
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2019-05-21 14:30 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Who n Which company benefits the most... Chinese companies are looking out for collaboration in SEA...!!!


2019-05-21 13:38 | Report Abuse

Patience...Wait...for the next...pivoting point...!!!


2019-05-20 19:16 | Report Abuse

Ha...Rare Earth or Black Earth...Teng S.P., said long time ago, "Middle East have Black Oil, we have Black Earth." I taught what is this Black Earth...OMG... that's why the most advanced countries in terms of technology, fighting for it or really want to have the most concentrated Rare Earth in Inner Mongolia. So in terms of technology warfares...many countries who was ahead...are now trying to slow down China. And she is moving like a Bullet Train...many will be playing catch-up...OMG...!!!


2019-05-20 18:32 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.... challenges are many to counteract... that's why it's not so easy to invest n doing business. At a flick of an wake so many news... positive or negative outcomes towards the industry you invested. Now Google also slowly move away from Huawei. But in China there isn't Google. They have their own Search engine. Only people having Huawei will have problems outside of China. We shall see what Huawei top engineers n super intelligent will tackle these challenges. I think they're already well prepared. Wait for some news anyway...because they're reclusive. They will succeed n become stronger n better. Almost invincible... hehehe...!!!


2019-05-20 18:20 | Report Abuse

Actually nothing to worry about VS...its patterns was like these all the time. People without Patience...most of time are so Boring... that they'll abandon VS...after some time. Not all counters have same characteristics...price movements patterns differ entirely. But you can see from past transactions... institutions n insiders are Investing, n some share buyback. Any good news the positive emotions will prevail...n I don't know how fast is the movements. People who has no holding power are only traders or momentum investors. At this time of T-2...Probably they become more impatience. Time is the friend of a wonderful company, but it is an enemy of a mediocre...TQ.


2019-05-20 17:40 | Report Abuse

Since the past centuries...during the Tang Dynasty... Admiral Cheng Ho...sailed the seven seas...Did Chinese occupied any foreign lands. Did Chinese look down n be so arrogant discriminate other races...No...Chinese are patriotic...they will die for their own country. That's why a bit of defensive strategies to counter foreign controlling the South China Seas is nothing. Only some arrogant people create so many distrust among ASEAN n China. Ya..
Probably their weaponry are still stronger...but now it's all about economic, data, n technology warfare. Nobody will win... everything will be in more n understand more about future technologies. TQ.


2019-05-20 17:20 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... have you stay on shore...n standby your dry Powder...Cash flow can be very time of crisis... hehehe...So learn not to be too greedy when you have capital gains...know when to...Sell...!!!...don't love your your wife n children...!!!


2019-05-20 17:06 | Report Abuse Positive...N.S.I.M...Negative...40/60...RSI...30...25 n below is a better option. Good Luck...2morrow n after...!!!


2019-05-20 15:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...China is now so progressive n high tech that many people never realized... Including many westerners n American. They taught they are still the leader. Coming century China is the Leader...just like UK...then is China. Do many unpredictable children are born in China this century....more then any where in the world. Why...because China was bullied, n destroyed by westerners, Japan n during the communist regime. Now everything slowly come back...all the stars are slowly in alignment. Don't be surprised there will be more electric cars, automated vehicles, industrial revolution 5.0, all happening in China... probably beyond 2025. That's why I said...the first and basic equation is still..."A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Figure it out yourself n read more about China n many other articles. Then you come to your conclusion....whether PENTA is suitable for you or not. Don't just follow blindly n any unforeseen circumstances start to blame everybody...but never blame yourself...n how to learn from mistakes. TQ.


2019-05-20 15:10 | Report Abuse

Finally most of the time when you invested in a lousy business model... minority shareholders are the victims. All the BODs n especially the CEO aren't penalised. I think these must change. Whatever failed business...all assets accumulated by CEO must be frozen... including wife's assets. But did you see any thing happening at present...Not even in US. That's why the highest still management. How to see these... probably you look at BODs who are accumulating their own shares, reading annual reports, going to AGM...n ask serious the management benefit minority shareholders n others. TQ.


2019-05-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

Crucially as what Uncle Buffett said, "I just want to walk over a one foot hurdle, rather then a ten footer." That means we cannot attempt to turnaround a company by buying at cheap price...we must buy a wonderful business at reasonable price. Most of the times the reputation of a brilliant management are single out to be inefficient... because of running a business model that's going nowhere. Business model remain as it's...but people with good reputation are affected. So think logically or rationally. Don't invest with too much emotions...n blaming the whole world n have grudges with anyone. Nobody can help you n you need to help yourself. "Never give up...!!! up is the greatest failure," Jack Ma...!!!


2019-05-20 14:05 | Report Abuse

Ha... Investing long term we don't judge quarterly performances... Average must at least 5 years...n within 5 years to 10 years...a maximum contracting earnings mustn't be more than 2 years. Unless financial crisis...even a negative outcomes...need to analyse thoroughly. How is the company sales, margins, profit, cash flow, debts, retained earnings, dividend policy, capex n R&D, etc. Of course not 100% bullet proof...70/80% is enough. We cannot analyse how efficient the management teams going forward in the long run. But good business model, even you brought at reasonable just keep on going...but you cannot buy a discounted bad business model... turnaround seldom happened...for poor business model. Good days...!!!


2019-05-20 13:43 | Report Abuse

Supernova Century belongs to China... Those companies that collaborate with China or have established their business connections there will have phenomena growth...just like PENTA, ELSOFT, n Others...!!!


2019-05-19 10:54 | Report Abuse

Happiness n peace of mind to everyone in ''...Happiness is love n respect from anybody n everyone closest to you. All the money n status can't bring true happiness. Nothing is permanent...please treasure your life n bring benefit to all living beings. Happy Wesak Day...!!!


2019-05-19 10:24 | Report Abuse

Happy Wesak Day...Wish everyone good health n peace of mind...Today no foods contaminate with blood or connected with living beings...Do or say things beneficial to all living beings...Respect all races and religious beliefs. Do what are correct n benefit everyone...discard what that don't benefit you and everyone. Life is a long, long journey n i hope everyone respect each other views and no vulgar words. Everyone has a pure n kind brings out your true self...Clean all the rubbish inside your mind. Thank you.

News & Blogs

2019-05-18 20:25 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Odds are positives/negatives...33/67...Beginning is a voting the end weighing machine malfunction...!!!


2019-05-17 19:57 | Report Abuse

Ha...Black or White...Same lah...@0.80...Happening Soon...!!!


2019-05-17 19:54 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...!!!...Top Insiders...Invested...Hohoho...!!!


2019-05-17 19:41 | Report Abuse

Ha...!" Whether the crowd agreed with you or Not isn't important...Crucially you must feel certain to figure many birds in the long it takes for these birds to be in the bush...and someone will not take away that bush or chase all the birds away...these are all calculated Risks...Nobody force them to invest...if they can't figure out how many birds are attracted into that only Bush...!!!"


2019-05-17 16:16 | Report Abuse



2019-05-17 16:14 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Only...10%...For some 'MoMo'...!!!


2019-05-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

RSI...Still not Oversold...50/50...Technical Rebound...!!!


2019-05-17 13:14 | Report Abuse



2019-05-17 11:54 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Insiders know very well looking at...TA... probably the past few days Price is pivoting...supporting...Upward trends will follow... week or will delay because of many factors n variables are involved...GL...!!!


2019-05-17 10:08 | Report Abuse

Ha...@0.80...Odds will be Reasonable n Positive outcomes on your side...!!!


2019-05-17 09:55 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...I think you use your common will know why...Insiders keep on Investing...they run their business day in day who knows figure it out yourself...!!!


2019-05-17 09:33 | Report Abuse

Ha... Business school equations don't make you a great investor...there is one n only Aesop, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." How we are going to figure out how many bird, 2 or 4 or 8. And who are the people going take away the bush. With this mentality n will win more then you lose...!!!


2019-05-16 17:16 | Report Abuse

Ho...ho...ho...the prices wars are getting interesting....Mispricing...odds are still 50/50...!!!


2019-05-16 13:09 | Report Abuse

Added... Good days ahead...!!!


2019-05-16 11:44 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett, "Consideration are identical when you Buy Amazon, versus some, say, bank stock or others, that look cheap statistically against Book Value or Earnings or something of the sort. In the end, it all goes back to, Aesop, who in 600BC, said that a Bird in the Hand is Worth two in the Bush. When the fellow bought it tries to figure out if there are three or four or five in the bush, and how long it will take to get to the bush, how certain he is going to get to the bush. Who else is going to come and try to take the bush away. And all that sort of thing. And we do the same thing. Despite lot of equations you'll learn in business school, the basic equation is that of Aesop. Your success in Investing depends on how well you are able to figure out, how certain that Bush is. What the worst case is instead of a few birds being there. Only one being there and the possibilities of four or five or ten or 20 being there. That's the guide for my successors n for you. I think they'll be Right more often then they'll be Wrong."


2019-05-16 10:21 | Report Abuse

Ha...i think many people know roughly how to predict...looking at its rear 3...quarters down the road...conservatively estimating its multiple by present PE...come to around...@5.00...ha...!!!


2019-05-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

Unforeseen circumstances can happen...But for normal circumstances...n overall markets trends worldwide...PENTA...rationally comparing with its peers...Should be selling at...@25x...Price to Earnings...!!!


2019-05-16 09:33 | Report Abuse be conservative is around...@25%...above 30%... won't be sustainable...'too good to be true'...PEG...@0.76...At present...But going forward...the on your side...TQ.


2019-05-16 09:13 | Report Abuse

Malaysian Bond yield...10 at certain PE... probably around 35x...we must decide to average down our cost of matter how good the company is... sometimes too high price... become irrelevant...or Risky... Good days ahead...!!!


2019-05-16 08:42 | Report Abuse

Ha...@Richard...I invested both...PENTA...becoz I had free shares... that's why my average price will be lower depending on my averaging percentage. Both are excellent...but you should think of pros n much positive n negative it price appreciation n management efficiency. Understand its products then you decide...FA is crucial for long term...but not 100%...only 70/80%...GL to you.


2019-05-15 20:47 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Analyse yourself...very much different industry...the differences are huge...Of course TOPGLOV...more defensive type...well know much changes during this supernova century...!!!


2019-05-15 20:41 | Report Abuse

ATE...Forward high growth industrial revolution 4.0...5.0...Probably still reasonable at this PER...Lot of hidden earnings...Still can invest few percentage point...GL everyone...!!!


2019-05-15 19:49 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Penta...Really gives me lot joy these few years...Now I only left free shares...10,000 only... Hopefully... company issue more bonus dividend.. since its cash flow keep on increasing... Automation is an industry for the future... Industrial Revolution 5.0...Hold...!!!


2019-05-15 18:02 | Report Abuse

Overall factors or variables....50/50...Positive/Negative Outcomes...!!!


2019-05-15 14:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyah...that's stock markets...Never Give Up...!!!...Keep on Learning...But please learn from your mistakes...Good luck to U n everybody here...TQ.

News & Blogs

2019-05-15 14:02 | Report Abuse

Wow...these are factors...that drive Amazon...So much hidden sales going forward...that's why Berkshires' management invested recently. Economic wise a lot of positive outcomes...!!!