
pjseow | Joined since 2017-02-05

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2020-02-03 15:41 | Report Abuse

Those who shorted these 2stocks this morning will get burnt .


2020-02-03 15:38 | Report Abuse

The jumbo sales this morning is over for.Jaks and mfcb.


2020-02-02 11:05 | Report Abuse

The Wuhan virus is not as deadly.as.the.Sars, Mers ,H1N1 ,Ebola or Nipah virus. Todate ,the death rate is 2 % which is much lower than the others epidemic. I think.our dengue fever killed more peoples in Malaysia . Like any other virus epidemic, it will be over in.a few months time . Buy on dip .Be greedy when peoples are fearful. Use only your spare cash . The correction is nothing compared with the 1998 and 2008 . I am still holding on to my Jaks, mfcb, dayang ,Duopharma and mkh . I m.for the medium and long term. I made 5x from supermx which.I bought during the.dip in 2008 . Quote from.Warren Buffet , big correction.is just a jumbo. sales.


2020-01-24 08:46 | Report Abuse

DK 66, OTB, Win 3313, Leapkcfy and all i3 participants
Wishing you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.


2020-01-24 00:09 | Report Abuse

OK, Based on.dayang.experience, the retail investors dont like to hear the word RI which is taboo to them. I just couldnt understand . If RI.is used properly to purchase a lucrative assets , it is in fact good news. When.mfcb finished its right.issue to finance its Don.Sahong power plant in mid 2016, its.share price shot up from.2.00 to 4.00 within less than.a year. Similarly dayang share price is.up 50 %
after its right issue in Nov. Personally, I think.it is good idea to buy up the 10.% share of the jv within one year after operation by using partially.right issue and partially from the first year earning. The 10 % cost only rm.190 million but its return is 100 million per year assuming 300 million.earning.from the 30% share . The payback.is less than 20months . Even if we assume 250 million.earning per year, the additional 10% will return 83.3 million per year . The payback is.just 2.3 years. Assumimg.a 10%
dilution of right issue but 33 % of additional earning, jaks still have a net 23% increase in eps.. This is worth the exercise. My 2 sen opinion.


2020-01-23 22:10 | Report Abuse

ok. forget about what I said . I.am just guessing.
DK 66 is right. On your question.of what kind of right issue is attractive. Just look.at dayang latest right issue which was offered at 50%
discount.at 92 sen when the share price is at 1.90. At today price, the shareholders have made 200 %..


2020-01-23 21:35 | Report Abuse

Tom Tee, yes. Perdana was a.drag on Dayang profitability for both 2018 and 2019. With.the annual saving of about 30 million plus better vessel charter rates and utiluzation.,perdana will.be profitable .This will help dayang p&
l .


2020-01-23 19:39 | Report Abuse

DK 66, you are right . The warrant epiry.date is 2023. There is no hurry to convert. He is one of the director. It may explain why he sold his shares earlier. He need money to convert.his warrant . This money will help the company now.


2020-01-23 19:17 | Report Abuse

Haha, let me join the fun in solving the puzzle. To convert the 8 million warrants he already possess into mother shares, he need to come up with 8x 0.64 million cash which is 5.12 million.
If he sell.his.8 million warrants for 1.19 per share ,he can get 9.52 million cash 。Together with the 5.12 million cash, he has a total of 14.64 million cash which can buy him more than 10 million shares which is 2 million more shares he can get. It doesnt make sense right? Unless the company will be payimg.dividend.which.is quite unlikely in the near future.The most probable scenario is the company will offer attractive right issues. warrants are not entitled for right issues. only mother shares are. Selling large qty of warrants will depress the market price of both warrants and mother shares whereas conversion will not.


2020-01-23 09:25 | Report Abuse

There are 2 stocks which has high orderbook with good margins . They are mfcb and Jaks .
MFCB 25 years orderbook is 11.5 billion while Jaks orderbook is 18 billion . The gross margin is 54% and 34 % respectively. These 2 stocks also meet the platinum rule of 2020 earning will be better than 2019 and 2019 earning will be better than 2018. The PE s of these two stocks are also less than 10 of 2020 project eps based on yesterday closing prices. Both.stocks has been on sharp uptrend in the last 6 months


2020-01-23 09:06 | Report Abuse

KYY advocated his golden rule that he will buy the stock if next qtr result will be better than.this qtr and this qtr result must be better than previous qtr. I think this rule cannot be applied to dayang.because it is unlikely.Q1 2020 result will be better than Q4 2019 result .Dayang revenue.and.profit.is very much.affected by monsoon and it is seasonal. I would.advocate Yearly.Result.rather than qtrly Result to normalise or linearlise the uneven.seasonal qtrly performance. Based on the inputs from the few IBs , dayang will do better in 2019 compared with 2018.and 2020 will do better than 2019.


2020-01-23 08:35 | Report Abuse

Big investors will buy stocks with.revenue and profit certainty . They are willing to give higher PE to stocks with huge order book which can last many years. The 5 billion orderbook.which can last for 4 years provide an ANSHINKAN that the revenue can hit more than.a billion per year .for the next 4 years. The good gross margin.is another buffer or cushion.against any fluctuations in cost overrun. .Dayang is also a leader in offshore maintenance with good track record.


2020-01-23 08:19 | Report Abuse

It looks like Dayang.is approaching the rm 3.00 psychological tgt. Dayang hinted they may give dividend if the cash flow continue to be excellent .
The management had repeatedly state that they are striving to go back to previous Glory.


2020-01-22 22:46 | Report Abuse

The last public.invest report highlited that the Don Sahong power plant is capable to.produce 2000GW of electricity per year. With.the average of US 0.07 per kwh , the annual revenue is rm 460 million. With the estimated earning of 250 million, the gross margin is 54%.With full conversion of warrants in April , the total number of shares is 474 million which will give an eps of 53 sen. .With estimated eps of 5.sen from the resource and property division.and another 8 sen from the5th turbine project, the total eps will be about 66sen.


2020-01-22 13:28 | Report Abuse

Since I bought back.some Dayang.at 1.93 , I have made 48%. Based on TA , I did not see any sign.of reversal . Based on FA , it has about 5 billion order book and the 60% owned perdana is doing very well.with more contractds on hand and.debt.issues resolved . The.last 7 qtrs yoy are all green which means dayang are doing.better every qtrs for the.last 7 qtrs. The gross margins of 25% of its maintenance business is also the best among.the peers. Its free cash.flow has been.superb for the last 4 years . I cant find.any reason to.sell.at this moment.


2020-01-22 11:43 | Report Abuse

Public Invest latest report on mfcb . It stated that the Don.Sahong.hydro electric power plant can achieve 2000 GW per year with 0.88 utilization rate . The 2000GW is derived from
260 x 365 x 24 x 0.88 . The total hrs is 7708 hrs which.is much higher than 6500 hrs or 7238 hrs used in Hai Dong coal power plant. I am suprised with the high utilization hrs for the Don.Sahong hydro electric power.plant which depends on the volume of water in mekong river. During.dry.season, it cant operate full swing. The 88% utilization could be a.bit.over optimistic.


2020-01-21 22:23 | Report Abuse

Good news DK , when the steam blow test is completed,it will.be another important milestone achieved . We can.expect the IBs to further upgrade Jaks tgt price.


2020-01-21 21:53 | Report Abuse

kukuman , you have a short memory . Didnt you see our reactions when during. second.half of Nov last year when.the price.went.down.from.1.43 to 1.14 . We were happily collecting more at such.good discounts。


2020-01-21 21:11 | Report Abuse

Kukuman, you disappeared from jaks forum.for mote than.3 weeks and now.suddenly came back.and showed interest.Did you buy some in the last few.days after the breakout from 1.29?
Today A small.pullback only. Why worry. AS though.you have.not seen a much bigger pullback in.Dayang.while ascending up.all the way from.90 sen to 2.88 yesterday. Dont.worry lah . Have a.good sleep tonight and enjoy the coming.Chinese nrw year. Thanks.for your much.less hostility towards DK 66 ya. Dont forget to thank him if you make money on Jaks.


2020-01-21 17:44 | Report Abuse

LouiseS, Public Invest upgraded the tgt prices a few times premised on.2020 earnings when the Don.Sahong power plant went operation with projected eps of 50 sen. The forward looking PE is 11 instead of 24 of past earnings. The other attraction.is the projected dividend of 30 sen which will.give a dividend yield of 5.5 % at current price.


2020-01-21 13:50 | Report Abuse

Kukuman , you predicted rm 3.00 in 2017.. During that time the power plant is still.at the infant.stage. How can.Vincent ptedict rm 0.50 in.2021 when.the power plant is operational?
Tgt price of 5.00 could be over optimistic but probable if the plant operate at max capacity.without hicc up. It would be.madness to predict 0.50 tgt price. By the way ,do you still.stand by with your 3.00 tgt , I mean.2020 and of course not 2017.


2020-01-21 12:46 | Report Abuse

probability, glad that you can see.this way. You too has good business sense.
Dayang five year orderbook is about 5 billion
mfcb 25 year orderbook is about 10 billion
jaks 25 year orderbook is about 17 billion.

Not many peoples can see the huge orderbooks in the contractual PPA s but they can.excited with potential order books of a few billions in constructions like highways , buildings .


2020-01-20 14:49 | Report Abuse

Since the fast and furious 30 sen rally of mfcb share price on the 10th Jan plus the recent breakout of Jaks share prices, more IBs are covering Jaks. These Ibs are using TA to establish new tgt prices ranging between 1.60 to 1.70 for Jaks . There are many similiarities between MFCB and Jaks power plants . The two IBs Public Invest and Maybank has been upgrading the tgt prices of mfcb since the beginning of 2019 . We expect Public Invest and Affin to upgrade correspondingly on Jaks tgt prices as completion date is getting nearer and nearer .The potentials earnings of Hai Duong power plant is just too huge for these Ibs to ignore .

News & Blogs

2020-01-20 07:51 | Report Abuse

Enning 22, Deng never promised democracy to US or to anybody.He knew that China was not ready for democracy. If he had turned China into democracy,it will be another USSR which will disintegrate and suffered economic meltdown .Today ,the US and western world are no friendier to Russia despite it had become a democracy. Had China become democracy ,it might be like India which is not capable to eradicate the poverty of its peoples. Deng is very clear in his mind. He wanted to emulate Singapore economic success. Before he died,he told his successors to learn from Singapore and do better. Singapore had never changed government .Although Singapore is a capitalist country ,its housing and a few other policies are very socialist in nature and in fact more socialist than China.In my opinion,Singapore HDB should be emulated in Hongkong so that the 20 % poorest can have a decent house to live in. Capitalist system can be ruthless to the disadvantage .A combination of both suit Singapore well and Deng seem to like it and name it socialist with Chinese character which he want China to emulate.

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 20:30 | Report Abuse

SSLee, Good summary of history of modern China. The world is changing and so its China. The socialist system with Chinese character proposed by Deng seems to work well for China. When Deng proposed and experiment with this system, he is not sure whether it will work . Therefore he has another saying " Crossing the river by touching the stones " which means adjustments are needed along the implementation when faced with obstacles. In Chinese , it is 摸着石头过河.

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 17:25 | Report Abuse

Enning 22,have you ever wonder why US treat the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government of Iran as ENEMY whereas the US is so FRIENDLY to the totally non democratic governments of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE? US is silent on these countries lack of human rights and freedom of expressions? Do you know that the hypocritic governments of US and UK orchestrated the removal of democratically elected prime minister of IRAN in 1953 and helped replacing him with the Monarchial prime minister ???

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 16:51 | Report Abuse

Echo what Deng said about black cat or white cat,a government can create wealth and well beings foydgxddswr its people are good government. It is undeniable that the Chinese government has created wealth for its peoples in the last 40 years. Comparing this government.with the democratically elected government of India, the.Chinese government.has done a much better job in improving the livelihood of its peoples.In my opinion, the peoples of China has more freedom in the choice of properties, food ,travel,leisure,cars,clothing .

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 16:38 | Report Abuse

Enning,you trust Trumps and really believe what he said?

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 13:33 | Report Abuse

Can we ponder for a moment and ask the question why the western world chose to invest in " Evil Communist Leninist and Maoist China" in droves rather than invest in the world biggest democracy , India which embrace western values of "rule of law , human rights and freedom of speech and religion" in the last 40 years ???

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 13:17 | Report Abuse

To have apple to apple comparison, we should not take a few third grade.companies from China and make conclusion that these companies represent China companies. The klse composite index pick the best 100 companies while Dow pick 30 best companies. China companies should be represented by ALibaba, Baidu, Ping An, Huawei and other reputable companies. The recent MBI ,JJPTR ,Geneva and some other money games fiasco mekes many mainland Chinese had a bad impressions about Nalaysia.They think that Malaysians are all crooks.Are we ??? Any directors or founders of these companies charged or jailed? Do our government take actions against these cheaters. At least the poisonous milk powder General manager was charged by the government and sentenced to death. When will our government charged these money games white collar crime cheaters?

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 12:50 | Report Abuse

Enning22, since Deng proposed Socialist system with Chinese Character,China economic system is no more marxist .China is very much capitalist with many billionairs and millionairs . They can have private ownerships of lands, houses,properties, cars. Marxists ,Lenist or Maoist do not allow such ownership and wealth disparity. Since Deng opened up and reform the economic system, 700 millions poor residents were lifted out of poverty. Last year, China achieved the first milestone of US 10,000.00 per capita which is 5x of India ,the biggest democracy in the world. Pls get yourself updated.

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 12:26 | Report Abuse

China is a country very much influenced by Confucianism,Taoism and Buddism .In fact, Japan, korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan were very much Confusianist and.Taoist also.These values were carried down from.generation to generation. Today Japan,Singapore and Taiwan are the most confucianist countries followed by Malaysia , South korea and vietnam. It was unfortunate that the cultural revolution in China had destroyed the confucianist Taoist and buddist values and influence
.I think the current government realised these drawbacks and started to put confucianism back to the.schools.The key values 仁,忠,孝,悌,礼,义,廉,耻 will be reinforced. I understand that theirprimary.schools learned 弟子規.

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 08:08 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, the enforcement of the rule of laws play the most important part in ensuring the directors.CEO,CFO or major shareholders comply with the respective laws. In a country with strict enforcement, cheating and insider trading will be minimal.

News & Blogs

2020-01-19 00:25 | Report Abuse

Remember Transmile and Megan media ? The CEO s were from Malaysia and Singapore. What about ENRON , an American company who cheated on its shareholders life savings? What about the money game companies like JJPTR, MBI,GENEVA etc .These are Malaysian companies. While there are ugly Chinese, there are also ugly Americans and Ugly Malaysians.


2020-01-18 13:55 | Report Abuse

Icon888 sifu, agree with you this year will.be very risky year. I decided to go for more defensive stocks like mfcb ,jaks, Dpharma .Anyway, I would like to thk you for your good write up on airasia in 2016. I invested in airasia after reading your article. I made a quite decent returns.


2020-01-18 12:35 | Report Abuse

probability, I supposed you bought them in 2019. Then you would have made more than 10
% by now.congrats


2020-01-17 20:10 | Report Abuse

Probability, did you buy mfcb, Dpharma and mkh?


2020-01-17 20:09 | Report Abuse

Haha , probability, I wish I could be champion. I.would be.happy if I am top 5. My actual return.this year is actually higher at 9.5 %. I am.very happy with the return.


2020-01-17 20:06 | Report Abuse

LKOH, sorry for the late reply. I have no idea about AHealth.


2020-01-17 15:22 | Report Abuse

limcs, I think.maybank.might give higher tp of around 6.00 but not 9 .


2020-01-17 15:03 | Report Abuse

While many are enjoying the joys of making profits, many could be feeling sad for missing the boat or even.lose money because of wrong judgements , let me share.with you the 4 states of mind a.buddist should.possess. There are metta , karuna, mudita and upekka . Metta is loving kindness. DK 66 ,OTB and many.others has shared their research work freely without.any condition . These are the expression.of metta. For those who lost money or miss the boat, we should.feel.karuna .or sympathy for them . For those who are joyful in making profits, we.should feel joyful or mudita for their well beings. For those who attack us with nasty remarks , we should.feel upekka or equainimity 。Equanimity means neutrality, tranquility, peaceful , no anger, no jealousy, no hatred , no sadness. Among.the.four states of.mind.,.Upekka is the most difficult to practise.


2020-01-17 12:25 | Report Abuse

As jaks prices keep going up , private placement prices will be correspondingly higher. Maximum pp allowed is 10 % of total number of shares and maximum discount is 10%. It is better and fairer to raise money through right issues to all shareholders rather than.thru pp where only a few benefited. Jaks can propose more than 10 % if through right issues and a maximum.discount if 50 % of the average prices of last 5 trading days is allowed


2020-01-17 10:57 | Report Abuse

limcs, sure we are interested. Had maybank.given.a.similar upgrade like what public invest did? The.last tgt price.from maybank.was 5.50.


2020-01-17 09:48 | Report Abuse

wow. strong rally . hitting 1.47 . Jaks is followimg mfcb.uptrend 3 months ago. will continue to break one resistance after.another.when the power plant getting nearer and nearer to completion.


2020-01-16 23:38 | Report Abuse

probability. welcome to mfcb forum


2020-01-16 13:23 | Report Abuse

I read somewhere that the 45 % ytlpower owned Attarac powwr plant.can earn US 47 milliom or.about rm 190 million per month. With 8000 million shares,. the eps is.only 2.4 sen. YTL power need more than the Jordan plant to ignite the interest like turning around the.Singapore Seraya plant plus adding the Indonesian plants.


2020-01-16 10:39 | Report Abuse

Public Invest had just upgraded mfcb tgt price from rm 5.71 to rm 6.29 with the completion of transmission line from Laos Don.Sahong to Cambodia. I expect both Affin.and Public Invest to upgrade Jaks tgt prices correspondingly with Hai Duong power plants progressing.smoothly towards more than.90 % completion.


2020-01-16 10:34 | Report Abuse

Jaack, thanks fir sharing the good news. Tgt price increased from.rm 5.71 to 6.29 。MFCB will continue to move up


2020-01-16 00:04 | Report Abuse

Otb, good news on.Pacific Star.already.obtained the CF. This will.put to rest the continuing LAD which.Jaks need to pay.purchasers for late delivery.


2020-01-15 18:27 | Report Abuse

rr88, read my message properly. I bought back.some at 1.93 not 2.70 . I switch to Jaks and MFCB which have been.enjoying.fun.ride too in the last.3 months