
franksoweto | Joined since 2012-04-25

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2012-06-16 17:59 | Report Abuse

good info - thanks JPLeow for sharing :)


2012-06-13 23:50 | Report Abuse

No Worries ChongKH, seems like it is inching up a little but this I believe is a good counter for the long term.I don't know whether it will drop to 1.10 - maybe when ah jib gor finally announce the errection it probably will :) also I'm a long term so if it goes low I can average down since this is a good counter. Yep, be patience :)


2012-06-13 23:19 | Report Abuse

thanks CP For sharing and taking the time as always :)

News & Blogs

2012-06-13 02:29 | Report Abuse

Thanks Alex for taking the time sharing your blog info.Much appreciated.


2012-06-12 11:46 | Report Abuse

chill bro eagleis :) Your favco is moving up! TPTan is right - Bro Hooi got more bullets and he has done his homework and is into consumer stocks and really like Padini into long term. As for me, Padini is a good counter but will not buy at this price - somewhere around 1.40 will be good. Like you said election is coming,if we have a hung results after GE all these will drop like dead flies - why not save some bullets now? just my 1 cents worth :)

News & Blogs

2012-06-11 11:27 | Report Abuse

yep Jolly Very good stock. I like the owner - honest guy who got great vision for the company. Too bad I only have 6 lots! anyway intend to keep for a long time.


2012-06-07 22:18 | Report Abuse

Actually if you look at Warren Buffett holdings in his flagship Co Berkshire - he has many shares in all sectors except maybe tech. He is heavily loaded in consumer though. Sometime back he went big time into transportation by buying Burlington railway and also the oil and gas sector. When the financials crisis hit he loaded into financilas with his regular wells fargo,then Goldman, and recently BOA. He shuns gold but he was a major buyer of Silver early 2000 at 7 bucks. So he is very WELL Diversified. He is so diversified until he bought into BYD the chinese electric car maker!Don't let him fool you into his Noah Ark whatever style - The man claims that he only invest in what he knows but he has many fund managers who seek to diversify to all across sectors to maximise their funds performance.


2012-06-07 10:45 | Report Abuse

Eagleis is right. 2 counter is too little. Not too many as it's hard to keep track. A couple in each sector would be ideal provided if you have the means. of course some in cash to take advantage on sell down. Unfortunately easier said than done for me :)


2012-06-06 09:54 | Report Abuse

Please all remember - even if we all have our differences here - OUR ONE & ONLY ENEMY IS UMNO and the rest of his useless Mistress like MCA,MIC & GERAKAN! Let's kick them all OUT!better yet send them all to Kamunting starting with the fella name APANAMA! They have been making us look STUPID to the World all these years!Sorry it's a little out of topic :)


2012-06-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro ChongKH, Pls becareful when using margin during poor market. better to stay aside then risk more money that you really don't have in these situation.I too Have benalec at 1.34 and have not average down. too little bullets :(

News & Blogs

2012-05-17 00:27 | Report Abuse

Hi Meorwz, I share your pain as my biggest holding is in KNM and still holding - not sure how long though - seems like this stock is plunging like there's no tomorrow. Becareful when ave down on this counter. I've done that at 1.02 and .87 and pay dearly for that. this company as of now has ablsolutely no fundamental catalyst - 1/2 of their projects secure are not financially close, still have old contracts - god knows how much that is losing money but worse of all is this Mr lee fella is not in my opinion honest. keep giving guidance that totally fall short of his projection. when oil was 35USD per barrel,he says that companies are not spending and when oil was just recently 100 for the past year, still not spending????? anyway, if too much in the red - no point selling right?


2012-05-15 01:34 | Report Abuse

Not too much in to RSI,MACD, or all that as it's too confusing for my little brain. Plan to buy a little at 2.45 level if it comes to that point as I have some at 3.10 for a few years already. Since this is a supposedly fundamentally good counter, will keep for longer term as I'm basically into longer term. Thanks CP for providing good advice as always.


2012-05-11 08:57 | Report Abuse

Bro Chong, Please keep up your good work eventhough you owe no one anything. I'm sure many here are very appreciative of your advice and recomendations. You're a good man so please don't at times some negative comment keep you distracted. Also need some sleep sometimes to recharge :) Take care of your health,Sir!

News & Blogs

2012-05-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

Hi CP No need to apologize - it's your blog and you can do what you like :) Also kinda agree with you - How can so many people so easily be conned by these so call corrupt 'leaders'? The funny thing is these corrupt leaders are lying thru their teeth! every damn day! I bet a lot of sensible people share your thought :) that is why you see many good people that comment on alternative media like malaysia insider. You are not alone :) though I'm not a Liverpol fan! Go Spurs :)

News & Blogs

2012-05-05 12:35 | Report Abuse

Hi CP No worries :) You can tell yung sheng is a good person - just that he/she is too much into KNM like I do :)
Thanks for your kind words. I've always thought that research reports are the most reliable ones as they do such a comprehensive report - I just know better now :) hopefully it's not to late to come back - better late than never,right?
Been following your blog for the past few months - that is how I got here :) You always give good advice to newbies and take your time to share and I can see that many of our friends here speak highly of you. also you seems to be a very humble person even though you're now at a different level. Always willing to teach and give guidance despite being so busy and hectic.
Yes I'm the majority of the like you said 90 % losing people in Klse. It's heartening that you feel about my losses - that is why I post here not to Buy KNM as I' a living example of it and don't want newbies to simply buy these fundamentally flaw company.
Yes I'm the same Frank that email you about the stock watch - I've wanted to join your stock watch and request many times but got no replies from you but I know you're very busy. I'm based in overseas and it would be nice If I can pay you thru paypal? Let me know and I can get it done tomorrow as it's past midnight here. Again thanks for the kind words. Have a good weekend

News & Blogs

2012-05-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

Hi Yungsheng - thanks for the kind words. Eventhough we all differ on our opinions but we are here to lookout for each other :) so that if we make a mistake we learn from it and get wise. I salute you for apologizing to CP because only a person with a big heart will do that. Take care my friend :) looks like we are in the same boat - Just hope that you're losses is not as big as mine - almost embarrasing to mentioned it! make sure you jump to safety when they goreng KNM again cause I sure will :)

News & Blogs

2012-05-05 10:57 | Report Abuse

Hi Yungshen1, My average is about 2.17 and the last i average was .87 about 3 weeks ago just for 10 lots and that is it for me. I've shifted some of the little money I have to other stock with better fundamental but just very little as I have no more funds. I like your confidence in KNM but this is a stock that I won't touch for a long time. I actually learn my lesson well now- Never to touch these speculative stock - I'm not a trader and more like a long time investor who invested in the wrong stocks :) you're right that I don't see knm going anywhere north unless some goreng or some good quarters and get some big contracts but they just have too much debts. anyway hope you're not in the same boat with me but that you just like knm like I once did :)

News & Blogs

2012-05-05 05:36 | Report Abuse

Yungshen1, good for you to apologize to CP - he is here to help ( and so is Brother Chong who has taken a lot of his time to provide updates on his many spectacular picks )and I'm sure many newbies appreciate it. we are all here to learn from one another.
You like KNM and so do I at one point - infact it's my biggest holding of 33% of my portfolio still and am stuck at my entry avg of more than 2 ringgit each - my paper loss is more than 200K.
we are all entitle to our opinion but we also have to be responsible with our comments.
anyway,my only hope is that KNM will be goreng again and I can sell at a better price as it seems this fundamentally lousy stock keep hitting new low everyday!
Hope is not the right trading strategy but it's the only One I have right now!


2012-05-02 01:11 | Report Abuse

Good thing about these forums is you do get good advice from some participants. The difficult part is finding the right honest ones!

MOST times, a cheap stock is cheap for a reason and can be cheaper.
The newbies ( including me ) tend to get excited when we see these fundamentally flaw counters flying thru the roof and we chased them - just remember what goes up must come down especially these goreng stocks. Sure it will go up but can it stay.

As of now, based on KNM fundamentals, ( I'm not a TA person as I know jack %$#@ about it ) I see no reason how this stock will trend higher. Sure you can have a few bad quarters,most business do but it's very important that the people running the company has integrity. Sadly this one does NOT.

The way I look at it this one will be trending down. I might be wrong and I hope I'm proven wrong as i do hold many from the 2.00 up and like CP said, STUCK!

Good luck to all who wants to invest in this company. maybe, when the price shoots up I can unload my shares :)


2012-05-01 11:08 | Report Abuse

Hi Yungshen1 - thanks for the clarification. Not that I don't trust you - it's the owner that i don't trust :) he said he wants to go on expansion by buying foreign companys with the 400 millions available but has 2 x more debts and now he wants to do a right issue for 200 millions, so you tell me.They're lucky that the quarter B4 the last, the tax incentive covers them otherwise they will be in deep loss. 1/2 of their orderbook now either not close or making losses so i don't know how the share price is going to go up. the way I look at it it will be going to south. good luck to you,your friend and also Me:)


2012-05-01 00:41 | Report Abuse

Hey Bro Chong - hope all is well. took your advice on BIMB - got a little @2.51 and hope to go all the way to 2.90 :) hope E&O too - I have this shares for sometime - should have sold when it hit 1.70 - 1.8 but thought that stupid Sime paid 2.30 this should at least worth 2.00. sigh. no more bullets for me:)


2012-05-01 00:28 | Report Abuse

Not sure about this counter like andrew said one step forward three steps backwards -more like one forward and 10 backwards - look at the price -
yungshen1 - I like your confidence but looks to be like this counter is heading to be like Scomi - don't get me wrong - I hold plenty of this from last year and i avg a little at 1.02 and recently at .87 - now???? I'm done on this - badly burnt - i was too optismistic on the reports by all the research house and kept buying till 2.75. should have listen to Dali and moolah or even cpteh - this is a goreng counter. learnt my lesson well - Goreng counters share prices will always reflects their position even during bull market.
This owner is very irresponsible - keep giving earning guidance that is very short of actual - here in the US where I'm based - these CEO would have been shot!


2012-04-25 10:06 | Report Abuse

hi Bro Chong, got your mail, many thanks. new to this blog and wish you a happy healthy prosperous dragon year for you and family too :)


2012-04-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

opps Bro chong - my email is


2012-04-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro Chong, new to the blog - please email me as I'll like to look at this counter.thanks in advance