
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2022-05-21 20:32 | Report Abuse

I am so happy friday S & P 500 and Dow reverse early losses to close green . Meaning on Monday not going to be red sea for Bursa and this will be a very good push for Sapura price. Thanks God. Now we have figure out how high it can go.


2022-05-21 13:37 | Report Abuse

Ok dah check theedge weekly 23/5 page 16. Yes rumor reported on that news paper.


2022-05-21 13:22 | Report Abuse

But let it rumor first. the news also look strange because a lot of error. including date 21 April ......Serba Energy .......


2022-05-21 13:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo nak kena average up ni. dah beli banyak at 4 sen. Dah nak kena Jackpot ni.


2022-05-20 21:06 | Report Abuse

i think qr result must be super profit. non stop price going up.


2022-05-20 15:12 | Report Abuse

Waaa still cannot break 1.5. Come on Hibiscus.


2022-05-19 16:51 | Report Abuse

shavemyfurm tertinggal bas ker ? hahahah. lain kali masa tgh rock bottom ko beli. This is GLC company. For sure somehow government will help punya in many way. If you still dreaming for it to go bankrupt than i see no point you are here. Go and find other good counter.


2022-05-17 22:41 | Report Abuse

DNeX inks MoU with Foxconn unit to build and operate wafer fabrication plant in Malaysia


Walauwei Huraiiiii.


2022-05-17 19:10 | Report Abuse

Yes if believe so massive profit and huge revenue increase and this time respol will be included. Remember they not only have oil but also gas. So you can imagine. Possible higher share price and also generous dividend or bonus. Let see how far i can go.


2022-05-17 19:06 | Report Abuse

tomorrow need to break resistance 0.8. If successful possible can go up to 0.11.


2022-05-17 14:03 | Report Abuse

Im still in loss for this counter. Doing DCA for this counter. Hope its working as i think Technology counter coming back alive.


2022-05-17 13:51 | Report Abuse

Alhamdulillah. keep on going up Hibiscus until RM 2. This coming quarter result will be Amazing and super profit and revenue.


2022-05-17 13:49 | Report Abuse

la lalal lalal laa. so happy. Thank you bossku.


2022-05-17 13:47 | Report Abuse

i can only say one thing. I TOLD YOU SO. :-). Kan i dah kata semalam. Hehehe. lalalalal lallala


2022-05-16 18:28 | Report Abuse

China Economy report today is not good. Not sure how the effect of it to Malaysia tech sector i.e Technology Stock.


2022-05-16 18:23 | Report Abuse

Sapura is GLC. So government normally will not let it go bankrupt. Somemore, Sapure hold strategic assets including oil and gas block in Sarawak and Sabah. For sure even PETROS will be interested in some of this assets because its belong to Sarawak,


2022-05-16 18:20 | Report Abuse

The price would be better than SD price now.


2022-05-16 18:14 | Report Abuse

I agree with you investor2021trading. Malaysia should do something about it. Not of corporate tax exemption but some incentive to attract back this giant player into the country. Indonesia also have added advantage of raw material that Telsa really need.


2022-05-16 18:09 | Report Abuse

SHQuah i also believe that the price will move up as Major Shareholder already give his first statement after paying compound and give reissuance that he will stick with Serba and not going to sell his stake. Arghhh kena plan balik strategy to buy back this counter SD, SCIB and KPOWER. Semua ni akan gerak.


2022-05-16 18:00 | Report Abuse

Nonetheless, Abdul Karim hoped the authorities would investigate those allegedly behind the plot, adding that reports had been lodged with the relevant enforcement agencies.


2022-05-16 17:58 | Report Abuse

He also dismissed a suggestion that agreeing and accepting the compound meant admission to some level of guilt.

“Accepting the compound doesn’t mean we are admitting to being guilty.

“We also realised that continuing the legal route would take years and the adverse news would prevent the company from obtaining financial support or bidding for contracts.

This he said was because ongoing legal battles would also mean key employees would be restricted in their duties, not least having to give evidence in court.

“Paying the compound allows us to continue with business as usual, and quickly earn the revenue to repay our creditors and generate profitability to pay dividends to our shareholders,” he said.


2022-05-16 17:57 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow macam boleh up woo. Karim stay and will convince the BOD to stay and working on it.

Aiyo menyesal pulak aku jual hari tu walaupun untung sikit, Adeh.


2022-05-16 17:55 | Report Abuse

With the legal troubles with the SC now resolved, Abdul Karim said his aim was now to get Serba Dinamik back on track again before imploring stakeholders to stick with the company.

“We are here to stay as a major player in the market. The recent events are only a minor setback and will not deter us from surging forward with the many projects we have planned and are in the pipeline.

“We will work hard to earn your trust and take this company to greater heights,” he said.


2022-05-16 17:53 | Report Abuse

“While it was frustrating to have various media articles published on the matter without the facts being properly portrayed, there was very little I could do about it in the media, and I very much doubt that some publishers would have printed what I had to say accurately,” he said.

Abdul Karim also said the matter could have been handled better by the various parties involved instead of dragging the oil and gas company to court, while shifting the blame to the company’s then auditor KPMG where the problem allegedly started with the way the auditor handled the issues.

“Instead of first working with the management to address the alleged issues, many of which were without any basis, they reported it to the Securities Commission without attempting to get a response beforehand.

“This was compounded by the SC’s subsequent hasty actions that included searching our premises and laying charges without investigations being completed.

“Once the charges were laid by the SC, we had to take action to prevent the matter from getting out of hand.

“We truly believe that the actions of KPMG, the SC and the subsequent auditor EY Consulting escalated matters unnecessarily, and our various legal actions were an attempt to settle everything so that it could be properly addressed,” he said.


2022-05-16 17:50 | Report Abuse

Abdul Karim further noted the impact of the unwarranted attacks which had taken a huge toll on the company and himself, resulting in a free fall of the company’s shares and a winding up petition from its creditors.

“All allegations levelled against me and Serba Dinamik have the end goal to remove me from the corporate scene and portray an ultra-negative image of me.

“All allegations are untrue and as mentioned before, due to sub judice, I have been keeping quiet. Now, it’s over,” he said.

He also expressed frustration at the various published news articles on the allegations surrounding the company without proper facts being portrayed, which he said was out of his control when the case was before the court.

“As for debunking the allegations, I have worked extensively with our legal team in doing just that where it really mattered, in our representation to the AGC to have the charges compounded.

“I must point out that this was in fact successful, in that the AGC saw that the charges were very problematic, and that there was insufficient evidence to succeed with any prosecution.


2022-05-16 17:48 | Report Abuse

“We do not have any ‘godfather’ or ‘strong political connections’ to shield us,” he said, while refusing to reveal the identity of the alleged perpetrators as investigations are still underway.


2022-05-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

Explain RM2.7bil injection into Sapura when you were govt, Najib tells PH

He also reminded his critics that the country will not gain anything if SEB, which is said to be the second largest in the world in offering oil and gas services, collapsed.

“Do we allow this to happen by using emotions and feelings of hatred against a former CEO who is no longer the main shareholder?

“And thus, allow a Malaysian and Bumiputera-owned oil and gas company which is among the largest in the world to be taken over by foreigners at a time when the oil price is high?” Najib asked.



2022-05-15 16:03 | Report Abuse

MALAYSIA GDP 5.0 above Analyze expectation.
Oil Price now USD 111 far above government budget 70 USD.
Palm oil price now is consistently above 6k very high

Takkan takde duit lagi.

Taking over Sapura Energy will depend on financial situation, says Tok Pa


2022-05-13 22:53 | Report Abuse

hahahah let us enjoy the movie. SD basher curse AG until no tomorrow. The title would be " OPSSS...MAK TERJUAL NYAH" NYAMPAH AG NI TAU. JAHAT JAHAT JAHAT. hahahahahahahha

Woi ko kutuk bertahun pun AG dah buat keputusan,,,,,and SD pun dah bayar compound, Hhahahahah. Lawak betul la. Hah meh aku kasi simple statement. Lu SD tutup Buku Lama Bukak Buku baru . Cari jalan kasi jalan you punya company elok elok. Lu takda susah, wa takda susah semua pun senang senang ma.

hahaha :-). Happy weekend guys. Enjoy the movie.


2022-05-13 19:56 | Report Abuse

huraiiiii la lalala. lalala


2022-05-13 19:53 | Report Abuse

Hantu hantu basher tu dah menyorok takut diorang pulak kena bash.hahahahaha.


2022-05-13 19:52 | Report Abuse

Kan aku dah cakap dari awal dulu. Hehehe.,

Jawapan AG terbaik. Menyesal pulak aku jual.

“By compounding the offences, the need for punitive action against Serba Dinamik is immediately achieved without going through a lengthy trial,” the AGC pointed out in a media statement. “Thereafter, Serba Dinamik can re-direct resources and time to coordinate with the authorities to comply with the requirements of the law.”

Moreover, the AGC is also of the view that the criminal proceedings against Serba Dinamik ought not to be pursued due to the economic consequences of doing so.

Tan Sri Idrus Harun
“The impact of the charges on Serba Dinamik is disproportionate with the severity of the alleged offences committed,” opined the AGC.

“As at the date of this media release, Serba Dinamik is facing winding up petitions from creditors which jeopardise the livelihood of its employees and the interest of shareholders and other creditors.”

Under such circumstances, the AGC found that compounding the offences is an adequate form of punishment for the alleged offences.

“This would then allow Serba Dinamik to focus on rectifying errors and effecting immediate compliance with regulations of Bursa Malaysia and the SC as the company had clearly done so in the past without fault,” rationalised the AGC.

“The AGC is mindful of the standard of proof required of the prosecution to prove the charges based on the evidence available and is strongly of the view that compounding the offences allegedly committed by Serba Dinamik and its executives is the most appropriate action to take under the circumstances.”


2022-05-13 15:53 | Report Abuse

Going for 15 sen kot.


2022-05-13 15:47 | Report Abuse

mana semua hantu2 yang kutuk tu. hilang dah. hahahahah.


2022-05-13 15:46 | Report Abuse

hahah tahniah semua yg still holding.


2022-05-13 12:35 | Report Abuse

If Russia launch missile into Finland. Oil price going to sky rocket again because war escalated to another country. Hibiscus RM 1.4 will be gone in a minute and price will be push to RM 1.5.


2022-05-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

welcome Tesla or Lucid to Malaysia.


2022-05-13 01:00 | Report Abuse

You are not in their situation you can talk coxx. Lets put you in that situation about to loss your job and you have family to feed on. You think easy meh to get job now days. You maybe from wealthy family which have FAM money to used but others are from middle income group not that fortunate like you. Some of them only husband are working. Some more now days many O & G company not hiring more people as they tend to control capital due to lack of business opportunity even in Malaysia as O & G environment in Malaysia just started to pick up with Capex investment by PETRONAS.


2022-05-13 00:53 | Report Abuse

M55555 you go and tell that to sapura staff. Silap2 muka you kena sepak tak pun kena terajang. You are talking about people who about to loss job and periuk nasi ma. cakap guna akal la.


2022-05-12 23:19 | Report Abuse

It is a last nail in the coffin for PH and Anwar. Rafizi destroying Anwar political career. You can imagine Fahmi Fadzil have to come and safe Anwar with kerinci question. Wth. And his forensic idea on Sapura really lame and not a solution for the real problem with sapura. Did he know or not what is the issue with sapura. Aiyo. Rafizi should be the one come and debate Najib at least he got some fight on him. Kesian Anwar mcm lame duck and look like tin kosong.


2022-05-12 22:42 | Report Abuse

Im going to start invest in Sapura.


2022-05-12 22:38 | Report Abuse

Hebat Bossku. Anwar clearly no idea. Even during Q & A fahmi fadzil have to come and safe him with easy question. Bossku got clear idea to help Sapula. If BN win GE15 Sapura will be safe. So all sapura staff, family member, vendor, supplier, contractor, bank and even PNB depositor you know who you should choose for the future of your job and money. Give the big win to BN and it will bring hope for sapura.


2022-05-12 13:16 | Report Abuse

IIn TV 1 RTM now, PM invite US businesses to invest in EV i.e Tesla to do business and start EV car production in Malaysia.


2022-05-12 11:25 | Report Abuse

Thank you SD for the wonderful comeback. Huh yang ni betul-betul buat aku nervous. Got my investment and return already. Thank you again SD. Check out from Hotel SD. Good luck to the rest.


2022-05-12 10:57 | Report Abuse

Please please go to 9 sen. got another 30% to let go.
