
kancs3118 | Joined since 2013-09-02

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2016-02-22 18:51 | Report Abuse

Then, where got money too pay dividend arrr..????


2016-02-22 18:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...see...my prediction correct or not ? That there is no bumper dividend lar.... Bumper dividend need to wait for next year lar..you all think the real operating cash flow for CCB is very good meh...it is all lumped as a payable to Mercedes Benz lar...even though this is an interest free loan ....also need to pay back one day


2016-02-22 16:33 | Report Abuse

apa pun tadak, kenapa wow???


2016-02-22 16:32 | Report Abuse

@ yeekarwai88, what happen?


2016-02-22 16:10 | Report Abuse

don't be greedy - MRT 2 Viaduct RM1.5B package is good enough


2016-02-21 17:50 | Report Abuse

I think what paperplane is trying to say is - some people worry how much they LOST for NOT buying Gadang (opportunity cost lor...)....by some people - he is referring to himself, i guess?


2016-02-21 17:48 | Report Abuse

@ TKSW.......aiyoh - why so wasteful? sell at RM2.07?? Keep long long marrr


2016-02-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

Hopefully Gadang can win the RM1.5B viaduct project for MRT2.


2016-02-19 07:34 | Report Abuse

Hopefully, can breach RM 4 today


2016-02-10 20:14 | Report Abuse

Red is good...baru ada CNY festive mood


2016-02-07 11:16 | Report Abuse

@ supermix 2, you buy SHL is more worth it


2016-02-06 18:12 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.


2016-02-06 17:52 | Report Abuse

Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year 2016...Huat arrrrrr


2016-02-06 17:52 | Report Abuse

Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year...Huat arrrrrr


2016-02-02 17:34 | Report Abuse

true mar...KokOnn bought his own shares...akin to eating his own shit...it is a good sign


2016-02-02 15:39 | Report Abuse

@ zai zai - Gadang management is very honest lar...don't bad mouth them without supporting evidence~!
KokOnn bought his own shares.


2016-01-26 17:05 | Report Abuse

aiyohhh - what you scared? the volume not big -

News & Blogs

2016-01-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

to say the truth...
last time, i buy GOB - then, i lose money...
but i never blame anyone for that....NEVER (x1Million)

you know why?
we are all adults here....no one forced anyone to buy anything...
i normally used Icon's articles (or other bloggers punya articles like Superman/ Apini/ etc) as a spring board to further my own research...
if the company is no good - then, don't buy lor...
if the company is good but too expensive, don't buy lor...just wait until Mr. Market give a good discount....

Anyway - thanks to Icon8888, i found Gadang and load up the truck on it...
NOw, Gadang more than makes up for my losses in GOB...and i mean alot more....and then, going to huat like crazy once Gadang exceeds RM3.

Bottom line...
Don't blame anyone for anything...
Your own money - you decide lor....

Also, show some gratitude...
thank other people (like Icon8888) who gives us leads...
Without them, we totally have no leads....lagi teruk kan?
We all working from 8am to 8pm...where got time to find leads?????
Work on those leads and create a basis whether to invest or not....
Good or bad..we decide ourselves.
Right or not?

Enough said~!!!

News & Blogs

2016-01-26 12:49 | Report Abuse

@ Icon8888, just joking lar....:-)
i delete my thread...adui...joke joke...don't be so serious...market so bad now...need some laughter lar...


2016-01-25 01:19 | Report Abuse

Come and think about it, the economy last year is quite tough too but Merz sales last year shot through the rooftop. Hence, this market segment is resilient to economic headwind. For the rich, a Merz is just some "loose change" or "Out of pocket expenses".

Hence, the determining factor would rather be the design of the car itself than the state of the economy
If Trade View is right, then what is of more importance is the design of the motor vehicle .


2016-01-23 16:25 | Report Abuse

Gadang TP is worth RM3. Why????

Just now, i joint the Thaipusam pilgrimage up to Batu Caves - pierce the long shiny needles in my cheek, nipples and tongue - after making my way up the long flight of stairs -- i threw the coconut ....and then, a vision came to me..."Thou shall look at the coconut....." and i saw.......right before me eyes....and i kid you not~!!!

the coconut split into three...and it shows that the Gods have spoken for Gadang...that Gadang is worth RM3 next Thaipusam...which is one year from now. Following the Gods...I am holding my Gadang until the next Thaipusam. It is a SIN to sell now....as it is against GOD's wish....

That is why Gadang is the second largest holding in my portfolio. I hope this answers all your questions as to why i still have faith in Gadang~!!! And why i do not cash out in the recent high and the recent fall....


2016-01-23 10:52 | Report Abuse

After looking left, right and centre , I still prefer Gadang. Gadang now constitute the 2md largest holding in my portfolio.


2016-01-23 10:39 | Report Abuse

But then , don't know whether this stock can acheived an EPS of RM0.50 for 2016. The key risk is the economy is weak and Merz cannot achieved an EPS of RM0.50 for 2016.


2016-01-23 10:18 | Report Abuse

The positive operating cash flows is mainly due to
- running down on inventories , turning inventories to cash, and
- build up of payables - specifically other payables owing to Mercedes Benz at zero interest. Thia is something that CCB has that Hap Seng Star does not. This amount needs to be settled.
Hence, I don't think that they can declare special dividends for 2016 .

The special dividend is more likely to be slatted for 2017. Also, the exchange for rate is currently unfavourable to Ringgit. So, it makes sense to declare special dividends during 2016 as you need to repatriate more Ringgit to make up for the shortfall. For 2016, in line with Mercedes Benz expansion strategy, CCB is expanding their dealership network. All this things require cash.

If you can hold this stock for one year plus, I think it can worth RM4.50 based on EPS $0.50 and PE 10. Also, the special dividend may come online on 2017.

So, for this stock, as with all other stocks, rather than trying to scoop up at the lowest, what matters more is holding power. Hold throughout 2016 and probably into end of 2017 and you will reap the biggest reward.


2016-01-22 11:11 | Report Abuse

You have forgotten about SHL...Tambun is good - no doubt about that...but the size of Capital is still quite big...resulting in an earnings dilution


2016-01-22 07:39 | Report Abuse

don't know who is right and who is wrong?

<Basically, the Saudis failed to drown us with oil>, and

<This Oil credit crunch is going to be worst than the Subprime crisis>.

when in doubt, placed your monies in Gadang...hahaha....expected to hit RM3.00 at the end of this year.


2016-01-21 23:01 | Report Abuse

Hi Koon Bee, please explain. i don't understand....


2016-01-21 22:31 | Report Abuse

@ superman99, just asking - wanna discuss about the future? Tambun Indah vs. SHL...? If yes - let us discuss via emails...got a few questions to clarify...looking for your expert inputs..hehehe....


2016-01-21 22:26 | Report Abuse

aiyoh...brothers and sisters - don't fight - don't fight - we are all here to sama sama make money - those who hold longer - will make more lor...in the words of warren buffet - their personal wealth will now be tied to the intrinsic wealth of Gadang...

those who gostan masuk - gostan keluar...will hit the parking palang..and make lesser lor.....

those who buy today at RM2.18 and hold two years from now...will make the most lor...share market very fair one...

don't mark my words...also, don't call me sifu...me just learning nia..


2016-01-21 22:23 | Report Abuse

wah...brother Apini...long time no see you support Gadang thread liaw........really miss you lar....
by the way - what do you think of SHL?
Can help to do some research for SHL and share with xiao di - di??
i have to agree with that Icon8888 - after looking high and low - comparing with Tambun Indah and Matrix - that SHL stands out - really power...


2016-01-21 19:54 | Report Abuse

ini punya quarterly results belum "keng"...gua sedang tunggu itu mother of all results...
the RAPID contracts + MRT......waiting patiently


2016-01-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

rather than trying to catch Gadang (or whatever stock) at the lowest point, try and think of how long you can hold it. This is more important. No matter what is the oil price now, Petronas still needs to carry on with RAPID. If they do not complete the project on time, Petronas can be sued by these foreign factories. During the AGM, Kok Onn already mentioned that Petronas holds Gadang in very high regards and they have about 10 tenders worth RM3B. Kok Onn is pretty confident they can secure at least a few of them. Look into the future, RAPID + MRT projects.

Buy now on weakness and then, you will reap the gains in the future.


2016-01-21 16:47 | Report Abuse

in this dark moments, find the courage to buy undervalued stocks trading at a deep discount...


2016-01-21 16:45 | Report Abuse

Whether the current price of USD27 per barrel of oil is sustainable?????


A report said Canada's oil-sands producers were now losing money on every barrel, while U.S. shale producers "were just burning cash" at current prices.

If you are shale oil producer and you are losing money on every barrel, how long can you last? No doubt, the Arabs are losing too - but who will close shop faster? Eventually, the forces of demand and supply will push up the oil price to find its equilibrium. This means this bruising price war is going to stop or else the higher cost oil producer (reads share oil) will close shop. This means the share oil producers is going to cut their supplies. Oversupply cannot last forever.


2016-01-21 13:26 | Report Abuse

interesting....However, we do believe that the re-rating catalyst for GADANG lies on several factors, i.e. (i) FY16-17E orderbook replenishment exceeding RM1.4b, and (ii) an improved sentiment on the property sector.

for (i): quite confident this can be done - MRT + RAPID projects replenishment
for (ii): as long as Gadang maintains affordable housing project...should not be a problem to weather through this property market.

For long term, this is for the keeps.


2016-01-21 13:25 | Report Abuse

interesting....However, we do believe that the re-rating catalyst for GADANG lies on several factors, i.e. (i) FY16-17E orderbook replenishment exceeding RM1.4b, and (ii) an improved sentiment on the property sector.


2016-01-21 13:24 | Report Abuse

don't quote me but i think the worst is over...the new "low" should be RM3.35. Despite two recent selloff - one on Monday 18th Jan and the other just today, the price bounced off RM3.35....if can grab at RM3.40, please do so - before this baby really runs...


2016-01-20 14:53 | Report Abuse

@ yeekarwai88, what is your average price? if you don't mind to share?


2016-01-20 13:01 | Report Abuse

sigh - sometimes, i just shake my head looking at these comments -
the one that should top the list is: sell because infrastructure projects going to be postponed/ cut
even if Gadang does not get the MRT project - it is very buzy with RAPID...expect to see more announcements for RAPID


2016-01-19 16:52 | Report Abuse

waiting for the next discount...at RM3.35


2016-01-18 16:01 | Report Abuse

GOD - those who sell to me this morning @ RM1.45 - now, they cry also no tears come out man....sigh - i just hope that i do not buy from the old retirees...


2016-01-18 15:47 | Report Abuse

GOD - those who sell this morning - now, they cry also no tears come out man....


2016-01-18 13:22 | Report Abuse

@ SuperMan99, a good one.


2016-01-18 11:44 | Report Abuse

RM2.20 is very strong support


2016-01-18 11:37 | Report Abuse

@ Superman99, what is your average price for CCB? if you don't mind to share?


2016-01-18 11:35 | Report Abuse

some of them said - i was stupid to contribute selflessly to the research in this CCB forum when the price was so high at RM3.70++,
why waste time contributing to the research when you cannot buy at RM3.70?
can see but cannot eat...
but then, patience is a virtue,
this prove that in life, you must give to receive,

now - Mr Market give me a chance to buy at RM3.45 and i grab it.

anyway - thanks to Mr Superman99, your work at CCB is fantastic and i have benefited alot reading from it.
once everything settled down, please help to write another article for CCB to push the price up


2016-01-18 11:30 | Report Abuse

the RM3.40 just exist for a few minutes...congrats to those who managed to pick up at RM3.40,
my tangan not cepat enough - so, can curi makan at RM3.45


2016-01-18 11:30 | Report Abuse

sigh...just managed collect at RM3.45....placed an order at RM3.40 - but then, it was not filled...
well - RM3.45 is also good enough liaw....
really panic selling within the 1st one hour ...now, things start to stabilize


2016-01-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

Gadang support level should be between RM2.20 to RM2.30.


2016-01-16 15:05 | Report Abuse

Actually, nobody knows when market at the lowest point...as long as it is cheaper than your valuation and you feel comfortable with both the entry price and the future potential of the business , then , just buy lor. Because we don't know whether tomorrow will be cheaper or not. The most important thing is holding power. Business needs time to grow.