Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-09-01 22:14 | Report Abuse

counters where you see these suay people
like khatu, dragon and Mike Cheat You Crazy always drops like a dead body from Penang Bridge,
its an F1 race to the bottom.


2022-09-01 21:46 | Report Abuse

September is a confirmed bad month for stock in US Markets where BURSA takes its cue from.

BURSA generally negative post September moving to October.


2022-09-01 19:00 | Report Abuse

I am a Hedge expert also.
I used to go jogging near Hedges around the Taman


2022-09-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

Major consumers of Crude Oil and its derivatives are construction, transport, fertilizers and electronics industry


2022-09-01 16:31 | Report Abuse

no worries
put Kak Ros under carbon freeze just like Hans Solo ok already


2022-09-01 16:30 | Report Abuse

I believe certain syndicates are abandoning Hibby due to possible twin pincer losses Iran oil and Chip Glut.


2022-09-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

someone already commented if like that can make money
everyone will own a Virtual Refinery
just 'long" crude
and short "products"
instead of buying shares in a Virtual Company like HRC


2022-09-01 15:52 | Report Abuse

NYMEX regulations allow you to pay a fee and rollover your RM1 Billion losses to next month in a Satanic Forsaken Hope that "I will think about it tomorrow, Scarlett O Hara in Gone With The Wind"

as usual, "tomorrow is the same as today"

.... like Hin Leong ...
you might run out of money to pay the rollover fee,
and NYMEX issues a Letter of Demand to you..
coz why?
remember I already told you under NYMEX regulations your Vagina is bracketed open to expose to interest rate increases.
under certain conditions your swap rates ie interest rate charges may exceed your unrealized losses.

so you end up owing money to NYMEX for losses, rollover fees and swap rates totalling in USD Billions just like Hin Leong case.


2022-09-01 15:26 | Report Abuse

////u lose money on your bet if raw crude drops after your bet and u lose money if refined oil shoots up after your bet.////

yes thats how it works.
usually done at NYMEX due to financial stability and ability to take your huge bets.


from NYMEX website
Futures margin is the amount of money that you must deposit and keep on hand with your broker when you open a futures position. It is not a down payment and you do not own the underlying commodity.

Futures margin generally represents a smaller percentage of the notional value of the contract, typically 3-12% per futures contract as opposed to up to 50% of the face value of securities purchased on margin.

The term margin is used across multiple financial markets. However, there is difference between securities margins and futures margins. Understanding these differences is essential, prior to trading futures contracts.


Under NYMEX Regulations a HUGE proportion of your Hedges are PORN naked
with vagina bracketed open just like open heart surgery for huge interest rate increases.

currently Global Inflation is due to supply side disruption which nothing can be done.

Due to political pressures, Powell is expected to FCUK just like Volcker and some say even worse.

Paper Tabled at Jackson Hole Economic Symposium to begin QT which sucks liquidity from Global Financial System.
Together with US interest rate increase will simulate a worst than Volcker FCUK

Volcker FCUKS generally results in USD interest rate at or exceeding 20% per annum


2022-09-01 13:20 | Report Abuse

/////Petronm petrol stations will earned the goverment retail fixed margin per liter and the more you pump petrol/diesel at Petronm petrol stations the more will be retail earning of petronm.////

so the solution to this problem is to refuse to pump petrol at PetronM


2022-09-01 12:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-08-31 23:47 | Report Abuse

Its a Cracking Joke when the Crack Rate Cracks into a million Cracks


2022-08-31 00:45 | Report Abuse


say you spent RM1 Billion on Paris Hilton wedding gift,
actually an expense,
paid via payment voucher
and bank transfer to me
and I pocketed RM1 Billion
paid nothing to Paris Hilton
and send old auntie photo of underwear to you.

sslee being naughty told auditor its R&D for nuclear fusion
and breakthrough is very near
99.99% possibility.
Supplied Photo of Paris Hilton aka old auntie underwear at 1 million X closeup
so it looks like a Tokamak Reactor with lights running

so auditor transferred it to Balance Sheet
as a Debit
or Asset
as R&D Development Expenses.

=> its Loss/Asset/Expense


and all was happy


2022-08-31 00:38 | Report Abuse


typical engineer
1 engineer told me, accounting is very easy, I can actually do it but I pay you to do it for me.


2022-08-31 00:35 | Report Abuse


(This mark to market loss will be enter as derivatives liabilities in Balance sheet)
LOSS = Asset
The unrealised refining margin gain/loss will be capture in balance sheet as derivaties assets/liabilities
Gain = Liabilities / Loss = Asset entered as liabilities/assets

LOSS = Debit aka asset or expenses
GAIN = Credit aka Liability or Sales

you are even more naughty than me !!


2022-08-30 22:36 | Report Abuse

you should read the Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare
The World is what I say it is



2022-08-30 22:18 | Report Abuse

no worries
anytime if you are not happy with any graph,
just turn it upside down
sideways left
sideways right
until you get the graph you want



2022-08-30 22:16 | Report Abuse

no worries
just redo the illustration to show
Malaysia Gloves get 50% of China Gloves cost
and all China Gloves goes bankrupt
Malaysia Gloves all double production capacity

Cheers !!!

illustration of 50% cost difference

Malaysian Gloves ASP === 90
Malaysian Gloves Cost === 50 <= Malaysia buys cheap Brent/Tapis
Malaysian Gross Profit === 40

China Gloves ASP === 101
China Gloves Cost === 100 <= China buys Expensive Russian Oil
China Gross Profit === 1

Cheers !!!


2022-08-30 20:33 | Report Abuse

illustration of 50% cost difference

Malaysian Gloves ASP ===101
Malaysian Gloves Cost ===100 <= Malaysia buys Expensive Brent/Tapis
Malaysian Gross Profit === 1

China Gloves ASP === 90
China Gloves Cost === 50 <= Russia dumps oil to China Veli Cheap [sanctions mah]
China Gross Profit === 40

so who survives and who goes bankrupt after 01/01/2023?
what happens when China Gloves Drops ASP to 51 ?????


2022-08-30 20:32 | Report Abuse

illustration of 50% cost difference

Malaysian Gloves ASP ===101
Malaysian Gloves Cost ===100 <= Malaysia buys Expensive Brent/Tapis
Malaysian Gross Profit === 1

China Gloves ASP === 90
China Gloves Cost === 50 <= Russia dumps oil to China Veli Cheap [sanctions mah]
China Gross Profit === 40

so who survives and who goes bankrupt?
what happens when China Gloves Drops ASP to 51 ?????


2022-08-30 19:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-08-30 19:41 | Report Abuse


syndicate wants to be first,
they started move on Armada in advance to get ready for 01/01/2023 Russian sanctions

My personal opinion ...
bear in mind its 4 months to 01/01/2023, its too long to rise yet

except for .....
for Malaysian Gloves its starting to move lower now as "someone" blinked and shivered coz 01/01/2023 and started dumping in earnest.
Kiasu Kiasi want to be first mah!!!
so "others" no choice also started to dump all Malaysian Gloves

its a landslide now for Malaysian Gloves until 01/01/2023
dun get involved

post 01/01/2023 its bankruptcy for all Malaysian Gloves, the 50% cost difference is just too big to survive


2022-08-30 19:28 | Report Abuse

the point is that the 01/01/2023 EU sanctions are already approved long ago.
EU position against Russia had hardened since June 2022 then.
as such sanctions can only become worse and not reduced


2022-08-30 19:25 | Report Abuse

I have no idea
If I know I will let you know

the point is that the 01/01/2023 EU sanctions are already approved long ago.
EU position against Russia had hardened since June 2022 then.
as such sanctions can only become worse and not reduced


MrLurker, get your point here...but how bout US market...if there is a sanction against China in the issue of Taiwan reclamation involving military action?

20 seconds ago


2022-08-30 19:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-08-30 19:09 | Report Abuse

01/01/2023 EU will enforce sanctions on Russia. Malaysian Gloves costs will go up 20% plus plus.

China Gloves costs will come down -20% minus minus coz Russia will dump oil to China at cheaper price.

Total cost differential might exceed 50% between Dead Factories in Malaysia vs Country

=> Never fight with countries
the problem with being a Eat Sleep & Diu Guy is that they are always blur blur


2022-08-30 19:09 | Report Abuse

01/01/2023 Govt will increase labour costs by another 10% plus plus plus

according to Eat Sleep & Diu Guy this is good for business



2022-08-30 19:06 | Report Abuse

The future is already known except to Eat Sleep & Diu Guy


2022-08-30 19:05 | Report Abuse

The future is already known except to Eat Sleep & Diu Guy


2022-08-30 19:04 | Report Abuse

the problem with being a Eat Sleep & Diu Guy is that they are always blur blur


2022-08-30 19:03 | Report Abuse

the problem with being a Eat Sleep & Diu Guy is that they are always blur blur


2022-08-30 19:01 | Report Abuse

01/01/2023 Govt will increase labour costs by another 10% plus plus plus

according to Eat Sleep & Diu Guy this is good for business



2022-08-30 19:01 | Report Abuse

01/01/2023 EU will enforce sanctions on Russia. Malaysian Gloves costs will go up 20% plus plus.

China Gloves costs will come down -20% minus minus coz Russia will dump oil to China at cheaper price.

Total cost differential might exceed 50% between Dead Factories in Malaysia vs Country

=> Never fight with countries
the problem with being a Eat Sleep & Diu Guy is that they are always blur blur


2022-08-30 18:29 | Report Abuse

Losses are guaranteed

all Malaysian Gloves are now calculating Burn Rate
Harta already confirmed only have 2 years burn rate? ... ... thats why 2 years ????? hahahahahahahaha


2022-08-30 18:13 | Report Abuse

a Berhad fight with a country China Tak Terhad sure DIE


2022-08-30 17:17 | Report Abuse

The company has a dead business
dead business is not a growth business
company is NOT able to expand.
every day will be a daily struggle to just to survive
no budget for R&D
no budget for new products
no budget for ESOS
no budget for Bonus
no money for share buyback
no money to buy cutting edge equipment
no money for maintenance
no money for advertising
no money for marketing
no budget for Top personnel from best scientific and business schools
only have budget to hire monkeys to work

working monkeys will result in
quality issues
not knowing the job
lack of initiative
anything that can go wrong will go wrong

company takes a loan

and the rest is monkeystory
=> its downhill from here on, inability to repay will mean bankruptcy later

Valuation => RM0.10 per share.


2022-08-30 15:54 | Report Abuse

at RM0.03 per share I will buy some


2022-08-30 12:26 | Report Abuse

depends on objective
Its confirmed that Eat, Sleep & Diu Guy punya objective is to have clean boots
and not any meaningful discourse other than intercourse.


2022-08-30 11:44 | Report Abuse

Malaysian retailers like Shemale Store/s are very greedy.
Nowadays I buy things from Amazon US with full online tracking
You might think its very expensive.
but its way cheaper
after conversion from foreign currency, goods travel from Amazon US, Kenosha, Wisconsin, US, via Chicago O'Hare Airport with free delivery to my house is still way cheaper than if I buy from KL retailers example Shemale Store.

Totally no reason for me to buy anything from Shemale Store/s nowadays.
Those scammees of Shemale Store/s are from the upper middle class
since those RM1,500.00 guys are living in poverty.
[Eat, Sleep & Diu guy knows nothing and is nothing.]