
chinaman | Joined since 2015-02-28

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2021-01-26 10:14 | Report Abuse

Anwar deserves to be next PM to prove himself. Perikatan is a big failure when 3rd covid wave surge back....


2021-01-25 19:46 | Report Abuse

Got over 5million legal, illegal migrant workers. But, only 210,613 foreign workers screened till Dec 2020. Still many not yet screened?

News & Blogs

2021-01-25 19:45 | Report Abuse

Got over 5million legal, illegal migrant workers. But, only 210,613 foreign workers screened till Dec 2020. Still many not yet screened?

News & Blogs

2021-01-25 17:56 | Report Abuse

Anwar should put this as one of next GE manifesto... i.e. replace all migrants with locals to solve big jobless rate engulfing nation now

News & Blogs

2021-01-25 17:38 | Report Abuse

should replace all migrant workers with locals. MY pay a huge price by relying too much on foreign.

News & Blogs

2021-01-24 14:23 | Report Abuse

Haloe....Pls be more specific. What kind of work place? why always make a generalised statement. Be more transparent, specific clearly. if its factory manufacturing, which involve mostly migrant workers- just explicitly say so. dont give input as if all work places, or offices irregardless of business are infected.


2021-01-24 11:27 | Report Abuse

covid virus is less risky than hudud pas virus engulging nation. many current inconsistent MCO policies with many U turn, coupled with hudud pas virus even more lethal than virus itself. many little local napoleans banning small chinese traders from make a living, but allow mass congregation at mosque blindly. MCO proven ineffective when new cases break new record every day now


2021-01-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

MAS/ Airasia should copycat SIA to revive back tourism business.


2021-01-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

SINGAPORE: Singapore Airlines Ltd has set up pre-departure coronavirus tests for passengers through its booking platforms as part of efforts to revive travel demand destroyed by the pandemic.

People flying from Singapore as well as those travelling to the city-state from Jakarta and Medan in Indonesia can take tests at clinics and get results within 36 hours.

If negative, they can be used for travel, according to a statement from Collinson Group, which is working with Singapore Airlines on the programme.


2021-01-23 19:06 | Report Abuse

From Plentong to Bukit Chagar -24 min (18.2 km) via JB East Coast Hwy/Route 35. From Bukit Chagar to Woodland SIN-4km....Johor-SIN RTS already begin and expected to complete by 2026.


2021-01-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

I dont own Top gloves. But, what Tan Sri Lim local hiring drive to replace all foreign workers are long over-due, should examplified by all other boss. welfare starts at home. 1st priority to many local jobless is more paramount than ungrateful bangla. 3rd wave mostly from bangla.....over 5 millions legal, illegal migrants spread the virus locally due to poor enforcement of borders' security...

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2021-01-16 15:47 | Report Abuse

trump trouble maker last day is 20Jan. countdown rid off this world trouble maker....wakaka


2021-01-16 14:13 | Report Abuse

gomen use wrong way. only foreign workers who pass covid test, allowed to operate....5 million legal, illegal foreign workers but only over 100,000 tested. still a long long way to go. our test process too damn slow.... see the big market untapped yet locally??

News & Blogs

2021-01-16 14:06 | Report Abuse

gomen use wrong way. only foreign workers who pass covid test, allowed to operate....5 million legal, illegal foreign workers but only over 100,000 tested. still a long long way to go. our test process too damn slow....


2021-01-07 11:58 | Report Abuse

aiya....2021 is bull zodiac year market is bullish.


2020-11-28 12:00 | Report Abuse

CYBERJAYA (Nov 27): Brahim’s Holdings Bhd’s subsidiary Brahim's SATS Food Services Sdn Bhd and Malakat Mall in Cyberjaya have launched an entrepreneurship programme which is expected to attract the participation of 1,000 retrenched airline employees who are keen to generate income by selling quality frozen food products.

“There are many food items provided by Brahim's. We know that many airline crew members are affected and this opportunity is being offered specifically for them to generate income,” Malakat Mall chief executive officer Mohd Fadzli Hashim said after the signing of the strategic collaboration between Malakat Mall and Brahim's SATS Food Services here today.

He said interested candidates only need to provide capital as low as RM1,000.

Mohd Fadzli said among frozen foods that would be supplied to entrepreneurs participating in the programme were nasi lemak, special fried rice and pasta.

Meanwhile, Brahim's SATS Food Services general manager Mohd Fadhli Abdul Rahman frozen foods supplied were nutritious and


2020-11-22 13:55 | Report Abuse

8dragon=oku2020= Dr Doom. always come up with doom theory which is baseless, unsubstantiated. always predict doom days. learn to live life based on hope, not doom's theory. Pak Din will pass the test with his sincerity for poor citizens' welfare. he is 10 times better than Raja pusing. wakaka

News & Blogs

2020-11-21 16:36 | Report Abuse

liquor is haram due to alcohol content. Sanitiser also got alcohol, why halal?


2020-11-19 19:30 | Report Abuse

Metrojaya on line with shopee platform. how many do shopping via shopee? got chance to revive with e commerce. , i'm still holding this Ah Mui jewel will now


2020-11-17 19:03 | Report Abuse

am still holding tight this cina apek co of course, its new glove JR eng. acquisition instantly revenue enhancing vs AT, or Mah Sing still at fancy level. cina ah pek always diam diam ubi berisi ma. not kompang like ah pu nei nei ma.


2020-11-14 19:21 | Report Abuse

Certain person born loser forever be a sissy loser. kasi malu nama umno wakaka

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2020-11-14 17:25 | Report Abuse

Leaders become great bcs not of his power, but bcs of their ability to empower others. Dr M was, and is a failed leader. wakaka

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2020-11-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

from Musa Hitam, to Ghafar Baba, to Anwar, to Pak Lah, to Najib to recent Pak Din- all also your claim not capable. pooooorah mamak. wakaka


2020-11-14 14:59 | Report Abuse

Semut yang banyak boleh kalahkan gajah. I like this quote.


2020-11-14 13:01 | Report Abuse

Bigpay later- on line credit? emmm...wakaka


2020-11-14 12:54 | Report Abuse

Tin kosong banyak bising. wakaka


2020-11-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

Mulut celupar oku2020 dah hilang. wakaka


2020-11-09 17:12 | Report Abuse

Hang....Jangan caya kata kata 'sour grapes''. Ada banyak sour grapes dalam forum ini. wakaka


2020-11-09 12:54 | Report Abuse

Betul tu. Janganlah asyik buruk-burukan nama baik dengan niat dapat bolot 1 sen...mimpi siang...Ttak baik tau asyik fitnah. Dosa besar


2020-11-09 09:46 | Report Abuse

Whoever ask people to lariiiii don't have any share at all.....loser always crying foul, crying wolf, crying fraud like trump. wakaka


2020-11-09 09:25 | Report Abuse

I always SAILANG on all PN17 counters. Thank you for stupid PN17 at bursa...PN17- great bargain like lelong lelong pasar malam. i like it very much wakaka


2020-11-09 09:20 | Report Abuse

Loser always not a good buy. No wonder like Trump. wakaka


2020-11-08 17:55 | Report Abuse

Biden won as US president strong postive to solar, so, will PA resources with FIrst solar....quote***While measures to put limits on fracking and move away from coal are painted as controversial by both politicians and the media, public-opinion surveys routinely show most Americans support the shift towards renewable energy. More than half of U.S. states have adopted renewable targets for their utilities, and solar and wind energy are now cheaper than coal and natural gas in many parts of the country.

There’s evidence that Biden will find popular support for measures meant to encourage investment in renewable power. Krosnick’s recent surveys found that Americans are overwhelmingly in favor of government incentives to build more wind, solar and hydroelectric capacity. More than 80% of those polled favored tax breaks for utilities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These policies could end up blocked by a Republican majority in the Senate.

Public support appears to extend beyond a cleaner electric grid. The Yale and George Mason survey found 71% of voters support legislation "eliminating fossil fuel emissions from the transportation, electricity, buildings, industry, and agricultural sectors in the United States by the year 2050, ” another key aspect of Biden’s plan.

While Krosnick didn’t test Biden’s policies in his polls, he did find that 75% of Americans favor stronger energy efficiency standards for new buildings, and 71% favor stricter standards for cars and appliances. Trump presided over reduced energy efficiency standards.


2020-11-08 13:58 | Report Abuse

Biden win. Contrary to many who expect oil downturn- When Shales activity suspended, or prohibited due to huge environmental damage by Biden, it goes up instead due to US supply shock in short term..... Biden's strong proponent of green energy. may take some time before it can gain further market to replace shale oil long term. so, i sailang oil counter la


2020-11-08 11:30 | Report Abuse

Budget 2021: No add. gaming tax as many feared 2) Rural development myr2.7Billion 3) Sabah state dev myr5.1billion 4) Sabah poised to collect RM1.25b sales tax from Petronas next year Biggest gainer is Sabah among all states


2020-11-08 11:04 | Report Abuse

I sailang in this ctr. when CMCO happens....kknowing that many will makan berak, idling at home ma....


2020-11-08 11:03 | Report Abuse

Yes- to build biggest sewerage in the world. Too many stay at home during CMCO- makan berak, makan berak...So, lots of shits to store, to treat nowadays...must take care of river water sources, treated. then released.

News & Blogs

2020-11-08 10:14 | Report Abuse

Thank god, moron loser get lost at the end. always full of controversial, unfounded, unsubstantiated theory. Watch too many X-files fiction movies President. THis same loser now come up with fraud theory as expected.


2020-11-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

Institutional / fund managers mostly KIA SI + KIA SU mentality. At 0.04, aiya lousy cntr.-KIA SI mentality. When one day break record myr0.50- KIA SU mentality creeps in, said it'sa great cntr. must chase the stock. wakaka

News & Blogs

2020-10-30 19:21 | Report Abuse

this legal suit on YDP Agong is not sedition?? waloe....who is Syed Iskandar? the first person who challange Sultan??? wakaka

News & Blogs

2020-10-26 14:21 | Report Abuse

a national unity government led by a leader that is not fighting for non-contenders positions.?????

News & Blogs

2020-10-24 14:30 | Report Abuse

aiya. pak din just intend to save nation's coffers. since parliament with 222MP irrelevant, just abolish it, save salary, pension, trillion cost. we support Pak Din ma. wakaka

News & Blogs

2020-10-24 14:12 | Report Abuse

If Dr M don't resign as Pakatun Pm, nation wont come to today's critical stage with emergency. mamak-still your fault. wakaka

News & Blogs

2020-10-17 12:42 | Report Abuse

It's few stupid politician who never follow SOP keep harping all poor citizens to toe the line, causing covid super spreading who nation. Should penalise myr1K on this stupid minister. wakaka


2020-10-11 14:15 | Report Abuse

My 5 cents worth, tomorrow will rise at least 1 cents towards 5 cents. Super higher demand for test kid expected looking at recent red zone surging case in Sabah.....quote* Experts suggest the need to increase testing to 30,000-50,000 daily, in sabah with a better turnaround time on the test results. The RT-Ag test results can be completed within an hour and importantly, do not require sending these to Peninsular Malaysia or other test facilities within Sabah.

Increased testing is possible with additional resources and better logistics. The announced increase of 15,000 RT-Ag tests flown in is not adequate. The mortality rate in the past few days suggests that the virus infection is much higher than the numbers found to date.


2020-10-10 13:10 | Report Abuse

Pls don't drag poor voters into infection again with national GE. Let 222 MP do voting themselves choose PM with highest majority


2020-10-10 13:04 | Report Abuse

double standard sop ma., different status, different sop. wakaka


2020-10-10 12:44 | Report Abuse

what if Pak Din won't let go even if proven majority?


2020-10-10 11:37 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: Focus Dynamics Group Bhd has acquired a substantial stake in ailing in-flight catering firm Brahim’s Holdings Bhd.

The company said today that it has amassed a 12.19% equity interest in Brahim after spending RM7.34mil buying 28.8 million shares in a direct business transaction (DBT) earlier this week.

“Focus Dynamics, with its plans for digital cloud kitchen services, E-kitchen network and other flagship outlets, sees this acquisition as the key step to establishing a solid platform of operations to cater for its expansion and growth plans, ” it said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia.

Brahim’s is an in-flight catering services provider, with business spanning various verticals including logistics, storage, catering and restaurant services.

Its central kitchen, which is recognised as the world’s largest halal central kitchen, caters for up to 60,000 meals per day.


2020-10-02 14:19 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: The gaming sector looks like a fairly safe bet for those looking to deploy a more defensive investment strategy, said CGS-CIMB Research, which has an “overweight” rating on the sector.
The report noted that number forecast operator (NFO) sales have steadily climbed to 80% to 85% of pre-movement control order (MCO) levels in September, since outlets re-opened on June 17.

The research unit said this should be faster than recovery in casino volumes, thanks to NFO outlets’ closer proximity to punters, non-reliance on foreign tourism and lesser impact of social distancing measures on operating capacity.
Also, while illegal NFOs have been the main drag on legal NFO sales since 2010, the latter has seen a slight 2.9% growth year-on-year in 2018 and 2019 as authorities stepped up enforcement against illegal NFOs.

This has continued in the first seven months of 2020, with 3,015 raids on illegal gambling dens and the crippling of 61 syndicates (compared with 32 in 2019).