Blog Posts
2022-01-11 16:34 | Report Abuse
It takes only 1 day from getting snitched to be fired or shut out for Chinese celebrities
Social media like Facebook or Twitter are banned in China. But China has its equivalent version of those social media such as WeChat and Weibo. Sharing snippets of life and insights in "circle of friends" on social media has become a daily occurrence for Chinese people. But now, they need to be extra careful about their sharing.
On August 18, the head coach of a leading Chinese football team made some drunken comments at a dinner party with his friends, which were filmed by a friend sitting across the table and posted on the internet.
On the same day, the Club where he worked announced they would suspend all his managerial duties, effective immediately. So what did the team's head coach say?
2022-01-11 16:22 | Report Abuse
When doom day come they can still survive
2022-01-11 16:22 | Report Abuse
treasurehunt I am prescribing heart strengthern medicine for the old pinky com...
Trying to build up their heart now for future when the reality strike...
2022-01-11 16:19 | Report Abuse
What talking you ? Just highlighted the problems & what happen in China.
Covering up will the problems overnight disappeared ? Don't want know does not means that the problems do not existed
Posted by qqq3333 11/01/2022 3:47 PM > what other country under constant attack by another country?
what is the agenda of the attack?
2022-01-11 16:17 | Report Abuse
Ha..Ha...Ha.... aiyo... fact do not care about how they feel la...
2022-01-11 16:11 | Report Abuse
中共不计代价“清零”到底为什么?中共正在建一个法力无边的“海外省”;“别吃中国肉”!德国政府警告奥运选手;CNN:这次美俄谈判 普京将认清谁才是老大(《万维读报》20220110-
2022-01-11 15:49 | Report Abuse
【好文欣赏】《底层之恶》—- 那种恶,无边无际。2022.01.10NO1086#底层之恶#孙毅安
2022-01-11 15:42 | Report Abuse
5 Lies China Told the World
Have you heard people say China has lifted millions of people out of poverty?
How about that China is a "developing" country?
Or that the CCP has never invaded another country?
In this episode of China Uncensored, we debunk some of the most common lies that China has told the world.
2022-01-11 15:35 | Report Abuse
Current situation due to international chips shortage. Once these is over estimated end of this year, this sector is bounced to be on up trend.
2022-01-11 15:28 | Report Abuse
The root cause of tofu-dreg projects in China: the culture of lies is ruining China after 1949
Here, we will briefly explore: Why are there so many manufacturing and management failures in China? Will the CCP be able to improve the poor quality of made in China in the future?
Since the new party leader Xi Jinping took office in 2012, he has launched a massive anti-corruption campaign that has hit hundreds of thousands of officials. Xi himself seems to believe in the deterrent power of communist totalitarianism, but he doesn't appear to see the essence of the culture that the communist system has created.
If one looks at the history of China and the West, it’s probably safe to assume that the nature of communism is based on three words: lies, wickedness, and struggle.
This party culture encourages people to lie. In the 100 years of the Communist Party's history, it has created a country that is like a building with jerry-built materials. When there is a real disaster, the building can't hold up and will collapse.
2022-01-11 15:27 | Report Abuse
2022-01-11 15:23 | Report Abuse
2022-01-11 15:22 | Report Abuse
2022-01-11 15:21 | Report Abuse
中國態度把美國「逼成敵人」!?吳:中美40年友善關係畫下句點 習近平「頭大的開始」!?【關鍵時刻】吳子嘉
普丁派惡名昭彰45特戰旅到哈薩克 從車臣打到阿富汗到處血流成河!
習近平頭痛不安了? 吳子嘉:普丁找到機會吃下哈薩克部隊不會撤了!
中二選區林靜儀大獲全勝扳倒顏家 吳子嘉:補選失利重傷是盧秀燕!
擾動台中市政壇?真正敵人是盧秀燕? 吳子嘉:民進黨已經準備好了!
Omicron來勢洶洶!機場淪陷、計程車風險增 吳子嘉:到現在才「包車」?
2022-01-11 08:27 | Report Abuse
stockraider Liar, 無賴, selfish, snaky,
stockraider liar , evil hearted self proclaimed RICH means owning 15 unit of Low Cost Flats.
White worshipper, always like to mention about America.
..............CHINA..汉奸.... 走狗
stockraider LIAR
Lying on
1. Fire insurance matter
2. Helping the poor (you owned 15 unit FLAT)
3. TP on shares
4. Buying price on shares
5. China CPC matter
6. USA matter
7. Hong Kong matter
8. Falun Gong
9. Common prosperity
10. Your motive
2022-01-11 08:18 | Report Abuse
Hahaha they use Google Translate
2022-01-11 00:00 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 23:59 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 23:57 | Report Abuse
除了德龙外,“中国劳工观察”求助个案还包括另一个“青山工业园”,这是浙江温州青山控股集团与法国埃赫曼集团(Eramet Group)在苏拉威西投资的镍矿开采与不锈钢生产项目。青山控股集团并没有回应BBC中文要求评论的网页留言。
2022-01-10 23:55 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 16:34 | Report Abuse
China: Increasing poor population cause Inadequate domestic spending power & Government debt crisis
On June 28, at a press conference held by the Communist Party's 100th anniversary event, the CCP's Finance and Economics Committee announced that at the beginning of the Communist Party's rule, the national income per capita was only dozens of dollars, while currently China's national income per capita has exceeded US$10,000.
The news quickly hit China's social media Weibo, with nearly 10,000 comments under the official Weibo account of the state news agency. 99.9% of which were from netizens who questioned and ridiculed the figure.
Some netizens asked, "Is this dividing Jack Ma's daily income by 1.4 billion people? " Another netizen wrote that it must be a printing error. The RMB must have been misprinted as USD.
2022-01-10 16:29 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 16:26 | Report Abuse
Some chip prices rose 5 times compared to 2020 in China/A lot of unqualified and fake chips appear
Due to the U.S. technology blockade and the global pandemic, chip shortages are intensifying in China, affecting production in several industries, from cars and cell phones to home appliances.
According to a business website in mainland China, the head of an electronics company said: “Now, chips aren't available even with additional money. Speculation in the chip market is widespread, and the price of some products has increased five times compared with the end of 2020.”
2022-01-10 16:24 | Report Abuse
中國消毒法,完全不避開人,把人當病毒一起消毒。| #香港大紀元新唐人聯合新聞頻道
2022-01-10 16:19 | Report Abuse
Crime and Punishment in China
SerpentZA and laowhy86 have lived in China and had to experience, first hand, law enforcement in both China, and the west.
Crimes are punished differently in China, and we give you tips on what to look out for, as well as the ways things are dealt with in China.
Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation.
2022-01-10 16:16 | Report Abuse
【TOP2021】中國慘遭洗臉?遼寧號被美軍艦夾擊!解放軍藍水海軍夢碎?【關鍵時刻】-劉寶傑 黃世聰 吳子嘉 林廷輝 李正皓 古台清 陳耀寬 王瑞德 陳東豪 林信富 傅鶴齡
2022-01-10 16:15 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 16:13 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 14:17 | Report Abuse
What this means internationally is harder to predict. The way the economy rebalances will be critical, but Beijing will face difficult choices between competing priorities and have fewer policy options to play with. For investors and industries exposed to China, greater volatility seems inevitable, but the risks appear to be on the downside.
2022-01-10 14:16 | Report Abuse
Andrew Hunt is CEO of Hunt Economics and former adviser to Dresdner Asset Management in Asia. Ben Ashby is a former managing director in JPMorgan's Chief Investment Office.
The well-documented problems at some of China's largest property developers are merely symptoms of the deeper structural challenges the country now faces.
We previously highlighted in the article "Why Ray Dalio is wrong about China" published online on July 11 that China was highly incentivized to encourage foreign investment in order to delay hard domestic decisions.
These inbound capital flows are however unlikely to be sufficient, and they would leave China vulnerable to foreign monetary policy. Since China will likely prioritize domestic order and control over a shorter lived but painful structural adjustment, a Great Pause in their economic growth seems probable.
How long this 'great pause' will take is hard to say. Yet despite the clear signs, investors are still to fully price the implications of this hiatus and what it means for industrial commodities or regional demand for goods.
Given many developing countries' high dependence on the Chinese economy, the next few years could be particularly difficult and make their recovery from COVID even harder.
The roots of these problems run deep. China's economic model has traditionally relied on the intensive use of credit in order to finance the country's impressive growth. As a result, the rate of increase in China's debts has been fast, outgrowing the economy itself: a dynamic that is ultimately not sustainable.
Though some of this credit was used to fund the creation of industrial capacity, much of it was used to fund a rapid and massive expansion of housing stock.
China's property and construction sectors have therefore become extremely large by comparison with the overall economy. Our research suggests that these sectors have been more than twice as important to the overall economy as their equivalent sectors were in Japan during that country's property bubble, or even the U.S. in 2005-2006.
We also estimate that property wealth is at least as important to China's savers' wealth as financial assets are to U.S savers at present. A decline in the fortunes of the property market will therefore depress domestic growth for a considerable time.
China's property-driven growth has run into several constraints of late, including affordability, market saturation and access to funding. Its banking system has also reached an unprecedented size, not just in relation to the size of China's own economy but increasingly in relation to the entire global economy.
Real estate-related lending and property-based collateral have come to dominate the system. China's banks themselves are deeply exposed to the sector, to the exclusion of other sectors, and will struggle to maintain their balance sheets if problems in the sector increase.
These problems imply two sets of consequences. First, China will not be able to liberalize its savings markets anytime soon to the disappointment of many Western financial institutions. Second, credit growth in the future will likely be much more carefully controlled.
Every day, then, credit to China's private sector is becoming more constrained and this, of course, means that lending has to be rationed among competing uses.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the authorities in Beijing have decreed that the property and construction sectors, together with a number of other sectors that have been deemed unproductive or not aligned with the government's vision for "common prosperity" will be largely excluded from the credit markets. These important sectors now face years of enforced austerity.
The authorities are, of course, still underwriting the flow of credit to its favored sectors as they seek to increase productivity and support activities that add more value to the economy. They will also want to ensure that the export sector can contribute at least some growth to the economy.
However, as we look forward into a post-pandemic world with clear environmental priorities, there has to be a question over whether world trade growth will, in fact, be strong enough to support China's export drive, and whether the West will want to receive higher value-added goods from China.
Geopolitical tensions may not only be reflected in trade quotas but also in the types of goods that countries are willing to import from their rivals. It is uncertain that even a well-supported export drive by Beijing will be successful.
So it seems clear to us that China's rate of economic growth will remain subdued for a considerable time. The country took what amounted to a five-year timeout in the late 1990s following the excesses of 1992 and 1993. We feel that a similar but perhaps longer Great Pause in China's growth trajectory is likely this decade.
2022-01-10 14:16 | Report Abuse
China's economic growth model is close to its limits
2022-01-10 14:07 | Report Abuse
【精選】中國債務高達53兆人民幣 外資大逃亡「苦日子」來了...? 【關鍵時刻】-劉寶傑 姚惠珍 黃世聰 吳子嘉 李正皓
2022-01-10 14:06 | Report Abuse
天津爆奧密克戎疫情 感染者多爲學生
西安防疫漏洞 不為人知傳播鏈曝光
庭審違法 佳木斯法官成被告
瑞士交出銀行客戶資料 中共權貴失「藏錢天堂」
福州殘疾人遭警毒打 每天到公安局舉牌抗議
河南疫情波及多省 許昌稱「圈住封死」
2022-01-10 14:03 | Report Abuse
冬奧就來了 奧密克戎迅猛逼到門前 北京開始發抖;關島展現「海龍」 六國反潛軍演;奧會主席又為中共辯護?德媒看不過眼【希望之聲TV-每日頭條-2022/01/09】
2022-01-10 11:48 | Report Abuse
Can-One Stock Analysis: Can or Cannot?
In this video, we discuss Can-One's business model, management, financials as well as the good and the bad.
The information in this video is accurate as of the posting date. These are just the opinions of the FIRL Guys and do not in any way represent investment advice or stock recommendations, the content in this video is purely educational.
Information in the video might not be applicable to all investors as it does not take into account the financial circumstances, investment goals, and risk tolerance of any specific investors. Risk is inherent to all investing, including the permanent loss of capital. Past performance does not equal future results. We are not licensed by Malaysia's Securities Commission as financial/investment advisors. Please speak to a licensed financial advisor before making any financial decisions.
Individual(s) in the video DO NOT own shares in the aforementioned companies at the point of the video posting.
2022-01-10 11:46 | Report Abuse
2022年这些不起眼的行业即将迎来赚钱的巨大商机! 全球经济恐面临最大挑战,权威杂志《经济学人》预测的未来8大商业巨变分析,跟你的钱包有巨大的关系。看看这8个全新的商业趋势,一定能帮你看清未来,把握住轻松赚钱的好方法。
2022-01-10 10:26 | Report Abuse
天津奧密克戎疫情軟封城 民眾搶菜囤糧
為參賽澳網 德約科維奇向澳洲政府提出法律挑戰
神韻七個城市同時上演 再掀全球熱潮
2022-01-10 10:25 | Report Abuse
2022-01-10 10:24 | Report Abuse
华人回国入境上海遭遇最狠规定:一检测出阳性就要你狗命!高华狗喊冤被土狗围攻。又黄标喽(坐澳观天第571期 20220109)
2022-01-10 10:22 | Report Abuse
2022-01-09 19:30 | Report Abuse
Yes, I heard that quite a number of Mamak restaurant closed down due to lockdown
2022-01-09 17:19 | Report Abuse
2022-01-09 16:54 | Report Abuse
2022-01-09 16:49 | Report Abuse
2022-01-09 15:48 | Report Abuse
Lithuania and US collaborate to counter Chinese economic pressure
On January 5th, US Trade Representative Dai Qi met with Lithuania's foreign minister, indicating that Lithuania might get US backing in the diplomatic conflict with China and its economic coercion on the country.
2022-01-09 15:31 | Report Abuse
Are NEW Chinese buildings really FALLING DOWN?
Ghost Cities in China. Real estate bubbles. We've toured Chinese ghost towns in the past, but this time we visit a high end neighborhood of villas that were only built 3 years ago, and were shocked to see the state that they were in. We were surrounded by new buildings, that were completely empty. This is the state of real estate in China.
2022-01-09 15:25 | Report Abuse
By the way do you know the difference between 新闻广播员 vs 作者 ???
Posted by Investor 999 > Jan 9, 2022 3:16 PM | Report Abuse
2022-01-09 15:20 | Report Abuse
Ha...ha...ha... how about you...
Blog: China and the 'prisoner's dilemma' BY RICHARD J. SHINDER, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 01/02/22 01:00 PM EST 283
2022-01-11 16:53 | Report Abuse
Why Beijing is Cracking down on the Entertainment Industry? For political, economic and more reasons
From August 27 to 28, China's Internet Information Office, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and State Supervision, and major official media outlets published articles criticizing the incessant negative press in the entertainment industry.
They said that celebrities should not step on the red line, otherwise their acting career would be over.
China's General Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has also informed several government agencies of " entertainers with poor track records" and asked them to investigate and purge the list. At the same time, China's social media Weibo and major film and television websites have been removing the content of some artists.
All Chinese people can feel that a major crackdown on the Chinese entertainment industry is coming. Some sources reveal that more Chinese entertainers will be gone in the near future, so it can be said that "it's useless to be famous! The biggest names are yet to come.”