
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2014-01-01 16:09 | Report Abuse

one thing you miss out there andygan.calvin not promoting this stock when it already touch above 30 cents. in fact he promoting it when its far below 20 cents. So who every jump in late dont blame him. He already call people to buy this counter before it even shoot up high.Those who buy it when it already touch high above 30 cents are suppose to blame their self and not blame others. You make your own decision buy or sell.If you make your decision late then don't put the blame to others.


2014-01-01 16:00 | Report Abuse

bungkus nasi lemak.hehehehehe


2014-01-01 14:31 | Report Abuse

It stated about MUI Financial performance and situation.


2014-01-01 03:09 | Report Abuse

congrat after it listed again la. aiyo itu pun susah mau baca ka.


2014-01-01 01:51 | Report Abuse

buy UNISEM & MPI before too late. This will up. Its a rotational stock which going up every end December to January.


2014-01-01 01:28 | Report Abuse

this one will shoot very high. Congrats to those who still hold this counter.


2014-01-01 00:15 | Report Abuse

Yeah Happy New Year To All :-) .


2013-12-31 23:55 | Report Abuse

For the tourist come please come back in year 2014.


2013-12-31 23:52 | Report Abuse

Guling: Perusuh liar, sambutan Ambang 2014 dihentikan

KUALA LUMPUR 31 Dis. - Sambutan Ambang Tahun Baharu 2014 anjuran Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) di Dataran Merdeka terpaksa dihentikan pukul 11.30 malam ini, 30 minit sebelum kemuncaknya berikutan tindakan liar penyokong himpunan guling kerajaan merusuh dan menceroboh kawasan pentas utama.

Pengacara majlis terpaksa mengumumkan pembatalan sambutan itu termasuk acara konsert dan pertunjukan bunga api, hanya 30 minit sebelum detik 12 tengah malam menandakan bermulanya 1 Januari 2014, berikutan perusuh membaling objek ke arah pentas utama.

Ketika itu, Orkestra DBKL sedang mengadakan persembahan apabila tiba-tiba perusuh berbaju hitam menyerbu pentas utama.

Selain itu, beberapa kenamaan termasuk Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Seri Ahmad Phesal Talib dilihat telah meninggalkan tempat duduk masing-masing.

Orang awam yang hadir semata-mata ingin menyaksikan persembahan nyanyian dan pertunjukan bunga api juga terpaksa memilih untuk pulang awal untuk mengelakkan sebarang kemungkinan. -

Ketika berita ini ditulis pukul 11.35 malam, para perusuh berbaju hitam masih meluru ke arah pentas utama, membaling objek dan menjerit-jerit menghina kerajaan.

Antara artis yang sempat membuat persembahan ialah Amy Search, Zainal Abidin, Jay Jay, Aweera dan Najwa Latif.


2013-12-31 23:24 | Report Abuse

Yeah we can sacrifice for the future but make sure we will not become another Thailand in the making and we create our own destruction and create our own disadvantages. Thailand and Indonesia are our nearest competitor in terms of attracting tourist and this is our opportunity to grab as much as we can their visitor who plan to visit the country but cancel the visit because of social political instability in that country. No country in the world advance further because of social political instability. The best example is middle east. After all we all hope for the best for the country and of course for the best 2014 year of Horse and may this year became the year for MUI to race up strong. :-). Happy New Year 2014. Peace.


2013-12-31 22:32 | Report Abuse

Just get ready for either MUI or PMCORP to shoot up very high soon. How soon it is sorry we cannot revealed. The clue is A_ _ K. Happy New Year 2014. Welcome to the Year of Horse.


2013-12-31 19:25 | Report Abuse

yeah another BREM in the making.potential to shoot up and explode if the re-value of assets is done.


2013-12-31 12:30 | Report Abuse

I hope Bersih & All those stupid demonstration not destroying our Year 2014 - VISIT MALAYSIA YEAR . It will give a huge impact to the tourism sector.


2013-12-31 12:17 | Report Abuse

Potential to explode like BREM if there is any news paper out there digging into the true value of the assets belong to MUI . :-)


2013-12-30 23:52 | Report Abuse

Now we all see the power of news. If any news paper out there start digging about MUI related company assets and re-value it again based on current market price, aiyo it will potential explode like BREM just because of the news about BREM assets and the value of it.If MUI explode to rocket high then PMCORP will follow as it have interest in MUI and vice versa. BREM is the best example limit up just because of the news.


2013-12-30 15:51 | Report Abuse

yeah i think so. this counter really hard to move.so not good for short term holder.


2013-12-30 14:54 | Report Abuse

is it the thing that they want to venture in Oil & Gas business ?


2013-12-30 14:50 | Report Abuse

what actually happen to this counter?


2013-12-29 14:05 | Report Abuse

she wont release any detail rather than what can be shared to the public and what already known in previous EGM or AGM. If she go further beyond that then she will be caught by Bursa or her own company because release such secret info to public or can be charge as insider trading unless she is so kaya like KKP then ok liow.

News & Blogs

2013-12-29 14:01 | Report Abuse

better throw those greedyman & kasthuri to SOMALIA. They will have their utopia there. hahahah.

News & Blogs

2013-12-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

Hey bila mau turunkan cukai perniagaan dia Selangor hah? Gaji MP and MB boleh naik 300%. Pastu lesen perniagaan dan cukai pintu naik almost 300% - 400% in selangor. Gila. from RM 150 before and now they have to pay almost RM 1000 ++. Gila punya kerajaan negeri. Lepas tu tuduh kerajaan BN persekutuan saja salah.Lepas tu kata kerajaan negeri banyak duit. Cukup2 telan duit rakyat and said its because of kerajaan negeri pandai jaga kewangan negeri. Penipu punya PR. Lepas tu kata tak nak naikkan harga tol.dulu kata tol membebankan rakyat.dekat penang bila tol nak mansuh. Pastu siapa yang tandatangan penjanjian konsesi tol lebih raya ni dan atas saranan siapa bukan ker masa tu menteri kewangan 1991-1998 ialah anwar ibrahim.Hampir semua lebuh raya termasuk lebuhraya di selangor di kenakan bayaran konsesi tol sejak zaman dia jadi menteri kewangan.Lepas tu dia nak salahkan kerajaan sekarang.Kenapa masa buat tu dulu tak fikir.Sendiri punya taik suruh orang lain cuci.Lepas tu ada hati nak lawan syarikat konsesi yang tu. Tengok nanti syarikat tu ajar dia macam mana.As a minority share holder you can voice up but you cannot do anything if mejority in the board already decide for the konsesi. Dia ingat rakyat ni bodoh ker dan tak reti internet ker? Memang PR ni putar alam sama macam pemimpin2 diorang.


2013-12-28 10:52 | Report Abuse

no payout la.cepat jual jual. :-) .hehehhe.


2013-12-28 02:30 | Report Abuse

CPE has change this company and the turn around will be good for PATIMAS.I think the opening will be higher as bursa approve the appeal and normally if bursa done this at last minute means that the proposal is good and it will bring the turn around for this company and for that i believe it will be a hot stock when its open for trade. Yeah kinda agree that 2014 belong to PATIMAS turn around.


2013-12-26 22:36 | Report Abuse

hahahah calvin also lost confident already. So what say all....please sell you share.


2013-12-26 21:41 | Report Abuse

Based on the edge malaysia report today the amount to be written off is estimated around 50 Million.


2013-12-26 21:27 | Report Abuse

waiting for it to touch below 1.30 by tomorrow.

We refer to the Company's announcements dated 24 December 2013, in respect of
the aforesaid matter.

In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa
Securities") with the following additional information for public release:-

The financial impact to the Group arising from the outcome of the drilling of
MNN#1 well, including the total cost incurred for the drilling of the MNN#1
well and the amount to be written off, if any; and
The estimated total cost to be incurred for the drilling programme of the
second exploration well in Block 50 Oman and the source of funds.

Please furnish Bursa Securities with your reply within one (1) market day from
the date hereof.

Yours faithfully


2013-12-26 12:11 | Report Abuse

aiyo when can trade this PATIMAS. Cannot tahan to attack already. :-( . Need early New Year Ang Pau. :-) .


2013-12-23 23:27 | Report Abuse

this is what i waiting for. standby all bullet to attack kaw kaw. Dah lama pendam. This time we wont wait. we will attack as much as we can.


2013-12-23 17:28 | Report Abuse

waiting for below 1.30


2013-12-23 14:57 | Report Abuse

hahahh no wonder. You dont even know what they have in PD and why the event is held in PD. Kesian.


2013-12-23 14:36 | Report Abuse

waiting below 0.25. :-) .


2013-12-23 14:32 | Report Abuse

Before you report go and pay a visit to their AGM/EGM. Next one in January. Don`t talk much.If you are a short term holder then get out off here and dont waste your time on this counter. that`s easy.


2013-12-18 22:11 | Report Abuse

Not Now. Lainkalilah. hahahahah


2013-12-18 22:10 | Report Abuse

Go and buy FOCUS newspaper and you know whether it go up or not.


2013-12-18 22:09 | Report Abuse


OTHERS MALAYAN UNITED INDUSTRIES BERHAD ("Company") Striking-off of Dormant Subsidiaries

The Company wishes to announce that MJ Specialty Stores.Com Sdn Bhd ("MJSSC") and MJ Discount Store Sdn Bhd ("MJDS"), the wholly-owned subsidiaries of Metrojaya Berhad which in turn a 94.52%-owned subsidiary of the Company have been struck off from the register of the Companies Commission of Malaysia pursuant to the notice issued under Section 308(4) of the Companies Act, 1965 which were published in the Gazette dated 2 December 2013.As such,MJSSC and MJDS have ceased to be subsidiaries of the Company.
The said striking-off of MJSSC and MJDS will not have any material financial or operational effects on The MUI Group for the current financial year ending 31 December 2013.


2013-12-02 22:28 | Report Abuse

what is the opening price? i think it will shoot high at the opening.


2013-11-26 17:13 | Report Abuse

Reference is made to the announcement made on 22 November 2013 in relation to the submission of an appeal against suspension and de-listing of the securities of PCB from the Official List of Bursa Securities.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of PCB, M&A Securities Sdn Bhd wishes to inform that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) had vide its letter dated 26 November 2013 notified the Company that pursuant to paragaph 8.04(7) of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements, where there is an appeal submitted, Bursa Securities shall stay the de-listing of the securities of the Company pending consideration of the appeal. However, Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the Company’s securities on the next market day after five (5) market days from the date of notification of suspension by Bursa Securities even though the decision of the appeal is still pending.

Hence, the securities of PCB will be suspended with effect from 27 November 2013, as communicated earlier in the letter from Bursa Securities dated 19 November 2013. However, in view of the appeal, the de-listing of the Company’s securities on 29 November 2013 will be deferred pending hearing of the appeal which will be notified in due course.

This announcement is dated 26 November 2013.


2013-11-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

hehehe its easy Tripaka come everybody should runnnn.ahhahahahaha


2013-11-25 10:10 | Report Abuse

not sure true or not but rumor bursa will approve the appeal.


2013-11-19 17:35 | Report Abuse

After 2 days side way and focus on blue cip. tomorrow we will back. :-). attack or no attack hehehehe biar lah rahsia. :p.


2013-11-18 09:44 | Report Abuse

is it true the take over rumor ? why suspended today ?


2013-11-15 17:34 | Report Abuse

ok chow want to jolly my untung at MPI and UNISEM. Heheheheh.


2013-11-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

so mikekong55 i believe you didnt go to the PMI EGM today.Its already 5.30 pm. Heheheh the request for address this morning is just for gimmick ? heheheh. Anyway mikekong55 we need you here to help us push the weak holder. and you done a tremendous job. we thank you for that :-) .


2013-11-15 17:12 | Report Abuse

Huh tired and getting the best profit at MPI and UNISEM.


2013-11-15 12:00 | Report Abuse

what you mean forewarned about the guy who spoke against KKP ? Are you attending the PMI EGM ? PMI hold interest in MUI and MUI hold 70% of PMCORP and PMCORP have share in PMI. So are you attending ?


2013-11-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

mikekong55 PMI EGM Venue :-

extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”) at Rembau Room, Corus Paradise resort Port Dickson, 3.5km, Jalan Pantai, 71000 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus on Friday, 15 November 2013 at 5.00 p.m.


2013-11-15 10:47 | Report Abuse

its not about typhoon la. its about shocking MPI profit this Quarter. Typhoon just happen cannot influence much on the price.


2013-11-15 10:33 | Report Abuse

we will back later. now attacking MPI :-) .


2013-11-15 10:31 | Report Abuse

Calvin i heard Mui profit and revenue expected to increase this coming Quarter result . You have idea on it ?