
laychee | Joined since 2018-03-31

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2019-09-08 19:09 | Report Abuse

Both sides also used Hong Kong for their own agenda.

China test water if faster remove democracy to see the reaction from everyone.
China tried to see if Taiwan can accept less democracy.

USA used Hong Kong as a bargaining chip. Although everyone knows China doesn't care if Hong Kong is dead or alive as it just affects 2% of its GDP.

China instead wants Taiwan. After sucked dry like Hong Kong, Taiwan will also be desserted.

News & Blogs

2019-09-07 09:33 | Report Abuse

Not just Malay, any individual on earth.

News & Blogs

2019-09-05 16:02 | Report Abuse

Please unite and shut down oppositions aka UMNO, PAS and MCA destructive influences on Malaysian soil first then talk about putting the right PM after Mahatear retires at the age of 95!


2019-09-05 12:24 | Report Abuse

In the US, such insider has already been prosecuted and sitting in jail now.


2019-09-05 11:46 | Report Abuse

Still a lots of cloud above Ecoworld either in Malaysia or UK, local listing or internatinal listing.

But I think after Brexit, things will be OK.

Money now runs away from both US and Asia. Next destination? I think UK after Brexit.


2019-09-05 11:43 | Report Abuse

I agree. I tend to simplify FA readings.

I can tell TM was overpriced. Only one good quarter moved the price more than 50%.


2019-09-05 11:04 | Report Abuse

I choose to look at only EPS. EPS is hard to cheat. There may be good things in other aspects like taught by many FA sifus, James, 陈建,。。。

I may have missed something big. But that's my way of checking out reports. To make things simple for me.

Since PublicInvest recommended this stock strongly, there must be something good.


2019-09-05 10:16 | Report Abuse

EPS so low compared to those in the past.


2019-09-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

PublicInvest top 10 stock to buy. But look at its financial result, it's terrible.

News & Blogs

2019-09-05 09:44 | Report Abuse

I am against any individual who is above 90 years to take up position as government official.

Or extend leadership to those who are older than 95 years old.

News & Blogs

2019-09-04 09:20 | Report Abuse

Should set to 95 instead.


2019-07-26 14:57 | Report Abuse

Looking at TM and MBMR, our market is now flooded wth short term (QoQ) FA people. We need to accept this fact as that's how market works recently.


2019-09-25 22:25 | Report Abuse

Looks like the QoQ camp is winning.


2019-09-12 11:43 | Report Abuse

Not sure about the relationship between ECOWORLD & EWINT.

So Brexit case needs to be re-investigated.

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 12:34 | Report Abuse

Not that I want to shut up. It's hard to ask for less for people to accept.

Unless these beneficiaries wake up one day realizing that they are really too lay back and must do something for the country rather than fighting for more easy benefits such as easy entry to U (poor quality education thereafter), easy employment (low quality contribution to economy), low cost housing (low quality housing), free medication (low quality medication), dignity (will get the opposite usually as lay back deserves no praise), easy entry to government jobs (low quality government departments, the worst is the authoritative department which leads to bribery and bad crime rate)...

Chinese is now the minority. What more the majority can blame the Chinese for? Blaming the Chinese is just a low quality political trick that works all the time.

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 12:08 | Report Abuse

Every word will be fighting for less benefit for the majority.

News & Blogs

2019-09-03 11:17 | Report Abuse

Chinese is now the minority of this country. Mind your word. I shut up too.


2019-09-03 11:16 | Report Abuse

I think like E&O, a lots of money stuck in the UK.


2019-09-03 10:35 | Report Abuse

Just compare all the same quarter for the past 10 years.


2019-09-03 10:13 | Report Abuse

No support from anyone except EPF.

I think after Brexit is confirmed, it is a buy.


2019-09-03 10:09 | Report Abuse

Strange got people really focus on QoQ result. 

Most biz are seasonal. 

Don't compare with TM and DRB-HICOM. They dropped after QR due to previous strong upside on price with high hope on recovery. This tyoe of situation needs to count on QoQ result as every quarter will be scrutinized. People focus on justitification of its high PE.


2019-09-03 09:57 | Report Abuse

VS has gone a LOTs of additional listings without any problem to its stock price.

Very strong insider like DUFU. Not sure why. A lots of supporters to defy logic.

News & Blogs

2019-08-31 11:31 | Report Abuse

Tun is still most steady people for the job.

Although minority races will be squashed by his regime, Malaysia will have a peaceful majority with minor prosperity.

Happy Merdeka! Love Malaysia!

News & Blogs

2019-08-30 14:44 | Report Abuse

Of course, iPhone, Huawei, milk tea, western foods are too attractive.


2019-08-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

This quarter is always bad by looking at the reports every year.

QoQ player will bash this company. YoY might be OK. But recent DRBHICOM and TM performance shows that the market is currently played by mostly QoQ enthusiasts.


2019-08-30 09:46 | Report Abuse

Trade war temporarily subsided. Trade war won't have much effect for the next few days or even weeks.


2019-08-30 09:10 | Report Abuse

After DRBHICOM and TM, everyone seems to have QR phobia. This is normal.


2019-08-29 18:14 | Report Abuse

China officially announced no more retaliation for the september 1st tariff. I think the market will jump for the next few sessions.

China needs more time to prepare next ammunition or it has run out of bullets?


2019-08-29 15:23 | Report Abuse

很遵守规矩的公司。不炒自己的股票。不像Ideal, 老板和老板娘都很照顾股价。


2019-08-29 11:17 | Report Abuse

Blogger recommends buy due to breaking resistance.

If the company has a lots of insiders playing the stocks, support and resistance may give false signal.

Just like FOREX, many will try to spot for manipulation like M or W chart. GooShen(Leno) thought she knew it well and used it on stocks. But she was spot on on PADINI recently.


2019-08-29 10:40 | Report Abuse

You should have asked why stock price went up so high with such a high PE previously.


2019-08-29 10:33 | Report Abuse

Tiap-tiap hari leno aka GuShen cakap crash.

Hari-hari semua orang takut recession.

Bagaimana boleh naik?


2019-08-28 11:18 | Report Abuse

Baseless accusation from GlobalFoundaries and GoatSent.

Up to you to judge whether the price is right for you or not.


2019-08-27 16:50 | Report Abuse

All non-index stocks are getting hit. Maybe selldown by local institution. Since foreigners long gone.


2019-08-27 15:58 | Report Abuse

Dufu and VS not dropping.

News & Blogs

2019-08-27 10:24 | Report Abuse

Low ringgit is good for export.

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2019-08-27 10:22 | Report Abuse

China purposedly pressed down US market last Friday.

Trump just realized it was a trap. Lied about negotiation to pull the matket back up.

Now stock markets depend on Trump and retaliation from China.


2019-08-26 16:54 | Report Abuse

China reacted with soft tone. Market rebounded. No promise of retaliation.

News & Blogs

2019-08-26 14:06 | Report Abuse

We cannot even know whether a storm is coming. Even weather forecast system is so inferior.


2019-08-26 11:18 | Report Abuse

Market is holding up very well.

Maybe the stocks are now owned by long term investors or insiders.

Since foreigners have been selling stocks in Bursa since last month.


2019-08-26 08:41 | Report Abuse

Only those who predicted a trade war escalation by China after Friday closing will be praised.

Other predictions are purely coincidence.


2019-08-26 01:48 | Report Abuse

Technical analysis cannot predict movement caused by external factors such as national or international crisis. It can only predict the buying/selling interest for the company excluding the external factors which usually can cause retracements that cannot be explained.

Since escalation of trade wars seems like a frequent occurrence, the past actions/reactions can sometimes be factored into the technical analysis. But the accuracy may not be high.

Technical analysis is only good at predicting something that occurs in almost every trading session such as the expectation for the company, the willingness to buy or sell at certain price.


2019-08-25 00:51 | Report Abuse

Monday opening will be ugly.

GooShen will have his happiest days next week. Congrats!

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 20:36 | Report Abuse

Why China promised retaliation last week waited until two hours before Jerome Powell speech in Jackson Hole on Friday?

China's retaliation has a purpose. Something fishy.

Usually retaliation us quick without much delay. But this round delayed for more than a week. The timing is just nice to screw up stock markets and confused US Fed Reserve and US president.

To me, it seems like a trap set up by China.

News & Blogs

2019-08-24 20:24 | Report Abuse

The biggest question is : Why China announced its retaliation, 2 hours before US Fed Reserve gave important speech in Jackson Hole? 

Trump did not response to retaliation but waited until Jerome Powell finished speech? 

Why China delayed its retaliation on Friday instead of usual Monday? 

I think the biggest purpose is to sink Trump's biggest love: the stock market.


2019-08-24 19:39 | Report Abuse

Not executive order from US president. Just a casual order from US president.

But sure there will be a correction.

US economy still very strong.