
bugle | Joined since 2013-11-07

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2016-04-15 15:26 | Report Abuse

ok, good. run lah, I'm there to collect, collected quite a lot, eat some more, queue some more. hahaha!!! 来啦!


2016-04-14 14:45 | Report Abuse



2016-04-04 16:12 | Report Abuse

Hi Super_SKL, you're right. don't think that guy seemed to understand your questions nor got your point. You may just ignore it lah.

Btw, I should have learned something from ICON8888. Thinking to sell house, sell car, sell underwear (if got people want lah), to sai lang on this super cash rich PMCORP. With its 8 cents per share repayment, don't think will have the chance to get more below the current price.



2016-04-04 15:50 | Report Abuse

Nov 20, 2013 10:58 AM | Report Abuse

With the improved earning and huge cash pile, I see this counter has the potential to shoot up to 30 in near term. About 135 shareholders control > 90%, including me and some of my gangs. I believe most of these 135 cost of investment are rather higher than the current price. In the good old time, the price went to as high as 1. In bad time, last 2-3 years, the price dropped to as low as 0.11. How many of you bought it at prices < 0.15? I guess very few, as the traded volume during that time was very small. Even at 22 cents, not much of the shares are in the hand of minorities. In other words, those who have been holding LCTH for long time, especially the one with higher cost, definitely would not be happy to see the price in the region of 20, 30, and perhaps 40 and so on. The company now managed to turn its business back to profit making entity. And with positive outlook, I believe shareholders and nonshareholders will now pay more attention on it. In short, the price has gone up, and it will go up some more. How high it will go? It depends on us! Good luck!

May 9, 2014 12:50 AM | Report Abuse

I also don't know when will be the best time. I like to share the following:
"Like most investors, I frequently have difficulty to decide when to sell to make profit. The best time to sell is when I see that the company is showing reduced quarterly profit. If the company is showing increasing quarterly profit, I do not sell too early." Taken from "Basic Share Investment Philosophy" - Koon Yew Yin

What a coincidence!


2016-04-04 15:39 | Report Abuse

no so fast lah, need me and other shareholders to approve on 26/04 AGM. Anyway, I saw two big names appeared in Top 30 list. I was here before. You can check my previous comments on this counter. Back to that time, someone called me "仙家淋“。Yes, I'm, hahaha!

News & Blogs

2016-04-01 16:11 | Report Abuse

“在这个股市里,傻并不可怕,可怕的是做最后一个傻子” from Greater Fool Theory “大淋憨”理论.

散户那里够庄家赌。很多“大淋憨”不知道左边右边都是庄家的票,赚它一次两次,自以为是。结果,最后还是抱着一堆废纸。那几个庄家不是第一次用这样的方式,过去的例子有0001,0062,或许下一个会是01xx, E字头. Anyway, 并没有恶意在此潑冷水。希望这里没有人会做 “大淋憨”,我才是“大淋憨”,人家讲可以,你就是喜欢多管闲事,仙家“淋”。

News & Blogs

2016-03-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

"I like your csc steel, hexza and kfima"
I got these also. +PMCORP. But seemed the cat is no more there. Anyway, Wish good luck!

News & Blogs

2016-03-22 11:01 | Report Abuse

Yes, agreed. Think about the risk 1st, then only the return. Anyway, good luck!

News & Blogs

2016-03-18 01:10 | Report Abuse

Don't like to say too much negative things on others' articles. Just my humble opinion. like your other articles, but not this one, reason: bias and not convincing. I'm in doubt about your investment approach now. Perhaps you're thinking in the contrarian way, able to spot the one that is with relatively low price, and have built up some interest in it, but your article is basically one-sided points. The other sides: 1) why the share price dropped, 2) why someone keep selling recently, 3) why the recent financial results worsen, 4) why debts have increased so much?

I have no intention to spend my precious time here with the purpose to criticize you. But if you could spent some times to think about the reasons for the other sides, you might have better understanding, which I believe would value-added in your decision-making, and for others as well.


2016-03-16 00:37 | Report Abuse

Yes, u r right! Try to get as much as possible before the formal announcement of capital repayment and while it's still relatively cheap. And of course, the lower the better. As I said before, the downside risk limited and the worse-case scenario is that the 8 cents repayment is there for us to lower the entry cost. The best is, of course, we got the 8 cents repayment, the share price then continue to go up in tandem with its future growth potential. Consider this:

1 share of PMCORP = 8 cents in return,
10 shares = 80 cents,
100 shares = 800 cents or RM8,
1,000 shares = 8,000 cents or RM80,
10,000 shares = 80,000 cents or RM800
100,000 shares = 800,000 cents or RM8,000
1,000,000 shares = 8,000,000 cents or RM80,000

By the way, if you take a closer look at the latest annual report, there are only 323 entities holding more than 100,000 shares respectively, or 88.03% of total shares are in their control. My main point here is: If you're holding 100,000 shares or below, or by definition: as a minority shareholder, even though you don't run the company, you're not sure how the company is going to perform in the future, by owning some shares of the company now, in 1 or 2 months time, you can share and have return of capital of the company, which the past 10 years shareholders have never had the fortune to enjoy this.

For stock investment, whether your investment is making profits or not, realized or unrealized, basically, it has three main elements: (1) Cost of investment, simply put, the price when you bought it; (2) Return of investment, simply put, the price when you sell it; and (3) cash repayment via dividend, special dividend, and/or capital repayment, that's the things happened in between the starting point and ending point.

As of now, even though I'm not so sure about (2), I feel quite comfortable with (1), and with (3), I'm willing to take the risk, which I can foresee and believe that it's limited.

Good Luck!

Bugle: My Views on My Stocks

News & Blogs

2016-03-15 15:32 | Report Abuse

是的,完全认同。RHB, MBSB, SKPETRO, SHELL, MAXIS, ARMADA, ASTRO, MRCB, UEMS等等。看到它们的债务就怕,拿EPF members 的钱去填洞。左边右边都是他们的,输不怕就跟它博啦。不对路时,它先丢票走人,没给你机会cut loss。到它不认输时,压到低低来吃你的票,你不卖就压到你死死,再出附加股跟你要钱。但是傻子笨7天天新鲜,自以为有本事赢得过庄家。一家不知一家事,家家有本难念的经,哦弥陀佛。


2016-03-12 23:36 | Report Abuse

got it at quite attractive price. Now I think it's safe investment. I gave the hint at the right time few months ago, reproduced below.

bugle CSC Steel prepares for adverse conditions
Sources: The Edge Financial Daily | December 28, 2015

Some Highlights

"For the cumulative nine-month period (9MFY15), CSC Steel registered a net profit of RM26.08 million compared with a RM12.25 million net loss previously, while revenue fell 1.5% to RM775.44 million from RM786.96 million in 9MFY14.
“On top of that, due to fact that China Steel is our parent company, our orders usually enjoy a shorter delivery schedule, which is a kind of premium service, but the prices we pay remain at market rate,” he added.
“Last year, we declared a three sen (dividend) despite incurring losses. This year, I think we may reward our shareholders since we are making a profit,” he said.
28/12/2015 22:24


2016-03-12 23:27 | Report Abuse

profits made in previous years, and yet to be distributed to shareholders via dividends, special dividends, capital repayment, or bonus. take a closer look at it, something good might happened very soon, 3-6 months. don't believe? time will prove. come back to this on Nov/Dec. Don't want to say too much now.


2016-03-10 14:54 | Report Abuse

haha, 1-2 cents take profit? Okok, at least the $$$ is now in your pocket, not bad also. what if suddenly gone up some more? Who know?

News & Blogs

2016-03-09 21:55 | Report Abuse

yes, a very good writing indeed. your masterpiece is always a good reference for others. i guess lots of people would like to read yours more than others, hahaha, especially there are so many interested shareholders out there. wish everyone can fly!


2016-03-09 15:45 | Report Abuse

HI, Super_SKL,thank you for your comments and support! Remember this one is also important "当然,买卖决定之后果,一定是要自己负责的嘛!" 现在很多人都想在这里“找吃”,玩contra, 几天后,没钱拿票,便宜便宜也是要迫着卖。还是那句"“仙家”也猜不透。不过,仙家淋讲不是上,就是下的啦!你看着办吧。


2016-03-09 12:43 | Report Abuse

中枪了,给庄家捉上车了?又或许“仙家”已套利走人,剩下的应该都是仙家淋,hahaha! 不明白?有兴趣,请安http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/Bugle/92607.jsp 。没兴趣,看以下就够。

“这些惨痛的经验,小弟都理解。所以小弟在以上文章已重复提醒读者“不知道,不理解,不确定,猜不透”,就不要买。谢谢提醒,没兴趣,没信心,没耐心,也不要买。再者,小弟不是“仙家",也没有信心说保赢不输,一定要买。顶多,小弟只是个仙家淋,在此吹水,吹喇叭,自己写,自己爽,及“乐”与你分享。当然,买卖决定之后果,一定是要自己负责的嘛!我说它是我心目中2016年最值得期待的十大价值股之一,我想有票的人应该都不会不同意吧,没票的人,同意与否,应该都没伤害吧! ” 顶多是买不到便宜票吧了。有时候,庄家做东西的时候,“仙家”也猜不透。不过,仙家淋讲不是上,就是下的啦!哈哈哈!!!(Note:有暗笑的,请举手。)

Good day!

News & Blogs

2016-03-07 23:51 | Report Abuse

Hi, 谢谢大家的意见。您所提到的,我想大部分还持有相关公司股票的小股东,或者前股东,应该都有同感。会有酱的一个负面印象,原因是早期投资相关公司的人应该没几个赚到钱,买入价比现在市价高很多,而且至少十年以上没拿过股息。还有,PMInd和PMCap也被除牌了。这些惨痛的经验,小弟都理解。所以小弟在以上文章已重复提醒读者“不知道,不理解,不确定,猜不透”,就不要买。谢谢提醒,没兴趣,没信心,没耐心,也不要买。再者,小弟不是“仙家",也没有信心说保赢不输,一定要买。顶多,小弟只是个仙家淋,在此吹水,吹喇叭,自己写,自己爽,及“乐”与你分享。当然,买卖决定之后果,一定是要自己负责的嘛!我说它是我心目中2016年最值得期待的十大价值股之一,我想有票的人应该都不会不同意吧,没票的人,同意与否,应该都没伤害吧!

"The Past, The Present, and The Future:Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful." But for stock investment, it's "the future" that's matter.


2016-03-03 11:16 | Report Abuse

I'm thinking to belasah 500-1000 lots once the EGM approved all. Who want to join? hahaha!!!...


2016-03-03 10:52 | Report Abuse

Anyone to attend the EGM?


2016-02-20 15:21 | Report Abuse

Last few postings, I questioned how come pmcorp can be undervalued for so long time, and few sifus replied me. Tq for your answer! Then I asked them to prove me wrong and push it up. They did!

"Feb 17, 2016 11:04 AM | Report Abuse

Yes, you're right! Can someone pls prove me wrong? Push it up lah, haha! Otherwise, it will be unbelievable for many others. haha, just joking. You know, I know, all Ikan Bilis here. you're watching me, I'm watching you, and all wish the big fish (or crocodile) to come in."

Anyone here sensed that big one(s) is/are coming? Are you the one? I think the eagle, the cat, the tianx4huat are among them. Wanna join us? Let's party! Someone told me () has invited crocodile. What next?


2016-02-17 11:04 | Report Abuse

Yes, you're right! Can someone pls prove me wrong? Push it up lah, haha! Otherwise, it will be unbelievable for many others. haha, just joking. You know, I know, all Ikan Bilis here. you're watching me, I'm watching you, and all wish the big fish (or crocodile) to come in.


2016-02-17 10:42 | Report Abuse

unbelievable! If it's so good, why it has been undervalued by the market for so long time? Something is not right. Am I right? Or the Mr Market is wrong?

News & Blogs

2016-02-17 08:59 | Report Abuse

我天生胆小x2, haha!

News & Blogs

2016-02-15 00:30 | Report Abuse

"ASTRO未来业绩只有更好. ...ASTRO与其他的网络生意者不同,它占了平台优势,...ASTRO是一间可長线投资的公司...如果ASTRO股价跌 破2.57,我会先离场观察.再重新布局."

I'm sorry to say that your points are misleading. Please take a look at ASTRO's financial report and see how much is the debts and accumulated losses. If you think that's ok, make sense, justifiable or whatever, I wish you good luck! With this, do you still think that "ASTRO是一间可長线投资的公司"? Just my humble opinion.

News & Blogs

2016-02-12 12:35 | Report Abuse

pirate ship? hahaha! Interesting, but not interested. There are always calls to buy / sell, but it's your own decision in pressing the buy / sell button. Anyway, good luck!

News & Blogs

2016-02-04 11:34 | Report Abuse

I couldn't agree more. buy some and keep until the capital distribution and then see how lah. Be prepared for even the proposals didn't go through.

News & Blogs

2016-02-04 10:45 | Report Abuse

so good ah? but price is not moving. what does it means? I think go down can buy, go up with volume can chase, but nothing if it's not moving.


2016-01-29 11:27 | Report Abuse

so, you buy / sell / hold?

News & Blogs

2016-01-28 02:04 | Report Abuse

好一个“拋磚引玉”的标题:市場有效論。小弟看到又“好奇心病”作怪,脑袋不受控制,左转右转。在此仙家吹水一下,留个脚印,日后有空,再到回来,看看功力有没有增加。这理论,基本上是经济学and/or金融学的其中一个基本理念(fundamental idea), 加上PPP, UIP, RIP, arbitrage等几个core concepts, 就可以用来解释很多现象。念书时读过,似懂非懂,考试过了就算。理论能够理解,假设可以设定,复杂在于人。能够“深入浅出”的,应该都有本事在这里(股市里)“找吃”。夜了,不想了。“世界很简单,人类很复杂”,早唞!

News & Blogs

2016-01-28 00:18 | Report Abuse



2016-01-22 18:02 | Report Abuse

Jan 13, 2016 11:10 AM | Report Abuse

Stock With Momentum: Guan Chong

* Fundamental Score = 0.3 / 3.0.

Note: Pls take a closer look at the BS. If you still think the way you think, good luck!

If you have no idea about the fundamentals of HIL, there is no harm for you to spend some time to read, or to re-read (Icon) HIL Industries - High Growth, Cash Rich, Undervalued --> http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/icon8888/71455.jsp

Whatever, I always like to wish people good luck and make money from stock market. Good luck, once again!


2016-01-15 00:18 | Report Abuse

"On 24th July 1986, it changed to its present name of Hexza Corporation Berhad."
2016, 30th anniversary. Something great might happen soon, special dividend+bonus+$$$come, hopefully! Hahaha...


2016-01-13 11:10 | Report Abuse

Stock With Momentum: Guan Chong

* Fundamental Score = 0.3 / 3.0.


2016-01-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

Click and Read Insider Asia’s Stock Of The Day: HEXZA (01/12/2015), still not too late for newbies. http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/the_edge_insider_asia_stock/87332.jsp

News & Blogs

2016-01-07 12:20 | Report Abuse

Dear Icon8888, your effort in writing out an article to response to that claim with good intention earned my respect. Your ideas teach good lessons, especially to those self-interested bloggers. Bravo! Your articles a must read to me. But I do not feel well seeing those headlines with empty idea published here, especially those with just graphs and/or few words calling to buy/sell, or baseless claims of certain events like takeover offer, privatization, etc. Anyway, I respect their rights, as they are allowed to do so.


2015-12-30 15:06 | Report Abuse

SKL, hahaha!

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 14:39 | Report Abuse

Damage done. "Thanks" to DannyTanSiongKee!

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 12:35 | Report Abuse

lessons learned: 1... too many, lazy to type. think about it. The point is: 讲,不用本。买卖亏了,钱是谁的?买卖决定之后果,自己负责!

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 11:47 | Report Abuse

hahahaha! Long position with privatization rumors, short / no position without? Like that ah?


2015-12-29 16:35 | Report Abuse

Hi Icon8888, I like the way you express some good ideas => "lai liao lai liao, plain water turning into bubbling 100 plus". Hahaha! How about 3298 HEXZA, the one got something related to alcohol? Interested?


2015-12-28 22:24 | Report Abuse

CSC Steel prepares for adverse conditions
Sources: The Edge Financial Daily | December 28, 2015

Some Highlights

"For the cumulative nine-month period (9MFY15), CSC Steel registered a net profit of RM26.08 million compared with a RM12.25 million net loss previously, while revenue fell 1.5% to RM775.44 million from RM786.96 million in 9MFY14.
“On top of that, due to fact that China Steel is our parent company, our orders usually enjoy a shorter delivery schedule, which is a kind of premium service, but the prices we pay remain at market rate,” he added.
“Last year, we declared a three sen (dividend) despite incurring losses. This year, I think we may reward our shareholders since we are making a profit,” he said.


2015-12-18 10:19 | Report Abuse

dividend no more, kena tipu lagi?


2015-12-14 23:49 | Report Abuse

Drop drop drop...drop some more please.


2015-12-14 23:45 | Report Abuse

got dividend or not? Look like kena cheated again, same story like Eksons. Kesian the minorities.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2015-12-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

just checked my bank account, the dividends were there already. so efficient! can buy more now, hahaha!!!


2015-12-04 11:54 | Report Abuse

F.Y. Quarter Revenue ('000) Profit before Tax ('000) Profit ('000) Profit Attb. to SH ('000) EPS (Cent) DPS (Cent) NAPS
2015-12-31 2015-09-30 91,817 12,442 9,945 9,529 6.79 3.00 3.5400 View Source
2015-12-31 2015-06-30 89,475 11,971 10,611 10,074 7.18 3.00 3.4400 View Source
2015-12-31 2015-03-31 88,406 13,094 11,134 11,017 7.86 3.00 3.3600 View Source
2014-12-31 2014-12-31 88,945 6,673 5,805 5,338 3.80 3.00 3.2600 View Source

DPS (Cent)? 好像有点不对?