
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2012-07-29 01:05 | Report Abuse

Yep the world have lots of funny people:) That's what makes the world go round and the market too. You buy I sell, I sell you buy.If more sellers less buyers will be like KNM if more buyers less sellers will be like DIGI. because of my good friend Yungsheng1 I will buy KNM when it goes to 30 cents. I support you after all knm is a world class company manufacturing video console for Playstation & Microsoft Xbox - not easy to go bankrupt. I will buy 150 lots and I will show you all here I'm real with my real trades. hey@KC I need another favor - what is the fair price of KNM? - no hurry since it's not reach my buy target price yet.thanks in advance.If you're too busy I understand. i'll go and ask Mr Lee myself :)


2012-07-28 21:42 | Report Abuse

ah 3pm I fully agree with you but if people want to invest on knm what can we do? - don't say we did not warn them! too bad we can't short sell this lousy stock. and these newbies or knm lovers don't even realised that EPF has dump the shares massively until no longer substansial holders ( don't believe or don't know? - check the )Anyway, it's your money - do what you wish. I sincerely wish I had Iivestor to guide me when I started! Wish you all Knm stockholders the best of luck and don't forget to pray vely vely hard! after all what goes down must come up right or what goes up must come down? shoot Now I'm confuse!


2012-07-28 08:29 | Report Abuse

Yes Jolly i fully Agreed - Integrity - the word I respect. we have to be resposible but I see so many blind bats here despite some good commentators here advising, oh well - have a great weekend:)


2012-07-28 04:03 | Report Abuse

Valerian - classy reply@3pm. Opps becareful then someone will say I'm valerian father - hmmmn then Bro chong will be my grandson so assuming bro chong is 35 years old, and valerian is 60 so I'm like 100. wow, seriously I'm losing my mind now!!!!
P/S Bro Chong keep up the good work! Have a great weekend!


2012-07-28 03:58 | Report Abuse

Knm- I dare you to drop to .40 then you can do another split back to??? eer I lost count! you drop to .40 and I sapu sapu with toyo broom everthing you have and I kick out the useless lee and his bluefly or whatever company that that is holding - then I go get RC to goreng you up back to the glory days!Go GO GO KNM you can do it. arhh I better go now -seems I losing my mind!


2012-07-28 03:47 | Report Abuse

opps - supposed to be see you fly on Monday Scomi or the very near future!


2012-07-28 03:45 | Report Abuse

No worries KC - keep your watch on Scomi:)Have a good weekend! see


2012-07-28 03:44 | Report Abuse

Jolly is another one that I respect. Yuzuki is funny :) and Knm - not so funny - everyday dropping - market high also drop, market not high also drop,nothing going on also drop. My knm what happened to you? when are you going to rise up above the sky to 3.00? waiting for 2020 can or not? sure can-one opps I meant CanOne! better go now as I seem to speak like Yuzuki - keep it up Yuz - you make my day!


2012-07-28 00:10 | Report Abuse

@KC I like your posting to scott @ airasia - that's the trait of a jedimaster :)


2012-07-28 00:05 | Report Abuse

Hehe and sleep well at night! I wish I have the time do research as you do KC. Basically I browse thru real quick the analysts reports. I like to hold long term and that is why I like your reasons for picking stocks - but follow at your own risk! There's a interesting article on Buffet today at - not sure whether you read it.


2012-07-27 22:09 | Report Abuse

HeHe @ eizmirr - more of tips perhaps? - this KC is a jedimaster - he is like buffet - crunching nos for FA and long term. Trade at your own risk!


2012-07-27 11:20 | Report Abuse

I'm not waiting for you:) - done at .22!


2012-07-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

Kc have you been chomping at scomi? If not someone does but still a big hurdle at .225.maybe they read your article :)


2012-07-27 02:47 | Report Abuse

it's 2.33 am and you 're still commenting,KC :) I'm on board on this one already - what is another 2 years since I've been on for more than 2 already! The last 2 standing!have a good night!


2012-07-27 01:59 | Report Abuse

KC I believe the CEO was at one time banned from US because they were investigating the company that had dealings with Iran and were supplying components to make the nuke but Scomi denied it. I believe he was cleared and the ban was lifted. I saw he bought some shares a while back but has been pretty quiet which is a surprise to me since with the projects won so far I would expect insiders to at least maintain .30 sens which was a support for sometime instead of freefalling to this level.


2012-07-26 21:43 | Report Abuse

Hi KC, Yes I agree and keeping the faith ( I have 180 lots! ). I will slowly buy in as I too believe this is really at a low price and will be supported by their projects won so far. what I worry like everyone else is when they call the GE there will be a drop slightly but I want to wait for the GE results, to buy more but if it dips to 20 I'll definitely but a little. want to save my bullets for some better counters ;) good luck to both of us as I think we're the only ones holding scomi!

News & Blogs

2012-07-26 21:32 | Report Abuse

I agree with all the above! I find that Alex is a very good TA and he support his picks with reason.Alex,Please keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.I especially agree with Ng Yew Sang - what a class guy!


2012-07-26 08:12 | Report Abuse

No worries, I like your goreng goreng statement on knm. KNM master of gorengs - They make the 1 Malaysia goreng - indian,chinese and malay mee goreng but becareful as if you buy and eat you sure lao sai!


2012-07-26 02:13 | Report Abuse

Just got a feel something is coming for Myeg - company has been accumulating since sideways for sometime. Some support at current level. just my 1/2 cent worth - Pls do not follow!I'm in no way to recommend anything!


2012-07-26 02:04 | Report Abuse

No M Flour but plenty of Myeg :)and scomi + scomi M. My eg making a little but not enough to cover the scomis - will aver scomi when it gets to about .20s if it ever get there.


2012-07-26 01:22 | Report Abuse

Yes KC but that was sooo long ago - after all I made over 100 % - can't be too greedy right? anyway just my luck the ones that I sold went sky high and the one that I kept went the other way. Used to have Pbank and maxis both sold for good profit at 9+ and 8.50 but of course PB now is like what 14? and before than maxis was taken private at can't remember 13 or 15. Oh well you win some and you lose more :)for me though. but I'm seeing good times ahead.


2012-07-25 23:58 | Report Abuse

Yes KC we are totally different :) I sold my digi when i bought at 2 and sold at 4 and since then it has adjusted and split and you know the rest! but I still got scomi :(! I follow less than 10 person here and now before I buy I looki looki throughly instead of just relying on research report as I'm more long term holder. Like you said to look at the annual reports, quarterly and current enviroment get a feel where the company is heading.


2012-07-25 23:13 | Report Abuse

@ shirley1 - trade wisely as Klse is at all time high but KC is a very good stock picker based on his extensive research & FA.He is one of the few commentators here that you might want to keep a watchout for.


2012-07-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

You're funny KC! I learn a new thai word today and will tell my thai friends Kwai instead of Loi toi which I think is a more stronger meaning of Kwai:)


2012-07-25 10:10 | Report Abuse

did anyone see the selling queue on mudahjaya 50435 at 2.55??? fishy fishy!


2012-07-25 10:06 | Report Abuse

Alright KC I'm with you on this one - but I'll wait for it to go lower. I first bought this many years ago when sleepy head was PM and has average down to 33 but my cost is still about 65. I was bullish when they announced that they won in Mumbai and more when they won in brazil but their quarterly financial report keep getting worse with more debts. Also, you know that apanama is actually the defacto Pee M so if khairy ain't going no were so is Scomi though the BIL has sold most of his stakes - Until apanama is gone this stock is still going to be stuck at this level or will trend a little down more ( as ah jib sai loh will not dare to go against his mentor like sleepy head who got ousted in short period)but not much unless to PN17 which I doubt due to the projects in hand. Good luck to both of us :)
By the way the Scomi kwailohs are the useless ones - you know how we used to look up to these kwailohs but if you live long enough in a kwailohs country you'll actually look down on them as you cannot believe how dumb they are. it all the movies that makes them looks good. better stop here as I'm steering away from the topic:)


2012-07-25 00:04 | Report Abuse

Thanks Mr Ooi, If I found you 1 year earlier I would not have lost so much :) Many thanks for sharing - Yes I'm reading your TA with KC FA :)


2012-07-25 00:02 | Report Abuse

Or Our MR Lee the great proposed to AGAIN buy back his company after rights :) Did you see his financials guidance for analysts for the past 2 years - way way off - If someone were to do like he did in US they would have been shot! I know it's hard to move and cut your loss but sometimes we just have to let go and I did at .69 though it cost me a lot and too late - can you imagine if I were to still keep this downtrending counter?


2012-07-24 23:54 | Report Abuse

Klse hitting new high and KNM hitting new low - Hmm - makes me wonder?? This is a POOR fundamentally stock. Contracts not closed, margins are squeeze, debts are high, rights are coming- receipt for disaster. As mentioned by a few good traders here, better cut loss and move to other good counters. Maybe this counter can go up if RC but 5% share!


2012-07-24 23:46 | Report Abuse

Absolutely Agree KC! I don't know much if at all on TA ( learning a bit here )but mostly FA and used to based my buying on research report by all these so called bank analysts - some of them are good but some are mostly sort of 'herd mentality' following another house report. Also agree with mat but will buy at 2.46 as this is a long term good stock. My average on this is still 3.00 that I bought couple of years back at 4+ but managed to average down at a little at 2.69 but seeing now the market is bearish and in no hurry. I'm not good at crunching no's so I'll leave it to KC :) Like KC said I like to have good night sleep :)


2012-07-24 21:23 | Report Abuse

Personally I like Mudajaya, will look at the suggestion of Ooi as Fundamentally this counter is sound - just need to get a good price to enter :)


2012-07-24 21:21 | Report Abuse

KC - FA just like his 'brother' KCFan and Ooi TA - great combination for success :)


2012-07-24 11:38 | Report Abuse

and greece and italy and back and forth! Actually it's a healthy correction on KLSE - as long as it is orderly and not panic selling. now is the time to watch closely and take a look at strong fundamental counters like WCT and make your move for long term. market is too bearish for contra :) good luck all :)


2012-07-21 10:06 | Report Abuse

KC -I see your point now:) Goodnight guys!


2012-07-02 10:54 | Report Abuse

Hi KC, am a little surprise that you're into protasco - the price is still at the level that dali recommended 2 years ago and also they're into Libya and syria - definitely not a good combination. Have to admit that I Did not read too much into the details about this company but I figure you're into long term :)By the way I can be your suppiler for pisangs to your about to form company :)


2012-07-21 02:58 | Report Abuse

Thanks KC :) what are you and chong up so late besides trading comments - get some good rest :) Have a great weekend!


2012-07-02 11:19 | Report Abuse

Hi KC Loh, hope all is well. what is the fair value of MYEG if you have the time to calculate. Thanks in advance.


2012-07-19 10:38 | Report Abuse

why stop at North Pole? how about SPACE :)


2012-07-19 00:19 | Report Abuse

No worries Mat:) I had Muhibbah for a looong time but finally dispose all when CIMB pulled out of the deal.Anyway they got good orders and recurring income from the cambodia concession.The problem is with GE near and they still have not write down the APH fiasco yet, I'm worried that there is still room to fall but then again if they manage to solve APH issue ( they have a pending lawsuit against them - but you know how long this takes )it will bounce up definitely. meanwhile, I'm looking at Muhibah associate - Favelle Favco - thinly traded - and a little affected by Muhibah problem but worth watching.Good luck :)


2012-07-18 11:01 | Report Abuse

That's the way to go Ramunia - actually if you read Mr ooi recommendation he said to WAIT for the buy signal. of course we all want to buy when we think some one with more knowledge and experience recommend some stock.Personally I think KHSB is a good stock with much potential. Hopefully it will go up soon and you can make some profit and then take Mr ooi for a treat :)


2012-07-17 23:27 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi - thanks for sharing - like itly 2128 said - you always have people who support you and people who criticise- like Bro Chong who always provide valuable details of why to look at certain stocks - funny thing I notice that all his detractors completely missing from this forum or comments when the stocks performed well but when the stocks goes south which is very rare they'll all jump over him - sigh! No apologies or nothing. anyway, it a free preview so why complain guys? I wish I am there to attend. Nobody is forcing anybody here.As always, whatever we do is OUR own responsibility. we make we're all happy, we lose we look at the reason why. Personally, I like a few valuable commentators here like Bro Chong,Mr ooi, Mr Teh,The KC Borthers :)KC Loh, KCFan - thanks guys for always taking the time to post valuable comments :)


2012-07-17 11:26 | Report Abuse

Bro Chong all your hardwork burning past midnight candles are reaping good results:)More to come!


2012-07-17 00:04 | Report Abuse

Yep KC is right - EPF got many traders and they do buy and sell even on the same day and unless you see massive disposals continuosly then you know to head for the exit like what they did to KNM last year. WCT is a different kettle as they have projects that have the capability to close financially and management handling of the company is way much better than KNM.


2012-07-14 01:30 | Report Abuse

@Mat Cendana - If I'm not mistaken Muhibah is NOT a secured creditor. They subcontracted from the main contractor ZAK and Muhibah has filed a suit to recover the millions owed. The issue no wants want to take over the project is because of the title of the land which I believe that belongs to the Gov and they did not issue a title for 99 years lease so no one wants to invest on no man's land.The auditor PWC is trying to auction off part of the deal and this is not good for either Muhibah or ZAK. Still Muhibah got good orderbook but they might have to write off the debts which is slightly above 200 millions in 4Q.


2012-07-12 03:44 | Report Abuse

Wow! Bro Chong - it's 3 am and you're still awake sharing :) Good man! please get some good rest :)

News & Blogs

2012-07-12 02:34 | Report Abuse

Hi Mr Ooi, do you have a website or can you add me in, thanks


2012-07-06 04:35 | Report Abuse

or how about- money are my soldiers and I want them to go out and take more prisoners - by kevin o'leary from shark tank :)

News & Blogs

2012-07-03 19:57 | Report Abuse

opps ingwong sorry to hear about your losses. many players are having massive losses too including me in KNM,Megb and scomi.Much more than you and I don't even play contra or RC counters! I used to rely on Research reports from Cimb,osk,maybank etc and buy these companies when the target price was say 4.00 and the share was 2.00 and thought that if I load them up especially with their 'prospect' and sell at 3.50 you can make money right? NOOOOO -not that easy and infact they went the other way. so now I take it easy - slowly disposing all the lousy shares and buying into some good companies. saving some little bullets that I have now after the dust settle when ah jib gor call for GE! Just have to learn to be patient and listened to some good commentators here.


2012-06-20 12:18 | Report Abuse

we must give credit when credit is due. Great job Bro chong. always back up buy comment with extensive research. all the hard work paid off with bimb :)