 01:35 | Report Abuse

exactly. do what you do when you look for airfares. do you even bother looking at MAS website for short-haul flight? i don't.


2013-06-06 00:37 | Report Abuse

in addition, if you're a smart investor, you'll note, certain sectors are more rewarding to invest in, than others. certain sectors, like plantations (two or three), fmcg/consumer, financials and packaging trade at higher multiples and attract much more of a following.

power root is smack-bang in the middle of consumer/fmcg, in particular halal coffee beverages. awesome. and its not a mixture of different businesses, therefore lacking the unnecessary complexity in trying to decipher what is going on.

one will should also be aware of the stronger USD, vs weaker commodities. in particular, coffee has been hammered over the last 12 - 18 months.

which strangely is around the same time the rally in oldtown and power root began...


2013-06-06 00:30 | Report Abuse

i'd like to know what is wrong with this stocks' fundamentals. can you enlighten me?

as far as i can tell, seems like a growing profitable company, focused on one business (simplicity - which i like). as a result, its price is appreciating.

with a distinct lack of decent counters on bursa, i like this bright spot.


2013-06-05 22:25 | Report Abuse

but it looks like we're in a bull who knows. maybe 2.00?


2013-06-05 22:23 | Report Abuse

aiyah! i mis-read. i thought 100 lots. my bad! :)


2013-06-05 21:58 | Report Abuse

the usual media pump, as insiders dump, on retail investor and epf buying. classic malaysian stock promotion tactics. disgusting as per usual.


2013-06-05 21:56 | Report Abuse

this is a okay/decent counter. it is also in an uptrend currently. financial results are not spectacular, but then again, no other postal service in malaysia. much like airport is controlled by MAHB.

there is a good reason why people are advised not to put all eggs into one basket (of course if your net worth is rm20-50 million, i guess rm500,000 is small change)


2013-06-05 21:49 | Report Abuse

you have rm500,000 cash for one stock? hmmm...might be wise to consult a professional advisor. one that is not conflicted, that is someone who is independent of a brokerage or investment bank. maybe kcchongnz?


2013-06-05 21:46 | Report Abuse

could be the next "padini" in terms of stock performance. and i think you know how long that stock has been on a bull run for...


2013-06-05 21:44 | Report Abuse

@Tan Cobby How wait for a pull-back and buy back in. we're only getting warmed up here. as long as earnings keep improving, which i don't see any problem with, we should see this counter keep moving up. this stock is showing extremely strong bull momentum, in a bull market, this can keep on going for another 2 years.


2013-06-04 01:18 | Report Abuse

you know its knm when its down 8% in 1 day. classic knm price action. very very reliable. don't need a crystal ball for this stock.


2013-06-04 00:56 | Report Abuse

thanks. i needed a good laugh. you're a funny man, jimmy. anyone told you that.

News & Blogs

2013-06-04 00:53 | Report Abuse

you enjoy getting kicked in the balls and punched in the face over and over again is it?


2013-06-03 21:31 | Report Abuse

@deadman - you can see on chart, monday after ge13, price "gapped" up to 1850. you can see a big hole/gap/space, in the KLCI where this happens. it is pretty damn obvious. you can't miss it. this space/gap/hole needs to close before KLCI can move up higher. which means that most stocks will have to correct down in June/July, before we can move up. a buying opportunity, just not for Parkson stock though...


2013-06-01 05:43 | Report Abuse

who really cares why. all that matters is its going up like crazy. meantime everyone else is focusing on MAS, KNM, Lonbisc, Parkson. Whats up with people these days?


2013-06-01 05:29 | Report Abuse

its also one of the "very rare" companies with LOTS of related third party transactions (RPTs). i'd be very careful if i were you.


2013-06-01 05:07 | Report Abuse

no. the problem is people still seeing MAS as a viable investment or trading vehicle. its time to break up. as in ex-girlfriend or ex-dividend or ex-wife. say "see you later", and never look back. of course feel free to fly MAS whenever you want. but don't buy shares for goodness sake!


2013-05-31 23:53 | Report Abuse

sorry to here that vinvin, the dot com boom i take it. better than those investors that bought hwa tai industries at 100.00 in 1997.....down to 0.50 today. talk about getting wiped out.


2013-05-31 22:59 | Report Abuse

okay. granted. but what has that got to do with keck seng. are you suggesting that they are committing fraud?