
risktransformer | Joined since 2016-08-24

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risktransformer means I take on risk whenever I assessed that I can transform holding a risky asset in some ways to make it less risky.





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2018-01-25 11:19 | Report Abuse

@nmaa3003: Maybe he has no more SAPNRG's shares... so he is hoping to buy when the price gap down. Hehehe!!


2018-01-25 10:25 | Report Abuse

@Geo123 & mredzuan: Purple colour (big numbers) r over the counter trade (not direct from open market), e.g. EPF sell directly to KWAP over the counter between themselves.


2018-01-24 23:43 | Report Abuse

But don't sell your BAT's share now.... the price is just beginning to come up. Hold till UOB's TP of RM36.50 then sell (again, don't follow what I say if u disagree... if u lose money, don't blame me). The TP may probably happen b4 the dividend announcement.


2018-01-24 23:26 | Report Abuse

O.K. since u ask about BAT's dividend I will answer that but I hope u will not take it as an argument. Again, this is only my opinion... don't b angry if u disagree (u don't need to follow what I say). And please don't say that I want to cheat u (I don't get any money from u).

From my observation & experience (especially with BAT's dividend), the share price of BAT will drop a lot (like RM2 or RM3) either b4 or after ex-dividend. If someone bought BAT a few weeks ago thinking that he/she will get RM0.45 dividend soon, he/she would already lost around RM4 due to recent price drop. The price may go up a little as the dividend approaches but may drop again after ex-dividend. So, is the RM0.45 dividend worth RM2 or RM3 drop in price?


2018-01-24 23:02 | Report Abuse

BTW, do u also know that I left BJCORP for a long time already & just enter BJCORP again around 1 week ago?


2018-01-24 22:56 | Report Abuse

Am I not right? Paper loss is real loss (nothing more & nothing less). Please read my recent comments in BJCORP to get the right context (things r different in 2016 & 2018) about holding BJCORP. I don't understand y u want to jumble up 2 different topics (paper loss & holding long/short term). Anyway, I am not interested in arguing with u. It's up to u if u cannot accept other people's comment. I don't gain anything from u & I don't see u lose anything from my comment about BAT's long term prospect. So I'll stop here (will not entertain further comments from u).


2018-01-24 22:39 | Report Abuse

As for BJCORP, I also told people there I will only b there temporarily like 2 or 3 months (that is also not long). Please read all my comments carefully b4 making judgements.


2018-01-24 22:18 | Report Abuse

@BAT_: I only entered SAPNRG for around 2 months ago (that is not long) & I also entered BAT only recently (this is also not long). Y u seem to b so angry with other people's comment? What's your problem?


2018-01-24 17:11 | Report Abuse

U can still cari makan from a downtrend counter if u enter at the right time & get out at the right time. But u must never hold onto a downtrend counter for long.


2018-01-24 16:18 | Report Abuse

Welcome back paktua73!


2018-01-24 16:04 | Report Abuse

I think "take profit" should b the right word instead of "cut win."


2018-01-24 15:58 | Report Abuse

@Ooddd: I'm probably same as u.... just bought back a bit only. I can hold this stock forever if I want to (but I don't think that is necessary).


2018-01-24 15:25 | Report Abuse

SAPNRG's management already said their debt has been restructured till 2019 (implying a fixed rate debt... but I cannot prove or guarantee this).


2018-01-24 14:56 | Report Abuse

Depends on what kind of debt SAPNRG has: whether floating rate or fixed rate (more likely fixed rate).


2018-01-24 11:36 | Report Abuse

Agree with IloveRX.


2018-01-24 11:22 | Report Abuse

U r really smart... enjoy the game.


2018-01-24 11:15 | Report Abuse

Y cover back so fast? Y not wait till late afternoon?


2018-01-24 09:49 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! IloveRX, very often people r trapped at higher prices... in your case, u may find yourself trapped down there at lower prices.


2018-01-23 20:30 | Report Abuse

Don't worry too much... if it wants to go up it will go up no matter who tries to press it down.... if it wants to go down it will go down no matter who tries to push it up.


2018-01-23 16:35 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha!! Looks like price starting to get higher now. if want to buy back better buy back now.


2018-01-23 15:30 | Report Abuse

Looks like u may have to buy back at higher prices.


2018-01-23 13:51 | Report Abuse

Hard to sue them bcoz they have a disclaimer at the bottom of the last page of their document that stated:

"This document has been prepared for general circulation based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable but we do not make any representations as to its accuracy or completeness. Any recommendation contained in this document does not have regard to the
specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may read this document. This document is for the information of addressees only and is not to be taken in substitution for the exercise of judgement by addressees.
Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or any solicitations of an offer to buy or sell any securities. Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad and its associates, their directors, and/or
employees may have positions in, and may effect transactions in securities mentioned herein from time to time in the open market or otherwise, and may receive brokerage fees or act as principal or agent in dealings with respect to these companies."


2018-01-22 22:36 | Report Abuse

That is more likely.


2018-01-22 22:22 | Report Abuse

VT will not lose a few million RM on this counter.


2018-01-22 17:18 | Report Abuse

I feel sorry for u, newbie. But maybe a few more days (if lucky) the price may go to 0.360 & u can get out of this counter without losing your money.


2018-01-22 10:41 | Report Abuse

When the price want to go up somebody will quickly sell millions of shares to keep the price down; when the price want to go down that somebody will quickly buy up all the shares to prevent it from going down. This is clearly a "control counter." So don't expect it to go up for awhile...


2018-01-21 22:28 | Report Abuse

What is important is not what will benefit BJCORP or the Directors of BJCORP. What is important to minority shareholders is either HIGHER CASH DIVIDENDS or HIGHER SHARE PRICE (or both). It is just as simple as that. Why is this so difficult for BJCORP's BOD to achieve? If other corporations in Malaysia can pay high dividends & their share price can keep going up higher & higher, y can't BJCORP? Just answer my simple question instead of keep throwing out all the good things that will benefit BJCORP.


2018-01-21 18:34 | Report Abuse

I hope those rumors (about listing & Pegaga project) will turn out to be true (suspiciously no official announcement). Otherwise, the price of SAPNRG will drop to RM0.500... easy calculation: recent highest price RM1.05 divide by 2 = RM0.500. So, now everything depends on these 2 rumors (whether true or not): if true then price goes up to TP 1.20 or 1.30; if not true then price may go down to 0.600 or 0.500.


2018-01-21 17:50 | Report Abuse

@GG_Liang: I think in every stock forum we have people like calvintaneng. The more u follow their advise the more your money get stuck in the stock they recommend & then after a few years holding those lousy stock (recommended by them) u have to sell without any profit or even at huge loss. To me, putting your money in BJCORP for long term is a certain waste of time but for temporary like 2 or 3 months is O.K.


2018-01-21 17:36 | Report Abuse

@GG_Liang: I was at SAPNRG forum for more than 2 months. I observed hng33's "expert" movement in & out of SAPNRG a few times everyday. I think he never recovered his huge loss from averaging down (from above RM1.00 all the way down to RM0.665) by jumping in & out many times everyday when the price started moving up from RM0.665 to RM1.05 & then down again to RM0.755.


2018-01-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

@Dennis NP Lee: I bought back BJCORP at 0.340, not above 0.400 as u assumed. How did u know I cannot make money from other good counters? I sold off other "good counters" a few days ago just when their price was dropping like shit.... BJCORP was the only counter that did not drop much. That was the reason I park my money here. I will not lose money here in BJCORP bcoz I know its price behavior very well (even though I know I will not make much profit from it). I don't think u can teach me anything about the stock market that I don't already know.... I may be more experienced & skillful than u (u never know).


2018-01-21 10:15 | Report Abuse

Yes, hold only very small percent of portfolio.... otherwise cannot tahan if price suddenly drop very low.


2018-01-20 20:03 | Report Abuse

Normally, when the company buy back shares the price of the share will rise (but not for BJCORP). It could be due to: company issue new shares to their Directors as bonus; their Directors sell their bonus shares to get cash; the Directors then use the company's money to buy back those shares sold. This is only my own simplified opinion.... the reality might be more complex than that or slightly different.


2018-01-20 19:46 | Report Abuse

VT & RT may be the ones keep selling their shares & pushing the price down to low levels.... then from time to time (once in a while) will suddenly buy back huge quantity of shares at the lowest price. This explains the once a while sudden surge in BJCORP's share price.


2018-01-20 19:41 | Report Abuse

So, they must have sold off 15% (from the original 75%) during the past few years while I'm gone from this counter.


2018-01-20 19:39 | Report Abuse

BTW, VT & RT together already hold almost 60% of BJCORP shares (based on the latest circular).


2018-01-20 19:33 | Report Abuse

@tt101: Thanks for sharing those info. My 75% founder family ownership was based on my knowledge quite a few years back when I was holding BJCORP shares then... things must have changed since I left this lousy counter many years ago. I didn't bother to read up on the company's new development bcoz no matter how much time I spend reading the price also won't seem to move much. This time around, I'm just temporarily parking my money in this counter for a few months.... who knows? the durians may drop during the next few months.... hehehe!!


2018-01-20 18:54 | Report Abuse

@Bf Siau: I certainly hope many punters will start accumulating BAT shares now. BAT has already weathered many bad news for the past few months such as EPF exiting as substantial shareholder & being kicked out as a KLCI component. All the while it is still running a profitable business & paying very good dividends.


2018-01-20 18:45 | Report Abuse

@goldentriangle: One reason KLCI cannot reach 2,000 is bcoz EPF has been on a selling spree on many many counters for the past few months.


2018-01-20 18:40 | Report Abuse

ysy99999 may have a point there... need to consider that.


2018-01-19 18:48 | Report Abuse

newbie2014, if u want fast ang pow money, buy BAT now. Click the link below & take a look at its chart (but buy at your own risk... I cannot guarrantee).


2018-01-19 18:24 | Report Abuse

I think theguyz is right (it could be just window dressing). But whatever it is... the price going up today is good & hopefully on Monday too (then that would be able to help TA confirm the uptrend).


2018-01-19 18:20 | Report Abuse

Most of the content of the article are old news... only the first 2 sentences mentioned about the possible listing (but it said... if it does happen). So there is a big "if" there.


2018-01-19 18:14 | Report Abuse

It said: "Following the recovery in crude oil prices, Sapura Energy Bhd is said to be mulling the listing of its..." (The title of the article even has a Big ?) So they r not seriously going in that direction yet. Looks like today's last minute panic buying was more speculation than fact. If later when it takes a long time for that to happen then the price of SAPNRG may drop very fast again. Anyway, have to see what happens on Monday to decide whether to top up SAPNRG or not.


2018-01-19 18:03 | Report Abuse

newbie2014, better don't keep buying.... it won't go up for some time. As I say, this is a sleeping counter. Better buy other counters that r already coming up in price. This counter may not give u ang pow in time for the Chinese New Year.


2018-01-19 17:52 | Report Abuse

@limkokthye: I told u.... BAT will go up in price after u cut-loss (it always does).


2018-01-19 17:50 | Report Abuse

I don't think it will shoot up to $50, even back to $40 also not sure can or not bcoz BAT has a long term down trend (so cannot hold it for long). This is due to its declining business (but it is still profitable... less profitable though over time). But my TP at $36.60 should be achievable.


2018-01-19 17:16 | Report Abuse

Wah!! spiderman49, u really choon2 come on time ha!? Hahahaha!! Happy to see u back!


2018-01-19 17:01 | Report Abuse

Today EPF fund manager on holiday.