
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2020-06-17 21:56 | Report Abuse

@ melanie1818181818
Look at the daily new cases and tell me that isn't a graph that shows numbers are climbing. In one month the number of new cases daily has nearly doubled from 80,000 a day to 140,000 a day.

What has peaked is the US media's interested in the SARS-Cov2 pandemic. US media is now interested in the civil unrest across the US.


2020-06-17 16:52 | Report Abuse

Sure, but I will expect that to happen after SARS-Cov2 pandemic, the Ebola outbreak (that has just started in Congo) and the Measles outbreak that will start in the coming months as according to WHO 117 million children missed their measles shot due to this global shut down. They are all vulnerable to a virus that is 7x more contagious han SARS-Cov2.

So yes... Topglove will eventually fall. But not today. Not this year. And not next year either.

Posted by PMHLDG288 > Jun 17, 2020 4:31 PM | Report Abuse
what goes up must come down


2020-06-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

Antibody treatment requires a lot of blood to make. If you want to make it from humans, it means alot of blood from people who recover from Covid19, which is only 2-4% of the population, upto 2-4 weeks after recovery. If you make it from animals, you need an animal that can be infected by the SARS-Cov2 virus, which is the house cats and tigers. I am not sure how much blood you can get from a house cat, and I don't think there are enough tigers to supply enough blood.

In any case, since the antibodies are not made by your body, resistance to the virus is temporary. It fades quickly as the foreign antibodies are either used up, destroyed or degraded.

So realistically you will need to gather a lot of blood from people who recover from Covid19. So you need gloves, mask and alot of blood test to prevent taking blood from people with HIV, Hepatitis and other fun diseases.

Posted by mf > Jun 17, 2020 4:17 PM | Report Abuse
If the clinical trials are successful, the antibody treatment could prevent serious illness in COVID-19 patients, says the principal research scientist.


2020-06-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

Inventory. It is depleted. And a lot of equipment has been damaged due to over use and no repairs work in the last 3 months. Fatigue has also set in.

Future waves are also going to be larger, as they start from a higher starting point. The problem with SARS-Cov2 has never been about treating the patients. There was very little that could be done, but give a some antibiotics and oxygen if needed. The problem with the virus is the numbers.

There are more people who need hospital beds then there are hospital beds. There are more people who need ventilators than there are ventilators. And more oxygen gas is needed than the oxygen plants can make, and oxygen tanks to fill.


2020-06-17 12:35 | Report Abuse

Anti inflammation agent. Many people died from Covid19 because the virus is able to turn your own immune system against you. This is what kills most 20-30 year olds. This drugs dampens down this reaction. So people on ventilators the mortality rate is reduced by 1/3. For people on oxygen it is reduced by 1/5.

But for actual numbers... 60-90% on ventilators die. So if 100 people were on ventilators, you will expected 60 to 90 people to die (actual number depends initial health of the people/age of population). With this drug, you now get 40-60 people dying out of 100.

While dexamethasone is a massive improvement, you still have a better than 50% of dying if you get onto a ventilator. About 5% of people infected by Covid19 will need a ventilator.

Keep safe.

Posted by leslieroycarter > Jun 17, 2020 12:09 PM | Report Abuse
Dexamethasone to treat covid19


2020-06-17 09:35 | Report Abuse

Sinovac is still in phase I. Not at Phase II yet. So no demonstration that the immune response caused by the vaccine is protective and last at least a year. However unlike all other vaccines I am pretty confident that Sinovac vaccine will work, since they are using an inactivated virus vaccine. But because of this their vaccine suffers from a distinct inability to scale in size and this is reflected in their estimated production numbers (which are always over optimistic) 200 million doses a year. This is a problem because there are 130 million babies born a year. At best this vaccine will be limited in use.

Their vaccine also requires the need to grow monkey cells to grow the virus, and monkey cells need FBS, and FBS comes from the blood of cow fetuses. And there are only so many pregnant cows you can kill to get the blood of their fetuses.



2020-06-16 17:16 | Report Abuse

It probably is. Probably somekind of ETF on gloves.

Posted by Yu_and_Mee > Jun 16, 2020 4:45 PM | Report Abuse
Weird. All glove up together drop together. Like there is a rope connecting all together

News & Blogs

2020-06-16 16:31 | Report Abuse

It is pretty. But underlining this massive increase in glove sales and prices is the massive increase in Covid19 cases and deaths. I look forwards to unbelievable profits for TG next quarter and next year... I just hope I am alive and healthy to enjoy it. Keep safe everyone. The virus is uncontrolled in Africa, South America, America, India and Middle east.


2020-06-16 16:14 | Report Abuse

mf. Now you are just plain wrong. Moderna hasn't completed phase II trial. It started phase II trials on Jun 1. Results of phase II trials is not out yet.

What moderna has done is completed its plans for Phase III trial, with the assumption the phase II trials will be successful. For example I can plan on what I will do with the money when top glove becomes RM1000 per share. I can even complete that planing work and tell all my friends what I will do when I become rich. But my plan of riches doesn't mean TG will reach RM1000 per share. Likewise, Moderna's phase III plans does not mean its vaccine have good results in the Phase II trials.

Posted by mf > Jun 16, 2020 1:55 PM | Report Abuse
Coronavirus Vaccine update: Moderna proceeds to critical stage-3 trial


2020-06-16 00:20 | Report Abuse

Depend on how long you are willing to hold the stock for, how much risk you can tolerate and how well you can handle seeing your investment lose 40% of its value.

For example topglove is a great stock to buy. 100% will pay you dividend for this quarter, next quarter and every quarter until the end of 2021 and this is while during a recession but you will have to hold it for a few quarters, even over a year.

But already, you hear people crying. That they made a mistake and lost money buying TG. That they cannot hold because they bought on margin.

So you need to know what you are. If you are long term investor, TG is about the best stock to hold for the next 1-2 years. If you are a trader, then the best stock is one you can predict its direction. If you can predict the direction of TG movement within your desired time frame, TG very good. If you can't predict the direction of its movement TG very bad.

I am an investor and swing trade only in stocks I am happy owning ... so if I make a mistake, I am okay with holding the shares.

Posted by eslai69 > Jun 15, 2020 9:04 PM | Report Abuse
Any stock recommend to buy?


2020-06-15 21:33 | Report Abuse

Then wait for the next quarterly report in September. Profits will be even higher, and all other counters redder. This is about the only Malaysian counter that you can be certain will be paying dividends every quarter until the end of 2021. Even BJTOTO skipped out on dividend payments due to MCO.

If you want tomorrow, you shouldn't buy and hold. The entire world is in a bull trap. The entire KLSE was in the red today.

There were 3 profit making opportunities in TG today. Three times stock dropped 40sen then rebound by about 20sen. Catch all three and you would have made 60 sen per share. And if you contra, would have made a lot of money.

We are in a recession, so investment styles have to change. If you buy and hold, you have to hold at least 3 years and have absolute confidence in the company and money to follow the share price down. If you buy and hold expecting things to go up, you have to be able to withstand very turbulent prices changes. In a recession, dumb money tends to sell what makes a profit and keep the losers. TG will have a lot of extreme movements in price. I have seen TG go from 16.22 on one day to 10.58 the next day (-53%), then 18.00 a week later. I have seen it go form 6.69 to 5.28, a 26% drop in share value in 3 days.

If you are an investor and have no confidence in TG, you shouldn't invest in TG. 366% increase in profit was not good enough to fill you with confidence. A once in a century pandemic is not enough to be confident that TG has a market.

If you are an investor and have confidence in TG, today was a great day to buy more shares cheaply. If you are a trader, today was an amazing day. Up or down, traders don't care, so long as they can predict the direction with better than 50% probability. And in an unstable market, predictions only last minutes to a day at most.

Posted by arthur8756 > Jun 15, 2020 8:45 PM | Report Abuse
Alot cb here brought at rm4-8, basically this stock drop doesn't hurt them much they just greed try to convince people buy more to reach 20, for late comer like my self kena burn 3 time entering from 15, 16 and 17. None of their tp22 expectations come true


2020-06-15 19:01 | Report Abuse

mf, take it from someone who has done immunological works with mice. You have to be very careful when extrapolating results from mouse immune system to humans. The mouse immune system is very different from humans. I would prefer Rhesus monkey to mice. Even rats than mice.

Moderna's vaccine is basically a system to genetic alter the patient's cells to produce a surface protein of the SARS-Cov2 virus. That technology has been in mice since the early 2000s and has been touted as the next big thing for nearly 20 years now.

So color me skeptical. Until we see Phase II results, Moderna's new release is that of a fanboy. Selling seats to become a colonist on Mars.

Posted by mf > Jun 15, 2020 6:45 PM | Report Abuse

In latest developments, Moderna Inc said a series of studies in mice of its mRNA-1273 vaccine has lent some assurance that it may not increase the risk of more severe disease even as the US firm prepares for the pivotal late-stage testing next month.


2020-06-15 18:46 | Report Abuse

Cash doesn't work. My parents had cash in 2009, Nasi Lemak was RM5. Now it is at least RM12. What I am saying is that inflation will eat your savings alive. Once your savings exceed the limit of your emergency funds, it is better to store value in either precious metals or blue chip shares.

Recession is when everything loses value. Easier to see it in shares, but cash also loses value. But in 2-3 years time, the economy will recover and so will the share prices.

Posted by wesley_gold > Jun 15, 2020 5:47 PM | Report Abuse
1 day habis 2 week's gain... hold cash feel safer


2020-06-15 13:49 | Report Abuse

It is very hard. The emotional fear is very stressful.
It took me two massive (real and paper) loses to be able to stick with my own analysis.

Posted by Eplas0013 > Jun 15, 2020 1:31 PM | Report Abuse

buy low sell high is an easy theory , but got how many ppl can tahan the stress


2020-06-15 13:30 | Report Abuse

Run to where? This is a fort of safety. One of the few things you know people must buy, Covid19 pandemic all over the world and an Ebola outbreak in Congo.

If you panic, where will you run too? Global recession pushed by too much US debt, a trade war and a pandemic. Yes, the US-China trade war is still on.

Even cash is unsafe. Central banks are all printing money.

AS for vaccine, nobody has demonstrated a working vaccine. All that has demonstrated are vaccines that do not kill people. None have demonstrated a vaccine that is actually protective. Sure people are planning massive deals and who to sell their vaccine too. That is marketing and sale's job.

But until there is a working product is like selling seats to go to the moon. Sure we will get there eventually but will it be on Moderna's untested technology, AstraZennaca viral vector that was abandon by Merck because they couldn't get it to work, or Sinovac, a tried and true traditional method that will be hard to scale and be expensive to produce.

Posted by Ais Milo > Jun 15, 2020 12:51 PM | Report Abuse



2020-06-15 10:14 | Report Abuse

US market futures is red everywhere (SP500, DJIA, Nasdaq).
So global market is red due to fear that the US economy is starting another plunge into a hole.

So people pull everything, and the only thing profitable to sell is Topglove. Human instinct is to sell what has made a profit and keep what is in the red.

Posted by Readings > Jun 15, 2020 9:59 AM | Report Abuse

Even Citibank revised TG TP to 25, and give a buy call. WHy still red today...


2020-06-13 09:07 | Report Abuse

Moderna vaccine is hype.

Right now, they have not complete their Phase II trial yet. The trial to find out if their vaccine works or not. The news mf is discussing is that Moderna has finished planning the design of its Phase III trials. No approval has been give and the company has not started Phase III trial. It doesn't have results for Phase II trials.

Also phase I trials are not complete yet. They have done the lower doses and are now trying to find out the safety of higher doses.

At best speed, we will be well in 2021 before we know that there is a working vaccine.

Also the company has estimated their production capacity. They believe they can produce 500 million doses a year, scaled up to 1 billion a year. And for full immunity a person needs two doses.

So Moderna can vaccinate between 250-500 million people a year. There are 7.5 billion people. And 130 million people are born per year. So yeah... long lines and waiting time.


Posted by mf > Jun 13, 2020 6:28 AM | Report Abuse

A vaccine against COVID-19 developed by US biotech firm Moderna will enter the third and final stage of its clinical trial in July with 30,000 participants, the manufacturer has announced.


2020-06-12 11:17 | Report Abuse

Recalculated with current earnings and price and you get a PE of about 32. This is average PE for Topglove.

Factor in 28% increase capacity by Q2FY2021 and 4x spot price increase due to SARS-Cov2 pandemic and PE is about 14.

Hold TG long enough and you will probably reach the next epidemic. 2015 MERS, 2013 Ebola, 2009 H1N1, 2003 SARS.. etc.

As long as TG management doesn't do anything stupid like buy out a company and overpay by RM635million... it is smooth sailing till a world war or political turmoil in Malaysia.

Posted by Big3 > Jun 12, 2020 11:01 AM | Report Abuse
TG with PE 60 =60years 100% returns is still way too expensive compared to FD@2.5% 100% returns of 40years.


2020-06-12 10:41 | Report Abuse

What good platform is there?


2020-06-11 23:05 | Report Abuse

If people were rational. But people are not. So panic will just spread everywhere.

asianbengraham if dow is down due to second wave of coronavirus, shouldnt glove counters be on the rise tommorow?
11/06/2020 10:59 PM


2020-06-11 18:47 | Report Abuse

Because EPS for 1QFY2020. and 2QFY2020.were 4.36 sen and 4.52 sen respectively. EPS of 3QFY2020. is 13.59. So when you do the math, 50% of total EPS so far is 11.23. Which is near enough to 10 sen.

4QFY2020. will see bigger profits.Only china had a large outbreak in March 2020.

And 2021Q1 will be big too. In fact, sales for 2021 has already been mostly done. Top glove is still increasing capacity.

LA777 The company set dividend policy 50%, how to justify 10 sen only?
11/06/2020 6:13 PM


2020-06-11 14:13 | Report Abuse

So those people queuing at 22.2 Do they have to pay 22.2 even when T-price is 17.6?


2020-06-11 13:59 | Report Abuse

Burned. Most gloves used in hospital will be contaminated with SARS-Cov2 virus. Biohazard waste.

Posted by benylim > Jun 11, 2020 1:43 PM | Report Abuse

where all glove after use disposable to the sea??????????????????????????? polluting the world


2020-06-10 17:17 | Report Abuse

Lunch time.

Posted by heeeello > Jun 10, 2020 5:14 PM | Report Abuse

can i know what time the qr will out tmr?


2020-06-10 09:28 | Report Abuse

That was the phase I trial of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The one where only 50% participants developed antibodies against the virus. And those that did develop antibodies, still don't know if it is protective. Using a delivery method that Merck found to be problematic that they eventually abandoned. But nevertheless AstraZeneca has signed deals with indian company SII to manufacture 2 billion doses of this untested vaccine.

yeah... I want to see Phase II data before I am all that excited. A lot of companies have their vaccine pass phase I trial where the goal is not to kill the patient and determine the maximum tolerated dose of the vaccine.

Posted by Louise4 > Jun 10, 2020 9:11 AM | Report Abuse

University of Oxford in England. A clinical trial with more than 500 participants began in late April. Oxford officials said the potential vaccine has an 80 percent chance for success and could be available as early as September.


2020-06-10 08:21 | Report Abuse

A bit misleading title.

There is a AstraZeneca vaccine, which has just completed their phase I. It has a host of problems mainly it remains unknown if vaccine is protective against the virus, and that only 50% of the people developed antibodies against the SARS-Cov2 virus. But as a Phase I trial, it was a successes, the vaccine did not kill anyone.

The trial next month in Australia is another vaccine by University of Queensland partnered with pharmaceutical company CSL vaccine. Phase I from them.


Posted by mf > Jun 10, 2020 7:49 AM | Report Abuse

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Vaccine Latest Update: AstraZeneca plans to roll out two billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine in September; human trials of Australian vaccine next month
By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |
Updated: June 9, 2020 2:21:43 pm


2020-06-09 20:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by Aaron_tan > Jun 9, 2020 7:10 PM | Report Abuse

new Zealand reopen their country, English premier league is coming back. this tell u covid already under control

New Zealand has no more cases of Covid19 and their nation is reopening. However their borders remain close. So the nation remains in isolation.

English premier league is back but spectators are minimal or absent during the games.

For the rest of the world

The number of new Covid19 cases per day has not decreased. It has increased from 100K per day to nearly 140K per day. And this is with nation like Brazil who have decided to stop reporting their case numbers and death toll.


2020-06-09 16:41 | Report Abuse

It is just the times we live in.

If a nation doen't buy Iphone, your citizens will feel like they are dying. If a nation don't buy gloves and mask, their doctors, nurses and maybe 5% of their citizens will actually be dying.

Right now, the number of new covid19 cases has increased from 100K per day to 120K per day in just 1 week. 400K people have died in just 5 months.

It is like bullets. During a world war, nations will buy bullets like no tomorrow. During peace time, demand for bullets is not very much.

Right now it is world war against Covid19. PPE is hot.

Posted by cn21 > Jun 9, 2020 4:25 PM | Report Abuse

Google & Apple PE are less than 30......so are Topgloves speculators/investors consider glove manufacturing are better than Apple & Google business????


2020-06-09 13:16 | Report Abuse

About that, if you read about their vaccine, you will find a few problems.
1 - They don't know if the vaccine is protective. It produces antibodies against SARS-Cov2, but then again nearly everyone produces antibodies against HIV and nobody is immune to that virus.

2- Only 50% of the people vaccinate produce antibodies against the SARS-Cov2 virus. A bit of problem for a vaccine, if they cannot fix that problem, multiple dosses will be needed (at least 3). This makes the vaccine more expensive and harder to administer the full series.

3-They use the Ade5 virus to carry and present the SARS-Cv2 protein to the body. However alot of poorer people (Asians, Africans, South Americans etc) have antibodies against that virus. So when this virus is used, the body immediately uses its antibodies against the Ade5 virus, rather than make new antibodies against the SARS-Cov2 protein. Merck has experienced problem using Ade5 virus as a carrier.

I think what AstraZeneca has done is make bet. They have started production of a vaccine that they don't know will work. But as vaccine production take 6-8 months, they have started production now in the hope that the test show that their vaccine is safe (done) and effective (still up in the air).

Given the great demand in Europe, they are willing to push through with a vaccine that is more expensive and likely less effective in regions outside Europe.


Posted by Louise4 > Jun 9, 2020 12:27 PM | Report Abuse

Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine latest update: Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine production starts; US says 2 billion doses ‘ready to go’
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Vaccine Latest Update: AstraZeneca plans to roll out two billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine in September; human trials of Australian vaccine next month.

News & Blogs

2020-06-08 22:48 | Report Abuse

You can't sanitize an infected person and they continuously shed virus laden aerosol into the air which constantly coats every surface. In a hospital environment, a surface that was cleaned with sanitizer an hour ago, become contaminated soon after.

News & Blogs

2020-06-08 20:35 | Report Abuse

I don't know much about stocks but I do know a bit about virology, genetics and epidemiology. The present human population is naive to the SARS-Cov2 virus, meaning the population has no resistance to the virus, allowing the virus to reproduce and spread as fast as it can. And "As fast as it can" is doubling in size every 3 days. If today you have 100 new cases a day, in 1 months time (10 doublings), you will have 102,400 new cases a day.

Currently, due to social, political and economic reasons the US has (again) dropped the ball with regards to controlling the SARS-Cov2 epidemic within its boarders. It is not the only nation to do so, Brazil comes to mind. As a result the virus is spreading like an explosive shock wave. It is increasing in size exponentially.

AS a result the demand for gloves is massive.

Right now only 7 million people have been tested positive for Covid19. This is only the beginning. The last pandemic, the 2009 H1N1 pandemic eventually infected 1.4 billion people, and this is a virus that we have 100 years to develop natural immunity and 80 years of history making influenza vaccine, allowing us to developed a vaccine with 4 months of identifying the virus.

What we have with glove manufacturer isn't a tulip mania, where everyone is speculating on the increase in prices of tulips. This is war, a life or death struggle and we have a demand for bullets. Without these bullets (gloves, mask, hazmat suits, respirators, ventilators, antibiotics) doctors, nurses, lab workers, paramedics, policemen, volunteers, their patients, - people will die, they have died and given what is happening in the world people will continue to die. As can be imagined, the price of gloves at last on the customer side has increased massively from $7.99 per box 100 nitrile gloves to $24.99.

Of course, once everyone has been vaccinated, the demand will be reduced (although world nations will continue to maintain the demand for a little while longer as they have to replenish their strategic reserves of medical supplies). But even with vaccine in hand, doctors and nurses will need gloves and mask. And it will take time to vaccinate all 7.5 billion people on the planet.

The only question we have to ask ourselves is the morality of profiting from a human tragedy. Nearly half a million people have died in 5 months and by the end of the year that number will rise to millions. That is the price for this tremendous rise in glove stocks.


2020-06-08 17:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by tiger69 > Jun 8, 2020 5:31 PM | Report Abuse

explosive qr coming this thursday ...by the end of this week the new normal wud be RM20 plus

Nah, the normal will always be below rm10. Topglove will likely split their stock to lower share price, so retail investors can buy. It is their habit. Done this 3 times since 2010.


2020-06-08 17:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Yu_and_Mee > Jun 8, 2020 5:02 PM | Report Abuse
TG SGX up 0.22! So tomorrow TG KLSE up 0.70?

Actually TG SGX up by 0.25. And more like TG KLSE open at RM17.12 (from 16.38), as TG shares have to be about equal. TG will then proceed from there.


2020-06-08 02:22 | Report Abuse

I think we will have a share split, 1:3, to bring the share price below margin caps. So we won't reach rm23 TP.


2020-06-07 22:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by Aaron_tan > Jun 7, 2020 8:21 PM | Report Abuse

vaccine found by uk company. check China press

China has one too. US also has several.

Yes, antibodies against SARS-Cov2 is produced, but it is unknown if the amount of antibodies produced is enough to fight off SARS-Cov2 infection. Also only 50% of people who receive medium dose of vaccine produce antibodies. Finally the vaccine uses Ade5 virus as a carrier to infect the body like Cow pox is to small pox, and anywhere from 40-90% of population has antibodies against this virus. So the body may be able to fight off the Ade5 virus without producing any new antibodies. Previous vaccines by Merck (German biotech company) that used Ade5 virus as a carrier found this problem.

Phase 1 trial are just to make sure that the vaccine does not kill you. The race is far from over.


2020-06-07 01:33 | Report Abuse


Don't sleep so easily. Bank share do drop in value during a recession. Last recession (2009) Maybank reached a low RM3.90. Companies go bust during recession and unable to pay back their loans. Nobody is willing to buy repossessed assets during a recession either. So even banks lose money during a recession, and this will reduce share prices and dividend payments.

It is a guarantee on the short run that Maybank will lose you money.

However in the long run, bank stock are good to hold, but you must be able to hold until the recession ends and the expansion period begins again.


2020-06-07 00:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by SK1008 > Jun 6, 2020 11:07 PM | Report Abuse
To circumvent this constraint, declaration of bonus issue of 1:1 or share split of 1 to 2 will halve the share price. That will bring ex share price of Top Glove to within the range of RM8.64.

Not only the liquidity of the stock is enhanced, the trading capacity of the margin traders are restored.

I agree. A 1:2 split would work. Topglove is getting a bit too expensive for the Malaysian retail investor.


2020-06-06 18:52 | Report Abuse

Constantly changing is not a barrier to vaccine development. We will just need to update the vaccine every year, like the influenza vaccine. Every year, you get a vaccine shot that is actually a mixture of different vaccines to 3 major strains of influenza for that year.

I have faith that a vaccine will be developed, just no earlier than than late 2021. And will only be available to non-VIP people after 2022, probably late 2022.


2020-06-06 18:11 | Report Abuse

Nitrile glove prices in the US have tripled since 2017. It is insane. $7.99 to $24.99 per box of 100.


2020-06-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

Top glove always has stock split when stock value stay above +RM10 for more than a few months. Has occurred twice already, 2016 and 2018.

So Topglove will never reach RM140. It would have split 28 times. Topglove management like RM5 per share.


2020-06-05 14:24 | Report Abuse

azd1222 vaccine by AstraZeneca and Oxford.

"just 50% of those who received the medium dose developed neutralizing antibodies"

"The choice of the Ad5 vector flies in the face of the experience of more than a decade ago with Merck’s failed STEP trial... existing antibodies against another Ad5 vector undermined that vaccine’s efficacy."

"The prevalence rates (of Ad5 infection) in the United States and in Africa are about 45% and 80–90%"

There are red flag warning signs.



2020-06-05 11:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fong Zhin Bok > Jun 5, 2020 11:41 AM | Report Abuse

I am really hati busuk. When I see US civilians doing demonstration for George Floyd, I only hear the sound of 'ding' of a cashier machine keep ringing.

Yes, you are a bad person. Postmortem of George Floyd found that he was Covid19 positive. Good chance his family and the cops that were around him are also infected.

CCP doesn't need to do anything. There is a lot of racial tension in America between the white and black people in the US. Remember Black Lives Matter movement?


2020-06-03 16:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by loverguitar18 > Jun 3, 2020 4:09 PM | Report Abuse
RM14.75 > RM10.58 > RM14.5 in one day my god

What happens when you buy on margin and your bank reduced margin caps. People are forced to sell. This is why cash is king during a recession and why rich people become richer.


2020-06-01 14:37 | Report Abuse

Yes, from what I gather, the Chinese vaccine will work. However it is made using a very old method (viral inactivation using formaldehyde, just like Salk polio vaccine) and so will be hard to scale up as SARS-Cov2 virus can only be cultivated in human and monkey cells. Influenza vaccine is also made using the same method but the virus can be grown in chicken cells.. from chicken eggs.

Growing mammalian cells is expensive. So the problem will be production of vaccine in sufficient quantity to meet demand and the affordability of the vaccine.

I have a feeling at most China's vaccine can only be used to do ring vaccination, ie vaccinate only people around an infected case. There won't be enough to vaccinate whole nations.


2020-06-01 14:26 | Report Abuse

Sadly we are not being irrational.
The number of new cases of coronavirus has started to increase again as nations open up. Previously it was 80,000 new cases of Covid19 a day. Now it is 120,000 new cases a day. 50% increase in just 1 week.

Great for investors for Topglove but as a people, we are in a lot of trouble


2020-06-01 09:51 | Report Abuse

Usually company waits at least 2 months of sustained elevated prices before splitting. So August? However topglove is converting all its guaranteed exchangeable bonds to shares. So I am guessing topglove will finish the conversion, see if the prices remain about RM12 for 2 months before deciding to split.

Spit or no split is the same. Share prices also splits as number of shares doubles. So 1 share at RM10 or 2 shares at RM5. No difference really from investor's point of view.


2020-05-29 17:57 | Report Abuse

Somebody needs money.


2020-05-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

Lab workers doing all the covid19 test, more doctors and nurses on call due to huge influx of covid19 cases. People working with the public ( cashiers, police, volunteers doing Covid19 testing)

The demand is increased.

To most people sure, you aren't going to touch other people normally. You aren't going to handle contaminated material. But in the hospital setting, with Covid19 patients? Everything is contaminated. And you have to change your gloves frequently else your gloves becomes a vector for spreading the virus. (you wear 2 set of gloves, outer set is changed between patients)

With the US giving the middle finger to the preventive measures in the name of Freedom. Yeah the virus is going to explode (the number of new cases has started climb again). It is mad, because the US isn't able to control the virus and its president is more interested in fighting China.


2020-05-28 11:30 | Report Abuse

yeah... vaccine but seriously, most vaccine are developed after 5 to 10 years of work.

Attempting to create a SARS-Cov2 vaccine within 12-18 months essentially means "We are going to do the minimum test. As long you don't die, we happy. Immunity may be spotty, short lived and fail in more than 20% of people vaccinated"

if we get a good vaccine by middle of 2021 and not some half past 6, high failure rate vaccine, it would be a miracle and probably quite expensive.