
supermix2 | Joined since 2015-11-03

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2016-03-24 01:11 | Report Abuse

Guan Eng, let us not compare this Shabudin Yahya fellow to Rafizi Ramli and Tony Pua. He is totally unfit even to lick the soles of Rafizi's and Tony's shoes. He is obviously a coward, and that he's made an accusation he is completely unable to back up with irrefutable evidence.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 01:10 | Report Abuse

Very simple, this pussy Shabuddin couldn't repeat his claim outside of parliament, he has no proof and evidence, case closed what's there to argue?

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 01:10 | Report Abuse

The Tasek Gelugor UMNO MP Shabudin Yahya tried to be an UMNO Baru hero by bringing-up the 30 yrs Pinhorn bungalow purchased for RM2.8 millions by Penang CM,YB Lim Guan Eng into a corruption issue but was very badly flayed in the process.Now he has to turn and run with his tail between his leg. When challenged by YB LGE for a debate,Shabudin Yahya said it was a cheap gimmick and immature,what a dumb-ass MP sitting in arliament at tax-payers expense.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 01:08 | Report Abuse

Well done LGE.... shame those crooks who build mansions beyond their pay scales


2016-03-24 01:06 | Report Abuse

PUTRAJAYA: A ministry division secretary was detained yesterday on suspicion of masterminding a syndicate to misappropriate government funds and accepting bribes amounting to some RM20 million.

The senior officer were among nine individuals, including a woman, who were arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) during the Ops Tiris yesterday.

MACC's director of investigations Datuk Azam Baki said the syndicate was believed to have been active for the past five years causing the government a loss of over RM100 million.

"The syndicate is believed to have been active since 2010. In its modus operandi, the suspect would instruct the finance agency division at the ministry to make payments to 14 companies for organisation of sports-related programmes.

"No payment claims were submitted to the finance agency by the companies which were actually operated by the syndicate's members but the senior officer's role was to ensure that payments were made to the companies," he told a media conference here Saturday.

He added that the suspect was found to have received kickbacks in the form of cash and facilities such as two houses, 12 luxury cars, 40 branded handbags, paid insurance, credit cards and unit trust shares worth millions.

The syndicate members, aged between 28 to 56 years, were remanded for seven days beginning Friday.
The investigation was conducted in accordance with section 17 (a) of the MACC Act 2009 and money laundering offenses under the Prevention of Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism and the Unlawful Activities Act, 2001.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 01:01 | Report Abuse

All these Mahligais must be investigated. What are their income, how they got so much of money, so big land, much tax they paid? MACC got balls? Income Tax DG got balls?

We need to recover some 'stolen' properties to sell and reduce collosal national debts najib has created .


2016-03-24 00:56 | Report Abuse

Stupidity of U , Khairy ! Resign cos U Fail to Deliver Your Duty..........No Need To Tell Story


2016-03-24 00:55 | Report Abuse

He is d head of sport ministry,how can he said he don't know...or I think maybe he is one of them??? easy who approved all d fund...don't tell me u didn't check where d funding goes....How ppl can trust u now Mr Minister....


2016-03-24 00:54 | Report Abuse

KJ.....Wasn't is part of ministery's job to check his department spending??? You either doing a poor job or not doing your job at all...


2016-03-24 00:53 | Report Abuse ministry already songlap 100million....If 10 ministries also did the same....can u all imagine how serious d corruption in M'sia...and it can destroy d whole nation...Now I understand why they took away subsidies one by one to cover their corruption (sorry donation)practice....haha...


2016-03-24 00:52 | Report Abuse

If I lose RM100, I'd already notice. How can any orgn lose RM100mil and nobody notices? UNLESS ALL are part of the game to rob the Rakyat

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:51 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:50 | Report Abuse

A CM so humbly said they may not be able to afford if he is not elected says a lot about lge and betty yet many supports unwanting characters who lived in palaces and defended that its the same scenario. How blind can you be? Its a free world alright and you can throw any accusation you wish but pls, at the end of the day... touch your conscience a bit, tepuk dada and ask yourself... was this a blatant corruption and that this tokong is being way out of line? Look back at all the mega and blatant corruptions commited by other dirt cheap politicians... you do the math.


2016-03-24 00:47 | Report Abuse

A country that have believe in GOD as first rukun principle and yet corrupt to the core.


2016-03-24 00:47 | Report Abuse

It is Anwar's fault. Or LGE's fault. Or LKS's fault. Hee,hee, hee.


2016-03-24 00:44 | Report Abuse

'Heads should roll over RM100m embezzlement'

National Human Rights Society (Hakam) chief Ambiga Sreenevasan and Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) executive director Cynthia Gabriel have demanded for heads to roll over the alleged embezzlement of RM100 million in the Youth and Sports Ministry.

Cynthia said Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar and the director-general of the department involved should be held accountable.

“To be blunt, it should be the minister and the director-general of the ministry who is directly responsible for the public sector personnel in that department,” she said, when asked who should be held accountable for the case

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:40 | Report Abuse

Thanks to BN lackey for allowing LGE to reveal his net worth. Does all BN MPs and State Assembly person have the guts to reveal the value of their residence and when it was acquire. Also invite the media to enter your residence. If this LGE property episode put the UMNO and BN politicians in the bad light of living in excess, they have the UMNO MP to blame for stirring the hornet's nest. The moral of this episode is "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stone". How can voter support those who open their mouth without consulting their brain. Opposition supporters, start working on a property acquisition trail of all BN and BN friendly MPs and State Assembly persons fot thr next election. Remember all your findings must be substantiated with facts and evidence. Do not allow emotions and hatred dull your objectives. A little help goes a long way.. Good luck.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:38 | Report Abuse

Wasting time this umno /mca people
..spend more time on others things!!!

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:38 | Report Abuse

CM Lim....we Penang people & also Malaysian people are 100% behind you!

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:37 | Report Abuse

Where are all the bums now hiding behind the Parlimen privilege.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:36 | Report Abuse

2.6 billion in personal account and 250 million lembu condominium no problem buying 2.8 million house big problem

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:35 | Report Abuse

From now on, if there still anybody or any party who still not satisfy on the price of the bungalow purchase by LGE, you're welcome to repeat the same allegation against LGE & it's previous bungalow owner in front of all reporters .


You will definately be sued until you have no more pants to wear.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:33 | Report Abuse

Thanks to all BN bustards,you really make LGE stronger cause you guys are so so so stupid.IQ is lower than my PIG.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:31 | Report Abuse

Hope this unwarranted event will give more strength to Penang CM to fight against evil and madness in the country political field. BTW, he bought it with a bank loan!

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:30 | Report Abuse

Thanks to BN lackey for allowing LGE to reveal his net worth. Does all BN MPs and State Assembly person have the guts to reveal the value of their residence and when it was acquire. Also invite the media to enter your residence. If this LGE property episode put the UMNO and BN politicians in the bad light of living in excess, they have the UMNO MP to blame for stirring the hornet's nest. The moral of this episode is "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stone". How can voter support those who open their mouth without consulting their brain. Opposition supporters, start working on a property acquisition trail of all BN and BN friendly MPs and State Assembly persons fot thr next election. Remember all your findings must be substantiated with facts and evidence. Do not allow emotions and hatred dull your objectives. A little help goes a long way.. Good luck.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:29 | Report Abuse

I think there is no need for YB LGE to explain any further as the SD is self explanatory. Consult your lawyers and initiate legal action against that UMNO idiots for false claim against you in your personal capacity. And also any news print that tainted your name following the UMNO idiots false claim.

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:28 | Report Abuse

Just initiate legal proceedings on those fitnah-mongers. No need to explain to idiots who won't accept any reasoning. Let them shame themselves in the court of law, and be subjected to Allah's grilling in the hereafter. They deserve it!

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:27 | Report Abuse

...continue from above..

CM and his family had been my good tenants for the last 6 years. To me, CM is a respectable leader and I feel very honoured to sell my property to him. I think Penang has done well under his administration. Most importantly I have sold my property to the person I respect. I have no regret of selling my property to CM at RM2.8million. I have cleared myself of unnecessary headache and stress.

I do not understand why my agreement to selling the house to CM has been blown up to such a big national issue when I have no business dealings with the state government. Neither have I obtained any benefit from the state government by selling the house to him. It is my decision at what price I want to sell to the CM. I stress that I was not pressured or forced or under any undue influence by CM or any party to sell the house to CM at RM2.8 million. I sold at my own free will on a willing buyer and willing seller basis.

I also wish to clarify here that I am not a director nor shareholder of KLIDC company which has successfully bid for the Taman Manggis land under an open tender. I am also not involved in the management of the company. I reserve my right to legal action against any party should they try to make unnecessary connection to complicate the matter and drag me into this controversy.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960.

Subscribed and solemnly )
declared by the abovenamed )
at Georgetown )
in the state of Penang ) ……………………………
on this 22nd day of March 2016 ) PHANG LI KOON

Before me,


News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:27 | Report Abuse

Exco Member Phee Boon Poh has read out the Statutory Declaration by Phang Li Koon with relation to the house no. 25, Pinhorn Road, Penang.

In para 12 of the Statutory Declaration dated Mac 22, 2016, Phang Li Koon stated :

I do not understand why my agreement to selling the house to CM has been blown up to such a big national issue when I have no business dealings with the state government by selling the house to him. It is my decision at what price I want to sell to the CM. I stress that I was not pressured or forced or under any undue influence by CM or any party to sell the house to CM at RM2.8 million. I sold at my own free will on a willing buyer and willng seller basis.

Para 13. I also wish to clarify that I am not a director nor shareholder of KLIDC company which has sucessfully bid for the Taman Manggis land under an open tender. I am also not involved in the management of the company. I reserve my right to legal action against any party should they try to make unnecessary connection to the complicate the matter and drag me into this controversy.



I, PHANG LI KOON (NRIC No. XXXXXX-07-XXXX) a Malaysian residing in No. XXX-X, Xxxxx Xxxxx, XXXXX Georgetown, Pulau Pinang solemnly and sincerely declare the following:

I got to know CM’s family since 2008. I became a close friend to his wife, Betty Chew since then because of her friendly and humble character.

In 2008, I bought a house at No. 25, Pinhorn Road, Penang for RM 2.5 million and did some renovation with the intention to let my brother live in. However after I heard from CM’s wife that she was looking for a place to rent due to termites problem at her official residence, I decided to offer them my house to stay. A tenancy agreement was entered and signed on 1/7/2009 with 3 years tenure at RM5,000 per month but later the tenure was extended to another 3 years to 30/6/2015.

At that time I felt very honoured to rent my house to Penang Chief Minister and his family and also able to help them with their house problem.

However, renting the house to them had caused me much distress and stress from the BN and NGOs alleging untrue stories about me. By then I decided to sell the house. There were also more incidents in later years from demonstrations and funeral rites held in front of the house, to even molotov cocktails bomb thrown into the house compound which make the house so exposed and unsafe.

There were endless news on the house with its address and pictures splashed all over the newspapers. I felt very uncomfortable that if my relatives or I ever decide to stay there in future, I will not feel safe and secure to stay in such an overly exposed and much publicized house.

So by early year of 2012, I had orally let CMs wife, Betty Chew know that if they were ready and willing to buy, I will sell them the house at RM2.8 million. I was told by Betty that they were interested but CM was worried that he could not afford buying the house if he was not re-elected as the Chief Minister. So Betty asked whether I would still sell the house to them at the same price of RM2.8 million after the 13th General elections.

However after the 13th general election in 2013, CM’s wife told me that they still need some time to purchase the property and she requested for an option to purchase at later date when they were ready to do so. In 2014 CM and I then executed an agreement dated 23.6.2014 whereby I agreed to grant him a 5 year option tenure to purchase the said property at RM2.8million in consideration of CM paying me RM100,000-00. Pending exercising of the option, I shall continue to allow CM and family to continue renting the said property.

Sometime before the extension tenancy was up in 30/6/2015, I had made up my mind to dispose off the property for good. I am a businesswoman and I do not wish to tolerate unnecessary stress and have my name splashed all over the newspapers or social media again and again especially when those insensitive people want to attack CM or raise issue on the Taman Manggis land which I am not involved. I decided to sell the property because it attracts so many unnecessary publicities and allegations from time to time.

I had again asked CM’s wife, Betty to request CM to exercise the option to purchase. I did not survey the market when I decided to sell to CM in 2015 because I didn’t think it was necessary. I already have CM as a buyer and there was an understanding pursuant to the Agreement dated 23.6.2014 pertaining to the agreed sale price.

After CM’s wife, Betty told me that they have managed to secure a house loan, we decided to sign the sale agreement at the price we agreed earlier; i.e RM2.8mil. From my records the sale & purchase agreement was signed on 28.7.2015 and the bank released the full loan sum in October, 2015. continue below next

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:24 | Report Abuse

That's why I say, when we have a new Government, the MACC must be given separation of powers from the AG, so that they can prosecute cases connected with corruption.
The MACC should start by checking up on who own super bungalows, penthouses, mansions or luxurious vehicles and where do they derive their income from to be able to own such expensive palaces and cars. I'm sure there'll be a lot of explaining to do from the owners and if they cannot proof that they can afford to live such luxurious lives, they should be investigated and prosecuted in the court of law.
This is the only way to catch thieves who are ripping the nation and individuals dry. Anyone agree ?????????

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:20 | Report Abuse

Go & investigate those UMNO MP & Ministers houses and you will be very surprised how expensive they are and I am 101% sure that these UMNO people CANNOT THESE MULTI MILLIONS DOLLAR this comes to the question...where did they the UMNO MPs & Ministers get the tens of millions ringgit to buy those mansions???

Take a good look at these mansions own by UMNO MPs , MBs or Ministers and then ONLY can we talk.

..and these below houses or mansions an UMNO Minister can afford to buy & own and yet they are in fact owning them, so how UMNO boot lickers & supporters???

All these Mahligais must be investigated. What are their income, how they got so much of money, so big land, much tax they paid? MACC got balls? Income Tax DG got balls?

We need to recover some 'stolen' properties to sell and reduce colossal national debts Najib has created .

News & Blogs

2016-03-24 00:19 | Report Abuse

Go & investigate those UMNO MP & Ministers houses and you will be very surprised how expensive they are and I am 101% sure that these UMNO people CANNOT THESE MULTI MILLIONS DOLLAR this comes to the question...where did they the UMNO MPs & Ministers get the tens of millions ringgit to buy those mansions???

Take a good look at these mansions own by UMNO MPs , MBs or Ministers and then ONLY can we talk.

..and these below houses or mansions an UMNO Minister can afford to buy & own and yet they are in fact owning them, so how UMNO boot lickers & supporters???

All these Mahligais must be investigated. What are their income, how they got so much of money, so big land, much tax they paid? MACC got balls? Income Tax DG got balls?

We need to recover some 'stolen' properties to sell and reduce colossal national debts Najib has created .


2016-03-23 17:05 | Report Abuse

buying a big container of both mother & son at it's lowest price, no paper gain........yahoooooooooooo


2016-03-23 12:02 | Report Abuse

HoHup, mother & son go go go...perform like KimLun & family.


2016-03-22 00:40 | Report Abuse

come in and join in the fun, you will never know what you are missing.


2016-03-22 00:38 | Report Abuse

yahoo1999 Supermix2...i think not by tomorrow..but
will be 0.46 on Wednesday
21/03/2016 17:51

Let's hope that it will surpass this figure...keep our fingers cross and let's wait for our TP of 65++ cents.


2016-03-21 17:25 | Report Abuse

smartly tomorrow 110% can touch 1.10. :(
21/03/2016 17:01

Friend, today small shark pushes down son WE with 1 lot and at 1 cent cheaper...why? course to collect as thye expect mother to move high and indeed it did....and so mother up 9 cents day but son WE stay behind....tomorrow it's son's turn, hahaha


2016-03-21 17:21 | Report Abuse

Today paper gain on both mother & the 2 sons...yahooooooooooo


2016-03-21 17:20 | Report Abuse

Today close beautifully indeed, more to come?


2016-03-21 17:20 | Report Abuse

Sarawak Election go for it.


2016-03-21 17:19 | Report Abuse

Today I wallop more & more of son....tomorrow what will the price be?


2016-03-21 17:16 | Report Abuse

J2529 where is the guy bought 100 unit always. push to 0.415....gogo
21/03/2016 16:48

Friend, that guy really makes us all very happy as today market down but Bio went up 1.5 cents....tomorrow 3 cents perhaps?


2016-03-21 17:14 | Report Abuse

stainlyho37 wa to be push up to 0.375~0.385 ...
21/03/2016 12:21

Friend, tomorrow son sampai this figure and may go to 40 cents's going to be son above 40 cents and mother reaching $3.85 cents. So join in the fun and reap your rewards.


2016-03-21 17:12 | Report Abuse

Today mother up 9 cents, tomorrow son WE should be almost level as mother, so tomorrow son WE shoot first before mother moves up.


2016-03-21 17:11 | Report Abuse

Today smart charge, tomorrow more to come....see you papa & mama at $1.++