
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2019-03-25 18:25 | Report Abuse

Former Fed chair Yellen says yield curve may signal need to cut rates, not a recession |


2019-03-23 17:45 | Report Abuse

BTW...I see everyone my Sifu... because I can learn from their strong points n weak points...the crucial points are we learn from our shortcomings n be humble with our own success...always learn from mistakes n try not to make the same mistakes again. Value investing is more on how we can see mistake in stock pricing or mispriced scenario...n it's just approximately correct only... unforeseen circumstances can happen... because overall business environment changes rapidly. Now we are in this supernova century...where we see so many technologies, scientific, n business model changing at full speed. Be prepared any which way you look at this present time...GL... everyone.


2019-03-23 16:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...yo...Just look at Dayang...BTW I don't buy that share...they must take profit after zero down their cost of capital...n Cannot use margins to buy at higher Price. They want to chase the last where is it going now... unforeseen circumstances happening...we cannot blame others for our own greediness n shortcomings. For this type of cyclical business model...PE of...@>11x... probably overvalued...unless they can produce increasing EPS within these 3 years going forward...then probably has higher PE multiple. At present those IBs are reasonable in their analysis. Of course different people have different valuations we shall see the next few days...GL... everyone.


2019-03-23 15:37 | Report Abuse

BTW... people are born n due to their upbringings... different types of characters n thinking... different experiences n knowledge...some people want more risk... whereas some are risk averse...some want excitement n they don't feel boring...some just have others hobby to do...just invest n analyse its financial statements yearly...n Not quarterly. So it depends more own your own temperament n your experience... whatever it the end of the day...your capital return must be Okay...then your venture into that Investing strategy. Always be flexible n admit our own shortcomings...nothing is perfectly right...I think all strategies have some flaws n not flawless. Analyse more to maximise our Margin of Safety...n minimise our Margin of Error. TQ.


2019-03-23 14:22 | Report Abuse

Relaxation during weekend with family n friend is the best option to be rational. Sometimes we need to listen to younger children asking unreasonable n unrealistic questions...but we must be good listener... Investing in a good business is the same...why people like to buy this product or use this service...ask yourself why...who are our is its demand... actually investing is quite analyse...who are the people using our products or services... woman, man, children, young or old, etc...just look at Milo enough...when you visit kopitiam...100% customer will call for 'Milo Ice'... nobody will call for 'Olvatine Ice'...there are many products n services out listen... especially what your girlfriend or wife got to say or tell you that she likes...Invest only on products or services that are sustainable, consistent profit margin, EPS, cash flow, dividend, bonus...(40~60% of EPS)...increasing book value... especially its retained earnings, above average 5 yer..Dupont ROE...@12%... decreasing long term debt. Read at least 5 years of financial statements...take notes of what BODs have what it takes to run the business moving few insiders are substantial shareholders n running theirs business. GL ..!!!


2019-03-22 19:22 | Report Abuse

TOPGLOV's Macro...!!!
Bear Market for Rubber May Last Another Decade on Oversupply |


2019-03-21 20:32 | Report Abuse saving human life... without asking for anything in return... Since the Cuban missile crisis... American was saved... that's was when commercial airplanes are in serviced... Asian great philosophers... especially Buddhists believers...will make American beliefs sooner or later...then US will treat China differently...after some space station crisis...with the help from China technology...will be so advanced...thanks to Rare Earth...from China... that's why China don't anyhow sell their most precious treasure...Space technology aren't linked to military...all are equalled...!!!


2019-03-21 18:07 | Report Abuse

Overall sentiments is mixed...But this article...VS has a good chance to sign new contract manufacturing for MNC...!!!
Trump says tariffs on Chinese goods will stay for ‘substantial period of time’ |


2019-03-21 09:04 | Report Abuse

Malaysia's Biggest State Fund Sees Strong Revival for Stocks |


2019-03-20 15:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... approximately as what...@unclelimhuat says...the future is very bright...these 6 months until Oct... probably the price is consolidating...unless there are huge whales... institutions or funds bidding higher n higher...Stay invested or Stay tuned...GL...!!!


2019-03-20 14:38 | Report Abuse

CEO Gan S.Y. Say it loud n clear Now...!!!
US-based Bissell brings welcome relief to VS Industry |


2019-03-17 19:55 | Report Abuse war... economic war...cyber war...whatever is it...US just don't really understand or trust China...these problems will be solved...but not perfectly solved...So many top companies in China aren't public lack of by state enterprises. These are the strong points in can see how fast the takes China 30 years...but for others probably more than 100 years...!!! There are many extraordinary kids born in China this I know this century belongs to was the last one belongs to US. Before that it was UK. So within these scenarios...I think some OEM/ODM will benefits companies in others types of industries like furniture, glove, OSAT, ATE...where there are a lot of outsourcing manufacturing of original products or services. So Bursa companies need to be daring to venture into government need to solve foreign workers levy at reasonable rates. Malaysian need to upgrade their respective skills to undertake all these....GL...!!!


2019-03-17 18:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...BTW...I would like to be too predict DJ... probably if it peaks at 29,000~30,000 points...then probably a huge reversal can happen...but before it happens...some happening must be going GDP slow down... interest rates is going up...n bond rates is up...all types of rates is up...or probably crisis in Latin America... or Eastern Europe...or probably huge debts... some countries...some many difficult to predict... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-17 18:14 | Report Abuse

Stock Markets Crash...can wipe out around 50~70% of our in 2008/ how to invest with huge Margin of Safety...???...Never chase the last dollars...have your own target price to exit...n reduce or eliminate your cost of capital. If the company don't pay dividend, bonus, etc...Just Sell all...when your target is reached... unless you know it's business model is sustainable n BODs allocated its retained earnings above average Dupont ROE. Always analyse its products or is its demand... worldwide...who n why people buy or use it... cyclical or defensive...!!!...???


2019-03-17 17:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyah whatever it's at present... looking at markets trends everywhere... interest rates are stabilised... liquidity is flowing 70~80% into equities...AAA bonds rates are going down...these are the crucial sentiments that everywhere stocks are in bullishness trends...Even we have all the FA is good... current n annual earnings are in green...if liquidity never flows into stocks...we are in Bearish trends...So think about it...I know many people are smart...but most of us never think rationally...!!!


2019-03-15 21:20 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I think many get influence by these quarters earnings...but it is one of the variables for price movements...N not business valuation as a whole. Business model plus earnings growth prospects are measured in years past, present, n future...past n present...we all knew it...but the future outcome we all don't know. Investing is more on these thesis...that we don't know...the probability n lot of calculated risks...So what's the future value of TopGlov...???... Nobody dare to calculate...but we as investors will try to estimate its approximate value...So keep on trying...what are the businesses TopGlov is doing...past, present...n the ultimate keys its future...I don't know...but I still invest... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-15 18:52 | Report Abuse

Ha...normal employees with ESOS can buy n sell...But BOD/CEO/CFO...cannot Buy n Sell shares within that one month...only after quarter report is out on Mar 22...then they can decide...TQ.


2019-03-13 19:23 | Report Abuse

Investment graded business...!!!
'Defensive Growth' Opportunities In Growing Medical Glove Market $ANSLY, $HRGHY, $TGLVY


2019-03-13 17:06 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...Insiders invested plus SBB... average price... approximately...@<0.95...probaby at present price is well supported...GL to you...!!!


2019-03-13 15:46 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...hit by thunderstorms...humans' brains decrease seratonin...feel sleepy...lah...Or course time to add... Oversold...almost zero already... technical rebound anytime... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-13 15:24 | Report Abuse



2019-03-13 14:40 | Report Abuse

Ha...Businesses aren't just so straight forward...a lot of walks n barriers...these are all challenges where people who are real fighters will try to break all those walls n barriers. So kiasu n most of our south neighbors...better hold a corporate jobs n earn a dead salary. Investing is almost the same...lot of probabilities n calculated risks...which businesses are 100% perfect...find me one...I will Sai Lang...!!!. Malaysian Chinese are one of the most daring n adventurous people...I wonder where some of them are...???...!!!


2019-03-12 19:34 | Report Abuse

FA... wise you won't die... TopGlov is so well integrated... vertically n horizontally...I think its business model is Top...among all glove companies in Bursa... Looking at various variables...I estimate its PE multiple...@<30x is fair...of course with...@<20x... roughly us undervalued...Invest wisely...GL...!!!


2019-03-12 18:05 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...RSI consolidating below...@5... Oversold position...time for some bottom fishing...added... Patience...!!!


2019-03-12 17:40 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I still remember May 2016... VS limit down below...@<1.20...n VS-WA was around... was doing insiders were buying hell a I also bought a lot. I waited for more than 2 years...but before that I already took back my initial capital. Before I bought back VS in Dec 2018...I still have my free shares from bonus issue of 1-4, May 2018. GL everyone...Be Patience...!!!


2019-03-12 17:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyah...@goodiewilly...all public listed companies are bound to be attacked by outsiders sharks... these baby sharks swimming outside our insiders titanium cages in the big ocean... don't fear...we are protected by insiders killer whale...we only fear those insiders MEG...even whales also be eaten alive...!!!


2019-03-12 17:00 | Report Abuse

Well I don't really like to invest n not trade in commodities related companies...where you don't invest long term...where they don't pay dividends n bonuses...these Investing are more on cyclical n turnaround plays. If you are good at it...go ahead...we don't look at all things like nails...n you aren't holding a hammer...good luck to you anyway.


2019-03-12 16:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...I have been rewarded with free warrant issued...1-4 twice...n bonus issue once...1-4 last year. Mind you the warrant free issue was within warrant itself...1-4...last year May. Every time I invested I always remind myself... don't love my my wife n children...I will sell when I have 100% capital return... that's I will take back all my initial capital. No matter...thus time I think I can make it again... because my initial capital plus my free shares...was very low... approximately its floor or support value of below 0.75 or 0.80...GL to you...!!!


2019-03-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...where are those outsiders sharks n their gangs...VS has no insiders sharks n gangs...we are 100% protected by titanium cages...Stay invested...n you will be well rewarded probably with bonus issue of free share or treasury free warrant issue...if you guys n gals have strong conviction on VS. VS never abandon n disappoint me all these years since September 2015...GL n TQ...!!!


2019-03-11 22:11 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...those who had invested in VS n VS-WA before knew very much how terrible its volatility was...its WA fluctuated from a range of 0.20 to 1.50...within slightly more than 2 years. VS around 1.15 to above 3.00...!!!... Don't expect too much this quarter report... probably will have the same scenario like before...How the price movements going one knows about it. It depends on some variables...1. Current quarter earnings, 2. Annual earnings, 3. products, etc, 4. Supply n support. 5. Liquidity from low interest rates, 6. Institutions Investors n funds, 7. Market behaviours n sentiments during this time or after. So where are your gamble Price...n did you know enough...that your invested price is approximately mispriced...well time will tell...with all those variables n unforeseen circumstances...GL... everyone... TQ.


2019-03-11 17:31 | Report Abuse

Oh...cannot tahan the lost...learn from Sifu KYY...he can tahan...64M lost...still so strong...86 year old...I respect him...fight another day... hahaha...!!!


2019-03-11 17:26 | Report Abuse

Oh...I see... people who are too but never sell...when their target probably at above...100%... that's why... don't know what they doing here...blur like 'sotong'... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-11 17:20 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I knew it long, long, time ago... trembling...but I still profited so much from those sharks... especially its warrant after more than 2 years... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-11 17:10 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I live in Mariana Trench...I am MEG...loves to eat those bleeding sharks... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-11 17:05 | Report Abuse

Hohoho...Hooray...Bottom Fishing...Stay invested...!!!


2019-03-11 16:41 | Report Abuse

Oh...@goodiewilly...bros... what's your averaging up Price...@<0.85...i think it's... Okay...GL 2 U...!!!


2019-03-11 16:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyah...limit down only...@<5%...I taught going to be...@20%...Sold half of my only have...1. VS, 2. TopGlov, 3. Inari, 4. Penta, 5. Cash Flow...hehehe... Patience is the Sai Lang... hohoho...!!!


2019-03-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

Ha... @Jackson Jiang...if your story or rumour is true...then VS n SKPRES have good chance to get extra contract from their failure...they are newcomer in OEM...they are doing Dyson air purifier n bladeless fan...these are unique products. That's why VS increased their production become overcapacity. VS has good prospects... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-11 12:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...I am having lunch...@wendyuong... TopGlov dividend policy is 50% of it's EPS going forward. So whatever the company EPS this times 50% of it... that's the dividend per year. Company pay twice dividend. You should check on its financial statements. TQ.


2019-03-11 12:06 | Report Abuse

Ha... newbies probably don't understand much about sharks...they are very smart people wearing nice clothings... emperor's clothing...if they win...they are good friends...if they lose...they all become see who are bleeding to death sum games...n they play with huge Margins...going up like rocket...n coming down like atomic where or what is your Investing strategy...!!!


2019-03-11 11:47 | Report Abuse

Ha...TopGlov management is still top class... probably these sharks smell some blood in the sea... because of some unhealthy sentiments about they are we shall see... actually if you do your homework...just invest on weakness...Price is what you buy...value is what you get...GL...!!!


2019-03-11 11:37 | Report Abuse

Bursa only have two excellent bankers...where they have above average ROA... assets play...1. Public Bank...2. Hong Leong Bank...those BODs are serious running their assets...there rest are below average... Probably Maybank is getting better now...but still lagging behind in terms of efficiency. TQ.


2019-03-11 11:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...where is this Kenanga from all IBs 1 n 2 Investment bankers are still Hong Leong n Public...n probably Affin Hwang... closest leveled playing field. Kenanga earnings growth is just flat...all these years...!!!


2019-03-11 10:56 | Report Abuse

Top Glove positive on FY19 rubber glove demand |


2019-03-11 10:18 | Report Abuse



2019-03-10 11:28 | Report Abuse

@(S = Qr) Philip...Wonderful reflection on TopGlov...I bought back again recently...It's a wonderful company with solid team management...GL...!!!