
kancs3118 | Joined since 2013-09-02

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2015-12-12 20:03 | Report Abuse

@ TKSW...actually, i am not very smart when it comes to economics. Im fact, during my A Levels, i scoared a meagre B in Economics. But when you are overwhelm by market noises , it is best to ask whether Tan Sri cash out when the oil market hits a new low? Or if you are a student , do your college or university close shop because the US Dow drops 309 points ?

Indeed, if next year is as bad as this year, then, it presents an opportunity to accumulate good companies at chaper valuation...so, I hinbwe should rejoice at this fact...


2015-12-12 16:10 | Report Abuse

i believe a majority of the losses are due to opening of the new stores - for both Grandmama and Grand Harbour. During the AGM, management does mention that they are confident overall F&B business will turn into black at the end of next year.


2015-12-12 14:32 | Report Abuse

this is not what i say....but rather what Tan Sri Kok Onn said....it is at the end of the month...


2015-12-12 06:43 | Report Abuse

@ tksw - need your help. for the 0.1% type of account, this means that you need to have cash upfront before buying? they will not allow the T+3 sort of things?


2015-12-11 16:53 | Report Abuse

which one is better? Cimb or ambank? i mean in terms of the trading software used and the quality of materials?


2015-12-11 16:41 | Report Abuse

@ superman 99, currently, i am thinking of switching over to CIMB trade beyond. Brokerage fees is 0.1%. But then, it seems ambank is cheaper at 0.038%. Unbelievable. But how is their trading platform?


2015-12-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

wow - that is really cheap...ambank is just 0.035%
any rates cheaper than ambank?
but how is the platform, by the way? good arrr?


2015-12-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

wow - that is really cheap...ambank is just 0.035%
any rates cheaper than ambank?


2015-12-11 15:10 | Report Abuse

Hi guys - wanna ask for some expert advice.
My banker quote the following brokerage fees:
Brokerage fees: 0.1% (he told me all the banks compete based on brokerage fees).
Clearing fees and stamp duty is the same amongst all the banks.

Hence, my question:
(1): whether 0.1% is considered the cheapest brokerage fees in Malaysia?
(2): whether the clearing fees + stamp duty is fixed in Malaysia amongst all the banks?


2015-12-11 09:40 | Report Abuse

amend my posting to be more polite.,..


2015-12-11 09:40 | Report Abuse

i maybe wrong - but there are a few impending good news in the favour of this counter:
(1): During the recently concluded AGM (i was there), Tan Sri advocated there is a strong chance of winning the contracts for Rapid Johor and MRT - very likely to be announced by the end of this month/ year, and
(2): strong quarterly results to be announced in Jan'16,

Hence, i don't foresee a steep correction in the price for this counter...any steep correction will be absorbed by a strong buying pressure...

i may be wrong...but i act on own my conviction.
As a matter of fact, i top up yesterday at RM2.08.
Even at RM2.00 to RM2.10 range, the PE is still hovering at 6.xx for this counter. Can be considered relatively cheap.


2015-12-11 09:25 | Report Abuse

@ tksw - you judge yourself...


2015-12-10 22:07 | Report Abuse

@ superman99, care to share which other companies that you have for now?


2015-12-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

@ tksw sifu...where can we find the Kenanga research report? mind to share please?


2015-12-10 07:02 | Report Abuse

@ superman99, icon8888, optimus,
Just wanna ask...me also accountant - but looking to break into equity analysis - but dunno how to do it? ever since i started investing in the share market, start to feel very passionate about this field...may consider doing CFA/ MBA...but don't know how to start...can advice? join an investment firm as a junior? but will they hire a 30+ year old guy as a junior? ......thanks...


2015-12-08 20:07 | Report Abuse

wow - you managed to get hold of SAM at RM5.50...respect...shit - i work before in an aerospace company just next door to SAM - and totally missed out on SAM...one of life's regrets...


2015-12-08 09:03 | Report Abuse

actually, after Gadang reached RM2.25, it is sufficient to cover my losses for GOB (assuming if GOB still hovers at RM0.55). Then, i can guarantee the safety of principal for both GOB + Gadang.

I just hope and pray GOB can breach RM0.75 for me to cabut without losses...


2015-12-08 08:47 | Report Abuse

actually, to be honest with you guys, looking back at Oct - i made a big mistake. That time, GOB scaled RM0.60 and Gadang is still at RM1.45. I should have cut loss and dump that GOB son of a bitch and placed everything in Gadang.
Alas...how would i know? They will report a loss making quarter...regrets regrets regrets...


2015-12-07 15:39 | Report Abuse

@ SuperMan99, i am quite worried about my GOB - last time, should have cut loss and park all at Gadang at RM1.45.....cry cry baby - cry mummy - cry daddy


2015-12-01 14:54 | Report Abuse

@ Ooi Teik Bee, may i ask why do you think the worst is over for properties sector?? what makes you say that?


2015-11-30 10:17 | Report Abuse

@ tksw, just asking, don't your tx costs be killing you? if you keep on buying and selling?


2015-11-29 08:58 | Report Abuse

Genting is faster


2015-11-29 05:09 | Report Abuse

The problem is that the quarterly report does not mention the business reasoning behind the losses....


2015-11-28 19:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh...don't say like that....I managed to grab a few at RM11.
Now..just pray at 28th Dec...can get some more at RM181...
Very important ..siapa .tangan cepat.....dia depat...


2015-11-28 14:52 | Report Abuse

@ brother apini + brother bluefun,
any undervalued counters worth recommending ? thanks...


2015-11-28 08:02 | Report Abuse

i wanna write to their investor relations to confirm the following:
- higher costs incurred for Da'mein maybe attributable to the RM28M paid to Revenue Concept - as agreed per the JV agreement btw GOB and the landowner. However, why this was not capitalised as part of the property development costs?
- how much profit arising from sales of Da'mein to Pavillion REIT?
- higher losses incurred from the F&B division. Whether this is attributable to the opening of new Grandmama's stores or Grand Harbour stores? Because i attended the AGM , it was mentioned they wanna open up new stores...


2015-11-27 22:45 | Report Abuse

Hopefully, the price continues to stay at RM 1.80 until the end of the year...my ship is coming in....


2015-11-27 11:30 | Report Abuse

@ snwong13, what NP margin? where to find?


2015-11-27 09:28 | Report Abuse

@ superman99, after reading your statement, i honestly feel like wanting to commit suicide - like jumping off a building....serious...


2015-11-26 12:24 | Report Abuse

Super Man 99, what do you think about GOB? sudah makan GOB kah atau belum?? me - scared...the bombing run is very bad....


2015-11-26 09:44 | Report Abuse

ok lar...today is good lar...tangan banyak cepat ....hahaha
boleh dapat sedekah @ RM1.81


2015-11-26 09:40 | Report Abuse

@ superman 99, english please....me banana man...


2015-11-26 09:30 | Report Abuse

@ TKSW, opppss..i am sorry if you follow my advice...initially, i wanna buy at RM1.70, but i saw the buy quee - quite thin...so, revised upwards to RM1.81
Anyway - you can find some consolation that my GOB will kena bomb big time today - because reported a loss making quarter...
so, today, the tikus in me...will kuai kuai snoop around in Gadang forum...dare not go into GOB forum,,,
Bombing in progress mar...


2015-11-26 09:08 | Report Abuse

me - just tambah makan at RM1.81

Just curious, one question only...the market officially opens at 930am.
Why there are early morning trades happening even before the market opens at 930am?
In fact, i just curi makan at 9.08am.


2015-11-26 09:05 | Report Abuse

@ riskabsorber - come on lar...the majority of the gearing is mainly due to the credit draw down to build da'mein - which upon the sales of Da'mein - will make the company to become a net cash company. Please read the quarterly report and understand the company before commenting here. Thanks.


2015-11-26 08:21 | Report Abuse

today - gonna be like a tikus...tikus hide here at Gadang forum...GOB kena bomb today....find some shelter here....hopefully, will not turn out to be a bad day....
<<<crying and sobbing>>>


2015-11-26 06:42 | Report Abuse

won't be looking at this counter today - will be like an ostrich, digging my head in the sand


2015-11-26 06:39 | Report Abuse

not withstanding a bad quarter, whole year profit is still RM66M mainly due to the disposal of 2 parcels of leasehold land. I think we will end the year with profit due to the disposal of DaMein (but then, i still cannot understand why they do not wanna capitalise the RM30M as part of property development costs) and additional disposal of land at Seri Kembangan.

Also, not to forget the unbilled sales of RM400+M from its ongoing projects which has achieved 90%++ take up rate. this counter is still "safe" until the end of FY2016.

Over the long term, both Batu Kawan and Lembaga Getah projects will be main engine of growth.

But the F&B division is bleeding rather heavily. The main increase in OPEX is attributable to the F&B division. They should hive off the F&B division.


2015-11-26 06:34 | Report Abuse

@ value investor - about the RM30M losses incurred for Damein, i think there is something happening behind the scene whereby maybe, just maybe, Pavillion REIT ask GOB to absorb the RM30M cost. Maybe that is the reason why they cannot capitalise this RM30M into the property development costs as this is not possible to recoup via sales to Da'mein.


2015-11-26 06:28 | Report Abuse

@ value investor : you are right. The costs associated with Damien is about RM30M after comparing the segmental results between Q2 vs Q1. If they capitalise this cost, this quarterly results would have been a profit not withstanding the RM10M losses from the F&B sales.

I am not so concerned about the losses associated with Damein because I sincerely believe they can recoup it via sales of damein to Pavillion REIT.

But the losses concerning the F&B division of RM 10M is horrible. They should have exited the F&B business. It is not a business that they have a competitive advantage at all.


2015-11-25 19:36 | Report Abuse

Please tell me something I don't know


2015-11-25 19:36 | Report Abuse

Thank you very much. I know about the impending sales of damein and the effect it has on GOB share price. But then, this quartet's results have been quite poor. So too is last quarter if without the sales of 2 parcels of leasehold land.


2015-11-25 18:36 | Report Abuse

Why do you think the results are not that bad?
Expect a bad day tomorrow ...


2015-11-25 18:10 | Report Abuse


they should just stick to what they do best - that is property development...kanasai~!!!!!!!!!


2015-11-25 12:45 | Report Abuse

Outbreak of war btw Turkey and Russia is good - Gadang becomes cheaper - i likeeeeeeee


2015-11-25 12:25 | Report Abuse

going to load up tomorrow - waiting for Gadang to come down ex-date. Keep long long...Keep in the freezer - deep freeze.


2015-11-25 11:32 | Report Abuse

@ yeekarwai 88, i agree - hahaha - hopefully, today will close at RM1.80 - hahahahahaa


2015-11-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

Hi all sifus, wanna ask you guys a question - since tomorrow is the ex-date? is it good to buy today or can get a better discount tomorrow? i can forgo the dividend...


2015-11-25 09:53 | Report Abuse

you are welcome...nice to have a buddy on-board this GOB ship...hahaha


2015-11-25 08:51 | Report Abuse

you can refer to my postings on GOB - have done all the legwork liaw...