
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2019-03-09 13:21 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... probably...Dyson newest beauty products...the one Skpres was contracted...but this one is value isn't carved in stone...okay... reasonable or fair value...@<1.28... Undervalued...@<0.85...don't take it seriously... different people have different valuations outlook...GL...!!!


2019-03-09 10:38 | Report Abuse

Good morning... Really can stop my heart from telling people to avoid...many times it's very difficult to read people mind n understand each person characters n upbringings. Sifu Buffett can understand people very well...n not many people can. A leopard never changes its spots. A person is a jerk before...even become rich also can't be trusted. Very, very few can change n become a better person. Btw don't ever buy red chips listed in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong. Always read thoroughly financial's a language of business. Schloss never understand people like Buffett...but he read every financial statements least 3 years financial reports. Of course we can't really understand one least 70~80% is good enough. There are unforseen circumstances...we don't know... especially those people who run the business n allocate company capital. Look out for increasing cash flow n retained earnings, n how efficient the company BODs make use of it... especially its Dupont ROE. TQ n GL.


2019-03-08 23:24 | Report Abuse

Good...@goodiewilly... that's why VS is an investment graded businesses...those who like to play short term, momentum, or Whatever should learn from our famous...quarterly report Sifu...You win big...also lose big...a lot of reinvestment risks...Overall win more than lose... that's okay...go ahead. For me I only invest in good businesses...that create yearly cash flow...n not huge debt... that's very, very risky...there are many 'goreng' counters... probably the boss also 'goreng' they can leverage more from their bankers...but these boss probably are sharks in emperor clothing...not honestly running their business well. Even Nestle, Dlady, Carlsberg...also has 2 quarterly report in sell...!!!...???...Invest don't gamble much...GL...!!!


2019-03-08 22:36 | Report Abuse

VS...At least 5 Key Customers in serious negotiations...Promising earnings growth prospects... Probably by Dec '19...Jan '20... revised mean PE multiple 16x... Conservative estimate... EPS...@0.105...@1.68...Beyond that..probably selling at higher PE multiple of above 25x...Hold...2 to 3 yrs...GL...!!!
Reduced customer concentration risk seen for VS Industry |


2019-03-06 22:37 | Report Abuse

Apple: Value Depends On The Durability Of Brand In A Rapidly-Changing World $AAPL, $BRK.B


2019-03-05 17:58 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... don't think negatively... think positively...GL...Good Luck to you miss_secret...!!!


2019-03-05 17:30 | Report Abuse

Btw...i know many people want to know... including myself...exactly the valuation of specific business...but even you ask Sifu...Buffett, Munger, or Soros...they will say I don't know...It all depends on so many variables plus macroeconomic factors...But the crucial point is do you know enough or approximately your gamble price is mispriced or not... that's only a rough price to begin with...n the rest will be judged by by so many factors n variables... GL guys n gals...!!!


2019-03-05 16:46 | Report Abuse

Usually I don't like to predict price movements...But due to few variables...VS is consolidating at present momentum...the first is its current quarter...the second are the news...the third is its annual report...n the fourth is how institutions investors will judge VS...provided these variables are aligned...then the next stop will be 1.17...then...1.25...n forward going...1.33...then it will move forward...GL...!!!


2019-03-05 16:20 | Report Abuse

Mean Revenue for some VS full n sub assembly contract... Dyson~£4B...Keurig~$4B... Zodiac~$2B... Bissell~$1B...Epson~$10B... Panasonic~$70B... Hitachi~$40B...Valeo~€18B...LG Innotek~$8B...Or course need to estimate what are the contracted revenues VS could have profited from those products our earnings revisions...moving forward in 2 to 3 years...GL...!!!


2019-03-04 21:49 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...That's understand what you want n went thru life up n down... that's why all religions n philosophy are Great... including what type of strategy you use to win it asset play, cyclical play, turnaround, whatever...if you can have good capital returns...go ahead... nothing is inferior...n nothing a person belief is small matter...the important things are those beliefs save their life, improve their skills, to be a better person to serve society as a whole...TQ.


2019-03-04 20:13 | Report Abuse

@goodiewilly...VS...why so easy to get full assembly contract plus sub-contract...from such branded products like Dyson, Keurig, Bissell, Zodiac, Panasonic, Diamond, Seeing Machine, more than 15 MNC...n many more to come...So easy leh...n mind you please find out how much sales Dyson n Keurig make per year...!!!...GL...Guys n Gals...!!!


2019-03-04 19:42 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...wasting my time...all these ear also polluted with some much dirts...need to wash triple times to make it perfectly my I said before I was a December...Still I am...!!!


2019-03-04 16:18 | Report Abuse

Age of accelerations...well most retrenching probably is all about Automations n outsourcing...contract workers. There are probably a supply chain disruption...where workers have to take unpaid leave...n no you can see some downturn in smartphone n other OSAT products. Last year trucking was full now it is down 30%. Well Singapore are kiasu...society...long Q...under the rain n sun...for 12M Toto...99%...favour the house...Plus long Q for free popcorn...or anything that's free...!!!


2019-03-03 12:41 | Report Abuse

Patented branded the time it is marketable lasted for around 7 to 12 years... Usually the duration is 20 years in US. A lot of calculated risks are involved in there are no guarantees that its earnings growth prospects revisions will be 100%. As Soros said many what is obvious at present is totally wrong...n nobody can predict the future is all about calculated risk... probably 50/50...or maybe 60/40 will be very start with...GL...!!!


2019-03-03 00:06 | Report Abuse

So...we try to estimate the sales of VS...within these 2 years... conservative estimate probably come to around...4.5B from...10 key customers. So we get...225M...using 5% net profit margin. So average EPS is 0.125...multiple by 25x>3.00. Or you decide its average PE multiple...GL...!!!


2019-03-02 23:36 | Report Abuse

Bissell is a private company...patented the first carpet deep cleaning machine...used famously by the Queen Victoria. Product famously sold in America n Europe. Sales roughly US800M yoy. Same like Dyson it's not public listed. Not easy to analyse its financial statements. So we roughly estimate how much sales VS could get contracting some selected products from Bissell. I think the result will be known in 6 months time...proper estimation of revenue. TQ.


2019-03-02 18:51 | Report Abuse

Good Book to Read...Thank you for being Late... Friedman... Thriving in the age of accelerations...!!!


2019-03-02 18:27 | Report Abuse

Ha...Businesses aren't so easy to many walls n barriers...but it is through such walls that you can't or we can't see it...those people with strong determination n foresight will try to break those barriers...where most of us failed. That's why...they can become tycoons...Tan Sri n above...So try to break those walls...n you will see quite some yoga...n eat less meat...or eat will have good concentration...Be hardworking...GL...!!!


2019-03-02 17:59 | Report Abuse

VS...Probably is well diversify of key customers...Another 4 more to go... that's how efficient they are...I think they will do a well n balanced key customers... probably around 10% sales from each customer... Altogether probably they have more than 10 key customers...that will bring good earnings growth prospects from them... around the 3td or 4th quarter...n beyond...Be Patient...Your pot of gold...will be okay...Just Hold...GL...!!!


2019-03-01 23:02 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...One of the greatest show on planet earth just begins... hehehe...!!!


2019-03-01 21:52 | Report Abuse

Ha... Added... Overall...@<2.00...Let the show begins...hehe...!!!


2019-03-01 12:40 | Report Abuse

BTW...lot of support from the management insiders accumulating...these are double edge sword...if there are some huge funds accumulating... that will be another scenarios...where VS become...HOT...So it can become too hot to handle...So you should know what to do...n do it decisively...GL...!!!


2019-03-01 12:23 | Report Abuse

Ha...many people n lot of us just cannot... including myself...we can't predict the price movements...but only thru lot of experiences n homeworks...than we can judge for ourselves what it takes to have great conviction to invest is like a thesis that's not proven...but when you will have your highest satisfaction...Hope I am okay in the long run...GL... everyone...!!!


2019-03-01 11:55 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...TA points of views can be quite useful... that was just after CNY...start of bullishness...just above the oversold pivotal point...But usually I bought earlier than that...becoz of its earnings growth prospects revisions...going forward...GL... Happy Investing...!!!


2019-02-28 21:21 | Report Abuse

Good...I still have some free shares...Still not paying dividend n bonuses...?...Huge cash n above...@>1.00 cash value...I don't think PENTA need so much working capital...since its turnovers is less than 90 days... Probably its business growth prospects is so will be okay...above 22% mean 5 yrs... Fair Value... Probably...@<15x PE...will be a good idea...!!!


2019-02-28 19:46 | Report Abuse

Oh...please keep at least...10%...dry powder for any unforeseen circumstances...@<1.10...fair price...@<0.75...approximately its floor value... leverage probably can apply...but no leverage...your mind will be rational...when facing...Bear scenarios...Invest wisely n analyse multiple variables... including human emotions n sentiments towards its business model...GL guys...!!!


2019-02-28 18:34 | Report Abuse

KLCI lower as Trump-Kim summit collapses, China reports worst PMI in three years |


2019-02-27 21:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...Yoo...!!!...VS...aiyah...need lot n lot of patience...Roller Coaster rides...high, low, sideways...But when its sentiments are good...Wow...we also don't know why within 50 days... rocketing...a lot of previous preparations, fixed capex...people taught it had negative cash flow...haha...a lot of insights...that's how i judge its management team all these years...honest n wise...Invest wisely...n understand its business plus read its annual reports... especially all the BODs. If have chance can try to talk to people working there for years...if you really invested substantial amount into it...GL...Guys...!!!


2019-02-25 22:51 | Report Abuse

Globetronics FY18 net profit up 37% despite Q4 decline |


2019-02-25 22:23 | Report Abuse

Ha...Rock n Roll...already rocked up...@>35%...more than 50 days...oh...!...probably you want @> wait patiently after probably above 500 days... Guessing... hehehe...!!!


2019-02-25 20:12 | Report Abuse

Ha...Value Investing is about mispriced gamble...n you must know enough your gamble is mispriced...!!! And it's a rare chance to have...n when you see heavily on it...!!!...GL


2019-02-25 19:55 | Report Abuse

Ha...Probably people will limit down...But overall revenue n EPS growth still positive...yoy...@>22%...Buy on Weakness...GL...!!!


2019-02-25 18:35 | Report Abuse

FBM KLCI up as US delays tariff on Chinese goods |


2019-02-25 18:30 | Report Abuse

Ha...Probability of earnings growth will be negative or flat...But already Priced in...the last two months... Future earnings revisions is very important...n difficult to forecast...Money is profited from uncertainty n probability...what is obvious at present is totally wrong...Look into various variables n scenarios to decide for yourself... whether this business worth investing in the long Run...there are many unworthy businesses around...that the crowd love to 'goreng'...N become a zero sum games...if you love swimming with those sharks...go ahead... different people have different risk appetite...GL...!!!


2019-02-25 16:45 | Report Abuse

Ha...Chances was there, trending around...@<1.35...last month...When you have done your homework...Buy...Must be decisive n high conviction...if not wasting of time n efforts...buying too little...Now is trending upwards probably these few months...looking at few variables n Malaysian GDP positive sentiment Overall...GL...!!!


2019-02-25 12:34 | Report Abuse

Ha...I think many people don't like to wait long enough...a lot of probabilities, a lot of uncertainties...a lot of strange when you invested in a promising is like a thesis...where you can't really proof it in the very first takes lot of patience... sometimes you must be so daring...when the price was right you need to go for the a Pig...n rides the waves...n be deaf to all those noises. So many variables to consider...interest rates, trade war, etc...Probably now is the time...where most Bullish mode...GL...!!!


2019-02-24 18:37 | Report Abuse

Ha... Insiders know their businesses very well...your shareholders money is well allocated...even stakeholders are well informed n good corporate governance. Present ten years Malaysian bond yield is...@3.90. Singapore is around 2.15. So for a 5 year corporate AA graded bond yielding...2% is just right. Overall bonds yields are in Bear...So overall stocks will be in Bull...!!!...GL...!!!


2019-02-24 17:40 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Hope it drops more...@> i can invest more...buying a wonderful business at a fair price...or irrational price... It's a better than investing a fair business at a wonderful price...there are many in Bursa...just below average businesses selling at fair price...GL...!!!


2019-02-24 15:30 | Report Abuse

Ha... Overall...still come to a strong n efficient issue corporate bond at the right repay bank borrowing...a better option than bank long term debt. Overall total debt is reasonable with such a strong earnings of above 400M yoy. Good jobs to BODs...GL.


2019-02-23 19:26 | Report Abuse

Oh...VS is involved with 3 famous brands, Dyson, Keurig, n Zodiac, n mind you VS is the only one contract manufacturer in Bursa, for Zodiac product...pool cleaner...All are famous brand n niche products...n BRK did bought Keurig Green Mountain...but now is merged with Dr. Pepper, Snapper brands of products...GL...!!!