
pjseow | Joined since 2017-02-05

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2020-01-15 18:15 | Report Abuse

The great potential of Hai Duong power plant is finally discovered by HLIB which call for trading buy with tgt price of 1.65. I believe Public Invest and Affin Hwang will give a similar upgrade next month or sooner when they knew the project is.progressing well . That will be the next catalyst. There will be few more catalysts along the way until the plant reach commercial operation. It will be a fun ride for all Jaks investors. Congratulations to all and special thanks to DK66 and OTB who have solid convictions on Jaks and have to bear with numerous negative remarks and comments in the last few months by those who are out to destroy the their works.


2020-01-15 11:29 | Report Abuse

teoct, yes. I and my family have bought back some at 1.93 ex right issue when Q3 delivered extraordinary result. Like what you commented, with the almost 2 billion replenishment of orderbook plus Perdana in.much better footing , Dayang is poised to hit 3.00 or more. Once dayang start to reward shareholders with dividend, it will fly.furthet


2020-01-15 10:27 | Report Abuse

With HL invest started covering Jaks and realised the potential of Hai Duong power plant near completion, more IBs will also spend time looking at the potential earnings and upgrade the.tgt price. A breakout might start today.


2020-01-15 10:21 | Report Abuse

Henry8833, must thanks speedlikecy actually.He posted HL article in the forum


2020-01-15 09:47 | Report Abuse

Finally, HL Invest is recommending a trading.buy with a tgt price of 1.65 citing Hai Duong power plant completion.date in.mid 2020 . It also.state a positive breakout of the symmetrical triangle.


2020-01-14 21:56 | Report Abuse

Ron 90, good observation. Dayang has the best profit margin.compared with.penergy, carimin ,uzma and others. Most of the others have less than 10% net profit margin. Higher PE will be given to stocks with higher margin. Similarly,.in glove stocks, Hartelega is.given the highest PE among the 4 top glove producers because it has about 15 to 20% margin whereas the other 3 had only less than 10%.


2020-01-14 21:42 | Report Abuse

DK 66, Welcome back. Thanks for the sharing。Look like the project is progressing well .


2020-01-14 12:53 | Report Abuse

rr88 , dayang is no more the stock.you can klentong Dayang is in.much.better.shape than.8 months ago. Still dreaming dayang.can go back to 1.00 ? Many who bought dayang 8 months ago are laughing all the way today and you continue to sing.the old songs.


2020-01-14 12:41 | Report Abuse

Kenanga upgraded tgt.price of dayang.to 2.75 from 2.35. Estimated contracts worth 2 billions. Total order book may reach 5 billions.


2020-01-14 10:54 | Report Abuse

mmk79 and edkfc , agreed with you both. thks


2020-01-14 10:53 | Report Abuse

KL Tneoh , thanks for sharing


2020-01-14 10:38 | Report Abuse

mfcb fast and furious rally was triggered by successful.completion.of transmission.line from Don.Sahong to Cambodia, KKB and.Dayang.rally yesterday were triggered by.contracts awarded by Petronas. Jaks just need a.catalyst like successful test on steam blowing or what not to trigger the next wave


2020-01-14 09:56 | Report Abuse

The jaks share price has been hovering.between 1.20 and 1.30 for more than a month. It is waiting for a.catalyst to trigger the next rally.
The catalyst is the announcement of the next successful completion of an important milestone. The situation can be best described as 万事俱備,只欠东风.


2020-01-13 23:22 | Report Abuse

huahtai98, agreed with you . The dayang experience exhibits their shortsightedness but their articles and.tgt prices carry weight.


2020-01-13 18:00 | Report Abuse

MFCB and its warrant has a fast and furious rally last Friday . Both shares went up 30 sen and more . I suspect the main reason for the strong rally was the completion of the transmission line between the power plant and Cambodia . This line enable the sale of 198 MW of electricity to Cambodia . I expect the IBs Public Invest and Maybank to upgrade their tgt prices further to more than RM 5.70 regardless of the coming Q4 result . Come back to Jaks , both IBs had upgraded the tgt prices from RM 0.75 to 1.00 ( 33 %)and from RM 1.00 to 1.20 ( 20 %) respectively in Nov 2019 after the release of Q3 result and with 82 % completion of Hai Duong Power Plant . Similar to MFCB, I expect both IBs to upgrade the tgt prices further when the PP reach 90 % completion . Assuming both IB upgraded at the same rate previously , the tgt prices will be RM 1.33 from Public invest and RM 1.44 from Affin Hwang .


2020-01-13 06:55 | Report Abuse

edkfc, thanks for the into. Do you know who is the anchor tenant who take up 154k sq .ft as mentioned in public invest last report . thks


2020-01-12 11:53 | Report Abuse

slts and wujishijimo, kyy could be right .
Look at 2018 qtrly results, Q4 >Q3>Q2>Q1 and
Look at 2019 qtr results Q3>Q2>Q1 .
Also, the last 3 qtrs results are better yoy for all 3 QTRS.
Hence, it is logical and reasonable to.expect the coming Q4 result to be better in terms of qoq and yoy .


2020-01-11 21:56 | Report Abuse

Gemfinder, you are entilted to your opinion. The fact was that despite mfcb had a bad Q3 results both in terms of qoq and yoy, both IBs upgraded the tgt prices from rm 5.00 to 5.50 by maybank and from 5.04 to 5.71 by Public Invest respectively. As for Jaks ,.I will.give my more detailed comments in.Jaks forum. Both public invest and affin.bank also upgraded the Jaks tgt prices by 33.3 and 20 % respectivrly despite poorer qoq result in Q3. What is the key factor which.make these IB s to upgrade their tgt prices despite poorer results than previous qtrs.?


2020-01-11 19:19 | Report Abuse

gemfinder, when a tgt.price is.set or propoased, it is meant for the future be it short term, medium term or longer term. The recent steep price increase is in line with an expected bumper Q4 result as projected bythe 2 ibs in Nov. I also believe that IBs will upgrade the tgt prices in their next report. But the upgrade is not because of Q4 result but with the potentials of making huge earnings from the sale of electricity fromQ1 2020 onwards


2020-01-10 11:52 | Report Abuse

There is no kyy pushing mfcb . The markets knows the value of mfcb s 25 years concessions which will bring in.annual.profit of rm250 millions. Jaks is also projected to bring in 250 million or more annual profits . Once the Hai Duong power plant is more than 95% completed, there will be a re rating by the IB s.


2020-01-10 11:09 | Report Abuse

mfcb rally today with a big bang . Up 15 sen.respectively.for.both mother share and warrant , Jaks will.follow the consistent uptrend in a few months time


2020-01-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

With the transmission line between Don.Sahong.and.Cambodia successfully installed a few days ago, mfcb is set to break another record high.today.


2020-01-10 09:33 | Report Abuse

wow. mfcb is set to make another record high today.


2020-01-09 11:59 | Report Abuse

It is understandable for many to have concerns on the Jaks property development business in Malaysia because of LAD and general poor property market for the last few years . However, the property development segment do have values instead of zero value or negative value. Let us do a logical and objective assessment of the value of the local property segment . Based on last qtr report, the Nett Asset value per share for Jaks is RM 1.51 which include the Hai Duong investment . If we take out the Power Plant JV investment of RM 348 million plus the goodwill of 148 million , the Nett Asset Value of the property business is 452 million which translate into 70 sen per share . Even if you give a discount of 30 % , it is still worth 50 sen per share without the Vietnam power plant . It is not zero or negative value . Property market is in the winter period . After winter , spring will come just like O and G counters had recovered last year and palm oil counters will be doing well this year with the recovery of palm oil price. I am not finance and not an accountant . Hope someone can make a comment on my assessment .


2020-01-09 08:56 | Report Abuse

The 85% occupancy achieved in Q3 2019 was mentioned in Public Invest Research dated 26th Nov 2019. This 85% achieved.was due to.signing of an anchor tenant with 154k sq.ft . Pls read the last paragraph of this report


2020-01-08 22:59 | Report Abuse

Fact is Jaks is losing money??? The cumulative last 3 qtrs in 2019,Jaks already made 90 millions. In 2018,Jaks made a total of 15 millions. In 2017, Jaks made 126 millions. Even if we exclude the one off gain of 88 millions, there was still a profit of 38 millions in2017. In 2016, Jaks made a mserable 800k but not losing.money. In 2015,before the Hai Duong construction revenue came on board, Jaks still made 42 millions. Where on earth the news of Jaks is losing money. As all of us know . Jaks is in property business and property business has been.facing a great.downturn.since 2015. Overall,Jaks has never lose money in.any year .Be objective , look at the real numbers . Put aside emotions.


2020-01-08 20:30 | Report Abuse

leapkcfy, the comment by kn55 on dayang showed that he is another rr88 who will always ask investors to cut loss no matter at what prices. Kn55 comment on 28th may on.dayang was with the intention to put fear into investors. Those who listen to him and cut loss would have regretted when within a few days, dayang share price had a reversal and went all the way up till 2.55 from 90 sen.


2020-01-08 13:43 | Report Abuse

Good news. thanks fir the sharing KL Kneoh


2020-01-08 12:53 | Report Abuse

kn55, you did not tell the full story of 青山and 红山, You also use this proverb in a wrong context. 青山 represent patience ,and look at longer term .Thr moral of the story is to tell peoples Dont be upset with temporary setback but rather prepare for longer term gain . Jaks has good long term prospect with.25 years good annual return . Selling Jaks and cut loss is behaving like 红山.who was short term. You should be like 青山and keep Jaks and dont worry about future earnings.留得傑克在,不怕没钱燒.


2020-01-07 11:08 | Report Abuse

Huahtai98, agreed. MFCB last qtr result was horrible with a 62% drop in profit yoy and.yet the.share price went.up north breaking record. The markets are looking at the.future earning from the sale of electricity .


2020-01-06 12:32 | Report Abuse

It is understandable that many are afraid and sceptikal of Jaks after got burnt by Hengyuan in early 2018 and then burnt again in late 2018 or early 2019 by Jaks . Both stocks were promoted heavily by KYY . While the Jaks fiasco in late 2018 was well explained why the timing of entry in 2016, 2017 and even 2018 may not be right if you do not have holding power . The financial results of Jaks during the 3 years were just Not Good at all and the Hai Dong power plant completion date is just too far away . Now come to Hengyuan , I invested in HY too when kyy promoted it . I invested in it not because of KYY but the good 2016 result and 2017 first half results were excellent . The 2016 total eps was 114 sen while the 1H of 2017 eps was already 121 sen . I Sailang in August till Nov when the Q3 result was at all time high of 121 s due to all time high crack spread , inventory gain etc. Then the key questions arise . Can HY repeat such performance in 2018 and what are the key factors which determine HY profitability . HY profitability depends on Crack Spread , Crude oil prices , cost to convert its refinery to meet the Euro standards , Taxation. In Jan 2018, crack spreads started to come down and there is a 3 months shutdown in Q3 ,high cost of conversion and also not able to enjoy the tax rebate from the accumulated losses incurred in 2014 and 2016 . I sold all my HY on the 4th of Jan 2018 at an average price of Rm 16.80 . Jaks power plant business is very very different from the HY refinery business . THe billions of business and profits in the next 25 years are already negotiated upfront in the PPA with coal price fluctuations, electricity pricing due to inflation etc taken cared of . The risks are minimal after the high cost of power plant is completed in time . There is no such worry as crack spread , crude oil price fluctuations, shut down every 3 years , conversions and what not .


2020-01-05 22:27 | Report Abuse

DK 66, I read an IB report that the YTLP..45%
owned ATTARAC power plant in Jordan.has an.IRR of 19 % because the.PPA was negotiated in.2011 when the exchange.rate was.RM.3.2 to a dollar. With the stronger US dollar today, the IRR gets better with the more favourable rates. Should Jaks be in.similar improved IRR since the Hai.Dong plant was also negotiated in2011 and the payment of electricity.is.also in.US dollar. Pls help to clarity. Thanks in.advamce.


2020-01-05 21:32 | Report Abuse

This year, there are 3 companies with.investment in power plants which will go into commercial operations .There are mfcb. 80 % owned Don.Sahong , Jaks 30 or 40% owned Hai Dong and YTLP 45%
owned Attarac power plants respectively. Don Sahong PP is expected to go commercial in Q 1 while Jaks Hai Dong will go commercial in Q2 and Q3 respectively. The YTLP Attarac PP will go commercial in Q3. The prices of all these 3 stocks had moved up significantly in the last few months in.anticipation.of good earnings from these power plants. Jaks has the most informations from.DK and other Sifus, The.other 2 stocks do not have so much information relatively. It is ironical that the one with the most.objective facts and figures get the most negative hammerings even.though all the 3 stocks have been moving up.since a few.months ago .with mfcb.took the lead followed by.Jaks and then.YTLP. 真是不識好人心,狗咬吕洞賓


2020-01-05 06:25 | Report Abuse

newbie, a company having lawsuit does not mean.the company is bad. Apple and Samsung are having numerous lawsuits suing each others. Apple lost a suit by Qualcom last year and also lost a suit to creative technology more than ten years ago. Today Apple share price is at all time high of more than US 300 . Warren Buffet also bought a big chunk of Apple .


2020-01-04 16:56 | Report Abuse

Sarawakian and MCA, based on the extracts from.Material Litigation of Jaks qtrly report, the Star owed Jaks Island Circle a few hundred millions vs Jaks Island Circle owing 50 million which was paid in.November when.Jsks.failed to get the stay of execution from.the court.. Although the case against Star is still pending court decision on the final amount to be paid, isnt DK 66 reply that it is Star owing Jaks rather than Jaks owing.Star a correct reply? Please be objective and state what is dishonest ? Calling someone dishonest is defamatory without showing proof of dishonesty.


2020-01-04 10:02 | Report Abuse

Probability, you must be good in.engineering . To me, electromagnetism and thermodynamics are tough subjects. The differential equations in electromagnetism are dreadful. You must be good in maths.


2020-01-04 09:48 | Report Abuse

I had bought Ambank ,maybank and public bank unit trusts before in my last 20 years . It was quite a dissapointment .The returns are low single.digit. I have sold all unit trusts. In my opinion, the top 30 in i3 stock picks competition are better than the Institution investors . The top 30 in last year stock.picks produce excellent double.digits returns. I do not think the more than 15 institutions can beat them in view of dissappointing klse index at the year end closing . Some investors in i3are worried why the IB s do not choose Jaks. Well, they dont choose.dayang.and mfcb in 2019 but these 2 stocks produced excellent results.


2020-01-03 20:16 | Report Abuse

gemfinder , last year any fund manager selected dayang? Many chose CIMB ,maybank and tenaga. In fact all the 4 IBs gave a tgt price of less than rm 1.00 at the end of 2018. What was the dayang closing price on.31st Dec.2019.? A five bagger if you.compared dayang.price at 2nd Jan 2019. Are the IB stupids ?? What are the returns for cimb, maybank and tenaga?


2020-01-03 19:36 | Report Abuse

DK66, yes, based on public invest report dated 19/11/2019, Don.Sahong power plant will sell 85MW of electricity to Laos government earning approximately rm 12 m to 25 million in Q4. This test run is making revenue too. if Hai Dong start generating electricity. it can also make some test run.money from electricity sold.


2020-01-02 22:39 | Report Abuse

Probability, thanks for sharing the photos.


2020-01-02 18:56 | Report Abuse

OTB, yes a good sign on the first day of.2020. Both Jaks and mfcb are up . mfcb continue to break record high. The investors have good confidence on power stocks .


2020-01-02 12:32 | Report Abuse

A new goldmine Don.Sahong with 25 years gold reserve is worth much more than old goldmines with few more yeara to go.


2020-01-02 10:08 | Report Abuse

SSLee, I agree with you.one size does not fit all, there are always exception. I think his golden.rule could be.better if qtr change to year to smoothen out the seasonal nature of our earth. The current year result must be better than last year and next year projected result must be better than this year . I think.JAKS meet this modified golden rule.


2020-01-02 09:10 | Report Abuse

Did kyy follow.his own golden rule on dayang when Q1.2019 result was much.worsed than Q4 2018? He promoted dayang when its Q 4 2018 delivered an outstanding result of 10 sen per share. He projected a 40 sen eps forll 2019 but when a disappointing Q1 result was out , he did not sell his dayang . Only the fools who followed his golden rules sold and made its share price went down to less tha 90 sen. These followers got burnt badly. Had.I followed his rules,.I would have got burnt too.


2020-01-01 20:14 | Report Abuse

Dear Tan KW, Thanks for organising the stock pick competition.


2020-01-01 13:22 | Report Abuse

Investment is putting your money now and hope for better future return. It is like counting the chicken.before it hatch .The key point is when you count the chicken. Some start counting before you buy the eggs or before.you buy a mother hen. Some started counting only on the 19th or 20th.days when you can. see the chicks already cracking the.egg shells. KYY started counting the chickens before he even bought the eggs . Today we count the chickens when.we already saw the chicks breaking the shells . We are more certain today how many chickens will be hatch successfully than 2 years ago . Of course there are.other risks even though the chickens are hatched successfully. They may be eaten by eagles or snakes while growing up.

News & Blogs

1 week ago | Report Abuse

OTB, Thanks for the good write up and sharing.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Happy New Year to all friends and investors in i3. Year 2020 will be a good year for stocks with power plants ready to generate electricity

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 16:54 | Report Abuse

Hi Tan KW, my picks are as follows.

1. MFCB 30%
2. JAKS 30%
3. MKH 15%
4. DAYANG 15%
5. DPHARMA 10%



2019-12-31 16:48 | Report Abuse

KYY recommendation to select stocks based on next qtr earning must be better than this qtr has big flaw . The blind followers of his theory cause many to sell dayang when the first 2019 first qtr result was very much worst than the 2018 4th qtr result even though it was expected because of monsoon . Now, on.Jaks he asked investors to buy Jaks only when it start to sell electricity and showed proven.result. By then, the price of Jaks would have skyrocketed. If we follow, his recommendation, we wouldnt be buying mfcb in the last few months at much lower prices since the last 2 qtr results are worsed than.the previous qtrs.