
monetary | Joined since 2019-09-03

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2019-09-19 12:07 | Report Abuse

wow! look at the volume. volumn nvr lie.


2019-09-19 12:00 | Report Abuse

Globetronics Manufacturing Sdn Bhd
Development and Assembly of Sensors and
Optical Products for Smart Mobile and Wearable Application

Gtronic makes all those sensors in your smartphone smart watch n phone camera. It will ride the 5G waves as more 5G devices r launched in the market. How high can it go? The night is still young to answer your question.


2019-09-19 11:48 | Report Abuse



2019-09-19 09:06 | Report Abuse

while this dumb crab spreading doomsday all my 3 tech stocks sitting on more than 20% gain.


2019-09-19 07:41 | Report Abuse

Everyone knows iPhone 11 is launched. 5G iPhone coming next yr. The next qr is history. I think investor r v smart nowadays. I wish the loss qr (if true) will knock down the price for a few hrs if not a day so I can add some more.


2019-09-19 07:14 | Report Abuse

what makes u think this time market will give full valuation to Insas? why is it different this time?


2019-09-19 07:09 | Report Abuse

stockraider. Don't u know market always give lower valuation to holding company? How long has insas being undervalued? The growth engine is inari. Why not buy inari directly? Buying insas is buying inari indirectly.


2019-09-19 06:54 | Report Abuse

This forum is as passive as the share price. But I can tell accumulation is ongoing. It's done carefully so price won't go up fast.


2019-09-19 06:14 | Report Abuse

Mornings folks. Today up or down? Place your bet. I bet part of my div (rm2k) buy up. The balance I spend in getting next month. Lol!


2019-09-18 22:31 | Report Abuse

sounds like someone fail to make any money here n talk nonsense to unleash his frustration.


2019-09-18 21:43 | Report Abuse

sometime rubbish got value too. ever heard of cigar butt investment?


2019-09-18 16:37 | Report Abuse

who care about what idss do. I'll indulge myself with genting hospitality with my div.


2019-09-18 16:20 | Report Abuse

many idss made good money from genm. today is div ex date. u think they'll miss the chance?


2019-09-18 16:17 | Report Abuse

I m buying. When it goes back to 3.2x I'll sell wat I bought today to free up cash. That's how I lower my avg price. Those who sell now r wash out. Not by operator but by idss. That's sad.


2019-09-18 14:53 | Report Abuse

many short-term played bought in recently. selling pressure on div ex date is expected.


2019-09-18 12:36 | Report Abuse

ok. thanks, dragon.


2019-09-18 11:32 | Report Abuse

要卖就卖吧。 不需向大众公布。又不是有很多股。


2019-09-18 10:10 | Report Abuse

How long does the haze stay? Ur investment so short term?


2019-09-18 09:07 | Report Abuse

back to 9c lose 10%. if it shoot up earn much more. risk n reward game.


2019-09-18 08:25 | Report Abuse

just pay attention in borrowing when u use roe.


2019-09-18 07:52 | Report Abuse

The reason those smart analysts came up with peg is because high growth industries have higher pe than stable industries thus makes the earlier look more expensive. Bear in mind peg brought many ppl to Holland because it involves earning growth projection. How accurately can u project earning if u can't even answer simple questions that I posted earlier? Unless u r insiders better refrain from peg. Compare apple to apple (pe of co with same business nature) then u don need peg. Yes. Roe is another good metric.


2019-09-17 18:22 | Report Abuse

I saw a comment says telling ppl to chase high is unreasonable. He should realise that price can goes higher but value can get cheaper as earning grows. Follow the PE but not the price.


2019-09-17 18:01 | Report Abuse

any spike in earning will bring down it's PE. most probably maket is anticipating higher earning.


2019-09-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

MK76. 2 production line how many machines?


2019-09-17 14:36 | Report Abuse

boleh but not today. must show green qr. spike up then pullback is the anticipated game today.


2019-09-16 20:57 | Report Abuse

market doesn't always follow logic in short-term. let's si how the big boys play the short-term game.


2019-09-16 10:24 | Report Abuse

Probably can focus on contractors n fspo hired by Saudi? Can charge higher rate because operating in hostile environment. Possible?


2019-09-16 10:21 | Report Abuse

Those chem plants either shut down or get alternative raw materials at higher price. 1st alternative benefits pchem by easing competition. 2nd alternative allows pchem to earn higher margin. But all r shot term unless war breakout in Saudi.


2019-09-16 08:35 | Report Abuse

so what's your argument besides kekeke? mind to share?


2019-09-16 07:37 | Report Abuse

Offshore contract n charter won't get better offer since price hike is temporary. pchem can expect 1 quarter windfall. But Tue market is more likely to goreng low price counters not pchem.


2019-09-15 19:51 | Report Abuse

Crude oil production disrupted due to war. Increase of crude oil price will force those chem plants without own source of crude oil to increase selling price. Pchem is the beneficiary as it can enjoy higher margin. Correct?


2019-09-15 19:32 | Report Abuse

Growth. I think u misunderstood my question. I m asking if MI clints open a new production line. Not the production capacity of MI new factory. The motive of my question is to find out the chamces for MI to market it's testing machines.


2019-09-15 19:03 | Report Abuse

To avoid misunderstanding my previous vocal comments aren't directed to ppl who voice out different opinions or having doubts. Contrasting opinions r good as they verify our assumptions.


2019-09-15 18:51 | Report Abuse

What is the number of packaging to testing machine ratio in a production line? If a new line is opened is it necessary to purchase new testing machine? Or the existing testing machines can handle a few production lines?


2019-09-15 18:44 | Report Abuse

Mind to disclose some more infor? The machine segment rev is entirely from sale of machine or combining sale & rental? Do MI competitors rent out their machines?


2019-09-14 08:39 | Report Abuse

2018AR segmental result
machine 90% spare parts 9.7% service insignificant


2019-09-14 08:14 | Report Abuse

OK. Back to tax incentive. I don know how significant is machine selling contribute to MI rev compared to other segments. If the sale from Mi series is significant, sitting on 30% net margin proves that MI doesn't abuse it's tax incentive. It's business is sustainable.


2019-09-14 08:02 | Report Abuse

I bought MI since May. If I found something not right I sell on the next market day. If I find more value in MI I continue buying. That's the difference of know n don know. I feel thankful to those who willing to share infor foc. Those who nvr share anything but making noises after taking infor for free is really shameful.


2019-09-14 07:48 | Report Abuse

If u don know MI deeply who do u decide when to exit? 2.5 or 3? By guessing? If MI has some unleashed potential it could go through a few time bonus 翻倍又翻倍。U will miss all the opportunities. How much $ u dare to put into MI if u don know?


2019-09-14 07:36 | Report Abuse

MI MITI pioneer status incentive ended on 17 January 2019. MI has submitted it's application for renewal and is currently awaiting the decision from relevant authorities.

So is the tax exemption renewal approved? It's crucial since MI is trying to gain market share for it's machines. MI rolling 4Q net margin is 30%, which is the highest among it's peers. Vitrox 26.7% n Penta 16%. I assume even without the tax exemption MI will have decent margin.


2019-09-13 18:03 | Report Abuse

If vitrox can hit pe30 no reason mi can't. hold it tight.


2019-09-13 17:58 | Report Abuse

MI testing machine won't b competition with Vitrox's machines. As popo said both co r in different value chains. MI can provide 一条龙 service to it's customers who don't have Vitrox's testing machine. There's no conflict of interest. Hey, guys. Can Vitrox do the same? No! They don't have packaging machine. Lol!


2019-09-13 17:38 | Report Abuse

Popo has given enuf tips. Google ASM & Besi. They make similar packaging machines as MI. Any local firm making these machine besides MI? Non. So stop comparing MI to Vitrox, guys. It's orange to apple comparison. MI is the 1 and only.
I wonder why vitrox deserve pe 30. Unlike MI it has local competitors. Penta make testing machines too n it's products spec looks equally sophisticated to a layman. Shouldn't it b Vitrox pe 20 Mi pe 30?


2019-09-13 16:17 | Report Abuse

At least popo has shared some important insights. We should thank him.


2019-09-13 16:15 | Report Abuse

Valuation is future earning projection. Nobody can get it right. Even the management sometime fail to hit target or get a windfall by surprise. Infor is v important. Obviously most ppl in this thread seal their lips.


2019-09-13 11:13 | Report Abuse

die... put so much $ here only now realised the real picture. lol! thanks, popo. NVR stop learning.


2019-09-13 10:57 | Report Abuse

popo92. R u saying they haven't start selling vi & si? Can vi & si compete with vitrox?


2019-09-13 08:59 | Report Abuse

thanks for the input. will take a deeper look into it.


2019-09-12 15:21 | Report Abuse

@philip. Do u study L&M Chemical listed in HSI operating in China? Net margin 22%


2019-09-12 13:13 | Report Abuse

coconut. mind to elaborate. why mal gov support inari share price?