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2021-05-19 07:42 | Report Abuse

Growing Rich, US Biden and Bliken had repeatedly told China and the whole world of its ONE CHINA policy. US will not sacrifice its peoples and resources for the sake of Taiwan . Taiwan will be unified with China one day either through peaceful unification or by force. Since US new president had re iterated its position on ONE CHINA, the dispute on unification is China internal affair.
The QUAD exist in form only but no substance. JAPAN and INDIA will not follow US to fight a war with China over Taiwan.

News & Blogs

2021-05-19 07:18 | Report Abuse

Money and honey ,Immediately after China announced that it terminate all future investment and trade activities , Blinken quickly REINTERATED US ONE CHINA policy .Australia with its tail under the two legs quickly change its tune by following US by announcing that it recognise One country two system which Taiwan disagreed . It is not a question of how brave Australia or Morrison is. Why meddle in China internal affair ? In history, there were many brainless brave heroes but these heroes resulted in loss of their kingdoms. My question is Why Australia wants to provoke China when China has been their number 1 trading partner with almost 40 % of their exports to China. What does Australia gain by declaring war with China when there is no territorial dispute at all between these 2 countries.


2021-05-18 18:58 | Report Abuse

Invest malaysia , Why buy unrelated businesse ?Buy related business like Comfort, Rubberex , Careplus more strategic . Their total market caps only cost 3.56 b only. Still got balance money left loh. Just imagine one day all the 3 belong to supermx . One big glove family. hahaha.


2021-05-18 18:22 | Report Abuse

Can anyone tell me beside the glove makers, which company can triple their capacities to 3 x within 4 to 5 years without having to borrow a single sen from the banks ?


2021-05-18 18:17 | Report Abuse

Supermx takes more than 20 years to put up 24 billions.capacity. Now ,within 2 years , supermx is able to double its capacity to 48 billions in 2022 by spending 1.39 billions. Supermx can.triple its capacity to 72 billions by end of 2024 from.the huge cash piles of 4.billions plus future earnings in.this year until 2024. Who say the cash piles are useless? The billions of cash generated are.more than enough to triple its capacity plus paying off 50 % dividend . There is a saying CASH IS.KING . Another saying 有钱能使鬼推磨meaning "" With money you can even.engage the ghost to grind rice for you.""


2021-05-18 14:40 | Report Abuse

On 8th June , we will receive our dividend. Stanley and wife has 38.26 % of.supermx. On that day, they will receive 135 million cash dividend . They may.buy back the shares using their own.money.like what LWC and his.family did for topglove.


2021-05-18 14:30 | Report Abuse

invest malaysia, 4 b was at 30th march 2021 . At the time of writing now , it is more than 4b already. The cash pile is growing while we are writing, sleeping, exercising and resting. It will keep.growing until the company take out 353 millions and pay us dividends. It will continue to grow and grow.


2021-05-18 13:00 | Report Abuse

So dumb. If the cash pile doesnt belong to shareholders and belong to the company, why must the company take out 50 ,60 or 70 % of the cash and distribute to shareholders as dividend ? As.share holders of a company you own the assets , cash and anything the company own in proportion to your share holding with respect to the total number of shares a company.has. If supermx decide to pay another special dividend of 75 sen per share or 50 % of cuurent 4 billions cash pile , the company will use up 0.75 x 2720 = 2040 million or 2.04 billions from the cash pile of 4 billion to pay out. This highly possible since Harta has 60 % dividend policy and Topglove.had 70 % total for this year and 50 % next year.and so on. On the same note.the supermx 3.8 % of Treasury shares belong to the company and.hence all.shareholdets . If the company decided to distribute , ALL SHAREHOLDERS are entitled.


2021-05-18 12:35 | Report Abuse

One of the successful stock investor Charlie Munger said." It is better to buy a good company with reasonable price than buying a mediocre company at cheap price" . A good company is one which has been making money consistently for many years . They are in the growing industry and with good cash flow , with nett cash and ROE, pay reasonable dividends . The top 4 glove makers are in such category. Those 30 or 40 sens penny.stocks may look cheap but they may go under because they had been losing monies and will continue to lose until they cant survive and close shop.


2021-05-18 11:57 | Report Abuse

When we invest for medium or long term, we must first look at the industry. Is the industry a sunset industry or growing industry. Second look for the top few companies which have international customers or businesses in the world. Third , look at the individual company and ask what value propositions they have. Are they the cost effective, do they have specific state of the art products with IP s or whether their business model is unique to capture market shares or has best margins .Besides, look at their company fundamentals .You will notice that almost all the top 4 glove makers talk about usage per capita in their analyst briefings. They know the good future of glove industry . Therefore , everyone has been buying more lands, build more plants and commission more lines to increase capacities. I trust their foresights . The 4 founders are successful businessmen in gloves.


2021-05-18 11:34 | Report Abuse

The glove market has been growing 8 to 10 % in the last 20 years. There had been a few small epidemcis like SARS , H1N1 , Zika, Merc during this 20 years period. The demand for gloves keep growing even.after these smaller epidemics. The top 4 have seen their earnings and share prices grew 150 x to 250 x. The averag per capita usage of gloves for the most populated countries like China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the african countries are still below 30 compared with 300 in developed countries like US and Europe. The room for.growth is still very high as more and more countries have more hygience awareness. The world population is about 8 billion. The total demand will hit 8 x 300 billion which is 2400 billions one day. The total world capacity for gloves is only 420 billions this year. This is only the average of 50 pcs per capita for the whole world. If the average hit 100, the demand will be 800 billions or twice the current capacity. This may takes five years . It may takes another 5 years to reach 150 pcs per.capita and 200 pcs in another 5 years. The room for growth is tremendous.


2021-05-18 00:19 | Report Abuse

gemfinder, why ? I cannot join supermx forum ?Yes. I came in.late .I bought supermx from 4.00 to 5 in March. What stucked ? With good dividend , it is better than stucked in.bank .Why are you here? You also just bought supermx ? I thought you were all over the place but not in.supermx.


2021-05-17 22:44 | Report Abuse

sonidkid, yes I supposed everyone has their own assumptions and calculations. Based On informations I recd from
various is sources , 2021 and 2022 demand will.still exceed supply. 2023 will.be in.equilibrium. 2024 may be oversupply . The good things is that the top 4 has the capacity expansions almost " free ", they can.just switch off some.capacity without financial pressures. Those who borrowed to put up the capacities, will be burdened with their financials. Supermx has advantage of selling direct to end customers. They have better flexibility in adjusting their prices because of higher margins from their 58 % OBM+ Distribution.business model. They also have better customer intimacy.


2021-05-17 21:47 | Report Abuse

Sonickid , You are very smart . I understand what you mean . Doubling of Capacity cannot 100 % off set. ASP drop of 50 % in earning . There is a factor.call margin. If you check my previous calculation in my comment address to invest malaysia, I used a margin of 40 % instead of 55 % when ASP drop from US 95 to 75 , a 20 % drop. The increase of capacity from 26 billion to 36 billion in 2022.cannot offset the highest earnings in 2021 but it can still meet the 4000 billion.per year barring any unforseen circumstances. I had actually calculated a scenarios from ASP frop from the peak to US 35 which I considered a post pandemic.stabilised state with capacity triple to 72 billions in 2025 using margin of 25%. The earning can.still touch 2.3b or 85 sen eps. During the stabilisebstate , we.should use the pre pandemic PE which is in the range of 15.


2021-05-17 19:11 | Report Abuse

From gloves to geopolitics which is also one of my favourite topic .


2021-05-17 19:10 | Report Abuse

Money maker, I think you dont read supermx report because you dont like glove companies .

Supermx capacity was 24 billions in 2020 . By end of of 2021 , its capacity will grow to 36 billions . By end of 2020 , it will grow to 48 billions . Supermx will spend 1.39 billions on such expansion.
Go and read the QR reports lah .


2021-05-17 18:25 | Report Abuse

It is a wrong assumption that glove prices will drop forever. It is like palm oil prices , oil prices, gold prices or steel prices . During rally , they will go up for a few years. reaching a peak , then it starts to come down , reach a saturation and then goes up again. We have seen.such cycles again.and again. The important things to note is the growth of the company to capture the next growth cycle. The glove companies have seen such growth for the last 20 years and getting bigger and bigger. Today , we are seeing spikes in.commodity prices . It will.also.peak.one day and start to come down reaching.a saturation.and then up again.


2021-05-17 18:03 | Report Abuse

Moneymaker ,

Revenue = capacity x ASP x utilization x exchange rate / 4

In 2020 , ASP was 90 , capacity was billions
Revenue per qtr = 24.x 90 x 0.9 x 4.1 /4 = 1992

In 2022 ASP was 45 , capacity is 48 billions
Revenue per qtr = 48 x 45 x 0.9 x 4.1 /4 = 1992

Both revenues the same right.?


2021-05-17 16:24 | Report Abuse

Moneymakers, I am here for medium or long term. I know what I am investing. To me supermx has great values in terms of its business models, huge cash.piles, great ROE , extremely low PE and good future earning prospects. I have the patience .


2021-05-17 16:07 | Report Abuse

Moneymaker , I dont need your useless service. I prefer to read IB reports , Research papers and QR s and some comments from other.i3 participants who provided valuable informations. Your advices resembles those wet markets aunties and uncles. These advices are of no values.


2021-05-17 15:51 | Report Abuse

Moneymakers , where you got information that there is no demand? All glove makers are adding.capacities and spend million or billions based on huge demands . I trust their judgements better than you .
By the way , why are you here talking bad about glove stocks since you are not owning any ?. To earn 30 sen per message?


2021-05-17 15:15 | Report Abuse

Money makers , ASP coming down is a known facts. Capacities are growing.is also facts . Revenues are ASP X Capacities X utilization.. WHY You purposely missed out capacities UP. The ASP down will be compensated by capacities up .


2021-05-17 15:03 | Report Abuse

In 1990, there were more than 200 glove makers. The weak ones had all perish leaving the current Kings of 4 until today plus a few more smaller ones . The king of 4 have been.profitable and grew . The smaller ones are either breaking even or make little profits before pandemics. Can the new comers compete.with smaller ones to start with post pandemics? History will repeat itself.


2021-05-17 14:46 | Report Abuse

Money maker, Latest tgt prices from IB. BIMB tgt price 7.30 , Kenanga tgt price 6.80 , Affin tgt price 7.40 , Nomura tgt price price 8.35 . All buy calls . You are on sell call ? your tgt price ?


2021-05-17 14:33 | Report Abuse

Can the new comers survive come year 2024 when ASP would have dropped 50 % while all the big players have their capacities more than double without having to borrow.? There are 4 disadvantages for the new comers. First , they need to borrow to instal new capacities. Second they dont have the economy of scale. Third being new, they need to lower their prices to gain entry into market acceptance. Fourth , being.new and inexperinced, they tends to.make mistakes . When the competition intensify in.2025 onwards , these new players will perish due to above disadvantages.


2021-05-17 14:18 | Report Abuse

Risk8888, agree with you that supply demand will reach equilibrium based on.study by reasearch houses. China are mainly latexx glove producers. They just started moving into nitrile . For new comers , it will raken.a total of 18 to 24 months to start production from building the plants plus lines commissioning.and getting.qualified. They.also need to train up technicians and operators . The learning curve will be about 6 months before they can have meaningful high volume priduction. Most.new comers made decision to go into glove mfg last year August when.they see big profits. I think.meaningful production.will be from middle to end of 2022.


2021-05-17 13:59 | Report Abuse

Another rm 3.5 billion earnings will be coming in from the next 3 qtrs. This 3.5 billions plus the current 4 billions in the bank.is more than enough to pay dividends ( assuning 73 sen total or 50 % total eps) for 2021 plus initial start up of buildind US plant. Another 3 to 4 billions cash will also come in next year. After paying 50 % dividend , the balance is more than enough to install another 22.6 billions capacity which cost 1.39 billions and build the US plant at 2.2 billions. Simple maths. Total cash 11 billions minus 5.5 billions for dividend , minus 1.39 billions for capacity expansion.and minus 2.2 b for US plant . Balance cash in.hand is 1.91 billions.
5.5 billions dividend is rm 2 per share . That means by the end of 2022, the company.already has 48 billion capacity.plus a new plant in US . If you buy supermx share today at 4.70 , you.are actually paying 4.70 minus 2 .00 dividend or at 2.70 only. Paying.2.70 a share for supermx company which had double its capacity to 48 billions and a brand new plant in US is really a good buy. The company then still has net cash of 1.9 b because the company do not need to borrow to build new plant and add capacity. Where can you find such value for money stock .


2021-05-17 12:18 | Report Abuse

Due to the unfounded fear of earning drops in next few qtrs , supermxx share prices had been unfairly beaten down to extremely low PE despite its high cash piles per share and being the highest margin glove makers . A side by side comparisons will reveal the over reactions.

Net Margins Cash per share current PE

Supermx 53.5 % 1,47 3.95

Topglove 46.1 % 0.29 6.33

Harta 43.0 % 0.78 11.7

Kossan 38.4 % 0.49 5.20

Supermx deserved a higher PE of 6 and above with its high margins due to the 2 incomes stream from the OBM+Distribution business model plus its high Cash position . Besides , it also has good earning visibilities for the next 7 qtrs . There is also a chance of receiving the Treasury shares as a bonus . THe 3.8 % Treasury shares is worth 18 sen a share with current market price of rm 4.76 .


2021-05-17 11:58 | Report Abuse

The market had overreacted when supermx last QR was announced .
After reading a few of IB analysts reports like Nomura and TA , the ASPs for the next 3 qtrs remained high at between US 80 to 119 because supermx had orders booked until end of the year .

Nomura report stated that " Blended ASP per 1000 pcs for Jan/Feb?Mar
was US 84.6 / 87.65 / 89.2 . Due to long lead time of 6 to 7 months , the sales in these 3 months will be delivered in 2nd half of CY 2021.
Qtrly profits will be around RM 1.1 to 1.25 billions using a simple mathematics of 6.5 billions capacity per qtr or 26 billions per year .

Nomura and TA also mentioned that ASP had dropped to US 70 to 80 or 15 to 25 % drops from the peak . This new prices will be used to negotiate for new contractual agreements of which shipments will be delivered in 2022 . By then , supermx will have 36 billions capacity . Qtrly profit is estimated to be about RM 1 billion using a simple mathematics .
Hence investors should not be overly concerned that there will be a drastic and sudden drop in earnings . In short , the drop in ASPs is cushioned by 3 qtrs of contractual agreements plus additional 40 % capacity add .
Investors should have 7 qtrs of earning visibility of 1 B and above barring any unforseen circumstances like shipment disruption due to plant shutdown or shortage of containers .

News & Blogs

2021-05-16 19:38 | Report Abuse

SSLee agreed with you . The war on terrors killed 800 thoudands mainly innocence and displaced 37 millions. Google wikipedia on war on terror.
The war on IRAQ was based on lies and without UN Approval. US and the west allies still had the cheeks to talk about human right in Xinjiang.They do not feel shameful and remorseful forvtheir blatant atrocities. Their media should initiate thousands of interviews on the relatives and friends of those killed plus those refugees with homes destroyed. What human rights they have? The US and its hardcore allies.are the most unscrupulous and dispicable hypocrites who practise double standards. They are trying to use another lie to invade China but China is no IRAQ or Afghan or Syria. China has middle range DF12, DF17,DF 21, DF 26 and DF41 ballastic missiles all of which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Their nucleat submarienes and J20 are also able to lauch nuclear attacks . Australia is asking for trouble if it dare to wage a war against China . A few nuclear war heads would have flatten Australia. China has absolute rights not to buy anything from Australia. It had better not assume China was the China of 1860 when it refused the British to sell Opium to China but British retaliated by invading China and got HK ceded to Britain. It had better look at the mirror and stop being a lapdog of US and trying to mess around with China.

News & Blogs

2021-05-16 16:49 | Report Abuse

Ben Tan , Thanks for explaining how the tax credit incentives of US 482 billions will benefit Supermx in longer term . Many investors may not realised such incentives and complained that about the higher cost of manufacturing in US .The value of Customer Intimacy and the proximity of supplier to customer is a plus to customer royalty and ensuring future repeat orders . With such tax incentives , the investment of US 550 is almost " free " .

News & Blogs

2021-05-16 16:40 | Report Abuse

Dicky , Which statement and analysis are fitting analysis and connecting the dots ?

Statement " Blended ASP in Jan/Feb/March are USD 84.6 / 87.65 / 89.2 " are real numbers provided by Supermx to the Analysts during their briefings .

Statement " Supermx has orders booked until the end of this year with advance payment ( 30 - 50 % of order value in some cases ) collected " is also factual.

Statement " Its contractual orders in hand will help avoid any drastic fall in ASPs for the rest of the year " is also factual .

Also statement like April --June quarter ASP is likely to be in USD 80 - 110 is also real number provided by Supermx .

The above statements are factual not chaotic as described by you .

Chaotic are situations when too many naysayers giving numbers without basis .

News & Blogs

2021-05-16 13:06 | Report Abuse

Ben Tan, thanks for your article and follow up on supermx after the QR .
There was initial confusion on the ASP drop but when I read the TA, Nomura and Affin Bank Analysts reports , it became clearer that the 15 % to 25 % drop did not affect last qtr result and also the next 3 qtrs .

Nomura report provided the clearest ASP trends . The statement " Blended ASP per 1,000 pcs for Jan/Feb/Mar was USD 84.6 / 87.65/89.2 clearly and obviously showed an uptrend but at a slower rate . The peak would either be in March or April after ASP started to taper off and drop.

With the information of RM 330 m revenue loss due to Meru shutdown , we can derive the ASP for last qtr fairly accurately . If we add back this RM 330 m to last qtr revenue of RM1938 million or RM 1.938 billions , the total revenue would have been RM 2.268 billions. Since we know the capacity of supermx in last qtr was 26/4 or 6.5 million . Assuming utilization of 95 % , Supermx would have shipped 6.175 billions pcs with a revenue of 2.268 billions if there was no meru plant shutdown . THE ASP was calculated to be at US 88.5 assuming exchange rate of 4.15 last qtr .

With the information that the ASP for April /May/June will be in the range of US 80 to 110 , we can take the mean or average which is US 95 which is still higher than last qtr of RM 88.5 . THe average could be lower because there could still be some spot sales in this qtr which is lower at between US 70 and 80 which may pull down the contractual agreement prices which was set earlier but deliver in this qtr .
Since there was information that Supermx had its order booked until end of the year , we can also deduce that the ASPs of 2H of CY 2021 would be in the US 80 plus range with leadtimes still hovering at 6 to 7 months .
I think the Supermx briefing to the anlaysts are sufficiently for us to roughly know what to expect for the earnings of the coming 3 qtrs .
The US 70 to 80 ASPs will hit the revenue and earning for CY 2022 as all new contractual agreements will be negotiated with this new pricings . By then, supermx capacity will grow from 26 billions per year to 36 billions per year .

News & Blogs

2021-05-15 14:17 | Report Abuse

Deng Xiaoping was a moderate or Zhong Yong believer 中庸 派 . He was struggling between Capitalism vs Communism and looking for a in betwwen Hybrid of the two system which can work for China.He do not know whether such hybrid system ( socialism eith chinese characters)will work . Many remembered his famous.quote on Black cat and White cat but there was.another of his quote which is equally important . That is " Crossing the river by touching the rocks " or 摸着石头过河。 Since he did not know whether the hybrid system will work , he needs to experiment it first . He started with Shenzen and monitored its progress and adjusting the policy along the way.There was a big risk that the hybrid system may not work but Deng was.willing to take such risk against all odds. Deng decided to cross the river but he did not know how deep the river was. He need to touch the rocks and feel the depth while crossing it . Looking back It was a success by taking such risk. The entry into WTO.in year 2000 was another big risk China took against all critisms from its home industries which were not ready to compete at that time in 2000. China finally proved that they can compete by " crossing the river by touching the rocks".
Now , look at India . Does MODI or any future Indian leaders dare to take such risks? India decided to pull out of RCEP in the last minute giving the reason that it cant compete especially with China being a member. Indian leaders are too afraid of losing out and dare not take risks. They dared not cross the river by touching the rocks.They decided not to cross 。 They are scared of drowning.

News & Blogs

2021-05-15 13:43 | Report Abuse

The ancient China had advocated The Doctrine of the Mean ( Zhong Yong ) more than 2000 years ago .
Zhong ( middle ) is to be unbiased .Yong ( Regular ) is to be unchanging . Zhong , the unbiased way , is to be righteous course to be pursued by all under Heaven ,and Yong , the unchanging principle is the true law regulating all under Heaven. This is the heart of the body of work that has been handed down by the followers of Confucius .
Zi Si , fearing that this discipline may be distorted with the passage of time , wrote it down and passed it on to Mencius .

Both Gautama Buddha and Confucius advocated The middle Path and born 72 years apart in 623 BC and 551 BC respectively . The middle path is a universal wisdom .


2021-05-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

ya. some bad hearted jokers here are quoting US jokers president advocating dont wear masks, dont wear gloves if vaccinated. Smart peoples follow examples of well managed countries. Fools and jokers want to follow examples of worst managed country on.covid 19 pandemic. If want to sincerely.quote good examples , quote China on. how well protected are their medical staff with face masks , gowns and gloves . Their residents are.still.wearing.masks even though.their infection rates are so small in such a big country.


2021-05-14 15:52 | Report Abuse

Ya, Last year ,Donald Trump said Covid is like common flu . It will go away. Dont worry .No need to wear mask. Then , boom, the infections exploded . Donald do not know what to do. He then suggested injecting clororox to kill the virus. The joker PM Boris Johnson is more comical . He told the British dont worry. When 60.%.of British got infected, Britain will enjoy herds immunity. Two weeks later , he himself got infected and went into ICU . Almost dead. He wake up and realised covid 19 is no joke and started mandatory mask wearings in public transport. MODI is even more over confident. In January this year he announced pandemic is over .India has successfully contain covid 19 by drinking cow urines. He also try to compete with China on vaccine diplomacy by donating vaccines to neighbouring countries. He confidently.allowed the big religious activities .Millions congregate in Ganges from early March for a few weeks. He also allowed election.campaigns with mass rally. Then boom, the pandemic exploded . The rest is history. Bolsonaro joker has his jokes also. It will be too long to continue writing about the jokes of these no brainers. These.4 countries has the most deaths on covids .

News & Blogs

2021-05-14 14:12 | Report Abuse

Probability, I think it is not that Malaysia do not want to buy from Pfizer. The Pfizer vaccines are under allocation . US prioritize its own country first followed by by its allies EU and then others. The leadtimes could be 6 months to a year or even longer . China can produce larger qty. If Malaysia can get China vaccines and get 60 % of our population vaccinated, it will help a lot .Hospitals will be eased . Those infected with minor symptons can be healed at home . Death will be minimised. I dont mind gettimg sinovac . Having covid antibodies in our body is better than none. More shops can be opened sooner.US allies India , Korea, Taiwan had been shouting but US still cannot provide firm commitments on delivery of Pfizer vaccines to them.


2021-05-14 13:47 | Report Abuse

geary,thks for your advice . noted. . I saw one bad hearted fellow who quoted Biden that there is no need to wear mask if vaccinated. This is wrong. Such information will cause peoples to spread covid to others. Even if you are.vaccinated, it takes 2 weeks for sufficient antibodies to develop . Besides, vaccines efficacies are not 100 %. It varies from 50 to 90 % depending on what types of vaccines. My intention is to tell all not to listen to the political leaders talk especially those from the west.

News & Blogs

2021-05-14 12:47 | Report Abuse

Although the Sinovac vaccines is reported to have 50 % efficacy, it prevent death and serious complications if the 50 % do get infected. This is based on Results from Brazil and Chile. The other vaccinated 50% when infected will get no symtoms ,mild symptoms or moderate symptoms . Those with.mild symptoms like just a fever will recover within a few days . Moderate symtoms like cough and body ache might take longer. However these infected can spread to others. Sinovac vaccines do help in preventing 50 % of those vaccinated from getting infected and the other 50 % if do get infected, you do not need to go to hosiptal . You will recover.


2021-05-14 12:19 | Report Abuse

Dont listen to what US or its allies politicals speech on covid. Donald Trump , MODI , Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson are the ones who allowed the spread of covid by using false information. Donald Trump even told Americans mask is useless. He and his allies leaders dont believe in lockdown. MODI and Trump even went ahead with election.campaigns and allow the covids to spread further. Look at their death.rate and infected numbers. World top 3. Pls Follow the SOP s.


2021-05-14 11:09 | Report Abuse

Based on historical facts, the influenza flus virus are the great great great ......grand children of 1918 Spanish flu virus. The original 1918 spanish virus married other viruses and produced mutated children and the children keep producing and so on and so forth. The current flus virus can be lethal too. Every year ten of thousands of peoples die of Flu epidemics .Vaccines producers have to keep changing their vaccines every year to fight the newly mutated viruses. The covid 19 Corona virus will also keep mutating like spanish flu virus. The current Indian double mutant are the children of mutated English and African breeds. Hence , the covid 19 viruses or their mutated children or great grand children are going to stay with us. Some mutated virus children can be very strong and lethal while some can be weak or mild.As time go by after many years , many will get infected and recovered. More and more humans will get better and better immunity and live with the mutated covid 19 viruses which are similar to current common flu viruses.


2021-05-14 10:24 | Report Abuse

Haha, when the cat got sick , the rat ptetend to be sad .


2021-05-13 22:57 | Report Abuse

Yong Ken , fully agreed with you. They are forcing TSMC and Samsung to set up a plant respectively with its state of the art 5 nm wafer fab. Both companies have no choice if they do not want to be blacklisted or sanction by US. The US government of today are protectionist and big bully .

News & Blogs

2021-05-13 22:02 | Report Abuse

Historically, a dynasty will be changed by uprising from its residents when their livelihood were threatened. Hunger, disease, homeless, inequality are the signs that a revolution.is imminent. Such phenomena does not happen in China today. India seems to have such phenomena today . The democraticlly elected government is hopeless. The signs are there. India will be disintegrated . The British inherited democratic system just does not work in India. The system created social division and serious corruption. India need a super strong leader to unify and standardise into one india. Today India comprises of many little India. The.first high speed train project just.cannot take off because of too many internal conflicts.It is a shame that the biggest democracy in the world is far far behind China . India is really a



2021-05-13 19:51 | Report Abuse

Topglove has not been.making shipments to US since US CBP first ban its shipment in July last year. The ban has not been.lifted.So what seizure ? Shipment from last year stuck.at customs? Now only seized and then donate to one of the gospitals for free.
Anyway , Topglove has been living with this ban since 9 months ago. Despite the ban., Topglove still delivered record earnings in.last 3 qtrs.after the ban.


2021-05-13 17:44 | Report Abuse

It is a clear cut political . There is a local.media who has been.constantly.attacking topglove despite what topglove.had done to improve the conditions. This media is working in concert to defame Topglove. Obviously., double standard when Nike and H&M had worst forced labour records in.Cambodia , Myammar, Bangladesh but nothing.is being done to ban their shipments. Unfortunately the government is doing nothing to help . Only.know how to collect fat taxes .

News & Blogs

2021-05-13 15:54 | Report Abuse

Beast of the East , Agree with you no party can last forever . PAP ruled Singapore for 60 years and continue to rule . BN ruled Malaysia for for 65 years and then collapsed replaced with PR and now Perikatan. It has been 3 years after the change . Are we seeing improvements ? India has change several governments in the last 74 years since its independence in 1947 . Does the government do anything concrete and solid in terms of poverty eradication , infrastructure developments ,eliminate the oppression of lower cast , reduce the rape cases and improve the rights of women ??? Slums were everywhere .There was no proper hygience and sewerage system .
There was a misconception that China do not have democracy . China elections are based on hierarchical electoral system whereby local People's congress are directly elected . All higher People's congress until National Peoples' congress are elected by the People's congress. In Malaysia , we are allowed to elect Adun and MPs but the MB , CM and Prime Minister are not elected by the peoples but by the Aduns or MPs respectively . Sometimes , the MB or CM may not be elected by the Aduns or MPs but by the top leader of the party . These appointments must also get the blessings of the Sultans and Agong .
In the last 40 years , China was ruled by Deng , Jiang , Hu and now Xi. On average one leader rule for about 10 years . LKY ruled Singapore for 30 years , DR M for 22 years and came back for another 2 years . Merkel ruled Germany for 16 years . Both LKY and Merkel had done very well and well like by their respective residents . At the end of the day, it is result that counts . Substance is more important than form . India can shout they are the biggest democracy in the world but their freedom to exercise their vote once in every 4 years plus their freedom to criticise the government means nothing to the majority poors & homeless who were denied the basic needs of decent livings .
To summarise , Deng Xiaoping famous quote " I dont care whether the cat is black or white , the one can catch mice is a good cat " is significant . He do not care what political or economic system , as long as the system can deliver and improve the lives of the peoples , it is a good system .


2021-05-13 12:17 | Report Abuse

MFCB has a positive cash flow of about 450 m illions annually from Don Sahong power plant from the sale of electricity. This is contractual business for 25 years. Average profit is 330 millions per year . MFCB has never lost money in the last 20 years even without the Don Sahong project . Earning.per share is projected to be 73 s based on public invest projection. How can it go bankrup ?


2021-05-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

My topglove with.an average.cost of 5.50 , Hartelega average cost of 9.60 and supermx cost of 4.90 were stucked . I had received 2 dividend from topglove with average yield of 15 %. Hartalega with its 60 % dividend policy will be paying 17.7 sen in.June and another 19.6 sen in Sept equivalent to 8 % dividend yield. My supermx will also be paying 13 sen dividend in early June with a yield of 10 %. Instead of letting the money stucked in the bank with less than 2 % interest, I prefer my money get stucked in glove stocks. Now.eating my beef rendang . Selamat Hari Raya to all i3 participants.