
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2020-09-12 12:21 | Report Abuse

DickyMe RM 1.40 coming soon!
12/09/2020 12:16 PM

Don't worry...U can buy at...NTA...@1.29...◉‿◉


2020-09-12 12:14 | Report Abuse

zjz2017 SBB yesterday from 6.2 to 8. Means 8 is considered cheap to the management. That's why TG still buy back at this price
12/09/2020 12:08 PM

Yup...u can say that normally...but those professional IBs...CFO...CEO...they see many for some ACCA holders...their calculated risks...become so much uncertainties...that they dare not press the button to buy...So experience needed to survive in stock markets...Buy n Sell...not everyone... CAN...(゜o゜;


2020-09-12 12:04 | Report Abuse

witan If Tan Sri buyback shares himself on 11 Aug at 27.67 (9.22 adjusted) do u think the Topglove target price is only rm9?? Think again. Easily rm12-15 in my opinion
12/09/2020 11:58 AM

It's more than just buying back for the fun of it...value wise or otherwise...they have lot derivatives...not shown in balance manipulation bound to happen...when big funds are shorting those derivatives...So first round probably he won...but there are other rounds to fight. Probably they lost the first round...let see the second or third round...see whether it's long or short...(・o・)


2020-09-12 10:31 | Report Abuse

Babi Shark Hehe...Maybank is cash rich, they also can pump up their own share...kekeke
12/09/2020 10:25 AM

Oh... Maybank...all the years they never bought back any shares when cheap...Only good dividend...n now...No dividend...Cash Rich...share price can go up...???


2020-09-12 10:24 | Report Abuse

Jo1234 supersingerinvestor use to have shares in Kossan as I have seen him not long ago promoting there. He must have sold off and lose bunch of money. Now he's changing his tune. Such a low life!
12/09/2020 10:17 AM

Run here n there like headless chicken... don't know what he really wants...alamak...I think lot of people are like this...End of the day... it's still strong balance sheet n earnings growth that matter...all those hype, news, etc...are just passing black clouds... thunderstorms...u win some n lose some... Mr. Market will decide... "present is the voting the long run it's a weighing machine." Graham.


2020-09-12 10:07 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor Monday sure rush for the exits...hehe..
Thats why when u have goreng kaki in stockmarket...they r like farm mice...
Get ready for more drama...
12/09/2020 10:05 AM

This is a stock markets...SOP Required...⊙﹏⊙


2020-09-12 10:00 | Report Abuse

JBond007 Haha, supersinginvestor missed the boat & wants to buy cheap. Today appointed himself as Bangladesh labour minister.
12/09/2020 9:54 AM

Special Envoy n ministry of force labour department for all migrant workers in Malaysia only...ಠ ೧ ಠ


2020-09-12 09:56 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor so us m europe ban...sell gloved at discount to bangladesh lor
12/09/2020 9:52 AM

So better ban all glove manufacturers in Malaysia...ban oil palm...ban rubber...ban furniture...all these industries got force labour issues...ಠ︵ಠ


2020-09-12 09:48 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor Cnn headlines..looks like everyone against gloves...topglove now..
Now its topglove owner n kaki goreng against the world...
Sure no lift ban...
Sure limit down again n panic selling on monday...
12/09/2020 9:41 AM more loh...Those countries in SEA, that need foreign Singapore, Malaysia n many agents, sub-agents, middle men involved. Many migrant workers need at least a year or two to settle their debts, while working here. Even in Singapore there are so many such stories...not only in Malaysia...So these problems need to solve n no more such practices in future... Hopefully.


2020-09-12 09:35 | Report Abuse

12/09/2020 9:32 AM

That Biased Andy Hall...Must go Singapore n ask those construction workers...n publish all those 3rd world living conditions n write long stories lah.


2020-09-12 00:47 | Report Abuse

The Guardian.

The emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including drug-resistant bacteria, or “superbugs”, pose far greater risks to human health than Covid-19, threatening to put modern medicine “back into the dark ages”, an Australian scientist has warned, ahead of a three-year study into drug-resistant bacteria in Fiji.

“If you thought Covid was bad, you don’t want anti-microbial resistance,” Dr Paul De Barro, biosecurity research director at Australia’s national science agency, the CSIRO, told The Guardian.

“I don’t think I’m exaggerating to say it’s the biggest human health threat, bar none. Covid is not anywhere near the potential impact of AMR.”

“We would go back into the dark ages of health.”

WHO warns overuse of antibiotics for Covid-19 will cause more deaths
While AMR is an emerging public health threat across the globe, in the Pacific, where the risk of the problem is acute, drug-resistant bacteria could stretch the region’s fragile health systems beyond breaking point.

An article in the BMJ Global Health journal reported there was little official health data – and low levels of public knowledge - around antimicrobial resistance in the Pacific, and that high rates of infectious disease and antibiotic prescription were driving up risks.

“A challenge for Pacific island countries and territories is trying to curtail antimicrobial excess, without jeopardising antimicrobial access for those who need them,” the paper argued.

Fiji, despite a population of less than a million people, has one of the highest rates of bacterial infections in the world. The country also has high levels of tuberculosis in animals and humans, and its hospitals perform, on average, two diabetic amputations every day, all of which drives the use of antibiotics.

Across the archipelago nation, many antibiotics are used across both human and animal populations, increasing the risk of resistant bacteria developing.

Last month, Fiji’s government announced that 10 people had died from leptospirosis, a bacterial infection that affects both animals and humans, while thousands more were infected.

Australia’s CSIRO has begun a three-year study in Fiji, alongside the government of Fiji’s national antimicrobial resistance committee and universities across Australia and the Pacific, to identify the emergence of superbugs in Fiij, analysing data from hospital pathology labs, farms contaminated with pharmaceuticals, and in the general environment, seeking to identify AMR hotspots and emerging trends.

The global public health ramifications of the widespread emergency of drug-resistant bacteria are immense.

“If you consider how antibiotics now play a role in virtually every part of our health system: simple things like scratches could kill you, childbirth could kill you, cancer treatment, major surgeries, diabetes, in the background in all of these, is often the use of antibiotics,” De Barro said.

“That will all become very very challenging, if you are doing it in an environment where the antibiotics you use no longer work.

“You will end of with massive pressure on the health system – exactly the sort of things you are seeing with Covid – think about intensive care units, hospital stays, access to medical treatment outside of the hospital system, the use of antibiotics in nursing, in treating pneumonia, all of these come into play.”

Social distancing can’t help with AMR: bacteria exist in food, water, and air, they are all around on everyday surfaces.

Dr Donald Wilson, associate dean at the Fiji National University’s College of Medicine, said the issue could not be ignored any longer “or there will be more people getting sick and we don’t have the right medicines to treat them”.

Already, antibiotic resistance is estimated to cause at least 700,000 deaths globally a year - though this is likely a severe underestimate. That figure has been projected to reach 10 million deaths annually without intervention.

Exacerbating that trend, the increased use of antibiotics to combat the Covid-19 pandemic will strengthen bacterial resistance and ultimately lead to more deaths during the crisis and beyond, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.

Big pharma failing to invest in new antibiotics, says WHO
Three hundred and fifty million deaths could be caused by AMR by 2050, the WHO has estimated, while the economic cost is predicted to reach US$1.35tr over the next 10 years in the western Pacific region alone.

The longer the issue remains unaddressed, the greater the cost in money and human lives, Wilson said.

“For instance, we’ve identified people who have a multi-drug-resistant form of tuberculosis and need newer, stronger medication for a longer period of time and those stronger antibiotics are more expensive.”


2020-09-11 22:24 | Report Abuse

DreamCommander you got slow hand better cut off your fingers la
11/09/2020 10:21 PM

Insert bionic fingers...⊙﹏⊙


2020-09-11 22:21 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun Limit up on Monday is how much? My hand key very slow when buying
11/09/2020 10:14 PM

Limit up...#10.08...system...HANG...ಥ‿ಥ


2020-09-11 22:08 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai,

"he considers all his 20k staff as his children. Whoever better will lead, not necessary his sons."

This language n character is just fantastic...Hold...。◕‿◕。


2020-09-11 17:47 | Report Abuse

clouud1234 TAN SRI,i really respect you for giving effort to save Tg stock price from keep falling down like no tommorow.Not like kossan boss,even sell his own company share.At least Tan sri buy back his share,and goto 8tv to gain back investor confidence.All retailer we hold and united and have confidence in Tan sri.He already show we can rely to this company.
11/09/2020 5:43 PM

Yup...EQ...Not IQ...◉‿◉


2020-09-11 17:35 | Report Abuse

geary param1 who collected at 5.40 I must find out!!!
11/09/2020 5:21 PM

Maybe in year 2022. That's after another bonus issue...2:1.


2020-09-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

mh87 RM 1.7 billion transaction value in 1 day..

11/09/2020 5:03 PM

Next week more Crazy...If limit up again...@10.08...。◕‿◕。


2020-09-11 17:02 | Report Abuse

maggiemee TG leading KLCI >$1.5K

can dance now.

Next week...Hard Rock Café... dancing.


2020-09-11 16:59 | Report Abuse

geary HNWInvestor 1st limit up 2.50 + 30% = 3.25
2nd limit up 3.25 + 30% = 4.23
3rd limit up 4.23 + 30% = 5.50

wah you so high!!
11/09/2020 4:47 PM

Already limit Up... morning Lowest was...@1.91.
11/09/2020 4:56 PM

Sold whatever on Margin at...@2.49...Not...@2.50.


2020-09-11 16:49 | Report Abuse

dickson2u need 3 time limit up then can release me...stay in high floor condo
11/09/2020 4:44 PM

U should average down...because FA is very strong.


2020-09-11 16:43 | Report Abuse


Sep 10, 2020 4:32 PM | Report Abuse


11/09/2020 2:05 PM

Forward PE multiple...#100%... below...#20X.
11/09/2020 2:18 PM

Sold some in Margin...Hold balance with free Cash.


2020-09-11 16:36 | Report Abuse

yttihs 8.00 new name = Macquarie block!
11/09/2020 4:34 PM

Power Upswing...Next Week...。◕‿◕。


2020-09-11 14:37 | Report Abuse

YONG Buy Buy Buy until RM8
11/09/2020 2:34 PM

Already...Limit Up... @8.03...morning session...lowest was...@6.15.


2020-09-11 14:24 | Report Abuse

Local funds managers will panic buy back in second session
10/09/2020 1:57 PM

Bought back...@6.18.

Forward PE multiple...#100%... below...#30X.


2020-09-11 14:20 | Report Abuse


Sep 10, 2020 4:34 PM | Report Abuse


11/09/2020 2:09 PM

Forward PE multiple...#100%...below...#20X.


2020-09-11 14:18 | Report Abuse


Sep 10, 2020 4:32 PM | Report Abuse


11/09/2020 2:05 PM

Forward PE multiple...#100%... below...#20X.


2020-09-11 14:05 | Report Abuse


Sep 10, 2020 4:32 PM | Report Abuse




2020-09-11 13:46 | Report Abuse

Sean Kelly. CPO. PPE of US.

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, a nitrile glove shortage may not seem as dire as a mask shortage. After all, no virus can “drill through the skin on your hand,” and masks are still the best safety precaution for most people.

However, these gloves are still a necessity for medical professionals, tattoo artists, food servers, and mechanics. Plus, they have various at-home uses including gardening, cleaning, and safety precautions for the immunocompromised.
Right now, our supplies are dwindling -- and the United States currently has no domestic manufacturers.

Outside of professional standards, nitrile gloves are sought at the consumer level for their strong resistance to puncture, protection against corrosion and chemicals, and hypoallergenic qualities -
- though some people are allergic, it's far less common than an allergy to latex or other glove-making materials.
We've also previously recommended them for gardening, and they're great for working with fiberglass and harsh cleaning chemicals.

In other words, not everyone needs gloves -- but the people who do need gloves are likely to need nitrile gloves. And they're only going to get harder to find.

“The big problem with the nitrile glove space is that the barrier to entry is so great,” says Sean Kelly, Chief Procurement Officer for PPE of America.
“For surgical masks, also known as 3-ply masks, for $150,000 you can get a machine to make them and you’re in business,
Nitrile glove manufacturing is very complex. The raw materials are very difficult to access in some parts of the world.”

Right now, the only domestic manufacturer of nitrile gloves is The Showa Group. Their factory, in Lafayette, Ala. opens April 12, 2021. And when it comes to amateur glove-making, well, that simply doesn’t exist.

In other words, the deluge of consumer-grade masks we’ve seen -- from fashion companies to individuals starting their own side-hustles on Etsy -- that won’t happen with nitrile gloves. And there’s already starting to be an impact.

"Before Covid, you could buy a box (of nitrile gloves) for $3 - $6," says Kelly. "Go on Amazon now, and you’ll see the average price is $19 - $25, which is ludicrous.”

Exacerbating the problem is the lack of domestic manufacturers, as well as increasing pressure on our foreign providers: In July, the US banned two subsidiaries of the world’s largest glove manufacturer, citing “reasonable evidence of forced labor in the manufacturing process.”

Another problem is fraud, which is especially malignant during the desperation of a public health crisis. Such fraud was a huge problem in the early days of the pandemic: leading N95 mask manufacturer 3M was investigating 4,000 reports of N95 fraud in July, and the Bay Area faced consumer-level fraud in April.

While the biggest problems in procuring nitrile gloves will largely be happening at a corporate, wholesale level, the issues will trickle down to consumers quickly.

“I spoke to a senior buyer in a hospital, and they said that they had literally run out of large nitrile gloves. The glove situation is different with the masks, because with or without Covid, a lot of people need these gloves, but with Covid, they need them more than ever.”

PPE US News.


2020-09-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun Profit taking. Jump 10% already lo. Volume is getting crazy already. My 8 TP please come back to papa
11/09/2020 12:15 PM

Tired week the music will be hard rock...◉‿◉


2020-09-11 12:04 | Report Abuse

SunTzu1668 Is it time to switch to responsible, trustworthy and transparent IB’s?
11/09/2020 11:58 AM

Money in Chinese character...are two swords fighting...So no way... Human character...Since ancient time...never change.


2020-09-11 11:57 | Report Abuse

DreamCommander no cannot take a break when we are advancing & enemy is retreating

we have to crush & obliterate the enemy

we rout them

we annihilate them
11/09/2020 11:55 AM

No...they surrender...must have kindness.


2020-09-11 11:56 | Report Abuse

pretty Bullish engulfing again ?
11/09/2020 11:54 AM week will be better...before the Q report...◉‿◉


2020-09-11 11:53 | Report Abuse

happ12 tan Sri troops don't go makan first, secure base first
11/09/2020 11:51 AM

Don't worry sold whatever on margin...hold more on cash portfolio...n profit first...makan also happy lah...◉‿◉


2020-09-11 11:43 | Report Abuse

Makeabuck all hungry go out early lunch...come back full energy 2:30 push upwards!
11/09/2020 11:42 AM

Yup...early n best lunch today...。◕‿◕。


2020-09-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

Alipapapa Market sentiment still very volatile.
11/09/2020 11:38 AM

Yup... same same...Good luck...Any Weakness will use margin again.


2020-09-11 11:36 | Report Abuse

maggiemee TG dont sailang first.keep some bullet and slap IBs again in case they simply release the TG analyst
11/09/2020 11:33 AM

Yup...Sold some...@8.00...margin account...Hold whatever on Cash...◉‿◉


2020-09-11 11:13 | Report Abuse

DreamCommander only another 1.05 to limit up

come on baby you can do it

we give a big hard slap to macquarie's ugly face
11/09/2020 11:06 AM

No need to slap...hpye n lousy FA are temporary...Mr. Market will quote prices accordingly to hype, news, etc...End of the still come back to fundamental...N a good FA counter will rebound the fastest... it's only how U estimate its reasonable price to buy...e.g....What's the intangible value of its brand name... TopGlove...◉‿◉...Tangible are numbers... Intangible is an EQ.


2020-09-11 11:06 | Report Abuse

geary.Friendship Foreign funds are coming in to buy cheap and retailers are buying back

Local funds managers will panic buy back in second session
10/09/2020 1:57 PM

Bought back...@6.18.
10/09/2020 2:38PM.

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
11/09/2020 11:00 AM

Yesterday to press the entry button...@6.18...wasn't...Easy at all...Anyway... don't talk 3 talk 4...Just do It...◉‿◉


2020-09-11 11:00 | Report Abuse

geary.Friendship Foreign funds are coming in to buy cheap and retailers are buying back

Local funds managers will panic buy back in second session
10/09/2020 1:57 PM

Bought back...@6.18.
10/09/2020 2:38PM.

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


2020-09-11 09:52 | Report Abuse

yttihs PAT 1.4 billion!!!

RM12 incoming!!!

Don't miss the bus!!
11/09/2020 9:51 AM



2020-09-11 09:51 | Report Abuse

Alipapapa this morning made 20k from Topglov.
11/09/2020 9:45 AM



2020-09-11 09:46 | Report Abuse

geary pBlue Yes, their research can probably be trusted just not their sale team. Their article is misleading in its structure.

If you look carefully at their article, they are taking about a scenario where the glove demand has returned to normal, aka the pandemic has ended. They put that date around FY22.

So once the pandemic is over, and glove demand returns to normal in FY22, Macquarie predicts TG will be able to maintain a TP of RM5.40 (base scenario). Bull scenario it could go as high as RM20.40, with a bear scenario of RM2.80.

Also stated with their article, Macquarie predicts an EPS of RM1.29 for FY2021. Given TG has a 50% dividend policy, it means 64.5 dividend for 2021.

So if we believe Mcquarie... TG is now at a price very near to what it will be able to maintain once the pandemic ends in 2022-2023. And we should expect a dividend of 12sen for this quarter. And 64.5 dividend in FY2021. So people who bought TG today will look forward to a 4% annual dividend for 2020, and 10% dividend for 2021.

And very little down side to their shares once the pandemic ends.

This is the base scenario.

If the glove bull continues.. well TG could rise upto RM20.80... And given the covid19 pandemic is uncontrolled and we are entering flu season... well glove demand will rise as more Covid19 patients flood the hospitals.

Yeah i know... TA people will call me foolish for believing in FA. But there you go.

If everyone throw their TG shares tomorrow, I will be around to buy as much as I can... i mean... 10% dividend per year? Who can say no to that?

Posted by lclwyp > Sep 10, 2020 4:16 PM | Report Abuse
On 26/8/20, Macquarie gave TP 30.40. Now (2 weeks later), almost cut half to 16.20 (5.40 x3)
Their research can be trusted?
10/09/2020 5:14 PM

TA wise very Simple...#10.30am...alrrady below RSI30...Oversold...almost all genuine glove counters...So the possibility of a Technical Rebound is high...So maybe tomorrow is Friday...looking bearish...but we never know... Malaysia Boleh...⊙﹏⊙
10/09/2020 6:11 PM



2020-09-10 19:12 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor Looks like even big boss cant help or protect topglove... good luck guys... now its all about luck...
10/09/2020 7:06 PM

It's not really all luck...looking at present scenario...I think it's already undervalued at present market value.


2020-09-10 19:05 | Report Abuse

joecool32 TG's orderbook backlog = 18mths, Adv payment = 900m and macquarie says end of game by 2021? if TG makes 3b next 2-3 qr, they have no intelligent way of investing it in r&d and other innovations? what kind of financial modelling tells you to ignore the next 5 qrs and downgrade the TP for a simplistic fcst that growth would be slower.........

We're talking new normal but got analyst using old world scenarios to scare ppl. Why don't they upgrade airline industry saying that by end 2021, tourism would become robust again and up Airline TP by 30%........... Furthermore, TG was not even interviewed regarding growth sustainability beyond fy2021. Such a major assumption and TG's mgnt input was not sought out at all. The intention is clearly to hurt the stock price.......
10/09/2020 7:01 PM

With so much uncertainties...taking more than 1 year...of assumptions...huge Margin of Errors.


2020-09-10 18:58 | Report Abuse

supersinginvestor Wow so much sharebuy bak yet fall like shiit... cant imagine why.. looks like ibs throwing n no hope....
10/09/2020 6:54 PM

Unless u sapu all the public shares...around 18.88 present market value.


2020-09-10 18:50 | Report Abuse

Steviaman Ban Macquarie. Cant afford lose dont issue warrant la. Now all warrant issued also high premium 1
10/09/2020 6:34 PM

Genuine investors don't play or buy derivatives such as warrant, option, future, etc.


2020-09-10 18:32 | Report Abuse


idiot analyst in Macquarie...
10/09/2020 6:29 PM

They aren't idiots...they are very cunning...they want to buy they do some fire lah...later put some water lah...when they bought enough.


2020-09-10 18:29 | Report Abuse

Jingweihan Tg angry already!
10/09/2020 6:27 PM

More sell down...more next time boss give us some treasury shares also good.


2020-09-10 18:26 | Report Abuse

Immediate Announcement on Shares Buy Back

Date of buy back 10 Sep 2020
Description of shares purchased Ordinary Shares
Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
Total number of shares purchased (units) 14,930,000
Minimum price paid for each share purchased ($$) 6.120
Maximum price paid for each share purchased ($$) 7.400
Total consideration paid ($$) 99,934,285.00
Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units) 14,930,000
Number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled (units) 0
Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units) 18,306,800
Adjusted issued capital after cancellation
(no. of shares) (units) 8,133,314,774
Total number of shares purchased and/or held as treasury shares against total number of issued shares of the listed issuer (%) 0.22508

Announcement Info
Stock Name TOPGLOV
Date Announced 10 Sep 2020
Category Immediate Announcement on Shares Buy Back
Reference Number SB1-09092020-00011


2020-09-10 18:25 | Report Abuse

Hotstuff 100m share buyback lol. tan Sri must be very confident on the upcoming qr
10/09/2020 6:19 PM

TopGlove balance sheet very strong...then u think Bursa will approve 2:1. Need lot of money u know. Share split no need money.