
bowman | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2018-04-11 17:06 | Report Abuse

Relax. Yesterday's rise was too fast.


2018-04-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

Looking at the charts, if it touches 50sen, it will have enough momentum to take it to 0.55, after which it will reclaim its 0.62 spot before Trump's disruption. Assuming all fundamentals remain intact, steel is needed for China's domestic market, then Huaan is looking at a profitable quarter.


2018-04-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

feb 19, it opened 51.5, hits a high of 59sen, and drops back to 56.5. Four days later, it opens at 57.5 and hits 60.5. Volume was only 0.106bil. Today, this volume has been surpassed at 0.121bil. Yesterday volume was 0.167b. You can roughly guess how big is the momentum


2018-04-11 12:12 | Report Abuse

technically, the MA (5) just crossed over MA (21). This is a good sign. Afternoon should see renewed interest to see its retracement to the 0.50 level, and with enough momentum (good news like good results, future contracts, increased production/demand, etc) should see it breach the last high in February.


2018-04-10 15:30 | Report Abuse

Funds moving in? Looks like it


2018-04-10 15:23 | Report Abuse

Not results. Still far away. Today's President Xi's speech. All bourses flying. That's the danger. Let's hope Trump doesnt say something stupid again tonight


2018-04-10 15:18 | Report Abuse

today's volume is biggest since early Feb when it hit 60sen. just be careful everyone.


2018-04-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

wah, someone just chucked away 1mil at 0.41.. careful now, profit taking coming.


2018-04-10 12:37 | Report Abuse

I think depends on your target. these are unsure times. today may be good but tomorrow bad. nobody knows. if you are happy making 5K a day, it's all right what. that's one month salary for many people


2018-04-10 12:31 | Report Abuse

Sold at 390 today. Thank you Huaan! Rest of you who still in, Gambateh!


2018-04-10 10:01 | Report Abuse

momentum not strong yet. It has to break 0.44 to confirm rising trend


2018-04-04 14:37 | Report Abuse

GM68, look at met coke futures. It's still strong buy recommended in


2018-04-03 11:53 | Report Abuse

Yes, Tripple. That's where we have to be kiasu-kiasee like singaporeans


2018-04-03 11:45 | Report Abuse

If I own the counter, I will make sure it closes above whatever price you want


2018-04-03 10:39 | Report Abuse

This is also interesting, albeit two months old..


2018-04-03 10:37 | Report Abuse

This is an old document by MIDF research done two years ago. Read and compare of how much the estimates have materialised.


2018-04-03 10:36 | Report Abuse

Counter is undervalued since it's last share-split. Now that it is affordable for small-time investors, the prices continue to be depressed. Makes on wonder why. It's probably due to many factors, including the economic gloom experienced worldwide and lately, the Trump-China spat. Does private healthcare have a future in Malaysia? If so, how does KPJ, as the largest private healthcare provider reap benefit?
Perhaps this can offer some insight:


2018-04-02 18:35 | Report Abuse

monsterlucas - if it breaks the 20day MA (0.39) tomorrow, it should be testing 40sen resistance soon after. Today's volume is good as you can see but let's confirmation tomorrow. Fundamentally, if it is still in the black where profit is concerned, I believe that it is still undervalued.


2018-04-02 16:23 | Report Abuse

Perhaps to understand more about buying stocks in the healthcare business, this article by Pemandu may give some ideas:


2018-04-02 16:18 | Report Abuse

For those who love looking at the future of met coke in steel-making, perhaps this article will tell you what you dont know.


2018-04-02 16:16 | Report Abuse

If it breaks 0.40, there will be enough momentum to take it to new heights. The past few weeks has been an oversold outlook. Even after 0.40, this 50-sen par value share is still cheap.


2018-04-02 10:40 | Report Abuse

No need to wildly guess. If you have done your homework, you will know where it is heading. If not, even god cant help you


2018-04-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

It has gone up from 91sen to 1plus. Be careful.


2018-04-02 10:10 | Report Abuse

Look, dont worry about the US tariffs. Just check see how much of steel does China export to US (from China's overall production). Then check and compare how much of Huaan's coke is being taken up by China's mills - and how many other less known markets like India for instance. If Huaan's export of metalurgical coke has increased, and its supply cost drops, in comparison to previous quarter, then logical will dictate. Of course, it can be asked why the price drops from 60plus sen to 30plus now. Which share doesnt do a free-fall? The more important thing to ask is if the funcamentals are intact. That means:
1) Has Huaan's exports increase
2) Has the demand for what Huaan is offering is increasing
3) Had the number of competitors remain constant, reduced or growing (and how many if they have just joined, are able to give a big challenge in terms of pricing)
4) Has the cost of producing/mining coke for Huaan increasing or reduced, and will it be reduced further with growing production lines
5) Is Huaan venturing into new markets and diversifying its stable?

If you know some of the answers to the above, it really doesnt take much sense to decide whether it is a share you should go long in or short. You dont have to lose sleep in the hope that someone pushes up the price because you know whether you buy or not will not affect the company's natural course


2018-04-02 09:57 | Report Abuse

Quarter results of the past show all red and yet people chasing? Sure not a goreng counter?


2018-03-30 15:07 | Report Abuse

The internet holds a wealth of knowledge before investing. I had been watching comments on Huaan and it amuses me that one only needs to search the right words to know whether to buy, hold or sell, without losing sleep.


2018-03-30 15:06 | Report Abuse

Why are people looking only to China and not India? Read this:
"India will be the single largest driver of global steel demand growth over the next 20 years. Finished steel consumption in the country grew significantly between 2010 and 2015, rising from 63 Mt to over 80 Mt, and CRU forecasts that consumption will surpass 100 Mt by 2021 and grow to near 280 Mt by 2035."


2018-03-30 15:02 | Report Abuse

To consider whether this is a good stock, check out this report by the world coal organisation:

"Increasing Demand for Steel
Over the last 35 years steel production
worldwide has almost doubled, from less than
600 million tonnes (Mt) in 1970 to around 1.2
billion tonnes in 2006. The period 2000-2006
has seen unprecedented growth, with global
figures rising over 47%.
Coal & Steel 3
Much of the demand for steel is being driven by the
strong and rapid economic growth of China and
India. In 2006, economic growth rates in those
countries were 11% and 9% respectively. With a
population of over 1 billion in India, and almost 1.3
billion in China, the demand for products and
services has fuelled an almost insatiable demand
for steel. China and India together consumed over
445Mt of steel in 2006, around 40% of total
global crude steel consumption. This is set to
continue as India is projected to eclipse China in
population size by 2025 and the two countries will
account for around 36% of the global population.
Rapid urbanisation worldwide is driving demand
still further – as cities grow, housing, water and
electricity are urgently required. Transport links
must be expanded to meet the geographical
growth of urban and peri-urban areas. The
availability and reliability of modern
communication systems also becomes ever
more important as urban economies become
more sophisticated. Around 4.9 billion people
are expected to be urban-dwellers by 2030 -
60% of the world’s population. This will place
huge pressure on existing infrastructure and
create significant demand for housing, better
transport systems, communications networks,
energy, sanitation and healthcare.
Coal will continue to play a major part in the
manufacture of the world’s steel for the
foreseeable future. The well-supplied world market
means that metallurgical coal can be delivered
worldwide, facilitating the manufacture of steels
which will ultimately deliver the goods and services
that growing economies demand."


2018-03-30 14:52 | Report Abuse

Coke futures trending up for monthly demand. Good news should be coming soon as soon as US-CHINA settles trade discrepancies


2018-03-30 14:39 | Report Abuse

Relax, it's only an MoU. Memorandum of Understanding. They may or may not lead to an agreement. The country signs MoU like no body business. How many have materialised? Chasing on rumours is not very good. If the agreement is already signed, then it's a different story. Else, it's speculation


2018-03-29 13:12 | Report Abuse

Tech is only as good as the demand for its use. If KYY is right about the hi-tech, not seen anywhere else, this could be a runaway train. Otherwise, it will be a rollercoaster on the dip


2018-03-29 12:26 | Report Abuse

Just wondering - you mentioned that you owned 70mil shares of this stock. The total traded between March 21 and 29 is hardly 30mil. Do you mean to say you saw the potential even before the launch of the US$ 102million vessel?


2018-03-28 09:26 | Report Abuse

No way can gap up today.


2018-03-27 09:11 | Report Abuse

Monitor the prices carefully. If it breaks the 0.44, then 0.51 is within reach by Friday. MOnthly trend indicators for Metallurgical Coke is still a strong buy.


2018-03-27 08:46 | Report Abuse

The charts predict a strong rebound today. Study the charts so that you wont make wild guesses.


2018-03-26 14:43 | Report Abuse

Buy somemore today. Nowhere will it drop to this low again.


2018-03-22 10:56 | Report Abuse

just look at the free fall.. from 0.41 to 0-.39 and even 0.385 people are ready to throw.


2018-03-22 10:16 | Report Abuse

unless steel demand from china shoots up again like no tomorrow, which is highly unlikely, Huaan prices will likely fluctuate between 0.395 to 0.43 sen. The dividend, if you would like to belief will be given, is chicken feed. This company does not believe in investor relations, hence its shares continue to be clobbered


2018-03-19 19:01 | Report Abuse

to find out where Huaan is heading, check any news item to see if there is a production of steel worldwide. Trump's tariff announcement is merely a momentary setback. If there is a glut, then China may not need so much steel and hence, metallurgical coke


2018-03-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

Dont worry too much about water-splashers. If your stock fundmental is intact and nothing else changes, then you are on track. Its current price vs NTA and book value is enough to bet on till 0.55


2018-03-16 08:24 | Report Abuse

If you plot the chart, you will see today's indicators. To be conservative, near term TP is 0.57, based on earlier trends and similar market conditions. Breaching this will take it to 0.62, with caveat on disruptive news like oil price drop and Trump's nonsense


2018-03-15 11:18 | Report Abuse

I just wonder how many people actually trade intelligently. Just by commonsense of looking at past profits, price of coke, Stock NTA, and book value, of this stock, we all know how much it is worth. And this morning, there are actually people throwing away good stock at ridiculous prices!


2018-03-15 10:21 | Report Abuse

did any of you sapu at 0.39? d


2018-03-13 16:08 | Report Abuse

i think baseline is now 43.5. no more going down because the past few days, it has been there. people see the panic selling as oppoortunity. now they are coming back to queue.


2018-03-12 09:24 | Report Abuse

If it hits 0.53, then the bull for Huaan will continue like when it did at 0.26


2018-03-09 15:42 | Report Abuse

This is example of people panic selling. Fine example of investment successfully