
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2013-11-07 20:26 | Report Abuse

next week it will fly again


2013-11-06 22:17 | Report Abuse

it just my personal view, it will not go down.there will be a fresh buyer from every sell transaction. flush buy flush buy flush buy and this will make the price + / - 0.005. This is the same scenario when the price static around 0.220 - 0.235. Just check the history. Thats the pattern. But then im might be wrong and im might be correct. I think high chance the price will try another high next week 13,14 & 15 Nov. 15 Nov is the EGM for PMI. It just my own personal view. this is not based on TA.


2013-11-06 22:03 | Report Abuse

i told all already. it will need to break 0.35 and then relax there for a couple of day or will go down a bit to flush away all the weak holder. Then after that it will shoot for another high probably 0.38. During the process of flushing away all the weak holder another team will slowly attack all other anak-anak which is PMCAP,PMI & PMHLD. They will attack during last 15 minute. This pattern already Shawn so many time when the price is 0.17 until now. so good luck all.


2013-11-06 20:57 | Report Abuse

yeah im still waiting


2013-11-06 20:36 | Report Abuse

what u mean GOOD NEWS risk trader ?


2013-11-06 09:43 | Report Abuse

hehheeh sulah ciakap ma. :-)


2013-11-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

its temporary only after flush away then it will shoot back :-) .


2013-11-06 09:24 | Report Abuse

as per expected profit taking :-)


2013-11-06 00:00 | Report Abuse

yeah i have the same feeling. I think this one will go up to 0.10c. Good luck all.


2013-11-05 23:45 |

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2013-11-05 23:44 |

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2013-11-05 23:31 | Report Abuse

Data For Our Country Corruption by International Transparency which conduct survey to more then 160 country around the world and in comparison.




2013-11-05 19:14 | Report Abuse

ok solat time :-). Bye then .


2013-11-05 19:11 |

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2013-11-05 19:00 |

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2013-11-05 18:45 | Report Abuse

This is the Answer for you hangu2umnobn. This with regard chinese vote and why UMNO will become more islamic and malay centric.

From Raja Petra


Chinese still the kingmaker

This would mean (if it was 10,722 Malay votes for PAS versus 10,655 Malay votes for Umno) the Malays are still split 50:50 like what Nazri Aziz told me five years ago. And this would also mean that PAS won the Sungai Limau by-election yesterday with a 1,084 majority because of the 97% Chinese support representing 1,347 Chinese voters.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Nazri Abdullah, the Editor of Harakahdaily (the online version of PAS’s party newspaper), wrote his analysis today, Sg Limau: Mengapa majoriti PAS merosot? (READ HERE). Basically, he explained why the majority for PAS in yesterday’s Sungai Limau by-election got reduced from 2,774 votes to just 1,084 votes.

Around five years or so ago, I had dinner with another Nazri -- the Minister Nazri Aziz -- and he told me that the Malays are split 50:50 between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. It could be 51:49 one election and 49:51 the next. Nevertheless, the Malays are split about 50:50 between the government and the opposition.

I suppose the recent general election in May this year more or less proved what Nazri Aziz said. The ruling party won more seats where the voters were majority Malay while the opposition won more seats where the voters were not majority Malay.

And if you were to analyse the popular votes the ruling party won, it can be seen that it won about half the Malay votes but lost almost all the non-Malay votes, in particular the Chinese votes, 97% who voted opposition. Hence the ruling party won more seats against the backdrop of lesser votes (just 47%) -- and mainly in the Malay majority constituencies.

To be fair, I do not yet have my hands on the details of yesterday’s voting pattern according to saluran. So at best I am merely making an ‘educated guess’ based on the fact that the Malays are still split 50:50 since five years ago until today. Of course, I could be wrong and once I see the details according to saluran it may prove otherwise.

Anyway, this is my opinion before I see the detailed breakdown of the saluran.

About 85.5% or 23,249 of the 27,222 registered voters in Sungai Limau turned out to vote.

Out of these 27,222 registered voters, 1,842 are Chinese. (There are only 15 Indians and 42 ‘others’ so we can ignore this group because the numbers are too small to swing the results either way).

Let us assume that 85.5% of the Chinese voters turned out to vote as well. That means about 1,575 of the 1,842 Chinese voters voted yesterday. (This is the part that I cannot confirm yet since I do not have the details of the saluran)

Now, in the recent general election, 97% of the Chinese voted opposition. So let us assume that the Chinese support for the opposition has remained the same and in yesterday’s by-election 97% of the 1,575 Chinese voters voted opposition as well. That would mean 1,347 Chinese voted for PAS yesterday.

(As I said, I am still working on the basis of ‘educated guess’ and not backed with the details of the saluran).

PAS garnered 12,069 votes versus Umno’s 10,985 (giving PAS a majority of 1,084).

Now, if the 12,069 votes that PAS garnered includes the 1,347 Chinese votes, that would mean the Malay votes that PAS won was only 10,722 versus Umno’s 10,655 (10,985 minus the 3% Chinese votes that Umno won based on the assumption that 97% of the Chinese voters voted opposition).

This would mean (if it was 10,722 Malay votes for PAS versus 10,655 Malay votes for Umno) the Malays are still split 50:50 like what Nazri Aziz told me five years ago. And this would also mean that PAS won the Sungai Limau by-election yesterday with a 1,084 majority because of the 97% Chinese support representing 1,347 Chinese voters.

Hence the Chinese (if 97% continue to vote opposition until the next general election) is the kingmaker. And it also means that the Chinese have not swung back to the ruling party and continue to support the opposition until today.

And it furthermore means that if Barisan Nasional wants to remain in power it has to garner more than just 50% of the Malay votes. Umno will need to increase the Malay support to at least 60% or so to stay in power since it can no longer depend on the Chinese support.

My conclusion?

Umno will need to be more Malay- and Islam-centric if it wants to increase the Malay support from just 50% to 60% or thereabouts. And Perkasa, Malay rights, the NEP, the Allah word issue, etc., will need to be played to the hilt for this to happen.

Is that why Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak just announced today ‘Najib vows to defend use of Allah as exclusive to Muslims’ (READ HERE)?

Interesting, is it not?


2013-11-05 18:31 | Report Abuse

people will ask what about the number of share you hold currently. is it going to reduce also concurrent with the reduction of share ? normal question people will throw perhaps.


2013-11-05 18:22 | Report Abuse

WoW limit up bro.huge tu.


2013-11-05 18:15 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2013-11-05 18:11 | Report Abuse

abdul_rahim salam maal hijrah for u too and the rest of muslim in malaysia and the world.


2013-11-05 18:00 | Report Abuse

Betul tu hangu2umnobn.cina kena semua pergi kat pembangkang. itu baru strategy yang terbaik. Lepas tu BN tak payah pandang dah diorang ni. Itu kan hak diorang. So BN yang semua melayu islam ni laksanakan la undang-undang islam sebab itu hak melayu islam jugak dalam BN. Nak risau apa semua dah pergi masuk satu basket nama dia pembangkang. Hahahahha. Baru la best boleh buat Hudud,dan lagi mekar undang-undang islam.BN masa tu takder sebab dah nak kata NO. Kalau cakap mcm tu jugak memang kena tendang keluar la jawabnyer sebab masa tu semua dah melayu dan islam kan dalam BN. hehehehe . cantek tu.


2013-11-05 17:47 | Report Abuse

its going up a lot already. look dangerous to enter now. emm will keep monitor.


2013-11-05 17:45 | Report Abuse

maybe waiting for EGM 15 Nov


2013-11-05 17:43 | Report Abuse

i think so. it look like reverse gear and also got road block at 0.07.


2013-11-05 17:42 | Report Abuse

hope tomorrow got show. yesterday there is a sell transaction by shark and tomorrow hopefully they can push high. they wont buy at 0.07 if they dont want to push above that.


2013-11-05 17:40 | Report Abuse

ok get ready for tomorrow guys. but be carefully of any profit taking before another push.


2013-11-05 17:18 | Report Abuse

Hhahaha pandai Karpal. Lepas PRK Sungai Limau baru dia berani cakap semua muslim group and parti politik berasaskan islam kena di tarik balik keahlian atau de-registration kan. Makna nya PAS punya registration pun kena tarik balik ker ? Hahahah kenapa tak berani cakap benda ni masa pilihan raya kecil sungai limau hari tu ? Confirm PAS bungkus. Now lepas PRK Sungai Limau dia berani cakap mcm ni. Hahahahh . Kena tipu lagi PAS dan orang Melayu. Hahahah goodluck la. We waiting answer from Muslim scholar,Malay based party and Muslim association.


2013-11-05 17:04 |

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2013-11-05 16:58 |

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2013-11-05 16:56 | Report Abuse


In Sungai Limau loss, Najib sees swing to BN

(MM) - PAS’s reduced majority in yesterday’s battle for Sungai Limau showed increasing support for Barisan Nasional (BN) in the rice-bowl state of Kedah, despite the pact’s failure to wrest the seat, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said today.

He noted that the farming constituency had always been a stronghold of PAS, which had held the seat since 1995, but the results showed that BN had made major inroads.

“We knew the area is a PAS stronghold, but we managed to win in 10 voting centres compares to nine for PAS,” he said at a press conference after attending the national Maal Hijrah celebrations here.

In yesterday’s by-election, PAS candidate Mohd Azam Abd Samat won by a 1,084-vote majority, securing a total of 12,069 votes over BN’s Dr Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim’s tally of 10,985 votes.

The late Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak, whose recent death paved way for the contest, retained the seat for a fifth straight term during the 13th General Election last May with a 2,774-vote majority.

Najib said there were a few positive indicators that BN has gleaned from yesterday’s results, not least being the apparent increase in Chinese support for the ruling coalition.

He said there was a clear uptick in Chinese support in at least two polling streams where there was a visibly larger base of Chinese voters.

“Looking at the snapshot, it is an increase in support. But this needs a deeper study. The result was largely due to good teamwork and the national and state machinery have to work together as a team,” said the prime minister.

Najib, who is also BN chairman, added that the outcome of the Sungai Limau contest should lay to rest any complaints the opposition Pakatan Rakyat have about the country’s electoral system.

The electoral system and the Election Commission (EC) have long been the opposition’s whipping boys for allegedly giving the BN an unfair advantage in any contest, with the latest being the results of the May 5 national polls, when the ruling party emerged victorious for a 13th straight time despite losing out on the popular vote.

The results led to a spate of protest rallies, dubbed Black 505, and the arrest and subsequent charging of several people from the opposition for allegedly failing to meet requirements under the Peaceful Assembly Act.

“I believe that with the results, the opposition won’t blame the EC which is what they usually do when they lose... this is proof that democracy is fresh and transparent in Malaysia,” he said.


2013-11-05 16:53 | Report Abuse

After Brunei ....now Malaysia is looking into the Implementation of Syariah Law. Wow .


Syariah for Malaysia

Malaysia is ready for syariah laws with the condition that the various enforcement bodies must be seen executing the basic tenets first among Muslims here.

Narinder Singh, FTM

The official religion of Malaysia is Islam as enshrined in the Federal Constitution. As a Malaysian, born, bred and educated here without once leaving the shores to gain formal knowledge, it has dawned upon me that it is utmost important to self-educate in issues pertaining to Islam.

The triggering and motivating factor stems from the fact that only in having an open mind can one stretch his tolerance and acceptance to others in terms to their religion, culture and beliefs.

Nevertheless, in as much as Islam and its syariah laws are admired and should be integrated in our society as it encompasses our very existence in every sense, what baffles and astonishes me is the ignorance displayed by some Malaysian Muslims.

In the discovery and continuous learning, I was made aware that syariah laws are divine and outlines in detail every aspect of life a Muslim must adhere to: from his behaviour, dressing, foods, gestures, hygiene, prayer and almost every facet being human.

Thus I am baffled and taken aback that in the push for syariah laws to be implemented in our society, we should be the least resistant as it also addresses issues surrounding economy, politics and social platforms.

Today Malaysia stands atop as a leading nation in Islamic financial management, earning a role model status even for other Muslim nations globally. The greater Europe and even Americans have acknowledged our beyond par excellence in Islamic banking and financial systems that have captured customers from all walks of life regardless of religion.

Syariah compliant financial tools and exchange board have made many a fortune without complaints even with international banks. The non-Muslims have welcomed the Islamic financial world with open arms. Then why the fuss and grumble when other syariah aspects are being discussed?

So, it is perfectly fine if syariah makes money for one but a big ‘NO’ if it does not. Does not that reasoning fit perfectly into hypocrisy and unfounded substance for negating the proposal to implement syariah laws to the full extend? Why be selective?

Nevertheless, the Islamic authorities must also be aggressively proactive in practical education to both the Muslims and non-Muslims on syariah laws.

In my opinion, the Islamic enforcement agencies at federal and state levels have failed un-forgivingly and miserably in aligning the basic tenets of Islam among the younger generations.

Some life experiences

These are some experience and questionable practices observed in public. I wonder if the following antics are allowed in Islam in public; in specific for Muslims, and even the non-Muslims per se.

Let me narrate a few incidents that got me intrigued in begging for clarifications from fellow Muslim friends and experts alike.


2013-11-05 16:43 | Report Abuse


Abdul Hamid, Dr Zakir tokoh Maal Hijrah

PUTRAJAYA - Mantan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Zainal Abidin dianugerahkan Tokoh Maal Hijrah Peringkat Kebangsaan bagi tahun 1435H/2013M, hari ini.

Sementara, pendakwah terkenal, Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Naik dari India dianugerahkan sebagai Tokoh Maal Hijrah Peringkat Antarabangsa.

"Pemilihan tokoh tersebut dibuat atas asas sumbangan besar mereka dalam memartabatkan Islam di peringkat nasional dan global yang diiktiraf oleh pelbagai pihak," ujar Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim), Datuk Othman Mustapha,

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengumumkan nama pemenang di Majlis Perhimpunan Sambutan Maal Hijrah Peringkat Kebangsaan di Pusat Konvensyen Antarabangsa Putrajaya (PICC), di sini, hari ini.

Hadiah disampaikan Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah.

Kedua-dua tokoh menerima hadiah berupa wang tunai RM100,000, pingat dan sijil penghargaan.


2013-11-05 16:40 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-11-05 16:38 | Report Abuse


Melaka naik elaun bilal, noja dan pengurus jenazah

MELAKA - Elaun bilal, noja dan pengurus jenazah wanita di negeri Melaka akan dinaikkan bermula awal tahun depan.

Ketua Menteri Melaka Datuk Seri Idris Haron ketika mengumumkan perkara itu berkata ia membabitkan 181 masjid kariah di seluruh negeri.

Beliau berkata elaun bilal akan dinaikkan daripada RM290 kepada RM310; elaun noja daripada RM280 kepada RM300 dan elaun pengurus jenazah wanita daripada RM160 kepada RM200.

"Dengan kenaikan ini, diharap akan memberi keselesaan kepada para bilal, noja dan pengurus jenazah untuk bertugas dengan lebih semangat di samping mengiktiraf pengorbanan mereka," katanya ketika berucap pada majlis sambutan Maal Hijrah 1435 peringkat Melaka dirasmikan Yang Dipertua Negeri Melaka Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob.

Pada majlis itu, Mohd Khalil turut melancarkan kad perakuan nikah baharu menggunakan teknologi kod "Quick Response" (QR).

Idris berkata Melaka merupakan negeri pertama di negara ini menggunakan teknologi kod QR pada kad perakuan nikah.

Beliau berkata melalui teknologi itu, pihak berkuasa boleh mengesan ketulenan dan kesahihan kad perakuan nikah dalam tempoh masa yang cepat menggunakan telefon pintar.

Katanya ia merupakan komitmen kerajaan negeri untuk mempertingkat perkhidmatan berkaitan keagamaan khususnya pengurusan nikah, cerai dan rujuk.

"Kesemua ini merupakan satu proses penghijrahan cara berfikir dan bertindak untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang cekap, cepat, terbaik dan mesra rakyat," katanya.

Kad perakuan nikah berkenaan bersaiz kecil, tidak mudah patah atau dipalsukan serta mengandungi hologram. - Bernama


2013-11-05 16:36 |

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2013-11-05 12:27 | Report Abuse

huge road block at 0.07.


2013-11-05 12:20 | Report Abuse

Hey Admin why you didnt bar JCool? He also promote ancomlb in pmcorp forum ? why such as double standard ? why calvin cannot and JCool can ?


2013-11-04 23:57 | Report Abuse

Wednesday start focus on PMI, PMCAP & PMHLD. PMCORP Need rest and flush away weak holder before it can go for next push.


2013-11-04 21:36 | Report Abuse

heheh calvin relax in jurong ma. hahahahah


2013-11-04 21:35 | Report Abuse

saddiqsepakraga selama aku post kat sini aku tak pernah amik article dari utusan. semua aku amik dari malaysia kini,sinar,FMT dan yang lain2 selain dari media yang di support kerajaan. Malah yang aku amik semua pro-opposition web base. Ko kot kena luaskan pengetahuan.Kalau dengan sebelah pehak jer mana check and balance. Tu pasal orang semua dah muak dengan opposition ni. Malah Adun diorang pun satu persatu keluar parti.Aper punya org la.


2013-11-04 20:20 | Report Abuse

wow PAS lost almost 1400 vote. Good Job BN.


2013-11-04 19:16 | Report Abuse

Wednesday i think more flush out then by and will try many time to break 0.35. :-). they might get some anak-anak. :-)


2013-11-04 19:11 | Report Abuse

as expected it need to break 0.35 . :-)