
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2021-06-10 17:25 | Report Abuse

Do you intend to hold for 10 years or 10 minutes?

Posted by Mak_kiah > Jun 10, 2021 4:45 PM | Report Abuse
tell me should i hold or sell?haha


2021-06-08 09:39 | Report Abuse

What to do... covid is not static. Unless you kill it immediately 100%, it will continue to mutate and adapt.

Realistically we are going to have covid outbreaks for the next 30-40 years (a big outbreak once every decade; 1-4 mill deaths) until we have a generation who are naturally more resistant to covid.. because all their grandparents were naturally more resistant to covid. 80% of the global population can fight off covid without going to hospital.

Just like millennials were the first generation to have very high natural resistance to influenza. In 1918 H1N1 killed 5% of the global population. By 2009, H1N1 killed only 0.01% of the global population and that had little to do with vaccination because ~25% of the population got infected... and the Americans were slow to identify and notify the world that they had a major outbreak.

Posted by JN88 > Jun 7, 2021 6:59 PM | Report Abuse
After 9 months of vaccination... The COVID cases still at 400+k per day... This is very sad....

News & Blogs

2021-06-02 15:55 | Report Abuse

Pointless. Newer variants of Covid are evolving to avoid infecting the upper respiratory tract and nasal cavity. They are going directly for the lungs.... which also makes the covid infection harder to detect via a nasal swab.


2021-06-01 17:25 | Report Abuse

You do realize that covid cases in the UK has started to climb again from a recent low of 2K cases a day (early May) to +3K cases a day (late May). Most of those new cases are caused by the B1617.2 variant.

The UK is now about 4-6 weeks away from another covid wave.

As for the US... yes their cases are falling... but looking at the composition of cases... most US cases are now caused by the B117 variant which the vaccines are effective against. Good. Now look again. You will notice the percentage of cases caused by B1617.2 variant is doubling every 2 weeks.

So my prediction... if the Americans are dumbass enough to take off their mask... and keep it off...which they doing the US will go back into another covid wave within 6-8 weeks.

But if in the end, you want to sell by all means sell.


2021-05-31 11:57 | Report Abuse

You haven't been paying attention. US has already banned palm oil from SIME and FGV due to allegations of force labor and child labor. Our palm oil industry is already on fire. No.. i think the next target the US will set fire will be our microchip industry and later our oil and gas.

Yet despite everything becoming a US proxy is a no go. The US has a habit and a history of abandoning their proxies once they lose interest in what ever conflict they were in. I think the last fools to willing be a US proxy were the Kurds... now left high and dry.

@Posted by pdchs > May 31, 2021 11:13 AM | Report Abuse
problem with force labor of glove manufacturing in Malaysia..
This fire soon will go to palm oil industry...


2021-05-31 10:58 | Report Abuse

The US thinks it has Covid under control so it is focusing its attention on the US-China trade war... all the problem with force labor of glove manufacturing in Malaysia is simply due to Malaysia's refusal to obey the US by stopping trade with china, banning Huawei and using our military to harass Chinese ships. China is our biggest trade partner.

All very simple. If Malaysia agrees to attack China as a US proxy, all our trade problems with the US will go away. Of course attacking China on behalf of the US will be very bad for us, but the US don't care. We are just another bunch of colored natives that can be expended in the US attempt to maintain its position as the sole global superpower.

Lets see how the pfizer vaccine stand up against UK-Indian hybrid from Vietnam. The US is reopening and have stopped wearing mask and social distancing... even though only half of the population has been vaccinated.


2021-05-14 19:11 | Report Abuse

US can take off their mask... but from the high incidences of breakthrough infections in Singapore and India (ie people who are fully vaccinated getting infected).. I think they are in for a surprise.

Number of B1617 cases in UK doubled in a week. If the vaccine is suppose to stop it, nobody informed B1617. If UK does not control the outbreak of B1617 (Indian variant), we might see cases start shooting up in 8 weeks.

As for the US... they prioritize the economy over people. So what is new?

Anyway... if you believe the pandemic is over, you would have sold TG. Nothing more to be said.

News & Blogs

2021-05-06 07:59 | Report Abuse

So long as Malaysia is continues to do business with China, the US will continue to attack Malaysia. In the US-China trade war, the US is forcing everyone to pick sides.

India chose to side with the US, and thus India is treated well... even if it mismanaged its covid situation and caused another massive wave of covid and the emergence of a new variant.


2021-05-03 09:28 | Report Abuse

Do keep up. SARS-Cov2 is not a static entity.

What we are seeing with Covid is something rarely seen outside history books and computer models.

It is an exciting time to be alive.

Posted by stockraider > May 2, 2021 1:11 PM | Report Abuse
The answer is simple mah!....The vaccines are working loh!


2021-05-02 13:08 | Report Abuse

Same reason why the US and UK had a massive drop of covid cases on Christmas day and New Year... not that the virus took a holiday but the because doctors who take the samples and labworkers who do the test did.

Posted by Start_0f_the_bull > May 1, 2021 5:18 PM | Report Abuse
The new cases figure announced today is doubtful. There must be some reason for the massive drop. Is it because less covid testing on that two days holiday?


2021-05-02 13:02 | Report Abuse

RM4 will come eventually. Because 'soon' has been 6 months already and still waiting.

Posted by DickyMe > May 2, 2021 12:46 PM | Report Abuse
RM 4 is coming soon!


2021-05-01 12:00 | Report Abuse

1/3 population vaccinated. Nearly 2 million more vaccinated every day. Yet covid cases in US are holding steady at 50-60K every day for 2 months.

It is true that the vaccine has halted the expansion of the virus. But despite more and more Americans being vaccinated every day, case numbers are not falling.

Imagine if this was arm wrestling. Americans are putting more and more strength into the fight against the Covid, their biceps continue to strain more and more.... yet there is no difference. No movement. Not for 2 weeks but for 2 months and counting.

Is that the sign of winning? More strength every day but no effect. Or is that the sign the Americans are just keeping pace with the virus. A situation where when vaccination rates fall.. which is starting to happen due to vaccine hesitancy in the US... will see covid cases start to climb again but this time with new variants that are resistant to the gen1 vaccines.

I agree covid will end. But until we take the virus seriously, and fight it as a global community with the singular focus of beating this virus, this pandemic will not end quickly.

Already the Israelis has started partying. So much so, people died in a stampede at a religious rave party on Friday. And yet, Israel had 41 cases of B1617 (Indian variant) and of that number 4 cases were of people who had been fully vaccinated.

Covid will end... but it is apparent not everyone takes this virus seriously.

Hence I have a strong feeling tragedies like in India will continue to repeat until Covid is shown the proper respect and virus fought with the dedication, international cooperation and sacrifice of a world war.

Posted by KoonyewYinFans > Apr 30, 2021 10:49 PM | Report Abuse

Now USA covid control around at 50-60k cases
that mean Vaccine is successfully stop the covid.
in future Covid will END 。

Thats why EPF keep disposed share on glove .


2021-04-30 09:20 | Report Abuse

In the original covid variant, 99% of covid cases the incubation period is 14 days or less. But in 1% of cases covid has an incubation period as long as 27 days.

The newer variants of covid tend to have mutation in their late promoter... which means they have a tendency to have longer incubation periods.

This is how covid cases are increasingly able to escape a 14 day quarantine and establish themselves locally.

Posted by sammmy > Apr 30, 2021 8:28 AM | Report Abuse
singapore has 14days quarantine policy once enter Singapore, but how come has this local transmitting


2021-04-28 23:30 | Report Abuse

Only true for original covid and B117 variant. Not true for B1351, P1, New York variant and likely B1617.

If you pay attention to the variants of covid people in the US are catching, you will see a very alarming trend.

Posted by GloveEnding > Apr 28, 2021 6:08 PM | Report Abuse

Vaccine successfully control USA covid cases drop .



2021-04-25 13:54 | Report Abuse

You have to be wary of American promises of help. Usually it is too slow and not enough. There will be a lot of debate on capitol hill about sending US doctors to a foreign nation when American doctors should be reserve for use in America if there be a resurgence of the virus.

A very common tale.

Posted by brian3381 > Apr 25, 2021 1:43 PM | Report Abuse


2021-04-25 12:13 | Report Abuse

Yes. Israel success story is something we need to understand. What they did was close their boarder, preventing unrestricted entry of new variants into their country. Then they vaccinated as many of their citizens as they could, thereby eliminating the original Covid19 variant and the B117 (UK variant). The gen1 vaccine is effective against the original covid and the B117 variant.

Israel quarantined everyone with he S.A variant.

Israel intends to partially reopen its boarder to international traveler at the end of next month. 23 May 2021. We will know by July how well Israel is able to keep out the new covid19 variant.

In addition, Israel is also rich, and has a small population.

As nations with covid problems... india, brazil and multiple nations in South America, multiple nations in the middle east, multiple nations in the SEA.

Posted by brian3381 > Apr 25, 2021 9:08 AM | Report Abuse
Covid is under control la. Only india is the problem. Look at israel suces story


2021-04-25 07:39 | Report Abuse

It isn't under control. The case number in the UK and US has plateaued. So despite more and more people being vaccinated every day, the number of covid cases remains the same.

If you look at the composition of covid variants within the two nation, it is rapidly changing to contain more resistant variants. Give it a month and you will see numbers rising again. What is of concern is the Indian variant.

As for gloves, it is more about type of gloves latex vs nitrile vs PVC vs PE. Nation of manufacture doesn't matter so much.

And Malaysia has economy of scale. So our gloves are cheaper than China 's for the same type.

Posted by greedy44 > Apr 25, 2021 1:15 AM | Report Abuse
But glove main market like UK and US their covid cases already under control for many weeks already. India don't buy our gloves because they only could afford the cheaper gloves from China or Thailand.

News & Blogs

2021-04-18 09:08 | Report Abuse

Right now new variants like Indian variant (B1617), S.African variant (B1351) and Brazilian variant (P1) have all adapted to infect young people. As a result they kill young adults at a far higher rate than older covid variants.

These variant can also reinfect people who previously survived covid. In the case of Braizilian variant reinfection rate is now 40-62%, S.A variant is estimated to be 50%. Unknown for Indian variant but given the mutation it has it is estimated to be more capable than S.A variant.

tldr. SARS-Cov2 has adapted to overcome its deficiencies. Being young is no longer any protection. Virus becoming more equal opportunity,


2021-04-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

Well if we go to RM29 again... yeah it will be RM100

But I dearly hope this will not happen. I hope people will take this virus seriously. I hope we will have a 2nd vaccine developed and mass produced soon. I hope Astrazeneca can find and fix the flaw in their vaccine. I hope Moderna and Pfizer stop being such a$$h0les and license their vaccine to other vaccine manufacturers, so more vaccine can be made.

I hope the US stop its war with China and work together to beat the virus. Polarizing the world and calling all the research by China and African nations that are pro-China rubbish... just delays the fiht against the virus as every thing has to be repeated/verified by a pro-US nation before it is accepted.

It is a lot of things to hope for.

Posted by CovidWave4 > Apr 16, 2021 6:40 PM | Report Abuse
Affin TP RM100 is coming soon


2021-04-12 09:16 | Report Abuse

Not when covid19 cases are on an upswing globally and the US is starting to experience an upswing themselves.

Come back at the end of summer, August at the earliest. Then you cries of RM4 would scare some uninformed people.

Posted by DickyMe > Apr 11, 2021 5:16 PM | Report Abuse
RM 4 coming soon!


2021-04-10 19:21 | Report Abuse

And there are two ways to earn money from a share.
1- collect dividends.
2 - sell at a higher price.

If you buy to collect dividends you can collect dividends as long as the company does not die. And a few companies have lived hundreds of years, their shares being passed from one family member to another.

if you sell at a higher price...you need to REPEATED buy at a low price and sell at a higher price.

Essentially you are looking at the difference between long term profit and short term profit.

As for losing money with TG... if you believe the company will remain profitable for decades to come, then it is only a question of how long it will take for you to recover your cost from dividend payments.

For some it will take 10 years. Others, the cost will be recovered by the end of 2021. And yes, I do believe TG will be around in 30 years. I maybe wrong. But there you go.

Posted by invest_malaysia > Apr 10, 2021 6:57 PM | Report Abuse
You buy shares to earn money. Not to keep until you die. Bjcorp double in just two weeks? Yes it’s only 2b company so? They let you earn money can already la. Topglove 40b so what? You guys lose until dividend also cannot cover


2021-04-09 23:12 | Report Abuse

The assumption is that the vaccine remains effective against the SARS-Cov2 virus and that all nations will get the vaccine by November.

But we know that isn't true for the S.African variant and may not be true for the Indian variant. And it may well be 2023 before enough people get vaccinated give estimated increases in vaccine production capacity.

But lets see... if Covid is not history by September, then the virus will last till March 2022.

Posted by DickyMe > Apr 9, 2021 6:08 PM | Report Abuse
Covid cases rising is expected and will stay high until June, July onwards will begin to reduce and pandemic will be history from November.

So, expect TG to lick the floor.


2021-04-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

Fake investors better run.
Who knows what will happen next. Aside from Covid cases rising like a rocket because too many people started celebrating before the pandemic was beaten.

Now India has a double mutant. And we don't even know what what it can do yet.


2021-04-07 21:33 | Report Abuse

For myself, I think glove demand will be elevated for the next few years because due to higher rates of hospitalization from organ damage in people who recover from covid.


2021-04-06 14:42 | Report Abuse

How exactly?
Giving vocational training, jobs and education to Uyghur is considered mass murder. Exempting non-Han chinese from one child policy, thus allowing the Uyghur population to grow is considered genocide.

Preservation of traditional uyghur culture against arabalization is considered destruction of Uyhur culture.... yeah. CCP is very evil.

And there are 54 other minorities in China. Why should the Uyghur get special treatment by the CCP?

Posted by Abba84 > Apr 6, 2021 2:20 PM | Report Abuse
Firstly China 2 ,needs t treats all Ughurs ;citizens of Taiwan,Hong kong with dignity!


2021-04-06 13:57 | Report Abuse

India's double mutant covid variant has entered the US.


2021-04-05 23:13 | Report Abuse

Really one side mf.
Sure EPF disposed 382,000 share, but on the same day it bought 3,000,000 TG shares

Posted by mf > Apr 5, 2021 8:43 PM | Report Abuse
05-Apr-2021 Insider EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 382,000 shares on 31-Mar-2021.


2021-04-05 14:36 | Report Abuse

Might as well spend RM15K on topglove share than spend on membership fees. You will lose less money that way. And over 20 year. you will get your money back and still hold TG shares.


2021-04-05 14:04 | Report Abuse

Not that fast actually.
At maximum growth speed, Covid19 can double in size every 2 days like it did in New York during March-April 2020.

So doubling 3.58 times in a month, or once every 8.37 days is not as fast as the virus can go. Covid can really grow fast if allowed to do so.

Posted by chensk > Apr 5, 2021 12:45 PM | Report Abuse
Cases in India have been rising shockingly fast. They leapt from 15,000 a day to 90,000 a day in just a month.Country like Bangladesh, Pakistan and India soon will become pandemic centre like Europe.


2021-04-04 18:40 | Report Abuse

Deaths is a lagging indicator. Lags behind infected by 2 weeks. Two weeks after Covid19 cases numbers start to rise, death rate will follow.


2021-04-04 12:14 | Report Abuse

Harta aims to reach a production capacity of 44bn gloves per year in FY 2022.

Topglove current production capacity is 93bn gloves a year. And by 2022 aims to reach 111bn

So there is a really big gap between the two.

Lastly if Harta did overtake TG, Harta would find its self with charges of forced labor, modern slavery and environmental pollution by the US government.

As long as Malaysia remains economically friendly with China, you can expect major malaysian export companies to be attacked by the US.


2021-04-03 22:29 | Report Abuse

I wouldn't count the US is out of the woods just yet. Their daily covid case numbers are rising again. And they have not taken any precautions to combat the S.A variant and P1 variants which have some degree of resistance to the vaccine.


2021-04-03 12:50 | Report Abuse

We already need a booster right now for the E484K variants.


2021-04-03 12:49 | Report Abuse

Missing the
HIV pandenmic 1981-ongoing 35 million dead
1977-1979 H1N1 'Russian flu' pandemic - 700,000 dead.


2021-04-02 13:48 | Report Abuse

mRNA 'vaccines;, basically genetic engineering in large animals, if the technology take off are very cheap and fast to make compared to traditional vaccine.

So you can soon make vaccine for all other diseases. And make inroads into the market of other vaccine. And by being a lot cheaper to make, the profit margin is far higher. if this technology succeeds, all future vaccine might become mRNA vaccines. And by not licensing this technology pfizer and moderna prevent other companies from learning the secrets on how to make this type of vaccine. Ensure the future market dominance and profits of moderna and pfizer in the coming decades within the vaccine sector.

Furthermore this technology can be adapted to a whole host of other genetic engineering applications. Example include curing hepatitis, and herpes (integrated viruses), curing type I diabetes, curing cystic fibrosis (genetic error), animal and human performance enhancement (military or sports or designer babies).

This technology if it performs well and becomes accepted by the public is the key that opens many doors. It is obvious that Moderna and Pfizer want to keep that advantage to themselves for as long as possible.

Sinovac on the otherhand is build on late 1940s technology. Tried and tested but expensive. There is no more potential to explore.

Astrazenca vaccine is also old tech, early 2000s level tech. Design limitation were reach in the early 2010s.

To treat the mRNA vaccine produced by Moderna and Pfizer just like another vaccine, is the equivalent of calling a computer an abacus. While technically true, it misses what it can do.

Also... there is an ongoing US-China war. Vaccine supply is being used as a means coheres nations to pick sides. And there is also the America first ideology that is still prevalent on the hill. America will keep all American made vaccine for America first before selling it to others. Only later will there be supply to American allies.

Az is to encourage closer ties between India and UK. Since leaving EU, Uk is looking for trade ties.

Posted by newbie1111 > Apr 2, 2021 12:44 PM | Report Abuse
If the vaccine are global goods why not license to more country at cost like the az vaccine are?


2021-04-02 11:38 | Report Abuse

>Posted by newbie1111 > Apr 2, 2021 10:49 AM | Report Abuse
>Pjseow which vaccine arrive earlier in Malaysia, Pfizer or sinovac?

Pfizer. Granted EUA by FDA in November with effective study size 97 people.
Sinovac: is not FDA approve.

>Which one in larger quantities?
Pfizer: 12.8mil dose first purchased delivered by end of 2021 + 12.2 million doses no stated delivery date.

SInovac: 14 million
Cansino: 3.5 million

>Did Malaysia get the sinovac for free?
No. And neither did Pfizer come free either. However Malaysia was very insistent of the fill and finish. Most companies are hesitant because if there is any contamination during the bottling process by Malaysian side, they will get the blame. Pfizer was okay because Malaysia has signed agreement so pfizer is not liable to any problem the vaccine may cause.

>Did China license any country to produce their vaccine?
Brazil, Indonesia and UAE


2021-04-02 11:18 | Report Abuse

If anything we are starting to understand how serious the virus is.

This is study published in British Medical Journal (BMJ). After looking at 47,780 individuals who recovered from Covi19, they found 1/3 were readmitted to the hospital for health problems, about 10% (1 in 8) to died within 140 days after being discharged from the hospital. Deaths are due to organ sustained from covid.

Techincaly they did not die from SARS-Cov2, but covid is certainly hastened their deaths. Doctors still need to take care of these people. And to prevent the virus spreading all over the hospital, PPE like gloves need to be worn.

We are starting to see after effects of covid from people who recovered 5 months ago. You may survive covid, but died from the organ damage it leaves behind.


Posted by Jackpot > Apr 2, 2021 10:19 AM | Report Abuse
whether vaccine is effective or not, the fact all have gone back to work. Working ppl dont use gloves but masks and disinfectants. the virus scare is not over but not as serious like when it started.


2021-04-02 09:46 | Report Abuse

Yes and no. Basically it is all down to patents and licensing. The mRNA type vaccines are very easy to make. But they are bound by so many patents, it is impossible for most other companies to make it. Also Moderna and Pfizer have unwilling to license the production of their vaccine to other companies. So production is limited to what moderna and pfizer can make.. and I am sure both companies are looking at the long term to once the pandemic ends. If is not cost effective to make big investments in the infrastructure needed to massively increase production capacity if the demand falls off after 1-2 years. So while production capacity has been increased it is not to the level that will allow the vaccination of the global population within a year.

Cynically... it means the virus will have enough time to mutates... so that once the first round of vaccination has been completed, the virus will have mutated to such a degree that a new round of vaccination is needed... thus keeping the vaccination production facility at maximum capacity for the next 30 or so years. That is me being cynical. Bur it sure looks like "oops he accidentally punched his own face" situation..

Posted by newbie1111 > Apr 2, 2021 8:39 AM | Report Abuse
why vaccine produce so slow? vaccine production are complex unlike gloves which any tom dick and harry can setup factory to produce

News & Blogs

2021-04-01 17:35 | Report Abuse

Basically what we need is for TG to leave Malaysia and immigrant to the US. Once TG becomes an American company, there will be no problems with the US customs and no force labor issues. As an American company TG can even cut cost by participating in work programs that utilize the 2 million US prisoner workforce.. that reside in the for profit prisons of the US. I believe the wages of a prison worker is set between 12cent to 40cents (USD) per hour, depending on US prison.

Even with the exchange rate, this is a massive savings for TG on worker remuneration.


2021-04-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

@Posted by newbie1111

I am fully aware of what the US and cannot do when it turn on the infinity money tap. I was around during the Ebola pandemic.

While you can force a company to make something.. it still take time for the company to retool, retrain and start production.

To make 92bn gloves a year, TG needs the equivalent of 765 single former lines. Each of those lines are nearly 200m long and nearly 1 story tall. The US aims to make 12bn gloves so will the equivalent of around 100 single line former.

What I am saying... is it will take time.

What I am also saying is that US government contracts to US private companies have a tendency to over promise and under perform. So much so it is like a joke.

In any case, I don't think it will be enough. HHS department estimates that during the pandemic the demand for gloves in the US is around 8.7 bn gloves per month, twice the average demand.

So 12bn annual glove production capacity that President Biden is talking about is not enough to last even 2 months.


2021-04-01 14:24 | Report Abuse

The Washington says a lot of things... but will they reach their target is anyone guess. Pork barreling and over promising is part and parcels of US government contracts. There is not solid timeline of when the factories will come one line. At best we have a vague most we have at the end of 2021.

In any case... I think the US is going to have a shortage. They aren't doing much about the pandemic. Mask aren't even mandated. And they aren't doing anything to combat the S.A variant, P1 variant, New york variant or even the CA variant. These things are antibody resistant and

Worst yet there is a recent paper that test S.A variant resistance to high 50 celisus temperature compared to the D614G variant. It reported the S.A variant is 2x more resistant to high temperatures... not surprising since it came from Africa which is a hot tropical continent.

US Summer is not going to slow S.A variant and likely the P1 variant.

Anyway... you have your view on TG and I have mine.

I assume you have sold all your TG holdings. So what are you buying now? What looks good?

Posted by newbie1111 > Apr 1, 2021 1:23 PM | Report Abuse
pBlue you think US going to have shortage? Biden had use defense production act for making gloves, US will produce half of their own demand. the gloves companies need to worry about oversupply in the world market instead.


2021-04-01 13:50 | Report Abuse

All talk only. I think the only one who has actually done anything is AT and after a year. they have reached the test phase. Does any know if they started their production run yet.

Any tom dick and harry can talk about going into gloves but few ever do it.

Posted by healthinspector > Apr 1, 2021 10:26 AM | Report Abuse
Glove productions are not oversupply? But I hear tom,dick&harry companies also getting in glove manufacturing, right? Isn't that just like properties overhang situation in Malaysia? Yesterday BNM reported household debt-to-GDP ratio at new peak of 93.3%?


2021-04-01 12:31 | Report Abuse

There is nothing we can do aside from abandoning malaysia and putting our money into the bubble stock markets that is the US SP500..

TG can give all its workers 5 star hotel accommodation and it won't matter one bit. This is just like Huawei. The US is putting a little pressure on Malaysia to make it reconsider its neutral position in the US-China trade war. The US is trying to get all nations in SEA to attack china.

The worker accommodations of TG is better than most malaysian companies but the US has no interest in that fact. Prison labor?

US even uses it prison as a for profit enterprise, making prisoners work and farm for 25 cents an hour and they are okay with that. Why do you think the US has 2 million prisoners and not at all unhappy of having 1/150 of its population in prison? You would think something is seriously long with so many in prison.

If the EU, UK, Canada and Australia all impose sanction on Topglove. We will all be sad. TG would officially lose some 44% of its market.

Soon after there will be severe shortage of gloves as TG makes 1/3 gloves of the works. And all US allies won't be buying chinese gloves either... well the shortage is even more acute. With the pandemic as it is... we will see the covid pandemic continue to grow... but without glove, infection and death among doctors and nurses will explode. There will soon be thriving black market for gloves. Gloves will be rebranded in India or thailand or africa before being shipped to the US and its allies. TG will still be making glove but odd nations like Nigeria will suddenly have a demand for gloves that exceeds their population.

If US and its allies then clamp down on the illegal trade of gloves, we will then watch as the western world implode from pandemic that will go out of control. You laugh now, but the pandemic is a very serious matter. Once the western world starts collapsing, so too will the US dollar that the financial world that is built around it. Then gloves will be the lease of our concerns.

Should we be worried? Sure. There are two options, stay and hold or sell and leave.

PS: Expect New Zealand and Australia to follow the US ban on TG. They can afford it because they have very few cases of covid and thus have limited need for gloves.

Posted by healthinspector > Apr 1, 2021 11:45 AM | Report Abuse
As a matter of true fact, should u be panic after the US CBP banned topglove products for good? Should u be worried? Will it get worse once EU, UK, Canada, Australia all impose sanctions on it?


2021-04-01 11:32 | Report Abuse

Actually, you need to do change the company's nation of cooperation, use a US allied nation like UK or Germany. This would make the US government happy. Force good companies to flee Malaysia and make malaysia kneel to US demands

Then TS Lim needs to change his name to Sir Edward Alexander MacDowell III (having a number behind your name hints at family status). A lot of attacks on Topglove by the online community was because many people believed TopGlove was a chinese company and was using Uyghur slave labor. That would solve any marketing problems, due to racial problems of being chinese.

Top Glove names should be changed to TG.. that is all the rage... the name of KFC is now officially KFC.

Posted by newbie8080 > Apr 1, 2021 10:26 AM | Report Abuse
I think the easiest way to go around this issue, is to change the company name. Maybe Super Glove.

News & Blogs

2021-04-01 02:56 | Report Abuse

I don't think this is about TG or human right. I think this is all about the US pressuring Malaysia to join its anti-china block and wage economic war on China.

TG could pay all their immigrant workers RM100,000 a month and the US would still find an excuse to ban TG. Until and unless Malaysia starts attacking China, the US will attack Malaysia through its major exports.

But to attack China... is well attacking China, one our a major trade partner, and unlike the Americans a large investor.

And once the US is happy, it will abandon us. Like it does will all its tools that outlives their usefulness. Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Anti-Saddam Hussein groups during Iraq war I, Kurd rebels.


2021-03-31 15:24 | Report Abuse

The moment Harta becomes a component of KLCI ESG issues will apear and Topglove will be in the clear.

This has nothing to do with ESG issues and more due to Malaysia's refusal to attack China. If malaysia clearly send signals that it has become pro-US, such as banning Huawei, stopping trade with China and sending the Malaysian Royal Bavy to harass the Chinese Navy... all problems with US customs will vanish.

Very simple. That is what American wants. Be like India during Trump's time.

Posted by invest_malaysia > Mar 31, 2021 2:55 PM | Report Abuse
Should just consider harta as the KLCI component. Don’t have all these ESG issues. Topglove full of non sense.


2021-03-30 14:23 | Report Abuse

Who knows anymore.

The US has had 560K deaths to Covid. And currently has plateaued at 55K new cases daily that is showing an uptrend. This now more US deaths than WW1 and WW2 combined.

Alot of senior nurses have died from covid in the US. Replaced mainly by very junior staff.

As long as the Americans are not scared by the covid, the virus will continue to spread and mutate. It has already overcome the covid19 vaccine.

US peak for Covid was in mid January, 2 weeks after new years.

Posted by invest_malaysia > Mar 30, 2021 1:45 PM | Report Abuse
US started to ban since July last year which their covid is peak that time. You think now they scare?


2021-03-30 13:43 | Report Abuse

Since 1 in 3 gloves made in the world are made by Topglove... So a real hard ban byUS allied countries banning TG is equivalent to committing suicide. Covid19 pandemic is still on. Even with the vaccine.. covid cases number are surging again. Just check https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

Does that look like cases going down to you, with that upward trend.

It is possible that all US allies nations banning TG. Then they get some African nation to buy gloves for them from TG.

Much like how US is surviving... it is buying gloves from S.Korea and japan and they are buying gloves from Malaysia.

Posted by HrryPttr > Mar 30, 2021 12:55 PM | Report Abuse
All US allied countries will also ban Topglove product?


2021-03-30 12:41 | Report Abuse

US-China trade war. Since malaysia is on the China friendly side, so we are being hit. I expect palm oil to be hit harder too.

Also US want gloves to be manufactured in the US. This is an encouragement to move glove manufacturing plants to the US.... like Supermax.

In reality US doesn't give a f-k about labor laws. They are deunionizing a lot of their states and when they had a lot of covid deaths in their chicken processing plants, they just pushed on.

Posted by EatCoconutCanWin > Mar 30, 2021 11:45 AM | Report Abuse
What is the hell is going on.


2021-03-29 19:05 | Report Abuse

US CBP can be solve the moment Malaysia starts attacking China. If Malaysia follows US directive to attack China, all Malaysia's problems with slave labor, and child labor in our palm oil production and glove manufacturing will go away.

All Malaysia needs to do is to attack China and ban Huawei. Very easy.

Right now, even if all foreign worker were give 5 star hotel accommodations and RM10,000 bonus, TG would still be banned.

Posted by laughingstock > Mar 29, 2021 9:09 AM | Report Abuse
Also US CBP still ban imports of its gloves into USA. How?