Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-08-30 11:18 | Report Abuse

price dropped coz Dragon lazy to Macau Scam Ah Chai to buy


2022-08-30 10:44 | Report Abuse

I have totally NO respect for any Eat Sleep & Diu guy who do not know that the RM1,500 guy is living in poverty


2022-08-30 09:13 | Report Abuse

dun be silly
he needs the salary, the bungalow, the gardener, the cook and the driver
not forgetting the zero traffic jam


2022-08-29 22:46 | Report Abuse


myeg is an extremely low tech low growth company doing business of Foreign Worker Hostels.
margins is all about squeezing the Foreign Worker ...

e-government had all been taken back by respective people ie DBKL, Polis, MyKad etc etc


2022-08-29 22:04 | Report Abuse

more lies
but that is to be expected from Sith Lord

RM1,500 people cannot even afford new underwear how to buy at Shemale Stores?


2022-08-29 22:02 | Report Abuse


the scrapping of those assets for the petrol station project thingy incurred major losses
more than 2 Shemale Marts all Pak Woo Ying massive losses

stores must be specialized like 99 Speedmart or 7Eleven
Shemale stores like Family Mart incurred high staff cost 3/4 staff vs 7Eleven 1 or 2
Shemale stores like Family Mart incurred high electricity costs coz both cooking and cooling at same time, they cancel each other out and massive power costs.
Shemale stores like Family Mart incurred high space inefficiency due to table space being non-productive,
results in lack of retail turnarounds
and low SKUs
which results in low traffic counts [unless captive like KLIA]

Posted by Sslee > 6 minutes ago | Report Abuse

So this quarter save by ILF?


2022-08-29 21:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-08-29 21:37 | Report Abuse

company is hardcoring by increasing assets in a big way

Total Liabilities to Revenue Ratio is now ~ 70%

=> too high gearing
obviously some shareholders deem this as too high risk and sold down.


2022-08-29 20:48 | Report Abuse

////they would nod their heads////

drugs are involved?


2022-08-29 20:37 | Report Abuse

after the latest fraudulent lie by Failure Old Man
and fraudulent lie by macai who claimed 2020 got bonus

Both the Sith Lord and Apprentice fraudulently failed to mention that 2021 results were better,
but bonus was in 2020 right?
so 2021 results already bonus adjusted right?

I am more inclined to believe Maxpowar more

thats the problem with lying by Sith Lord and Apprentice.
once start to lie, will need more lies to cover up more lies, it will never end


2022-08-29 20:22 | Report Abuse

Sith Lord playing with absolutes again

Earnings Per Share is way down from previous years
its a confirmed failure earnings
A failure earnings which Sith Lords are lying through teeth as a good thing when company is doing badly compared with previous years

when Maxpowar mentioned failure old man plays with absolutes like Sith Lord, I just filed the info away.
Looks like Failure Old Man is lying through his teeth again
Failure Old Man, he has no credibility left for those people who understand percentages and ratio analysis.


2022-08-29 17:47 | Report Abuse

both of you need to open a room for day use at a cheap hotel in Jalan Alor
just choose a disabled toilet at a highway rest stop and "Just Do It" inside.


2022-08-29 17:20 | Report Abuse

the mindset to manage a successful company and a bankrupt company is totally different.

once successful companies becomes bankrupt, first thing they do is silly things like fool around with Syabas water meter.
I am just giving you an example from Top Glove case, its not Harta.
The principle is the same.
They have no idea how to manage the company.


2022-08-29 17:04 | Report Abuse

as addendun to above
so if I post my Portfolio,
you will see really chehkai lowyah companies
and every transaction is a loss of few hundred RM immediate buy and sell on same day at a small loss

=> would this portfolio help you at all?

I really cannot understand why the youth of today buys up such chehkai companies ...


2022-08-29 16:57 | Report Abuse

I used to incur few hundred RM losses now and then helping silly youngsters who got stuck inside silly counters.

sometimes in a popular forum,
a silly feller will come to promote a real silly counter.
When I analyze those bid and offers and those differences,
its just only around RM100 losses sometimes
I buy up all those offers
and immediately dump exact units to those bids,
I spend small sum only but silly feller managed to escape with some profits

I think of it as coffee and cake at Harrods.

for some "depressed" people a few hundred RM profits is the difference between life and death.


2022-08-29 16:44 | Report Abuse


in the US, sales reps must prove to SC that their clients, those who wanted to, bought those shares before these Sales Rep themselves buy.

said old man grabs those shares and then tells everybody (said victims) to buy.

his entire miserable life,
its unthinkable for him
and he had never done it,
to tell people to buy first
and after ALL have bought, then only he buys

I remember I did it one, I told sslee to buy and few days later only I bought it up

Posted by Sslee > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Philip should by now learn the hard lesson of never invite strangers into your house.


2022-08-29 13:43 | Report Abuse

Sweet & Sour Snake soup

Steamed Snake Pau

Main Course
Barbecued Snake

Snake Cakes

Snake Blood


2022-08-29 13:35 | Report Abuse

can I be Syndicate Macai also?

I wan

I wan


2022-08-29 08:29 | Report Abuse

I am looking at oil markets all the time
coz my investments are slightly correlated

Iran deal is very close now
Iranian oil now parked in oil tankers offshore Iran could be dumped into world market anytime.

/////Bursa can crash 30-50 points (do we care?)............I'm all in at OnG..........////


2022-08-29 08:25 | Report Abuse


Kingdom of Heaven

There'll be a day when you will wish you had done little evil to do greater good.


2022-08-29 06:57 | Report Abuse

buying shares in Virtual Companies like HRC does not fit my lifestyle.
I have enough money.

You could end up like Raider screaming at people to buy HRC at RM17.00
while Raider himself is selling

wink wink


2022-08-29 06:35 | Report Abuse

for Virtual Companies, whatever profits these companies make does not belong to the shareholders as dividends are NEVER declared,

so even if HRC makes USD1 Trillion per second it makes no difference to Ordinary Shareholders of HRC, it does not belong to them.

This is the concept of Virtual Companies.

the share prices ups and downs of Virtual Companies are controlled by syndicates based on the Trillions of profits per second


2022-08-29 00:18 | Report Abuse


its a typical Malaysian Company
there are many out there in BURSA

wink wink


2022-08-29 00:15 | Report Abuse

how this type of situations happened
was becoz
many businessmen love to postpone "business issues" to tomorrow
hoping against hope
by borrowing more money
hoping that genuine businesses will magically drop from sky later ... tomorrow ...

of course tomorrow is the same as today
so those genuine loans pile up
and magical revenues goes up skyhigh.

Dr Leno described it aptly by saying that all loans are genuine,
everything else is fake ... for Serba case....
thats the typical Malaysian Company ....

wink wink


2022-08-29 00:04 | Report Abuse


a typical Malaysian Company... wink wink...
there are many still out there in BURSA

at risk of sounding like the Casablanca pickpocket warning of pickpockets, I have to tell you that BURSA is rampant with typical Malaysian companies...

be careful out there.


2022-08-29 00:00 | Report Abuse


said old man is an unlicensed Quack Financial Planner providing scheduled services without any SC license.

normally all Quacks do the same thing.
Identify Growth stocks.
No Guidance provided.
Licensed people will tell you a minimum growth rate of 20%
by equity
by shareholders' funds
by revenue,
by expenses
by total assets,
by total staff,

=> Quack cook... ... select a good carrot.

=> Licensed cook ...
look for deep orange color
no weird colors
no deep punctures into root.
must be fat
absence of pits
root must be rigid and not flacid like old men kukujiao

see the difference?


2022-08-28 23:40 | Report Abuse


DBKL gone
Police gone
JPJ mostly offline
Maid gone
Road tax gone, easier at Post Office which are open on Sundays
Driving license gone, easier at Post Office which are open on Sundays

what does myeg actually do? thats the head scratching question ..


2022-08-28 23:27 | Report Abuse

Dragon still praying to Satan?


2022-08-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

whatever the price of HY is irrelevant coz its a China Virtual Company
China Virtual Companies never pays out any dividends

so even if you bought HY at RM0.01 per share, it means nothing


2022-08-28 22:58 | Report Abuse

Satan will ask for one of your children's life as compensation for granting Prayer Request to Satan

=> Be very careful what you Pray for


2022-08-28 22:54 | Report Abuse

Satan will ask for one of your children's life as compensation for granting Prayer Request to Satan

=> Be very careful what you Pray for


2022-08-28 22:52 | Report Abuse

repeat it often enough

[TG banklap 2022 and 4 months banklap ]

this becomes Dragon punya Prayer to Satan

and sure ... ... Dragon punya wish will be granted


2022-08-28 22:50 | Report Abuse

repeat it often enough

[TG banklap 2022 and 4 months banklap ]

this becomes Dragon punya Prayer to Satan

and sure ... ... Dragon punya wish will be granted


2022-08-28 22:43 | Report Abuse

TG banklap 2022 and 4 months banklap all you say one.
I dun bother coz you are the one cursing Top Glove everyday


2022-08-28 22:41 | Report Abuse

TG banklap 2022 and 4 months banklap all you say one.
I dun bother coz you are the one cursing Top Glove everyday


2022-08-28 19:01 | Report Abuse

if myeg dun banklap Dragon wun come here.

everywhere Dragon go sure banklap one loh


2022-08-28 17:56 | Report Abuse

so nothing new lah

appoint JP Morgan as the Liquidator to Tutup Kedai loh


2022-08-28 17:47 | Report Abuse

drop to 75% efficiency is still not a bankruptcy matter.
what is fatal is that unknown element impurities also cause these solar panels to crack. => 0% efficiency.
Solar Panel Cracking is not covered by warranties.

there you are !!!

=> You had gone bankrupt !!!


2022-08-28 17:36 | Report Abuse

thats due to purity of the panels.
degradation is caused by presence of high levels of randomised unknown elements present inside solar panel on an unknown gambling basis.

its materials science.
same principle applies everywhere
same thing happens with steel,
improperly made steel products with randomised impurities rusts extremely rapidly.


Osk jv with Toshiba to bid for Lss3 but failed due to high bidding price. Toshiba has long experience in Arab
states for LSS, 15years. They used premium solar panel with low maintenance cost compare to almost ALL
Malaysia LSS. Japanese has found out the Efficiency of Chinese panel started to fall to 75% after 5 years.
Most Malaysia LSS are 15--25years which means replacement cost and Maintenance cost will Bankrupt most
LSS operator. Alot Chinese LSS operator are facing serious financial problem bcos Chinese Solar Panel is
unreliable at Best

2 days ago


2022-08-28 17:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-08-28 17:01 | Report Abuse

and thats why HY is only worth way below 1.80 ,
since 1.80 is Shell punya disposal price with high profits

after superpump by sharks it can be worth any figure you like,
like say USD100,000.00 per share

Posted by Johnzhang > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Pls spare a thought to the management, employees and shareholders of HY lah. Don’t label people conman too quickly lah. There wasn’t dividend is largely due to huge capex required to update the plant and to provide huge working capital required for the business.

Petron and HY are both good and have different characteristics.


2022-08-28 16:58 | Report Abuse

with DJIA down, I will be very surprised if Petronm does not drop tomorrow


2022-08-28 15:57 | Report Abuse

not really
for Charles it will end up as an oranges and banana show
who has the Biggest one.


2022-08-28 15:47 | Report Abuse

money whether fake or not did not help him even a teeny weeny bit

I thought I was toxic in scolding people ...
... ... until I saw this toxic exponential power to a Billion old man on i3
I actually am so glad that there is someone so much more toxic than me in this world.

old man is very deeply unhappy.
a fake portfolio did not help to make him happy.
looks like nothing ever will make him happy.


2022-08-28 13:12 | Report Abuse

Raider is the conman who asked others to buy HY at 17.00

its the Casablanca pickpocket at work again?
telling people that there are pickpockets?