
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2012-08-20 23:21 | Report Abuse

who is your hubby? mbf director ka?


2012-08-02 11:41 | Report Abuse

tanks you again mr lee - tanks you - so actually knm many tenders but no win - no problem. the knm suppotors are vely happy to listne you speak because knm is vely big wold klass comapny.many plojetcs. soon we will goreng back to the golry days after the wrong issue with free warrants. FREE who no like huh? evely body want FREE. long live KNM. long live mr lee and satu malaysia boilih.


2012-12-16 17:28 | Report Abuse

Mr lee,Mr lee, Finally you've spoken.thank You Thanks You -so it's a BIG relief to know that you are actually selling eerr buying. ok ok good good your fans here will be vely vely happy. by the way, any new project ah, anything also never mind lah, got tender for marginal fields? football fields? any fields also can lah. any thing to spakle the pricelah. o.k TANK you so much!

P/s i chink you better fire your remiser lah!


2012-12-16 12:08 | Report Abuse

@tony keep buying this stock - EO or Ytlland? you're not gonna start another ytlland forum with the same - keep buying,keep buying? also I bought some already on e&O -buy until when? - I'm very low on funds already. buy until the NFC cows come home?


2012-08-02 11:06 | Report Abuse

Mr Lee - why your share everlyday dropping - you also selling ah?why you no annoucy new ploject? simply said something lah - no need financial close one mah. Say something to make all your fans happy lor! see no one koment here,evely one cabut already, you no care ah? why so you like that one?????


2012-08-02 10:54 | Report Abuse

so many buyers & sellers - are they playing among themselves??? tiunasing ( from 3pm )


2016-12-15 00:35 | Report Abuse

buying genting shares better than going to the casino itself lah :)


2012-08-02 10:49 | Report Abuse

yeah still net exporter for another 10 years I believe - but the production is declining so that is why you have these marginal fields now in full trottle as the oil price is still high and can sustain the cost. these old small fields had been drilled before and been abandoned but with better tech now they can go deeper!


2012-08-14 13:59 | Report Abuse

Mudajatuh today early mudanaik - always the first few minutes fireworks then back to mudalupa!


2012-08-02 03:54 | Report Abuse

yeah yeah KC agreed.shhhhhhhhh :) have a goodnight if you're still awake!


2012-08-02 13:26 | Report Abuse

I would not use the word bragging - more like stupidity as of now :) I see a new comment on scam -me( I'm actually shy to post comment there - hope dknycom is wrong! ) just! Just remember this after all your hardwork and great portfolio allocation you still have scam -me!bet this is the one that have people scratching their heads - I was too! I'm going completely dark- whatever that means!


2012-08-02 02:48 | Report Abuse

KC if it's 2014 better still :) what do you mean MY scomi - I thought we are the only 2 shareholders left beside the oxymoron shah fella! I do need to seriously balance my portfolio in terms of selecting some blue chips - I actually don't even have any!focussing to much on the laggards!Oh well - will figure it out eventually:)


2012-08-02 16:55 | Report Abuse

I actually bought alam yesterday! 20 K @.505! I give this 2 years :) nah scam me ave now .57! still a far off from..22 - should be in the .30 range by end year I Chink:)


2012-08-09 16:39 | Report Abuse

still too much risk for me as they might write down on aph soon though the price is pretty attractive. Just my 1/2 cents!


2012-08-09 10:47 | Report Abuse

oh not protasco - hmmn you're thinking like a trader now in & out so fast. 5 years was referring to scam-me :)I've had IRis for almost 5 now @ 34 :(


2012-12-08 13:14 | Report Abuse

KC thanks for the pointers. I'm a very loong investor ( sometimes too long )- certainly not trader but have to learn to take profits some time. I've had scam-me for a long time. I hope you're right on this :)as this is now my 2nd largest holding. The most I can wait is another 5 years and if it does not go up by then I'm OUT :)By the way I do think that the index is extremely overbought and am preparing to load some of my better performing stocks to prepare incase a hung errection!


2012-08-02 00:01 | Report Abuse

today no abalone lah only kacang putih - tomorrow if they drop I'll buy somemore to average down.then when the sharks push up I will eat abalone and shark fin soup!


2012-08-01 23:00 | Report Abuse

@staphy - maybe you're right - they're selling and buying themselves :) so far very stable support at 1.15-1.16.


2016-12-07 16:28 | Report Abuse

darn! fingers to fast! - if you join me :)


2012-08-01 12:26 | Report Abuse

Hey KC all the heine will be on me - also the eggs too :) if y


2016-12-07 11:37 | Report Abuse

Nah, KC not now - was at 4+!!! Just that want to clear some for better looking ones. looking at alam too - very attractive. almost bought when it was about .90++ but decided to postpone after the debacles of my knm and perdana.


2012-08-01 19:02 | Report Abuse

as crazy as it sounds I got in just before the poison pill - about 4.70 but I average about 3.00 now. in between I did a little buy and sell - buy at 2.70 and sell at 3.00. remember back then analyst kept raising the price and I think CIMB was the highest at 7+. I'll keep this and sell some when it hit 3.00 as I also just bought 2 weeks ago at 2.70+. I'm keeping at little for alam and protasco :)and also just incase of a sell down!


2012-12-06 12:45 | Report Abuse

ooooh I like the answer - 'I don't bet on unsure things' now watching more closely this stock:),scomi,and might even enter digi back at this price!


2012-08-05 22:55 | Report Abuse

I hope so KC- still losing on my mudajatuh!


2012-08-01 11:56 | Report Abuse

Hooi Hooi Hooray! well done mr padini:)


2012-08-01 11:53 | Report Abuse

KC, if you see me rambling about general lee then you know it's the work of my heine :) I like all the 3333 and 888888!don't forget to buy magnum 3333 and btoto,3,13,23,33,&43!


2016-12-05 11:02 | Report Abuse

aiya JP- Hooi is a padini and Icap lover - and a pretty good one at that!


2012-08-01 18:48 | Report Abuse

Failed Maths how to con people? - somemore 3rd class conman - where is the respect? at least first class not so bad lah:) I'm watching and if it's .89 I'm in - oh by the way good morning to you:)


2012-08-01 04:19 | Report Abuse

Hey KC! here's a good article about facebook and I think it actually implies to some companies in KLSE that keep issueing those ESOS - no wonder the shares goes no where:)

News & Blogs

2012-07-31 11:59 | Report Abuse

gogogogogo - up lah incase you wondering!

News & Blogs

2012-07-31 03:30 | Report Abuse

Hehe! Don't stay up too late of wifey will not be pleased! Have a good night!

News & Blogs

2012-07-31 02:46 | Report Abuse

KC still awake at 2.39 :)

News & Blogs

2012-07-31 02:04 | Report Abuse

Or RC & ah jib gor son, Supreme Commander Lee, the carpetman deepa:)

News & Blogs

2012-07-31 00:48 | Report Abuse

@Mr kent - I'm going to stay out of the beef and steak. Good that you know hipo and defending him - a good friend indeed.
Not many people can learn or even capable of learning TA. you mentioned CP so I assume you follow his blog - did you watch the clips about Million dollars traders - if not,that is a good one as you see smart people actually struggling and quitting. I appreciate Hipo sharing but gogogogo means going up right? when we post something,we have to be both responsible and clear. Like I said there are many here who do not understand - a simple resistance,support with the graph I think would be sufficient. If anyone still do not understand the both,then they should not be in the market:)

News & Blogs

2012-07-31 00:07 | Report Abuse

hipo - wow silly me to think you're robot! seriously, while appreciative your work charts posted, just a suggestion that it might be helpful if some comments were added as you know many here do not understand Just charts. Still Just a suggestion :)


2012-07-30 23:12 | Report Abuse

Hehe! KC I see you're making full use of the new website:)I've been there for years but did not bother to search much and that was a very good article that you posted. You just so remind me of someone in Omaha!

News & Blogs

2012-07-30 23:05 | Report Abuse

rounded up by PDRM - too much complain from i3investors here.meanwhile the FILIpines are taking over - that's is why you see better english - like - indicators are intact!Monitor! Knowing those Pdrm fellas these banglas will be out in no time.gogogogogo


2012-07-30 07:36 | Report Abuse

alright guys - check this out- go to the very bottom of the page :)

Sure Can One! what goes down must come up but when nobody knows:)


2012-07-30 04:11 | Report Abuse

i3 investor - dun sleep lah - you mixed up the great konami with our bolihland KNM. many aunties and uncles here are supporter of our beloved Supreme Commander Lee and they might be confused in thinking that they're investing in the great KONAMI whereas they're buying into this everyday dropping KaNiMa - this is what happened after the 9th heinekena - hand noo steady and mind wonaderingyi soooo far lahhh.yaammm sennnngggg!


2012-07-30 01:30 | Report Abuse

Ha!Ha! you 're funny - you know who I'm talking about! Not that cowboy Marlon la ! incase you're not being funny it's WB and not warner brothers la!

News & Blogs

2012-07-30 01:28 | Report Abuse

bone thing I dunno because all I see is the hot chick but CP is very good la - must understand he is A trader so at anytime he can switch positions - definitely not for longterm investors. he gives good reasons for newbies and always becareful with the markets. Just my 2 cents!


2012-07-30 01:18 | Report Abuse

Royalty I dunno la but the best I can give you at the moment is you think,talk and act like the omaha guy and I like that!


2012-07-30 01:09 | Report Abuse

@KC Eventhough not knowing you well besides here, you're a good friend indeed!Still very appreciate your contributions here and hope that you stay a loooong time!Many Thanks!


2012-07-30 01:06 | Report Abuse

@ 3pm err what talking you la -KNM club ? how we going to form a club? you see KNM website? are we going to climb up to one of the big tanks and think they are camels? porsche club- you can join if you have one, then get together and show off and drive around. Konami also can - video players I shoot you and you shoot me or better yet we play 2 players and we together shoot Mr Lee! Actually camels club also can but where to get camel in bolihland except the zoo and I don't think those fellas will loan to so so out of questions la but Seriously KNM club? maybe we can buy some process equipements and show off between ourselves at Dataran Merdeka? aahh I told my buddies not to force me to have the 7 heineken even though my limit is 4!!!!!!!!


2012-07-30 00:55 | Report Abuse

This is the management style of KNM - During the financial crisis of 2008 KNM blamed company not getting contracts because oil price low. so shares drop. O.k reasonable after all if oil is at 40 and exploration cost about the same who want to invest,right?
Then when oil surged, Our Supreme Leader Mr Lee informed analysts that our boys - our boys??? ( he think he is Jerry Sandusky - our boys?? )are busily looking and talking to potential clients and tendering 15 Billions - Yes you read it right - Korek,korek,korek - it's 15 Billions RM - eventhough RM still a lot of money la! shares moves a bit because our Great Leader informed the donkey ( taken from 3pm - but still think calling Alex is not fair la - analysts that our chances of winning will be about 20% - so it's 3 billion - lot of money la. Then when no win nothing, He wants to form a company to Take over KNM because it's undervalue - then of course when uncle( including me#$$%^!! ) and auntie heard the magic word TAKEOVER the share surged la. But then something happened - The takeover did not go through so back to square one and share drop.
Next invite analysts to cover the stock when they have projects to announce. then shares surge because all the analysts keep plucking these heaven figures from Our Great Leader - Comrade Lee. Then when the projects did not take off ( hmmn - Peterpan in UK ) because of financial closing - wow - so now nobody knows what is going on why projests did not have backers in the first place - new one - so in future if any company announce projects - make sure read who the backers are. Next when share Plunged because no projects so no money coming in right but still have expenses,Our Supreme Leader have another trick up his sleeve - he declare from now on we going to give 50% of dividens - err give dividen from where - he got DIGI shares ar?
also dun forget that another project that they annouced in Sri Lanka- the company that awarded the project to knm - octagon is going into PN17 - wow what is next - Mr General Lee? Oh actually he did announced that they are going for rights with free warrants - getting all the uncles( not me this time! ) and aunties excited again - FREE, TAKEOVER - these are the magic words. You have to give credit to this fella Lee - i can bet on my last dollar err ringgit that he will have more tricks up his sleeves .meanwhile all the donkey analysts have gone missing and some of the brave ones have reduce their recommendations to SELL but because of my fellow KNM buddies here I will invest in this company when it goes to .30cents. that is my promise to you.Have a great MONDAY! I will see you surge 2 cents and then drop back 5! the next few days


2012-07-29 23:50 | Report Abuse

Many Thanks KC Again for your findings. Now you know why I like your investing style - so through - just like the omaha gentleman :)If I'm in KL next time I got to belanja you makan :)

News & Blogs

2012-07-29 08:00 | Report Abuse

worst is 3/4 of the articles in market blogs are all gogogogo!


2012-07-29 07:27 | Report Abuse

No worries KC - Take your time. Just want to reassure my fellow knm buddies here that their hard earned investments won't go DOWN any further. Thanks!

News & Blogs

2012-07-29 07:01 | Report Abuse

yeah like gogoggo - go where????holland??? 3/4 of the people here do not know charts - a waste of time!