
izoklse | Joined since 2012-08-09

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2013-11-01 19:28 | Report Abuse



The Anonymous Legion Threatens Singapore Government

The Treat Link As per below :-



2013-11-01 14:41 | Report Abuse

good fairjimmy.Please sell your MUI and i will buy from you.

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2013-11-01 08:44 | Report Abuse



The Anonymous Legion Threatens Singapore Government

The Treat Link As per below :-


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2013-10-31 17:39 | Report Abuse

Flip Flop of PR :-) . Hahahaha Drama Minggu ini : -

Pas will never agree to GST - Mahfuz

(NST) - Pas vice president Datuk Mahfuz Omar today took a contradictory stand over opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's positive view on the Goods and Services Tax (GST) due for implementation in April 2015.

Mahfuz said Pas would never agreed to GST implementation as they felt the taxation system would create a massive leakage in the country economy.

The Kedah Pas commissioner and the party's election machinery director for Sungai Limau by-election refused to comment on Anwar's recent about-turn over the GST issue, several days after the PKR de-facto leader announced that the Pakatan Rakyat would go all out to object its implementation.

Anwar was yesterday quoted as acknowledging that GST was an efficient taxation system and that it could be a major contributor to the national economic growth.

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2013-10-31 17:37 | Report Abuse

PUTAR ALAM Anwar begin his DRAMA again Hahhahahaha :-

Sekarang Anwar kata Pakatan akan laksana GST bila perintah, namun bersyarat

(TMI) - Pakatan Rakyat (PR) akan turut melaksanakan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) apabila mereka memerintah kelak kerana ia sistem percukaian yang efisien, kata Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar bagaimanapun menegaskan, perkara itu hanya akan berlaku dengan syarat kerajaan menghentikan gejala rasuah, kebocoran dan juga monopoli yang kini dilihat berleluasa dan tidak sesuai untuk melaksanakan GST.

"Kita kata ketelusan. PR akan hentikan rasuah, kebocoran dan monopoli. Hentikan ini dulu. Kemudian usahakan taraf hidup rakyat," katanya ketika sidang media di lobi Parlimen, Kuala Lumpur.

"Dua faktor ini perlu diberi tumpuan," katanya dan menambah pembangkang juga tidak akan melaksanakan GST sekarang kerana ia tidak munasabah.

"Bila kita dalam defisit kita akan fikiran perolehan. Ia akan ambil masa yang lama untuk mengatasi defisit," kata ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu lagi.

Tempoh 17 bulan menjelang pelaksanaan GST pada April 2015 juga tidak cukup untuk melaksanakan cukai berkenaan kata Anwar selagi masalah berkenaan gagal diatasi.

"Dengan situasi ekonomi sekarang apa yang boleh kita buat? Beri kita capai kedudukan yang selesa, kalau tidak capai bajet surplus pun beri kita selesa dahulu," kata Anwar.

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2013-10-30 22:50 | Report Abuse

hehehe oh heeroo got some more.. look east policy,Time standardization for east and west malaysia, punch card, MALAYSIA BOLEH, Commonwealth Games 1998,ERL,scholarship JPA MARA PETRONAS, Vision 2020, Industrial Blue Print,Privatization Blue Print, MSC, Cyberjaya ,Bakun Dam,Changed Malaysia from agriculture based country to industrial and services oriented country ,Tanjung Pelepas and West Port ,country’s per capita income doubled from 1990 to 1996. and many many more.....penat nak taip dah.hahhahaha.

News & Blogs

2013-10-30 22:15 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is the best PM ever. He is really a doctor in the office. The only Malaysian PM ever brave enough to speak up against Western Country. Name it...all kena. British buy British last.Us D.President AlGore. Josh Bush also kena. Even Jews also kena. HhahahH BBC Hard Talk Interviewer should remember Mahathir very well on how he crush that western reporter to the ground.ahahhaah.So many achievement. Save country economy 2 times 1988 and 1998. 1990 - 1997 country achieve 7 - 8 GDP. Proton,Modenas,Produa,Putrajaya,F1,Twin Tower,Highway,Penang Bridge,KL Tower,Planetarium,Langkawi,KLIA,LRT,FELDA,KWSP,KHAZANAH,PNB,BANK ISLAM,MUAMALAT,ISLAMIC FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT,A lot of University,National Library and many many more. Aiyo tak terkira. Thank You Very Very Much Dr M. You are the best.


2013-10-30 21:44 | Report Abuse

Calvin is there any possibility that PMI will be privatized based on its current condition ?


2013-10-30 21:33 | Report Abuse

The disposal will generate 60 Million income to PMI and reduce their borrowing from Bank. But at the same time PMI will lost it sole income generation and also asset. Now the only think that PMI can depend is on their Mayang Land & also 388 Million Investment in MUI.Calvin, i just want to understand, why PMI got huge investment in MUI and holding 388 Million share of MUI and is there any plan for the company to use this 388 million investment in MUI ? If MUI going up above 1.00 then PMI will have huge profit from that 388 million investment.


2013-10-30 19:11 | Report Abuse

based on the number of share buy at 0.08 today. Tomorrow will be easily clear 0.08 and to break it all time high 0.09 i think.

News & Blogs

2013-10-30 17:40 | Report Abuse

Now Anwar Ibrahim the Liar GOSTAND AGAIN AND FLIP FLOP again. Now he saying GST is OK. Hahahhahahahahah. Putar Alam.


News & Blogs

2013-10-30 17:38 | Report Abuse

Now Anwar Ibrahim the Liar GOSTAND AGAIN AND FLIP FLOP again. Now he saying GST is OK. Hahahhahahahahah. Putar Alam.



2013-10-30 09:46 | Report Abuse

how much is the price after capital repayment ?


2013-10-30 09:33 | Report Abuse

agree buy now. it will move higher


2013-10-28 21:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:14 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 21:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2013-10-28 20:52 | Report Abuse


(Bernama) - Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dismissed as hearsay talks of being replaced as Selangor Menteri Besar (MB) by Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali.

Describing such rumours as part and parcel of politics, he said: ” It’s alright. I’m not bothered by such rumours. I’m very real because I come from the corporate sector and the bottom line is to deliver.”

He spoke to reporters after launching the “Our Environment Our Health” programme here today.

A Bahasa Melayu daily today reported that there were rumours of Mohamed Azmin replacing Abdul Khalid because several quarters in PKR were said to be dissatisfied with the MB’s administration.

Abdul Khalid also accepted the recent criticism from opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who claimed that the MB had failed to utilise the state’s resources well.

Commenting on the criticism, he said as a leader he had to be careful and disciplined in using the state’s resources to ensure its administration was run smoothly.
“Whatever it is, I feel that people should criticise and we should allow them to do so, as we can learn and improve from it,” he said.


2013-10-27 23:34 | Report Abuse

messi where got time for capital redution ? already PN 17 and need to submit regulation plan. if not delisted.


2013-10-27 21:35 | Report Abuse

If u have money, Buy PETRONAS Chemical Group (PCHEM) Share starting from now and hold it until April 2014. Price in 6 month is expected around RM 8.50 - RM 10.00 .

News & Blogs

2013-10-27 21:31 | Report Abuse


The fallacy of the importance of Yap Ah Loy

Tunku Kudin

Yap Ah Loy’s brother, Yap Tet Fong, was sent to Singapore to employ Chinese mercenaries and procure arms, ammunition and provisions. Chung Piang and Hiu Fatt, two of Yap Ah Loy’s most able ‘generals’, were appointed local recruiting agents. By the end of September they had recruited well over 1,000 fighting men.

On 12th September 1870, Chong Chong and his army arrived at the 4th mile Ampang Road and set up camp there while Syed Mashhor’s men remained in Ulu Kelang. Soon, more locals joined the invading army and the numbers increased to over 2,500 men. Yap Ah Loy, however, had less than 2,000 men, which included the Malays led by Raja Asal and Sutan Puasa, who joined him later.

As soon as Yap Ah Loy learned that Chong Chong had set up camp near Ampang, he sent a force of 600 men under Hiu Fatt and Tung Khoon to Ulu Kelang with the intention of cutting off Chong Chong's line of retreat. The next day, Hiu Fatt’s men started attacking Syed Mashhor’s army. Fighting began at about 10.00am and lasted until late afternoon.

Syed Mashhor’s men were routed and suffered heavy losses.

Syed Mashhor escaped to Chong Chong’s camp after which they embarked on an immediate counter-attack before Yap Ah Loy’s men could consolidate their position. That night, a combined force of about 2,000 men headed for Ulu Kelang.

In the meantime, Hiu Fatt and Tung Khoon had returned to their camp in Ulu Kelang. During the night, they were awoken by sounds of gunfire and shouting and discovered, much to their surprise, that Syed Mashhor’s force was attacking them. Meanwhile, Chong Chong’s army emerged from the rear and trapped Hiu Fatt’s force.

Fortunately, Yap Ah Loy had decided that evening to reinforce his troops at Ulu Kelang and had sent Chung Piang with a force of 400 men to Hiu Fatt's camp. They arrived in the heat of the battle and, after a fierce battle, Chong Chong was forced to retreat. Yap Ah Loy lost 40 men with another 100 wounded while Chong Chong's force suffered very heavy losses.

Yap Ah Loy realised that his army was not big enough to withstand Chong Chong’s and Syed Mashhor’s onslaught so he asked Raja Asal, who was at Damansara, for help. Raja Asal joined the three Chinese leaders at Ulu Kelang and it was agreed that they should move their combined forces down the valley to take up positions opposite Chong Chong’s stockade. Chong Chong proposed to Syed Mashhor that they should harass Yap Ah Loy’s army before they could settle down into their new positions.

Daily skirmishes went on for about a month without much success for either side.

Yap Ah Loy then sent another 600 men to reinforce Chung Piang’s troops that consisted of 400 Malay fighters under Sutan Puasa and 200 Chinese fighters under Ten Sam. Another fierce battle started at 10.00am and, by late afternoon, Chong Chong’s force was routed with the loss of more than 500 men. By nightfall, Chong Chong and Syed Mashhor realised they were beaten. They escaped to Batu Caves through Setapak.

From Batu Caves, Syed Mashhor escaped to Ulu Selangor while Chong Chong fled to Kuala Langat. By then, however, nearly half the army had been wiped out in one of the fiercest battles Kuala Lumpur had ever seen. But this was just the beginning of what would be many more battles to come before Kuala Lumpur would see peace. In one such battle, Yap Ah Loy was defeated and barely escaped with his life and had to seek the protection of the Sultan’s army.

140 years ago saw the first Malay-Chinese business partnership in Kuala Lumpur that resulted in Kuala Lumpur developing into a thriving metropolitan and eventually emerge as the nation’s capital. 140 years ago also saw the political struggles and jostling for power between groups of Chinese. Invariably, the Selangor Royal Family got dragged into these conflicts and in many instances the involvement of the Malay army would determine the outcome of these conflicts.

Sultan Abdul Samad

It must be noted that all this happened during the reign of Sultan Abdul Samad, the Fourth Sultan of Selangor, who ruled Selangor from 1857 to 1898. Sultan Abdul Samad was regarded as a weak Sultan who not only had no control over the State but was also not interested in administering the state and would leave it to his son-in-law, Tunku Kudin, to maintain the peace.

Sultan Abdul Samad was known for his passion in gambling and opium and Tunku Kudin, the brother of the Sultan of Kedah, who was exiled for trying to topple his brother the Sultan, wielded much power in Selangor. In fact, Sultan Abdul Samad married off his daughter, Raja Arfah, to Tunku Kudin to make him a Selangor ‘citizen’ because there was much jealousy from the rest of the Selangor Royal Family to this ‘outsider’ having so much power in Selangor. For all intents and purposes, the marriage was a political marriage to legitimise Tunku Kudin’s position in Selangor.

News & Blogs

2013-10-27 21:30 | Report Abuse


The fallacy of the importance of Yap Ah Loy

140 years ago saw the first Malay-Chinese business partnership in Kuala Lumpur that resulted in Kuala Lumpur developing into a thriving metropolitan and eventually emerge as the nation’s capital. 140 years ago also saw the political struggles and jostling for power between groups of Chinese. Invariably, the Selangor Royal Family got dragged into these conflicts and in many instances the involvement of the Malay army would determine the outcome of these conflicts.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I have noticed many Chinese readers posting comments that, if not because of the Chinese, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor would not have developed and, today, would still be a jungle.

I think that is a most emotional and grossly inaccurate statement, which is not at all based on historical fact. You need to study the history of Selangor of about 150 years ago to get a clear picture of what really happened with regards to the issue of the Chinese in Kuala Lumpur/Selangor.

I wrote the piece below in October 2002 -- part seven of a series of eight articles -- regarding the history of Selangor from the date of the First Sultan, Raja Lumu, in the 1700s till today. Hence that is 300 years of Selangor history -- of which the Chinese played a role in only half that period.

Selangor, in the mid-1800s, was already developing and was poised to become the economic centre of the Malay Archipelago (which was why Kuala Lumpur ended up as the Federal Capital of the country -- because it was the economic centre as well).

And that was why the Chinese came to Selangor -- because Selangor was a thriving economy and the Chinese wanted to make money in what was emerging as an economic centre. If not do you think the Chinese would have bothered to come to Selangor if there was no money to be made?

This part (part 7) is regarding Yap Ah Loy.

By the way, His Highness the Sultan of Selangor sent my essay on the history of Selangor to Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim for vetting and the Professor returned it to His Highness without a single correction.

In other words, I got 100% marks and His Highness had 2,000 copies printed as the official story of the Selangor Royal Family and distributed it to all the members of the Selangor Royal Family in a function in the Palace.


Yap Ah Loy

The first attack on Kuala Lumpur (September-October 1870): The Battle of Ampang

The history books tell us that Yap Ah Loy, a.k.a. Kapitan China, was the founder of Kuala Lumpur. I am not saying this is not entirely true. However, this is oversimplifying the issue slightly as it is not quite like he just went there and opened up Kuala Lumpur all on his own.

He had the help, not to mention the permission (and protection), of the Selangor Royal Family.

Kuala Lumpur, which was then uninhabited jungle, was rich in tin and Raja Abdullah, a member of the Selangor Royal Family (who owned the tin concession), entered into a business partnership with Yap Ah Loy, whose function was to supply the Chinese labourers to work the mines -- labourers whom he ‘imported’ from China.

Raja Abdullah and Yap Ah Loy sailed up the Kelang River from the mouth of the river and landed on the Kelang-Gombak River confluence and camped there for the night. Today, on this famous spot, stands the Jamek Mosque.

From there, Raja Abdullah and Yap Ah Loy trekked through the thick jungle to Ampang, which at that time took a couple of days, and this was where the first tin mines were opened up. With these tin mines came diseases and wars, which nearly wiped out the entire mining community. In some instances entire communities were killed off and they had to be replaced with reinforcements from China.

Soon after that, Chong Chong, Yap Ah Loy’s rival, entered into an alliance with Syed Mashhor and they set up an army to attack Kuala Lumpur. News of this alliance reached Yap Ah Loy’s ears in June 1870 and he immediately contacted the Viceroy of Selangor in Kelang, Tunku Kudin, who was also the Sultan of Selangor’s son-in-law.

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2013-10-27 21:29 | Report Abuse


The fallacy of the importance of Yap Ah Loy

Tunku Kudin

Yap Ah Loy’s brother, Yap Tet Fong, was sent to Singapore to employ Chinese mercenaries and procure arms, ammunition and provisions. Chung Piang and Hiu Fatt, two of Yap Ah Loy’s most able ‘generals’, were appointed local recruiting agents. By the end of September they had recruited well over 1,000 fighting men.

On 12th September 1870, Chong Chong and his army arrived at the 4th mile Ampang Road and set up camp there while Syed Mashhor’s men remained in Ulu Kelang. Soon, more locals joined the invading army and the numbers increased to over 2,500 men. Yap Ah Loy, however, had less than 2,000 men, which included the Malays led by Raja Asal and Sutan Puasa, who joined him later.

As soon as Yap Ah Loy learned that Chong Chong had set up camp near Ampang, he sent a force of 600 men under Hiu Fatt and Tung Khoon to Ulu Kelang with the intention of cutting off Chong Chong's line of retreat. The next day, Hiu Fatt’s men started attacking Syed Mashhor’s army. Fighting began at about 10.00am and lasted until late afternoon.

Syed Mashhor’s men were routed and suffered heavy losses.

Syed Mashhor escaped to Chong Chong’s camp after which they embarked on an immediate counter-attack before Yap Ah Loy’s men could consolidate their position. That night, a combined force of about 2,000 men headed for Ulu Kelang.

In the meantime, Hiu Fatt and Tung Khoon had returned to their camp in Ulu Kelang. During the night, they were awoken by sounds of gunfire and shouting and discovered, much to their surprise, that Syed Mashhor’s force was attacking them. Meanwhile, Chong Chong’s army emerged from the rear and trapped Hiu Fatt’s force.

Fortunately, Yap Ah Loy had decided that evening to reinforce his troops at Ulu Kelang and had sent Chung Piang with a force of 400 men to Hiu Fatt's camp. They arrived in the heat of the battle and, after a fierce battle, Chong Chong was forced to retreat. Yap Ah Loy lost 40 men with another 100 wounded while Chong Chong's force suffered very heavy losses.

Yap Ah Loy realised that his army was not big enough to withstand Chong Chong’s and Syed Mashhor’s onslaught so he asked Raja Asal, who was at Damansara, for help. Raja Asal joined the three Chinese leaders at Ulu Kelang and it was agreed that they should move their combined forces down the valley to take up positions opposite Chong Chong’s stockade. Chong Chong proposed to Syed Mashhor that they should harass Yap Ah Loy’s army before they could settle down into their new positions.

Daily skirmishes went on for about a month without much success for either side.

Yap Ah Loy then sent another 600 men to reinforce Chung Piang’s troops that consisted of 400 Malay fighters under Sutan Puasa and 200 Chinese fighters under Ten Sam. Another fierce battle started at 10.00am and, by late afternoon, Chong Chong’s force was routed with the loss of more than 500 men. By nightfall, Chong Chong and Syed Mashhor realised they were beaten. They escaped to Batu Caves through Setapak.

From Batu Caves, Syed Mashhor escaped to Ulu Selangor while Chong Chong fled to Kuala Langat. By then, however, nearly half the army had been wiped out in one of the fiercest battles Kuala Lumpur had ever seen. But this was just the beginning of what would be many more battles to come before Kuala Lumpur would see peace. In one such battle, Yap Ah Loy was defeated and barely escaped with his life and had to seek the protection of the Sultan’s army.

140 years ago saw the first Malay-Chinese business partnership in Kuala Lumpur that resulted in Kuala Lumpur developing into a thriving metropolitan and eventually emerge as the nation’s capital. 140 years ago also saw the political struggles and jostling for power between groups of Chinese. Invariably, the Selangor Royal Family got dragged into these conflicts and in many instances the involvement of the Malay army would determine the outcome of these conflicts.

Sultan Abdul Samad

It must be noted that all this happened during the reign of Sultan Abdul Samad, the Fourth Sultan of Selangor, who ruled Selangor from 1857 to 1898. Sultan Abdul Samad was regarded as a weak Sultan who not only had no control over the State but was also not interested in administering the state and would leave it to his son-in-law, Tunku Kudin, to maintain the peace.

Sultan Abdul Samad was known for his passion in gambling and opium and Tunku Kudin, the brother of the Sultan of Kedah, who was exiled for trying to topple his brother the Sultan, wielded much power in Selangor. In fact, Sultan Abdul Samad married off his daughter, Raja Arfah, to Tunku Kudin to make him a Selangor ‘citizen’ because there was much jealousy from the rest of the Selangor Royal Family to this ‘outsider’ having so much power in Selangor. For all intents and purposes, the marriage was a political marriage to legitimise Tunku Kudin’s position in Selangor.

News & Blogs

2013-10-27 21:27 | Report Abuse


The fallacy of the importance of Yap Ah Loy

140 years ago saw the first Malay-Chinese business partnership in Kuala Lumpur that resulted in Kuala Lumpur developing into a thriving metropolitan and eventually emerge as the nation’s capital. 140 years ago also saw the political struggles and jostling for power between groups of Chinese. Invariably, the Selangor Royal Family got dragged into these conflicts and in many instances the involvement of the Malay army would determine the outcome of these conflicts.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I have noticed many Chinese readers posting comments that, if not because of the Chinese, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor would not have developed and, today, would still be a jungle.

I think that is a most emotional and grossly inaccurate statement, which is not at all based on historical fact. You need to study the history of Selangor of about 150 years ago to get a clear picture of what really happened with regards to the issue of the Chinese in Kuala Lumpur/Selangor.

I wrote the piece below in October 2002 -- part seven of a series of eight articles -- regarding the history of Selangor from the date of the First Sultan, Raja Lumu, in the 1700s till today. Hence that is 300 years of Selangor history -- of which the Chinese played a role in only half that period.

Selangor, in the mid-1800s, was already developing and was poised to become the economic centre of the Malay Archipelago (which was why Kuala Lumpur ended up as the Federal Capital of the country -- because it was the economic centre as well).

And that was why the Chinese came to Selangor -- because Selangor was a thriving economy and the Chinese wanted to make money in what was emerging as an economic centre. If not do you think the Chinese would have bothered to come to Selangor if there was no money to be made?

This part (part 7) is regarding Yap Ah Loy.

By the way, His Highness the Sultan of Selangor sent my essay on the history of Selangor to Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim for vetting and the Professor returned it to His Highness without a single correction.

In other words, I got 100% marks and His Highness had 2,000 copies printed as the official story of the Selangor Royal Family and distributed it to all the members of the Selangor Royal Family in a function in the Palace.


Yap Ah Loy

The first attack on Kuala Lumpur (September-October 1870): The Battle of Ampang

The history books tell us that Yap Ah Loy, a.k.a. Kapitan China, was the founder of Kuala Lumpur. I am not saying this is not entirely true. However, this is oversimplifying the issue slightly as it is not quite like he just went there and opened up Kuala Lumpur all on his own.

He had the help, not to mention the permission (and protection), of the Selangor Royal Family.

Kuala Lumpur, which was then uninhabited jungle, was rich in tin and Raja Abdullah, a member of the Selangor Royal Family (who owned the tin concession), entered into a business partnership with Yap Ah Loy, whose function was to supply the Chinese labourers to work the mines -- labourers whom he ‘imported’ from China.

Raja Abdullah and Yap Ah Loy sailed up the Kelang River from the mouth of the river and landed on the Kelang-Gombak River confluence and camped there for the night. Today, on this famous spot, stands the Jamek Mosque.

From there, Raja Abdullah and Yap Ah Loy trekked through the thick jungle to Ampang, which at that time took a couple of days, and this was where the first tin mines were opened up. With these tin mines came diseases and wars, which nearly wiped out the entire mining community. In some instances entire communities were killed off and they had to be replaced with reinforcements from China.

Soon after that, Chong Chong, Yap Ah Loy’s rival, entered into an alliance with Syed Mashhor and they set up an army to attack Kuala Lumpur. News of this alliance reached Yap Ah Loy’s ears in June 1870 and he immediately contacted the Viceroy of Selangor in Kelang, Tunku Kudin, who was also the Sultan of Selangor’s son-in-law.

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2013-10-25 23:28 | Report Abuse

the one posted this article is Tan KW. He always posted a lot of article. what i can see with this person is that he will post article and let people comment it. But cant see he replying anything to all those comment people made here. Is it purposely put it here by Red Bean Army im not sure. But it look like it. people will get fight each other and hatred evolve to one another or purposely to discredit the govt. This is also the characteristic of Red Bean Army. and the person might have more then one id. may be he or she also commented here but using different id who knows.

News & Blogs

2013-10-25 22:57 | Report Abuse

alenac. Communist Chinese from china do nothing to out Sultan. Why should Malaysia scared china spread ideology here. Those that Malaysian govt againt is Communist in Malaysia or one time they called it Tanah Melayu. This Communist against all Sultan at Tanah Melayu at that time and this is why our govt reluctant to accept anything related to communist in Tanah Melayu / Malaysia. Because now those sultan already in rotation and selected as Agong the highest and top hierarchy in Malaysian Modern history. Even this sultan & Agong are remember what communist has done to them. Even Sultan of Selangor one of the state hold by Opposition already said that Jangan Bawa Abu atau Jenazah Penganas Komunis Ini menjejaki bumi selangor. That what sultan said in front of Army & Police in Army Open Day. And Agong is Ketua turus angkatan tentera dan polis. If you again this means you are again yang dipertuan agong. and army and police will act accordingly. That why the think never reach Malaysia. Even PR leader at Selangor all tutup mulut after listen to what Sultan of selangor said.

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2013-10-25 22:40 | Report Abuse

I love PM Najib. Thank You PM. Now i abandoned PAS.

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2013-10-25 22:02 | Report Abuse

i 100% agree with jenabchen123

News & Blogs

2013-10-25 21:55 | Report Abuse

That why i said anbz. They think they are the one always correct and wright about everything. If other people have different view from their view then the person consider racist. When govt try to help Malay they perceive this as racist. When somebody support govt move towards malay or anything to do with Malay then it is consider racist. When people agree with them and follow their rule then that person is consider non racist.