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2022-05-12 11:57 | Report Abuse

Compared to ajinomoto which has about same revenue category, 3A is definitely trading at much cheaper valuation in many metrics (P/E, P/BV etc) .
since the market does not value 3A, i think the major shareholders should privatised the company or even Wilmar can just offer wholly.


2022-05-06 12:36 | Report Abuse

Boustead should do some restructuring...demerger... like what CCM did with its subsidiary Duopharma via capital reduction, distribution and share consolidation. I believe they will do that if privatisation is off the table.


2022-04-05 16:32 | Report Abuse

yup. i agree that GE15 is coming soon and all the feel good factor.
I suspect BSTEAD or LTAT most probably will win the digital banking as well. Need to please the army too.


2022-04-05 11:36 | Report Abuse

Can someone explain what is Mr Teo Kwee Hock actually trying to achieve? Create liquidity? He has been buying/selling for the past 2 or 3 years right?


2022-04-05 10:47 | Report Abuse

the group's business in Sri Lanka will have big impairment and forex losses due to the crisis there.


2022-03-01 11:27 | Report Abuse

is it fair to say that one of the side effects of war requires many repairing on the aftermath and that uses many of chinwel's products?


2021-12-16 16:15 | Report Abuse

i believe MAA will take up the 10% of private placement. MAA definitely want to control the board. i think it's all been orchestrated from the beginning even before appearing as substantial shareholder.


2021-11-11 15:58 | Report Abuse

in fact people eat more when stuck at home. hahahaa. :P


2021-09-10 16:42 | Report Abuse

let's see if today after 5pm MAA disclose how many shares they bought on 8/9 if any.
i still firmly believe MAA will want more than 10% ... doesn't make sense to trade short term at 7% holding.

Better still, own more than 20% or if TY risk appetite is high, then make a general offer hoping to reach 51% after triggering the 33% threshold and make KNM a subsidiary of MAA .. then MAA can take over their book.


2021-09-10 12:15 | Report Abuse



2021-09-10 11:14 | Report Abuse

after reading online articles about KNM, it's so absurd to have people like LSE and family run a public listed company. Eg. charged for insider trading and even got barred by authority etc etc. so many controversy about its founder

I pity those of you who lost money investing in this company. At the same time I applaud you guys for able to have his cronies out of the board in the end. It is not an easy task. Impressive. Since you guys have manage to group together, I would suggest those shareholders who lost money to seek for legal advice for this injustice. I think you guys will have a very strong case to get damages from the court.


2021-09-09 17:22 | Report Abuse

MAA know they have to accumulate as much as they can from the open market before today's disclosure .... and before everyone know their intention. i hope MAA already own more than 20% and take control .


2021-09-09 17:15 | Report Abuse

MAA acquired only 33,000,000 shares on 7 Sep. Announcement dated 9 Sep.
Total no of securities after change 266,001,800 shares ( 8%)

Let's see how much MAA acquire on 8 Sep (yesterday where the trading volume was 800 million shares). I'm still convince MAA will increase to more than 10% and try to control the board.


2021-09-08 13:17 | Report Abuse

The most important document of this whole takeover is officially out, the Circular. If any disputes, lawsuit etc... It will refer to this Circular.

The adviser (Alliance Investment Bank) gave their opinion and recommendation. Based on Alliance IB own valuation, the estimated value per MMC Share is between RM3.32 - RM3.41


2021-09-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

We will know later today or by this Friday if there is any increment or disposal from MAA. Everyone has their own theory and opinion.

The law require any substantial shareholder (anyone above 5%... that includes LSE and MAA) to notify company of change if there is a change in his interests in the voting shares in the company; within 3 days after the date of change.

I entered KNM at 0.28 only after the MAA announcement, purely based on the speculation that MAA will increase its voting rights to more than 10%. I don't know about KNM before this. After seeing such fragmented shareholdings, no one control over 25%.. I would try to take control of the board if I'm MAA. I am also guessing.


2021-09-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

it's hard to subscribe that someone who founded and at helm of the company would sell just because someone advice him to do so.
could it be maybe he knows something that the public does not know ? it's a question. i don't know about KNM. I came to know KNM coz of MAA and from the limited public info or news like
Indeed it's curious happening ever since.

I have bet some on KNM yesterday just based on the speculation that i think MAA will increase to more than 10% ....


2021-09-07 15:40 | Report Abuse

why did the founder dispose his 1.4% stakes to MAA directly if the company is worth much more?


2021-09-07 13:00 | Report Abuse

in fact, I would prefer MAA to make a general offer for KNM. See if it can get more than 50% and make KNM its subsidiary and still maintain listing status of KNM and take full control. It is possible as the shareholdings structure of KNM is so fragmented and no one control 25% ... so ripe to take control.


2021-09-07 12:12 | Report Abuse

i agree. it may not be right. it may also be right. nothing is certain. if tomorrow MAA invest in airline, supermarket, or ANYTHING, there will always be critics. these people are entrepreneur and it means their nature is always to take risky bets in investment. this is the animal spirits.


2021-09-07 11:52 | Report Abuse

in fact, I would prefer MAA to make a general offer for KNM... even if means the company need to borrow for the leverage buyout and seek shareholders approval in general meeting ... See if it can get more than 50% and make KNM its subsidiary rather than just associate... Possible as the shareholdings structure of KNM is so fragmented and no one control 25% ... so ripe to take control. Another Turiya method. Oh i just love this high intense activity. :)


2021-09-07 11:30 | Report Abuse

I am guessing MAA will accumulate more KNM shares to more than 10% shareholding . They have 7 days to disclose the changes in substantial shareholding, still within the disclosure rules. It won’t cost them too much in order to seek for board representation or even boardroom control and to be able to convene a shareholder meeting. Doesn’t make sense if MAA only buy 7% unless it’s short term or purely passive play…


2021-09-07 11:26 | Report Abuse

At least we know MAA is prudent in their purchase.

I prefer they buy when the industry is consider at bottom of the cycle or at cheap entry. Buy cheap hoping to sell high. Maybe it will never go high. But at least I don't buy it at high price (boom of the cycle.. or during some euphoria mania eg. glove mania)


2021-09-07 10:18 | Report Abuse

I am guessing MAA will accumulate more KNM shares to more than 10% shareholding . They have 7 days to disclose the changes in substantial shareholding, still within the disclosure rules. It won’t cost them too much in order to seek for board representation or even boardroom tussle and to be able to convene a shareholder meeting. Doesn’t make sense if MAA only buy 7% unless it’s short term or purely passive play…


2021-09-03 11:12 | Report Abuse

maybe MAA already got 10% ? if they are smart which i'm sure they are, they would have acquired more shares from the open market yesterday on 2 sep before all the necessary disclosure. let's see later this evening if there's any notice.

their announcement yesterday dated 2 sep was for accumulation from 3 aug - 1 sep.

"the Company has acquired to date over the period from 3 August 2021 to 1 September 2021 from the open market a total of 233,001,800 ordinary shares of KNM Group Berhad (“KNMG”) at an average price of RM0.227 per share, representing 7.01% of the total issued share capital of KNMG for a total purchase consideration of RM52,891,408.60 "

News & Blogs

2021-09-02 13:55 | Report Abuse

agree. plantation is still a good bet. most likely we will see more activities, consolidations, privatisations, mergers and acquisitions in the palm oil plantation industry. The way forward is economies of scale to compete globally. I think the big boys will always look out to buy small plantation companies or land if the price is right. last time i bet on this very small plantation in sabah called goldenland bhd. felda fgv bought goldenland bhd assets in sabah for 650 millions. after that the company distribute it as special dividend and reinvest in new palm oil plantation in indonesia.


2021-08-27 13:57 | Report Abuse

i don't see how this deal will not go through because the offeror is TS Syed Mokhtar. if it's other people... yes, success probability is lower. So it is a bit strange to me that the share price still trade at such wide discount (almost 10% discount ) to the offer price.

is market 'worry' about why the IA report yet to release since it is more than 2 months now? Is alliance investment bank opinion might say "not fair not reasonable"? i think it is very low probability for all the obvious reasons we know. but hey..., the only certainty is uncertainty.


2021-08-26 18:07 | Report Abuse

"the Group is still continuing with expansion plans for lands acquired in the vicinity of existing factories and the Group is optimistic that its plans would contribute positively to the Group going forward."


2021-08-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

what a great growth story! it is very undervalued versus its peers. I believe it will trade much higher with more sensible valuation in terms of price/earnings or book value of other recession proof businesses like ajinomoto, guan chong etc.


2021-08-24 11:28 | Report Abuse

no matter how you look at it, the offer price does not reflect the true value of the company. in terms of valuation wise.


2021-08-24 11:24 | Report Abuse

volume so low. anyway the quarterly result report should be good. less motor insurance claims due to the lockdown and most likely good investments return due to equities market still rising.


2021-08-17 11:29 | Report Abuse

the company is very inefficient and has relatively low productivity. it cannot compete at all. it used to be government owned and should have remain so. just like civil service. you create jobs to many unnecessary roles but that's what government are for. provide some safety net for those who fall through the cracks of a free competitive capitalist market.


2021-08-12 11:54 | Report Abuse

refer to page 42 of the Annual Report 2020, the directors and senior management took about total RM28 millions as salaries and remunerations. how to invest ?


2021-08-11 16:35 | Report Abuse

the circular by Independent Adviser recommendation should be out soon. most likely will be the usual BS... "not fair but reasonable".


2021-08-05 11:15 | Report Abuse

Open Letter to PSA International Pte Ltd.

To : Board of Directors of PSA International Pte Ltd

PSA is known to be aggressive in overseas expansion for stake in some of the world’s busiest and fastest-growing ports. In 2006, PSA had a bidding war with Dubai World Port for Britain P&O port assets around the world. It was a great business move by PSA that resulted its competitor’s cost of acquisition expensive. Subsequently, PSA bought 20% in Hutchinson Ports from Hutchinson Whampoa. Maybe PSA should bid for MMC too!

MMC’s jewel, the Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas is Singapore’s main competition in transhipment. PTP recorded an astonishing 8.5% growth last year despite the pandemic. Why not bid for a strategic stake in MMC ports? This is a great opportunity for PSA to have a strategic business stake in Malaysia port assets. Show them your muscles. Make a general offer . It will be just “a drop in the ocean” for PSA anyway. Think when PTP pulled your customers (Maersk, Evergreen) away. Why let TS Syed Mokhtar get it so easily.

Looking forward to your offer.

Yours sincerely,
MMC shareholder.


2021-08-04 11:24 | Report Abuse

the downtrend ... is real.


2021-07-27 10:55 | Report Abuse

i agree with Syndicates. This stock always have insiders trading.

well, if the board reject the SCR, it shows that the board is not the "lapdog" of the major shareholder. truly independent and high standard of corporate governance. i probably might rejoice since this is like malaysia winning a gold medal in olympic despite share price will drop.

or.. maybe PNB gonna make their view known about the offer price.


2021-07-19 11:14 | Report Abuse

padini is damn resilient. despite mco for months, share price support is so strong. doesn't matter at all


2021-06-25 15:51 | Report Abuse

volume is strangely above average recently. i suspect something is brewing.


2021-06-24 10:24 | Report Abuse

@johnzhang i think at 1.50, TY will most likely get enough support. i quite like to stay as shareholder too. doesn't matter if there will be any offer. as mentioned, already recovered most of the costs thru past dividends. i very much like the insurance biz in philippines , a good growth story. Umar Swift left the company in a very good shape. And he is the first foreigner to head Bursa now.


2021-06-23 18:37 | Report Abuse

I can't speak for others. for me, honestly i don't know. I will only evaluate if the time comes. depending on the prevailing conditions then.
also, never show all your cards :)


2021-06-22 22:40 | Report Abuse

TY can still easily takeover if he wants. That is why I believe there will be another attempt. I've experienced many takeovers before.

Here’s my independent advice to him. TY can reduced his cost of acquisitions by making two separate rounds of takeover. One year after another. First by general offer. Weed off the weaker players. Perhaps he may manage to grab further 20% outstanding shares?

Second round, use the SCR method to deal with the balance 40%....that consists the "stronger players" and the "dead/coma/sleeping/ignorant/couldn't-be-bothered" shareholders. His average cost will be slightly lower. He roughly knows who are the players already. Of course I won’t reveal my card especially in public for now.

Better offer soon before its jewel, Philippines insurance is generating more and more profit and command higher valuation.


2021-06-22 19:43 | Report Abuse

@Johnzhang I was part of the minorities that blocked the deal. We openly informed the independent directors that we had the numbers in public and in private letter. Yes I was aware that it’s always like a poker game. Except that we did not lie. This group of investors have different objective mainly we're long term investors. We fully respect and understand that every individuals/shareholders is DIFFERENT. Each individual have different objective, different background, and most of all different cost. We were confident then because this small group already recovered most of their costs if not all (through dividends over the years). So this is the main difference between us and the rest. We are in this company for the long term and has been, as long as the company is properly run without any financial shenanigans.

In fact, one of the reasonS that I think there will be another attempt in takeover is that the company did not do any share buyback. If the company did buyback, the minority will be able to block him much easier than before because the eligible pool of voting shares will be reduced. Unlikely he will use the general offer method because he will just own about 54% judging from the previous EGM result.

Again, we openly inform the Offeror, give us a more respectful offer. Please don’t insult us again. If not, don’t waste the company resources and time. We still have the number in excess. It is up to them to believe.


2021-06-22 18:53 | Report Abuse

the purchase will make Turiya becoming MAA's subsidiary. Revenue and profit will be reflected in MAA's book after the transaction.


2021-06-16 17:26 | Report Abuse

its a gem! revenue is growing each year. very stable and solid growth. i'm in for the long term. i believe the dividend will grow too.


2021-06-16 15:06 | Report Abuse

invisible hands trying to depress the share price so that when the offer comes, it will be seen as being "reasonable" . same old trick