
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2022-04-06 22:48 | Report Abuse

From Najib to Lapizi. www.facebook.com/najibrazak
Bukan dah setuju debat, kenapa pula dia terus menipu pagi tadi?
Akhirnya, Rafizi mengaku Kerajaan PH yang buat bail-out Sapura.
Dibuat pada tahun 2019 pada ketika sektor minyak dan gas masih lemah dan belum pulih.
Masa itu, yang dibail-out PH ialah dari syarikat swasta.
Dan sebab bail-out PH ini, Sapura Energy menjadi GLC.
Yang saya cadangkan sekarang ialah bantuk Sapura sebab sekiranya bail-out pun, ia adalah bail-out bagi selamatkan duit Rakyat yang telah pun digunakan oleh PH untuk bail-out tahun 2019.
Sebanyak RM5 bilion duit Rakyat yang terjejas sekarang.
Dan Sapura patut dibantu sekarang sebab sektor minyak dan gas sekarang sedang memuncak.
Harga minyak dan gas dunia juga capai paras tertinggi dalam sejarah.
Supaya Sapura tidak terlepas kesempatan ini.
Dalam suasana ini, peluang bagi Sapura memulih adalah jauh lagi cerah jika diberi sedikit bantuan.
Nampak perbezaan yang terlalu nyata ini tak?
Lemah, try again.


2022-04-06 07:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah i think so azmie67. SapuraOMV stake now look very attractive in the environment of high oil and gas price.


2022-04-06 07:17 | Report Abuse

Potential for Sapura OMV stake can be acquire by Hibiscus or PETRONAS among local upstream player.


2022-04-05 09:28 | Report Abuse

with good fundamental and potential profit i think later even government investment arm also would interested to come and invest including khazanah, PNB, Tabung Haji and KWAP.


2022-04-04 09:47 | Report Abuse

Is there any possibility hibiscus can also buy exploration plot belong to Sapura in Malaysia ?


2022-04-01 17:32 | Report Abuse

PEMBUKAAN SEMPADAN | Memastikan Pengoperasian Semula Dilaksanakan Secara Berstruktur


Welcome Back To Malaysia guys.


2022-03-30 17:11 | Report Abuse

heheh i told you so.


2022-03-29 23:36 | Report Abuse

possible new shareholder coming in to take up roushan portion ?


2022-03-25 19:45 | Report Abuse

heheh fly high


2022-03-25 19:34 |

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2022-03-25 18:13 | Report Abuse

Sapura will be safe by BN government. GE 15 after raya. Preparation started already. PM lost moral ground to rule anymore as his government lost vote for sosma bill. BN and others now saying PH violated the agreement. All UMNO minister and MP meet at hotel in Putrajaya. PH now brace for after shock impact of wrong strategy in not voting for sosma as UMNO prepare for the election. Gendang sudah berbunyi. Goodluck Sapura. May luck on yourside.


2022-03-25 17:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ok 1 sen. next week you go and buy more la. semiconductor and tech stock is on V shape recovery now.


2022-03-25 17:17 | Report Abuse

wow oil discovery. Baru nak suruh jual assets di australia. Terus jumpa minyak. Terbaik la. Good Job Bunga Raya.


2022-03-24 19:18 | Report Abuse

let see tonight how is us market. Hope inflation fear in US market now wont effect semi con counter and Tech Index.


2022-03-24 19:15 | Report Abuse

Ultimatekkg if think of that and believe what you said than dont invest or put your money in AirAsia.


2022-03-24 18:42 | Report Abuse

Kerajaan, PETRONAS perlu campur tangan tangani kemelut Sapura

KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan perlu campur tangan dalam menyelesaikan kemelut melanda Sapura Energy Bhd, susulan banyak bayaran yang belum dilangsaikan kepada vendor di bawahnya, demikian menurut Majlis Perkhidmatan Minyak dan Gas Malaysia (MOGSC).

Sehubungan itu katanya, MOGSC sudi menawarkan diri untuk menjadi pemudahcara dalam membantu mencari jalan penyelesaian membabitkan Sapura Energy.

"Kita menawarkan diri untuk menjadi pemudahcara bagi membantu menyelesaikan masalah ini," katanya.


2022-03-24 18:32 | Report Abuse

heheh really want to see how far it can go when next Q report announce. Heeheh cannot wait already. Has been holding this for so long. Terbaik Bunga Raya. 1 more thing i hope Hibiscus can sell their assets in Australia. Tak guna pun simpan takder hasil.


2022-03-24 18:29 | Report Abuse

The moment has come for AirAsia. Let fly high with the border reopening across the world.


2022-03-24 18:26 | Report Abuse

Sebenarnya, kerajaan tak perlu suntik satu sen pun ke dalam Sapura ataupun memberi jaminan kerajaan (yang tidak melibatkan bajet kerajaan) kepada Sapura sebagaimana Air Asia pernah ditawarkan.
Ada pilihan lain. Pilihan yang jauh rendah risiko dan bakal jauh lebih menguntungkan kerajaan dan negara.
Cadangan saya ialah Petronas mengambil alih Sapura dari PNB. Dengan ini juga, pelaburan anggaran RM4b ke RM5b PNB akan diselamatkan.
(Kita selamatkan pelabur ASB yang juga Rakyat ye, bukan kroni)
Petronas memang adalah antara customer terbesar Sapura.
Petronas perlukan juga aset-aset, kepakaran dan perkhidmatan Sapura di Malaysia dan juga bagi projek-projek seluruh dunia mereka.


2022-03-24 18:19 | Report Abuse

After raya the latest. Huraiiii. Thank you PH violated the MOU.


2022-03-24 02:24 | Report Abuse

i wish for that if US and western continue imposing new sanction. Let us all pray for that. :)


2022-03-24 02:16 |

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2022-03-24 02:15 |

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2022-03-24 00:06 | Report Abuse

Thank you for the information yangyang330. I also dont know what happen to this reach not moving at all. Someone is controlling the price and not letting it go up. Dont know why. logically as an upstream player and with oil price above 100USD now, reach should already fly. But somehow it did not happen.


2022-03-23 22:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-03-23 17:55 | Report Abuse

adeh 2 cent jer turun. adeh.


2022-03-23 17:54 | Report Abuse

PNB inside la. Memang susah nak naik.


2022-03-23 17:53 |

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2022-03-23 00:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-03-23 00:46 | Report Abuse

Walau wei najib now fighting for Sapura after successful with EPF.
Najib FB Post www.facebook.com/najibrazak

Okay, kita bandingkan apa yang akan terjadi sekiranya Sapura dibiarkan lenyap atau diselamatkan.
Sekiranya Sapura MUFLIS:
- Kerugian secara langsung kepada 10.6 juta pelabur ASB adalah sebanyak RM4 bilion
- Kerugian secara tidak langsung kepada PNB, KWSP dan lain-lain tabung simpanan rakyat akibat hutang sebanyak RM10 bilion kepada bank-bank tempatan termasuk Maybank milik 50% PNB adalah lebih tinggi. Jika kerugian hutang RM2.5 bilion akibat Genting HK memberi impak maka ini bakal merupakan kerugian RM10 bilion.
- Hampir 10,000 pekerjaan bergaji tinggi akan hilang.
- Sekitar 4,500 vendor/pembekal akan terjejas -kebanyakannya merupakan syarikat bumiputra.
- aset-aset berharga Sapura bakal dijual dengan harga amat murah (firesale prices) kepada orang asing.
- Malaysia akan kehilangan syarikat perkhidmatan perkhidmatan petroliam terbesar negara bagi sektor paling penting negara.
- Malaysia juga akan kehilangan sebuah syarikat MNC sebab Sapura juga banyak memenang dan mengusahakan projek di lebih 30 negara asing.
Tak untungkan satu sen pun untuk negara. Langsung tak ada manfaat bagi mana-mana pihak.
Cadangan saya ialah untuk Petronas mengambil alih Sapura Energy dari PNB sebab Petronas memang adalah customer dan perlukan perkhidmataan, kepakaran dan aset-aset Sapura.
Petronas juga ada pengalaman yang mendalam bagi sektor oil an gas.
Lebih-lebih lagi Petronas kini dalam mode pelaburan dengan perbelanjaan CAPEX yang naik dari RM30b tahun lepas ke RM50b tahun ini sebab harga minyak dan gas kini amat tinggi berbanding sejarah.
Jika tak guna Sapura maka kontrak Petronas mungkin diberi kepada syarikat-syarikat asing.
Dan pada ketika ini di mana harga minyak dan gas melambung tinggi inilah di mana peluang di seluruh dunia bagi syarikat perkhidmatan oil dan gas adalah paling cerah.


2022-03-23 00:44 | Report Abuse

Walau wei najib now fighting for Sapura after successful with EPF.
Najib FB Post www.facebook.com/najibrazak

Dia kata ianya lebih elok untuk wang berbilion-bilion digunakan untuk bantu Rakyat berbanding bantu Sapura.
Tapi kalau Sapura tidak dibantu dengan kemudahan soft loan maka sudah pasti wang pemegang ASB sebanyak RM4 bilion hangus begitu sahaja.
Masalah Sapura pada ketika ini bukan penyelewengan atau salah urus tadbir.
Ianya berlaku sebab bank tak lulus pinjaman modal kerja sebanyak RM2 bilion pada tahun 2019. Lalu lockdown dan penutupan sempadan seluruh dunia dan Malaysia menghalang Sapura untuk menyampaikan kontrak-kontrak sedia ada.
Jika kontrak tidak diusahakan maka Sapura tak terima bayaran dari customer.
Dan jika tak terima bayaran maka Sapura tak mampu bayar vendor dan bayar faedah bank.
Sebelum tahun 2019, aliran masuk wang tunainya (garis biru dalam graf) masih mampu membayar faedah bank (garis hijau) dan vendor sebab ianya
Tetapi ianya sebaliknya bermula tahun 2019 setelah PNB beli kepentingan 40% untuk menjadi pemegang saham terbesar.
Kenapa begini? Maka kena tanya kerajaan PH serta pengerusi PNB masa itu?
Lagi parah ialah kemudahan bank Sapura dibeku pada Oktober 2021 - menyebabkan Sapura tidak mampu lagi beroperasi seperti biasa dan tidak layak lagi untuk membida dan memenangi projek-projek baharu.


2022-03-23 00:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-03-22 22:43 | Report Abuse

hopefully price can go down more tomorrow. heheh.


2022-03-22 22:41 | Report Abuse

I Spit On Your Face PH.

Rafizi opposes Najib's call to bail out Sapura Energy, says public funds should not be used to protect the elite



2022-03-22 20:55 |

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2022-03-20 23:47 | Report Abuse

Interestingly Anuar Taib also previously from PETRONAS.


2022-03-20 23:46 | Report Abuse

Petronas to takeover... habis la lain2 player in Malaysia as many job can go to sapura after the takeover since sapura hold by petronas by than and plus Petronas will get it so cheap from Market. later once everything ok and sell back like misc. hemmm. what an idea...


2022-03-20 19:55 | Report Abuse

He urged the government to act immediately by providing easy interest loans or loan guarantees to Sapura to solve its cash flow problems, citing that this was how his Barisan Nasional government saved Proton.

Najib, however, noted that this would be a temporary solution if Sapura remained under PNB, which was “inexperienced” in this sector and had made inaccurate decisions in the past. “The same problem could happen again,” he said.

Alternatively, he said, the government could direct Petronas or Khazanah Nasional Bhd to take over ownership of Sapura. Petronas not only still required Sapura’s services for its projects, but had a better understanding of the sector.

“This was how Petronas saved MISC Berhad in 1998. Upon recovery, Petronas (or Khazanah) can resell part of Sapura’s shares to the local market just as Petronas resold MISC’s shares to make a profit,” he said.


2022-03-20 19:52 | Report Abuse

I love you bossku. I will start intai intai ini Sapula. BN potential to win GE15 and high possibility pressure will come from UMNO to push PNB or other government investment arm to save Sapula.


2022-03-15 13:03 | Report Abuse

still not much going down. hope can go down below 0.8. Than im happy to average up. now its too high.


2022-03-09 14:03 | Report Abuse

Russia will take next action stop gas supply to EU and further increase oil price to hit EU and US economy so that world will pressure US and EU to stop doing what they are doing now because everybody suffer due to high oil price.


2022-03-07 23:23 | Report Abuse

it will go down further. Opportunity to add more or average up or down when the price deep and price much more cheaper now.


2022-03-07 19:20 | Report Abuse

If price of oil go up. Dnex will continue to go down because of fear on the inflation rise. This already cause all tech stock going down and it will continue until oil price stable but still market will be looking at US interest rate and possible hike also will affect the rest.


2022-03-07 13:21 | Report Abuse

If confirm oil embargo, price will hit 150 USD for BRENT and Crude Oil. And retaliation from Russia would be very strong which i believe they will take action stopping distribution of gas to EU nation which going to hurt EU. Price will than shoot to another level 175 USD for Brent and Crude oil. Shortage of oil across the world will force oil to shoot to 200 USD for the first time. The year of hyper inflation will come before price crash because of recession everywhere.


2022-03-07 09:08 | Report Abuse

US and EU plan for oil embargo. They are crazy. Oil price gonna shoot up high rocket. They better have right plan for it.