
monetary | Joined since 2019-09-03

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2019-09-12 12:43 | Report Abuse

to b precise can tract Pchem inventory if u do know some insiders.


2019-09-12 12:40 | Report Abuse

Big companies stick to their manuring programs. Small to mid size planters cut down fertilizer. But CPO price has improved recently. Planters start purchasing fertilizer. Crude oil price also stabilized. Downstream industries kicked started their activities. The demand of marine paint n other chemicals is picking up. The worst is over. Just a layman pt of view. Pls advice.


2019-09-12 11:56 | Report Abuse

not selling until $8.5


2019-09-12 09:55 | Report Abuse

have a little faith things may work out eventually. I m happy to hear that. on behalf of lkt tq for your trust.


2019-09-12 09:43 | Report Abuse

dompeilee. U shunned away from Genm because u questioned lkt integrity in recent corporate action. U opined rwc is a black hole which will deplete Genm cash endlessly. What made u changed your mind n become Genm long-term investor?


2019-09-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

I can assure u oregami walk his talk.


2019-09-12 09:16 | Report Abuse

oregami is sitting on handsome profit. I'll send your regards to him. kikiki.....


2019-09-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

really all the way up ka? no pit stop? give chance to top up lar.


2019-09-12 09:04 | Report Abuse

to show our disgust I suggest keep the forum silent til noon.


2019-09-12 07:54 | Report Abuse

inari only hire indon girls? no Thai or Vietnamese?


2019-09-12 07:15 | Report Abuse

Trader choice of company
Spending shareholders' fund lavishly. Boasting about what they do to catch market attention.

Investor choice of company
Prudent when come to shareholders' fund utilisation. Humble n down to the earth. Not concealing the truth. Visionary n always emphasize on sustainability.


2019-09-12 06:28 | Report Abuse

Recently many co have set up new plants but failed to deliver results. They claim that new plants improve production n cost effectiveness but they turn in red QR. Reason is improvement is too marginal n can't even offset the new plants depreciation cost. What a joke!

MI is v prudent when come to fund utilisation n business expansion. I like their style. 没这么大的头不要戴大帽。They r also visionaries in future tech development. Look at USA tech giants. They emphasize on design, IP n outsource most of the manufacturing jobs. MI should mimic the USA firms rather than continue being a 3rd world country 'robot'.

我放心把錢委托给 MI.


2019-09-11 19:15 | Report Abuse

MI 管理层确保我的錢包继续暴涨


2019-09-11 19:10 | Report Abuse

Money saved will b utilised to set up R&D in China, Taiwan & Korea. SemiCon talents r easily available in these regions. Only new products that can keep up with the fast evolving semicon industry can keep MI business sustainable. No pt to keep increasing manufacturing floor space. Once it's products become obsolete all these floor space will become waste. Kudus to MI management team.


2019-09-11 16:31 | Report Abuse

probably sideway until c52 expired


2019-09-11 16:03 | Report Abuse

I guess call wa issuers take opportunity to stock up at current low price.


2019-09-11 11:21 | Report Abuse

maybank div ex ppl reinvest div to buy shares. cimb div ex ppl have more shares to sell. the effect is opposite.


2019-09-11 08:59 | Report Abuse

No worry, Mic. I enjoy discussion with ppl who have different views. That's how we keep our own opinions checked n tested.


2019-09-11 05:17 | Report Abuse

I m in green. but u can continue to make baseless assumptions like u aways do if it makes u feel better.


2019-09-10 23:10 | Report Abuse

So is everything working well in the fb group, wise man? Any response from SC? identity exposed. wise....


2019-09-10 22:07 | Report Abuse

since u alrd have the answers u can take back all the 'why'. I wish u better luck in other stock selections.


2019-09-10 21:52 | Report Abuse

wat else do u expect lkt to say? wat needs to b said has been said. just tat he didn't say wat u choose to believe.


2019-09-10 21:43 | Report Abuse

A forumer wrote a blog regarding to the 'bailout'. A few forumers also gave plenty of infor n explanations. What needs to b explained has been explained. Either u didn't read or u read but disagree.

When the management made an unwelcome decision many syndicates will take opportunity to create volatility. LKT can't stop FF from selling. So your 'why' regarding to plunge of share price is a tough question.

Honestly m quite skeptical about Gen QR. A forumer pointed it out too but again many read but disbelieve. M not saying he is 100% right since a holding co accounting isn't ez to understand especially it involves subsidiaries in different country where different accounting std r involved.


2019-09-10 18:41 | Report Abuse

this $5 fort will collapse?


2019-09-10 17:24 | Report Abuse

When your reasoning doesn't conform the outcomes probably u should stop following the class mentality n think in different direction.


2019-09-10 17:05 | Report Abuse

why genm rebounds gen down? it's genm did the bail out. is your reasoning valid?


2019-09-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

it's balance sheet is simple


2019-09-10 14:06 | Report Abuse

the growth catalyst is in Genm


2019-09-08 21:08 | Report Abuse

if no confidence should resign. so irresponsible to make such statement. gaji buta ja.


2019-09-08 16:58 | Report Abuse

I'll put my trust on Aminvest analyst who has access to Inari Plant rather than some 1 who interviewed Indon girl. Lol!


2019-09-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

M eager to find out how things work out in Huawei. With new chipsets n OS can Huawei challenge Apple?


2019-09-08 15:52 | Report Abuse

I think it's normal since another tech cycle is coming. Most probably next yr Boardcom will get another tax benefit since this yr R&D expenses is v high.


2019-09-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

I don't si any sign of slowdown in broadcom. Sale growth is healthy. Profit margin sustainable. The bad result is dragged down by increasing expenses on R&D n last yr 1 off tax benefit. ray1980 do u agree?


2019-09-08 08:34 | Report Abuse

Patient. I refer to nta. Probably the following quote will change your opinion.

Focus on the downside. The upside will take care of itself.


2019-09-07 18:03 | Report Abuse

How come so many drp shares r issued? Looks like they r much cheaper.


2019-09-07 14:34 | Report Abuse

DRP price = (Total share x 0.14) ÷ no DRP share. Is this the formula? The result looks unlikely. Can any1 advice?


2019-09-07 13:39 | Report Abuse

M interested in Maybank n Cimb because they r regionally diversified. Maybank is selling at premium price because it's market leader. Fair enough. But when Cimb price dropped low enough the emerged value will make it as attractive as Maybank. Goodness vs cheapness. Which do u prefer?


2019-09-06 18:56 | Report Abuse

SHQuah. Any insiders news for us :)


2019-09-06 18:40 | Report Abuse

Maybank made the right decision giving cash div. DRP will exacerbate dilutive effect at current beaten down share price. Look at Cimb. More selling pressure. Will get worst after div ex.


2019-09-06 16:16 | Report Abuse

every igt web headline will find rwc. any chance USA funds will come back to genm?


2019-09-06 13:39 | Report Abuse



2019-09-06 12:27 | Report Abuse

343,820,511 shares issued for DRP. will dilute nta by 3.5%


2019-09-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

I opien the more accurate statement is share price up trending take DRP n sell for profit because u will get your 10% profit no matter share price cheap or expensive (assuming 90% drp discount in both senarios). But that's speculative.


2019-09-06 08:51 | Report Abuse

CIMB does the opposite. Compulsory DRP.


2019-09-06 08:44 | Report Abuse

patient invest. It's cash div. U have no choice but to take cash. Your concern of dilutive effect valid especially at current beaten down price.

Maybank nta growth for the past 5yrs is CAGR 4.64%. Assuming one utilize all div (57c) to subscribe for DRP at 90% of current market price he 'd get 0.072 share which will dilute current nta by 6.7%. So I come out with a soln. Take cash when share price expensive n DRP when share price cheap.

Pls advice.


2019-09-05 22:19 | Report Abuse

expecting some disposal gains in next qr