
investor77 | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2017-08-08 16:54 | Report Abuse

why price down despite good result?


2017-08-08 16:45 | Report Abuse

Cc better, lower premium, lower ex price. 1 % premium, CD 31 % premium.


2017-08-04 17:22 | Report Abuse

later when people realize, they will switch from CD to CC. Value wise, CC offers more value .CD is more expensive value wise, even tho expire next year.
CC still has 7 weeks before expiry, and the smart investor will be accumulating CC before it jumps.!!!


2017-08-04 15:27 | Report Abuse

freonsf, Atta LA is better buy compared to warrant. Results will be out soon, so good time to buy as price is so low and from TA, looking good. Many bought at 50, 40, 30 and recently 20 cents !!!!

Also , can get 10 sen div when changed to Mom at 90 cents. So only need 80 cents.!!!


2017-08-04 15:16 | Report Abuse

cc is only 1 % premium, expiring in 7 weeks time at 6.50 to Mom . CD premium is around 38 % as ex px is 8.50, expiring Feb 2018. As warrant settled in cash, dont you think CC is better buy as it will be more volatile , whereas CD has less intrinsic value, tho more time value. Just rational thinking.


2017-08-04 13:50 | Report Abuse

CC has better value than CD. why CD rose more ?


2017-08-04 13:45 | Report Abuse

Atta loan undervalued compared to Atta as exercise price is 90 cents. The Loan Stock has a value of 10 cents. Conversion is at 1.00 rgt.


2017-08-03 17:29 | Report Abuse

For those who lost a lot in buying C8, can losses be recovered by buying LCTitan call warrant, like CF? Reason, LCTitan price has dropped a lot and now stabilizing. ? Any comments ?


2017-08-03 17:14 | Report Abuse

result, out by end August. why still hold Atta warrant. Loan stock is cheaper, and conversion price is 10 cent lower !!!!


2017-07-18 17:19 | Report Abuse

Why dont warrant holders switch to loan stocks, LA, since it is cheaper and conversion price is 90 sen compared to 100 for warrant holders?

What are they thinking ?


2017-07-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

IMHO, just look at the charts of Atta, and ATTa LA. Where is firm support? Many people bought at 43, then at 37, 28 and 24 cents for loan LA. Convert to Mom at 90 cents, better than the two Warrants, convert at 1.00 rgt. Look at its ATTA fundamentals, results which is quite good.

Yes, the share is in a downtrend now, and many are of the opinion LA may touch 10 cents. This is cos Atta ordinary has gone up a lot from 40 over cents.

I would say that wait for tech signal such as MACD crossing,RSI firming, Oscillator crossing, or Candlestick bullish engulfing or bullish hammer, and then decide.

I am looking forward to average down when time is right. As OTB says, Final decision to buy or not is always YOURS to make. Do not blame others. it is YOUR decision.


2017-07-08 14:49 | Report Abuse

To me, nobody is 100% correct. OTB to me is giving good advice, BUT you must decide yourself based on the fundamentals, and the price. Many times, after the reco, the price shoot up. Only after the price go down to acceptable level, will I consider going in.

Many traders just buy without understanding the basics, otherwise how do you explain Atta WA, WB being higher priced than LA , when conversion price is 10 sen lower for the latter ?

In the case of Comcorp, he did not know the results will be not so good, so price went down. He based his reco on Break OUt.

Do you know last time, a friend made 10k in one day, just based on his belief that KPS will be a good buy.

It is not fair for non subsribers to attack him without understanding the details. If ever the people who should comment on him , is his subscribers.!! Just my humble opinion.


2017-07-07 15:56 | Report Abuse

Big holders dont like large shares coming in from ESOS and loan conversion. Also propose to issue 2.5 b new pref shares at 8 cents.

Company fundamental very good, maybe directors will rescind the proposal after collecting at very low price and getting the money needed by company, thru the huge conversion of loan stock and warrants at 90 and 100 respectively.

If Mom can hold at 1.00, then the most loan stock can fall is 10 cents. From charts, strong support for loan stock is at 24 cents.


2017-07-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

Have done many times, ave down if good fundamental, then it will rebound. Wait and see who is right OK. You are entitiled to your opinion, dont belittle others. !!


2017-07-07 15:38 | Report Abuse

loan stock value 10 sen, change to Mom by adding 90 sen.


2017-07-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

I am also a subscriber. To me OTB is good and he always takes care of his subscribers by timely sms. He has sms to you his advice. To me good opportunity to ave down a good fundamental share. Support for Atta, lowest is 1.17 less 90 sen, so lowest for loan is 27 sen. It rebounded from this level to 30.5 sen forming nice hammer which is a bullish signal.

In conclusion, if you can afford, try to ave down, otherwise I think it will rebound after digesting the new issued shares.


2017-06-14 17:17 | Report Abuse

Good news coming ? Otherwise how to explain call warrants heavy turnover, moved from low of 5 cents, now 7 cents. Many bought at 10 cents !!!


2017-06-13 17:16 | Report Abuse

Call warrant cheaper entry, and very low premium. Worth trying. -cx.


2017-05-17 17:32 | Report Abuse

Epf lagi beli 1.5 million shares. Mother share YTL touch 1.53 the other day. Price will go up, sooner or later as EPF keeps on buying.


2017-05-16 13:12 | Report Abuse

call warrant up from 5.5 sen to 8 sen. Hopefully can go up to 10 cents. Maturity still long way to go, ( up to year end ) 1 to 1 ratio, very high gearing, very cheap to invest, and very low premium.!!! Worth a try, low risk.


2017-05-15 17:08 | Report Abuse

Again, KWSP bought 5 over million YTL shares.!!!


2017-05-12 17:13 | Report Abuse

Cypark has gone up, possible for Comcorp to jump also. In same industry .


2017-05-12 17:11 | Report Abuse

EPF again bought more of YTL. Hope the price will soar. Do you know, YTL only component of KLCi that have not moved yet !!


2017-05-11 17:23 | Report Abuse

Undervalued. Potential to go up.


2017-05-11 17:21 | Report Abuse

definitely going up. Topping up more. Charts look good.


2017-05-11 17:19 | Report Abuse

Thanks Calvin, for your tip. Played a little bit of call warrant, since funds limited.


2017-05-11 17:16 | Report Abuse

miss chance to buy cheap at 5.5 cents.!!! Now 8 cents.!!! Will move up later. EPF keep on buying lots and lots of YTL. Surely there must be something that we dont know !!

YTL only one running the KLIA to Sentral. Thus they have experience. Could be they will get some contract involved with rail ? Anyway, still one of the cheapest call warrant with very high gearing, long maturity period, and very low premium. Your choice.


2017-04-27 17:18 | Report Abuse

Bought more at 6 cents. Buying more at 5 and 4 cents if it drops, which is unlikely. Best chance to buy cheap. Call warrants has 8 mths to go, high gearing, extremely cheap, and low premium.


2017-04-25 17:15 | Report Abuse

Can someone tell which is better, keep warrants, or keep mother ? With warrants, end up with odd lot, 1000 wrt = 1220?


2017-04-25 17:10 | Report Abuse

Epf acquiring more YTL shares. Good news coming.!!


2017-04-13 17:28 | Report Abuse

Blogger did analysis, GKent go higher above 4,40. Before that,accurate prediction on CAB, Ekovest, etc.

I guess no choice but to average down.

Hope will recover in short term.


2017-04-13 17:23 | Report Abuse

Investments made based on facts, not on dreams.

VS, doing well.


2017-04-13 17:20 | Report Abuse

No justification for price coming down. WE, very low premium, so too the call warrant c 31.

Will consider averaging when bullets available.


2017-04-07 17:22 | Report Abuse

Few sellers at 9 cents. You can see YTL slowly being accumulated by smart money. PE low at this price.

Any price increase in YTL will be reflected in the call warrant as ratio is 1 to 1.


2017-04-06 17:16 | Report Abuse

No, not from P.Pinang. today, Mother went up, vol also increasing.

More shares done at 9 cents. Waiting as rumuours of good news coming.


2017-04-05 17:43 | Report Abuse

Slowly moving up !! Low pe counter.


2017-04-05 17:22 | Report Abuse

Patience rewarded. Now it can only go higher for this fundamentally and technically good counter.

Hope it can touch RM1.00 !!


2017-04-05 17:20 | Report Abuse

Very few sellers at 0.085. Now the play is on low price shares. YTL, just needs a push or some news, then it will go up. It has been over 10 years since landing a conract.

EPF keeps buying and selling, but nett buyer.

With high gearing nearly 18x, this must be the cheapest, and safest call warrant, as the lowest is 8 cents. the 7.5 cents transacted only 1 or 2000 shares. 9 mths to expiry!! Time factor itself is worth it.

Good news eagerly awaited. By then, price may have gone up in this bullish market.


2017-04-04 17:27 | Report Abuse

with all bullish info, yet WE very low premium compared to others like Gadang, Eko, etc.

Will load up more when got bullets to shoot. Undervalued alot. Price down due to Splash only.


2017-04-04 17:24 | Report Abuse

Highly recommended counter, even by KCChong, where people move from Tguan to Nylex. Chart looks bullish.


2017-04-04 17:20 | Report Abuse

Can it be a flag formation, and thus bullish ? Anyway, low PE, fair DY, and very profitable company. With lots of construction work, matter of time before price goes up.


2017-04-04 17:14 | Report Abuse

EPF again bought large amount. Volume also up alot. Obviously something is on.!!

Article in Sin Chew about YTL. Best call warrant, where Exercise price = Mother YTL price, and 1 for 1 ratio. Gearing 18 x !! Where to get such good price and somemore very long time to expiry, till end of year !! How not to like ?

Better sapu before other people realize and push the price up. It has gone to 10 cents before.


2017-04-03 17:11 | Report Abuse

Shares have to go down, to clear weak sellers, b4 it goes up. Confident that price will be up.


2017-03-31 17:25 | Report Abuse

if div is 9.5 cents, then x 10= rm 950. For 1500 investment, in Fixed Dep, only get 45 rgt.

Notice YTL slowly creeping up. Call warrant sellers will only sell at higher price. Yes, normally price will go down upon expiry, but mother share will go up after expiry.

Good news coming soon ?


2017-03-30 13:25 | Report Abuse

Ytl took over the cement business, but it also has construction, reit and power. Look at the fundamentals of this company, and the charts.

Every year without fail, it will declare dividend, higher than Fixed Deposit of 3 %. For a cheaper entry, buy call warrants.

I am buying more , as people willing to even pay up to 10 cents. Present price, you can easily get at 9 cents. Risk is very low, and turnover of mother share is high, so something is brewing.

So ultimately, IMHO , choice is yours to make. Have been investing since 1978, first time I buy and keep on buying. If drop more, buy more loh. !!!


2017-03-29 17:29 | Report Abuse

Target price, at least more than RM 1.70.


2017-03-29 17:27 | Report Abuse

Gamuda warrant still has room to go up further !! The premium is very low compared to Ekovest and Gadang warrant.

Gamuda has expertise in tunnelling and laying of rail tracks and is a PDP. Management has given a guide that 2017 will be a better year !!

Do check it out b4 you decide.


2017-03-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

Go to klse.i3investor. Then go to stock quote. Under heading, disclosures, look at insider. Also at front page of i3, there are summaries of insider trade.

- Maybe worth to consider the call warrants. It has gearing of around 18 times!!, long gestation period, until end ot 2017 !!!. Better still, it has very low premium.!!! Remember, time factor has a value in it !!

I still believe YTL has a strong possibility of having a share of the rail projects. Even if it loses the tender to Gamuda< , there is very very low risk as its price is stable and has good yearly dividend.


2017-03-28 17:12 | Report Abuse

Price purposely pushed down so as to enable accumulation by smart money. EPF buying and selling at same time, but nett, is buying more. Does EPF know something about the tender result coming soon ? As Jack says, will buy more if price falls more. !!


2017-03-26 15:33 | Report Abuse

download klse screener apps. It gives details