
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2012-08-07 17:36 | Report Abuse

datin great call on 2 today - pemaju and gpro! Especially funny on the Revenge Trader - learn something new everyday!


2012-08-07 17:30 | Report Abuse

Hehe datin going to be very busy tonite and datuK gonna be very tired later:)


2012-08-07 17:28 | Report Abuse

Datin - that is so FUNNYYYYYYYYY :)


2012-08-07 17:27 | Report Abuse

flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Namo :)


2012-08-06 10:35 | Report Abuse

good for you Namo :)good steady company if not of mother Muhibah should be at least 1.80 already!


2012-08-06 10:12 | Report Abuse

Russ, hopefully paper loss as this is a good stock and good trade between 1.40 - 1.55.


2012-08-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

up some today :( on low volume maybe drop back to collect?


2012-08-06 02:12 | Report Abuse

thanks for analysts :) Most of the counters that I have now I've basically know the FA value. I won't touch anything I'm unsure of :) Not so worry about Pas - unless they join forces with Umno - still if they take pahang there will be some selling of course but in long term when senses prevail it's not easy or wise to get rid of the casino & theme park - too much to lose and too little to gain. we'll see about that when the time comes :) ah tough loss so close yet so far. great play - hope he can bouce back soon. hey have a great night and rest well!


2012-08-06 01:37 | Report Abuse

I'm looking at genting too :) I just want the damn errection to get over with as I don't like all these uncertainties!


2012-08-06 01:28 | Report Abuse

Kian joo my ave is 2.53 - it'a all right long term,benalec I had for the longest time ave 1.33 now had to go in @1.16, alam - had wanted to go in sometime back at 90+ - phew thank god did not but short term now. I saw your exchange with the young punk :) Actually I had ivory too - near the current price, I also had canone and bimb - looking to clear as they were very profitable trades for me but only 5K each. my biggest is myeg and is looking good now,follow by iris,scameme,mudajatuh now can term mudasteady, benalec,e&O etc. My portfolio is way too large for me - need to distribute evenly as the better ones I only have 5-10 ( except my eg )while the poorly ones have in access of 50s-100s. need to pick your smart brains for that - slowly learning :)


2012-08-06 01:07 | Report Abuse

Nah I already released knm when it broke .70 around there -way too late but thank god I did. I did bought scam me at .22, alam,kian joo,benalec and some spare $$$$.


2012-08-06 00:51 | Report Abuse

Hehe .22 was my average down lah still at .57 ouch :)


2012-08-06 00:26 | Report Abuse

Since the title of this topic already been specifically addressed to,there should be no doubt whom I'm referring this to, Mr market mover/shark - lol. when are you going to move the first S stock in your portfolio? O.k Jokes aside, always you got my greatest respect not only to your pickings of stocks and your fundamentals to go with it but also your advice to lots of readers here in this forum especially on KNM of which we all benefit considerably. You said it so much better than me and you convert the smart non believer and some 'lost' soul to see the clear fundamental working picture of a certain counter. I hope one day we can meet and meanwhile will continue to learn from your wisdom.


2012-08-05 02:35 | Report Abuse

no lah, KC I'm from PJ. Used to travel a lot thus the dumb nick - more like South African! I had some kencana before they merged but sold them off already. I've heard about Kuli claims but like you said it was crushed to the back burner so i have absolutely no idea:( I like skp though but not in the hurry - i'm trying to get more to comsumer:)since we're in such a unstable period.


2012-08-05 02:25 | Report Abuse

cannot agree more KC,more than half of the projects 'secured' are the uk peterborough and funny shape octagon thingy in sri lanka and they both have not financially close yet. the peterpan was secured in 2010 dec - we're coming to 2 years now and with the situation in europe now i doubt this thing will take off anytime. so is the other one if the octagon co can first get themselves sorted out before going into PN17!
yeah they can all shared among themselves underground since they basically have no valid points to post here and for me to not post here to warn others will be just plain selfish and wrong.Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint but to sometimes see these ridiculous support here is just stupid - there's a lot of innocent new investors and once they start out on the wrong foot they will never be back again. then again i wish them knm lovers all the very best and sincerely hope that i'm proven wrong and the price shoot back to whatever they hope for. i've already exited my position and if i kept it I would have incurred another 15k loss at current price. i've moved on to some better counters and so far recoverd about 12% of my losses and it's a slow recovery but i can sleep better at night.have a great sunday and we will have a nice start on Klse on monday morning :)


2012-08-05 02:08 | Report Abuse

yes KC being humble will get you far, having the right attitude will get you further and last if you listen and quit being stubborn will get you furthest. yeah the lame duck first got my attnetion with his 2.50 target price and Cp asked him what makes him said that - his answer was because he got a friend who works there and they got lots of projects. then when it drops below 1 he said he will sell at 1.50 and kept persuading newcomers to buy and always trying to find out who else is in the same sinking ship with him. he kept shifting his targets till I lost count and if he did not delete his posts they're all there! CP once replied indirectly to him very bluntly that those who kept KNM was basically just stupid and he (cp ) quit after that in the knm topic:)
we all have to start from somewhere - some are lucky if they find some good mentor to guide them, some learnt from losses and moved on and some just dillusional.Enough said! Have great sunday :)


2012-08-04 22:46 | Report Abuse

Haha KC I got nothing to add to this already. I've posted many 3/4 of my comments, some very sarcastic ( if some never get it )and most based on facts because I've been following this counter for a long time. This was one of my largest holding at one point - not sup sup sui like 5 - 10 lots. You've made some vrey good pointers with your research, and also CP, Chong,ooi, alexlulu and some like aunloke,kirlati etc. you know cutting loss is the most difficult thing to do but sometimes you have to do it. I still see these targets of 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 etc - is it going to happen? It might- if the contracts are REAL, they can manage the house properly, or like getting RC to goreng. Also Alexlulu mentioned one important thing here that we shall Never underestimate - that there are lots of waterfishes in bolihland and because of just this reason don't be suprise that this counter will be supported by them. at what price I dunno buy I will be buying KONAMI come monday since admin already change the description :)


2012-08-04 13:00 | Report Abuse

stubborn and foolish waterfishes :) this lee will let this go to .30 and then after collect all will sell to a bigger waterfish and wash his hand clean. this guy is not interested in running the company well he just want to make more $$$ for himself. screw the shareholders except himself:)


2012-08-04 12:52 | Report Abuse

hehe thanks - I actually learn some tips from you - not the comeback part but to see how you think and do from your postings! Yungsheng at first I thought he had many but only 5 lots! and he kept asking people to support, said he got news that the price will jump and then kept shifting the goal post. I remembered CP once asked how he came to the target price of 2.50 and he uttered some nonsenselike his friend works there and they got many projects and then gambateh or something like that. Now he say he will get out at 1.50. aiya, he seems to be a nice fella but just lost in knm land or he could be lee's pusher :)
subnaj hiya no comment - just spooky and scary :)


2012-08-04 12:43 | Report Abuse

A few too many from last night:) yes alexlulu, I never underestimate our bolihland waterfishes - in fact I believe we have the 1 malaysia waterfish that no where else in the world got lah. yeah you're right that this Lee will keep playing with the waterfishes till they all end up like ikan basin then he will sell it and dissapear like the oldman who bought the monkeys and will let his assistants Goldman,bluefly whatever. this company if oil is 300 also will report losses lar. Just poor management thats it- PERIOD!


2012-08-04 12:36 | Report Abuse

to be honest - won't be another oilcorp i think but I don't think i want to take the risk. Like what cp said if you keep this stock it's a opportunity lost.KC you have made very detail pointers and granted we could be wrong but Money don't grow on tree lah at least not for me. there's plenty of better shares around that this dead horse. everyday watching it drop is very painful if you are a holder and have feelings. why torture yourself? - sure it Might go up one day if they get their house in order but so far whatever this lee fella is doing he is actually bringing this company to be closer to oilcorp!good luck to you all knm holders lah but come monday I'll go buy KONAMI lah!


2012-08-04 12:26 | Report Abuse

yes i must admit I had a little more again that i was supposed to :)


2012-08-04 12:24 | Report Abuse

those fellas there are all in another part of the world.I was once there too! subjag is just loss like yungsheng, like i once did but i found my way out. See what I told you about yungsheng earlier - I just can't do it - how can i bring him to see lee?


2012-08-04 12:19 | Report Abuse

survive another 2 years thru right issues with an S? how many right issues are down the road? 2 years? If??( they can survive ) Oil is at a very good price that even petronas also digging for marginal fields that they abandoned many moons ago and if you can't survive now how can you survive if oil were to go back to 50 - then how??? only way up is if you let RC goreng it, that's the best hope. please don't be living in denial! - I was once too :)


2012-08-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

opps sunaj or whatever it is - they all sound the same!


2012-08-04 12:06 | Report Abuse

Good Morning KC! Great reply to the spooky and scary nubjab - way more than i'm capable of :) One thing I tell you now - i'm pissed as hell - i just got off the phone with 3 not one but three of hollywood agents representing stallone,arnold and jet - None of them,I repeat none of them want to take the job of going against our supreme leader Lee - i think they're scared of the nuclear bomb err process equipments that might contains nukes - i'm not sure but their excuse was that they don't want to come to bolihland. they said something about C4 and missing records on immigration. They also said that they can do anywhere in the world except bolihland because they said that even the most impossible also can happen in bolihland and they're not taking that kind of risk. wow can you believe that? anywhere except bolihland - i did not know that we are really so terra!Even the baddest,strongest and ruthless mercenaries dare not come here. now i'm back to square one. I'll see if I can in touch with selene from underworld or jason bohn.I'll keep you posted and have a great sunday :)

News & Blogs

2012-08-04 02:03 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi, sorry that you feel that way and wish you all the best and hope that in future you can be back. I've benefitted from your writings and am sure many of us here too and there's always going to be for and against in anything we do in life too. thanks and take care!


2012-08-04 02:00 | Report Abuse

ya lah - that type of loving you mentioned! all these months dropping he is still supporting - now even asking big investor to buy. where got somemore sorhai :)( taken from Alexlulu )the big sharks are selling dialy or how else you explain the daily drop? You know how it feels like you're in love with someone but the someone does not return the same feelings and you still pinning for hope, whatever Hope even if your good friends tell you to forget and move on but still cannot - that's the same feeling my bro yung is now. anyway, no worries, I'l already got stallone agent contact no and will call him tomorrow see wheterh he can do the Expendables 3 in boilh land. After all this time they can get real action - process equipments!


2012-08-04 01:54 | Report Abuse

Oh Thanks Namo :)and KC for pointing it out. Better cut my losses on Monday!


2012-08-04 01:50 | Report Abuse

Alert! Alert! Important Announcement. Please be AWARE that you're buying or Holding to KNM ( process Equipment Maker ) and Not KONAMI ( world class video games maker ) Thanks To Mr KC who pointed it out:)
Pls also be aware that there is no guarantee that this knm will NOT slide further down the longkang of pasar sentul. Trade, buy, hold,thinking or Touch at your own RISK! Thank You :) Janji ditepati - another public announcement bought to you by a caring Pendatang!


2012-08-04 01:44 | Report Abuse

I think no can do lah because Yung is still loving Mr lee so might be a bit problem. I want to be angry when i see lee but if yung start crying and showing the Love like all these months then all bets are off - after all I'm sentimental too:) If you're not going then i bring suzuki or wort come to worst i hire the Expendables. now got arnold too!


2012-08-04 01:40 | Report Abuse

wat,wat what you talking about KC. you meant to say I bought KNM and not konami???? No wonder everyday dropping lah! what am I going to do with these process equipments??? i want world class company KONAMI lah. I no need the quipment - I can get from chinese and korean supplier at much cheaper price! so I'm going to sell all my knm on monday and buy the real KONAMI. thanks for pointing out!


2012-08-04 01:13 | Report Abuse

Only four sens???? - sup sup sui lah - as my brother yungsheng1 said - by end of next week will be up .10sens lah and you can tell mrs and sisIL to extend the stay lah, China too big lar- have to spend more time. meanwhile you get your rifle ready and we go see what is wrong with our supreme leader mr lee:)

News & Blogs

2012-08-04 00:57 | Report Abuse

thanks guys for making me laugh - seriously it's more funnny after 4 hiene :) but some of ooi comment does make sense lar


2012-08-04 00:53 | Report Abuse

aiya this mr lee is so bad. i'll have to talk to him on Monday.this cannot go on - cannot drop everyday lah. like that sooner or later no more fans lah. all the traders get your guns ready - to shoot mr lee lah - after all this is KONAMI- world best video game maker - supplying to sony,xbox, nintendo blah blah so no worries.
Bro yungsheng - why you so worry ah - you only have 5 lots sup sup sui lah - when it goes down to 30 cents you buy 10 more lah then yor average will be 45 sens lah. then when mr lee goreng to 1.50 in 2020 you make lots of money lah. no worry i gurantee( with ah jib gor promise & money) janji ditepati -this counter will not drop below .30 cents. i will also support you by buying 150 lots at .30 cents.


2012-08-03 18:49 | Report Abuse

it's a good thing that they are all richer than you including your future datins - it will keep you on your toes!

No need to be sorry - hard not to get elated when your shares are performing well. You'll have a great weekend and can take Mrs to some very nice fancy dinner:)


2012-08-03 18:46 | Report Abuse

how about this? - mudajaya to 5.50 and digi to 6.20 - good? :)Mudjay will be very farfetch but digi probably end month if things are going like today :)


2012-08-03 18:30 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah gary what is the news besides capital repayment? or just go up and up?


2012-08-03 18:28 | Report Abuse

shoot KC this is what happened - when the shares are not 'popular' the topic is way back - I was actually looking at Digi and also genting and wanted to go in @ 9.9 this morning - just 2 lots lah but got so much junk in my portfolio and market bearish so might do so next week when i can clear some junks. i actually Q for genM but did not get it but looks good again next week. Little $ for protasco but am happy for your digi :) if it keeps going up like that you'll have to bring your own eggs lah - I can only supply the heine as you're more rich than me:)


2012-08-03 18:22 | Report Abuse

er chong why so fast and buy back @ 1.49 from 1.52 - hehe i want to be your brokerlah!


2012-08-03 18:20 | Report Abuse

wah you so rich ar talk2pkc - off load at 0.085. next time let me know, i give you .16 lah:)


2012-08-03 18:12 | Report Abuse

@M kelmy - ya turun padang!
@benson - drop until Mr lee annouce some new projects or takeover.
@Staphy - Miracle - what is that, can eat ah?
@suhnaj - spooky and scarry just like snooky:)


2012-08-03 18:09 | Report Abuse

err my good friend KC@4.30 - you were not smoking something powerful at that time or you're referring to digi:)


2012-08-02 23:19 | Report Abuse

aiya namo as long as datin is not datuk o.k lah,

KC i think this one is datin lah - she won't say open legs lah if she is a latuk, she would've said she bend down lah.

tajisan, datin asking lah not promoting or introducing lah.

good luck to you datin , you got a good sense of humor like my Japanese Thai speaking friend suzuki err yuzuki:)


2012-08-02 12:44 | Report Abuse

soory ah datin - see this the the problem with malaysian men - all only interested in sex - mentioned sex - all these fellas like bees - that is why ah jib gor and his friends everyday also sex. if you no believe me you go to the and if they have a sex article it will be the most read. Anyway, fellow commentators- put aside your dirty thinking as our Datin still waiting for her answer whether MBF can go to 1.50 or not. Expert please comment. Me i dunno :)

Sorry again Datin for the deviation. My thousand apologies :


2012-08-02 12:09 | Report Abuse

sorry sorry datin - I like you very much, you very funny but no tell dato o.k :)


2012-08-02 12:02 | Report Abuse

hai ya you don't know ah - you better ask datin :)


2012-08-02 11:59 | Report Abuse

that is why those fellas there think they're buying KONAMI! wait till they find out actually they're holding KNM!


2012-08-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

you vely funny lah datin :) only legs ah, no mouth o.k not natural like the MCA porn star. becareful ah dato have plenty money so plenty mistress so maybe can goreng mbf so godd luck to you. wish you and dato have a healthy and prosperous life. no tell dato you tell me your details maybe dato look for me, I scare lah,o.k thank you.Lovie lovie


2012-08-02 11:48 | Report Abuse

haha I know lah you datin of course he dato lah. so you trust dato or not? you trust dato then you go lah not trust then you no go lah. i don't know your dato so i no go lah:)