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2022-01-20 15:59 | Report Abuse

【 #中國禁聞 】北京再增病例,冷鏈工人群聚感染;安陽防疫實施宵禁,網絡輿論嘩然;冬奧防疫軟件,暗藏網絡風險;國際郵件成病毒源頭?中共甩鍋遭恥笑;中共獵狐行動,七年
北京再增病例 冷鏈工人群聚感染
安陽防疫實施宵禁 網絡輿論嘩然
冬奧防疫軟件 暗藏網絡風險
中共獵狐行動 七年上萬人非自願返國








News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:56 | Report Abuse

Alsvin qqq3333 are confirmed a liar hahahaha

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:53 | Report Abuse

亞裔女遭推地鐵致死 民眾時代廣場悼念 譴責犯罪
美CDC預測:未來兩週 病逝人數增3.2萬
美最高法院裁決後 星巴克取消疫苗強制令
深圳收國際包裹後健康碼變黃 引發民怨
北京疫情淪陷 中共甩鍋境外被指疑點多
中央高官接連「隨地倒」 震動中共官場
美房貸利率再次飆升 創近兩年來新高
第三季冬季遊活動開幕 紐約市盼遊客回歸
耳目一新 疫情中神奇的療癒方法

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:43 | Report Abuse



2022-01-20 15:41 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:40 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:39 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:39 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:39 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2022-01-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

FYI the spam messages from the MorningGlory123 is temporary suspensed for 7 days.


Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 27/01/2022. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:24 | Report Abuse

A delicately crafted passage on diversity, tolerance, and other benign attributes of peaceful coexistence didn’t refer the treatment of the Uighur people, which has attracted the term ‘genocide’ as defined under the United Nations Genocide Convention; nor, the abrogation of the 1997 handover agreement and harsh crackdown in Hong Kong under the new National Security Law. Both figure prominently in a catalogue of human rights and legal abuses, and extra-judicial punishments.

In a prominent section at the start of the 4 recommendations about how to uphold multilateralism, Xi says “to start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten, or intimidate others, to wilfully impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, and to create isolation or estrangement, will only push the world into division and even confrontation”. He should know.

He might have been biting his tongue as he uttered these words, because he has undertaken all of these acts. Truculence in international relations has been a hallmark of Xi’s China for a few years now, and China has been no slouch when it comes to using commerce and trade as punishments, notably recently in the case of Australia. Indeed, the term coercive diplomacy has entered our language specifically to describe China’s actions of bullying and intimidation with regard to a slew of countries, including also Taiwan, India, and other countries in the Indo-Pacific and around the South China Sea, and in Europe. Interference, as opposed to the peddling of influence, in the domestic affairs and political processes of other countries is a common complaint.

China has been practicing selective decoupling for years in industrial policy, technology policies and the application of standards. There are now increased sensitivities about national security in the technology and other sectors everywhere, and new vulnerabilities to single source suppliers in key goods. China is no different. Its own self-reliance strategy for science and technology, angst about supply chains, and new focus on so-called Dual Circulation Strategy all speak to Chinese decoupling by other names.

Within a day or so of President Biden’s inauguration, moreover, and in a veiled threat to his team, China announced travel, financial and ‘future business’ sanctions against 28 Trump administration members and their families for ‘anti-China’ actions and rhetoric. It quickly publicised several fighter aircraft and large bomber sorties through Taiwanese airspace in the latest instance of bullying what China calls the ‘renegade province’.

Xi Jinping’s championing of globalisation at Davos in 2017 was a good bit of opportunism that lacked real substance. China isn’t and cannot be a globalisation leader. The pitch this week for ‘win-win multilateralism’ based around China’s global role, having seemingly conquered Covid, should be seen in the same way. The veiled criticisms at the US and others just remind us that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Authoritarian control, the demand for compliance, and the suppression of debate have helped China manage a serious public health crisis, but they do not offer the world a helpful template to live and thrive.

George Magnus is a Research Associate at the SOAS China Institute and at the China Centre, Oxford University. He is the author of Red Flags: Why Xi Jinping’s China is in Jeopardy (Yale University Press, 2018).

The views expressed on this blog are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the SOAS China Institute.


News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:23 | Report Abuse

Mr. Xi zooms into Davos By George Magnus | 28 January 2021
Two veteran China watchers comment on Xi Jinping’s keynote address to The Davos Agenda 2021 | World Economic Forum. This is part one. Read part two here.

Davos, with the theme this year of Rebuilding Trust, was diminished as an event, perhaps also as a concept. The curtain-raiser was the keynote address by Chinese President Xi Jinping on multilateralism, openness and inclusivity in a fractious, pandemic world.

The audience was invisible. The applause, if there was any, was silent. Like 2017, though, there was still fawning, this time as World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, bookended Xi’s address, thanking him at the end for reminding that we are ‘all part of a community with a shared future for humanity’. Not quite Xi Jinping verbatim, but close enough. Yet, what did Xi Jinping say that was noteworthy, and perhaps as importantly, what didn’t he say that we should note?

Xi talked about the inevitable and widely shared goal of working together to conquer the pandemic and tackle climate change. There was of course, no mention of accountability or responsibility for the outbreak of the pandemic, or a thorough investigation to be shared, which might have got a ‘rebuilding trust’ checkmark. None either of the ways in which China has tried to blame the US, Italy, the UK and even the import of frozen foods, for Covid19, and unleash so-called ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy, designed to accuse, bully and ridicule other countries suffering from the pandemic.

Xi’s speeches often embrace many platitudes, and flowery language that sometimes comes across as a corporate marketing brochure. The language can be quite disarming but it is used with great care to send clear, but sometimes, covert messages.

Message to the Global South

Xi made a familiar overture about the need to close the equality gap between emerging and advanced nations, and give the former more resources and a bigger say in global governance. There was an implicit message here that China, not the West, would champion their cause, but no mention of the fact that Chinese help is contingent on non-critical support for its and the party’s global narratives. The US and its allies, though, should take note.

Referring to openness and inclusivity, Xi indulged in a little martial arts to turn these liberal democratic exhortations against their liberal nation state protagonists, in view of the charges of protectionism, immigration curbs, and now ‘vaccine nationalism’. While it is true that China has used the pandemic to provide public health goods and vaccines to many countries, President Xi did not acknowledge that openness and inclusivity are not typically associated with China, and certainly not for migrants either from abroad or the 280 million from its own countryside who work in towns and cities.

President Xi said China will ‘further deepen South-South co-operation’, building the proverbial ‘community’ of nations which chooses to align within China’s political and economic orbit. Yet, many that have done so under the Belt and Road Initiative have pushed back against over-indebtedness to China, and poor project governance and competence.

Message to the US and liberal democracies

The message to the incoming Biden Administration and its allies was essentially a lecture about the need to uphold multilateralism, avoid ideological prejudice and division, and beware a new Cold War. Yet, as President Xi worked his way through the tasks the world must accomplish, it was hard not to see the disconnect between the message and the orator.

On macroeconomic policy co-ordination, he urged a ‘shift in the driving forces and growth models of the global economy’, but neglected to say that China, itself, was a laggard in this respect, and that the impetus for market-oriented reform and openness had run aground in 2015-16 and had, if anything, faded even further since for political and ideological reasons.

He stressed the need to abandon ideological prejudice, secure ‘win-win’ cooperation, and recognise that no country is superior to any other. Yet, he failed to acknowledge his own role in nurturing China’s long-term ideological struggle with the US and the West, in which socialism would emerge victorious over capitalism. He didn’t refer the formal rejection of western, liberal values and beliefs authorised in 2013. He didn’t say that China’s rhetoric , especially during the pandemic, has regularly asserted China’s superiority.

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:02 | Report Abuse

A delicately crafted passage on diversity, tolerance, and other benign attributes of peaceful coexistence didn’t refer the treatment of the Uighur people, which has attracted the term ‘genocide’ as defined under the United Nations Genocide Convention; nor, the abrogation of the 1997 handover agreement and harsh crackdown in Hong Kong under the new National Security Law. Both figure prominently in a catalogue of human rights and legal abuses, and extra-judicial punishments.

In a prominent section at the start of the 4 recommendations about how to uphold multilateralism, Xi says “to start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten, or intimidate others, to wilfully impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, and to create isolation or estrangement, will only push the world into division and even confrontation”. He should know.

He might have been biting his tongue as he uttered these words, because he has undertaken all of these acts. Truculence in international relations has been a hallmark of Xi’s China for a few years now, and China has been no slouch when it comes to using commerce and trade as punishments, notably recently in the case of Australia. Indeed, the term coercive diplomacy has entered our language specifically to describe China’s actions of bullying and intimidation with regard to a slew of countries, including also Taiwan, India, and other countries in the Indo-Pacific and around the South China Sea, and in Europe. Interference, as opposed to the peddling of influence, in the domestic affairs and political processes of other countries is a common complaint.

China has been practicing selective decoupling for years in industrial policy, technology policies and the application of standards. There are now increased sensitivities about national security in the technology and other sectors everywhere, and new vulnerabilities to single source suppliers in key goods. China is no different. Its own self-reliance strategy for science and technology, angst about supply chains, and new focus on so-called Dual Circulation Strategy all speak to Chinese decoupling by other names.

Within a day or so of President Biden’s inauguration, moreover, and in a veiled threat to his team, China announced travel, financial and ‘future business’ sanctions against 28 Trump administration members and their families for ‘anti-China’ actions and rhetoric. It quickly publicised several fighter aircraft and large bomber sorties through Taiwanese airspace in the latest instance of bullying what China calls the ‘renegade province’.

Xi Jinping’s championing of globalisation at Davos in 2017 was a good bit of opportunism that lacked real substance. China isn’t and cannot be a globalisation leader. The pitch this week for ‘win-win multilateralism’ based around China’s global role, having seemingly conquered Covid, should be seen in the same way. The veiled criticisms at the US and others just remind us that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Authoritarian control, the demand for compliance, and the suppression of debate have helped China manage a serious public health crisis, but they do not offer the world a helpful template to live and thrive.

George Magnus is a Research Associate at the SOAS China Institute and at the China Centre, Oxford University. He is the author of Red Flags: Why Xi Jinping’s China is in Jeopardy (Yale University Press, 2018).

The views expressed on this blog are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the SOAS China Institute.


News & Blogs

2022-01-20 15:01 | Report Abuse

Mr. Xi zooms into Davos By George Magnus | 28 January 2021
Two veteran China watchers comment on Xi Jinping’s keynote address to The Davos Agenda 2021 | World Economic Forum. This is part one. Read part two here.

Davos, with the theme this year of Rebuilding Trust, was diminished as an event, perhaps also as a concept. The curtain-raiser was the keynote address by Chinese President Xi Jinping on multilateralism, openness and inclusivity in a fractious, pandemic world.

The audience was invisible. The applause, if there was any, was silent. Like 2017, though, there was still fawning, this time as World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, bookended Xi’s address, thanking him at the end for reminding that we are ‘all part of a community with a shared future for humanity’. Not quite Xi Jinping verbatim, but close enough. Yet, what did Xi Jinping say that was noteworthy, and perhaps as importantly, what didn’t he say that we should note?

Xi talked about the inevitable and widely shared goal of working together to conquer the pandemic and tackle climate change. There was of course, no mention of accountability or responsibility for the outbreak of the pandemic, or a thorough investigation to be shared, which might have got a ‘rebuilding trust’ checkmark. None either of the ways in which China has tried to blame the US, Italy, the UK and even the import of frozen foods, for Covid19, and unleash so-called ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy, designed to accuse, bully and ridicule other countries suffering from the pandemic.

Xi’s speeches often embrace many platitudes, and flowery language that sometimes comes across as a corporate marketing brochure. The language can be quite disarming but it is used with great care to send clear, but sometimes, covert messages.

Message to the Global South

Xi made a familiar overture about the need to close the equality gap between emerging and advanced nations, and give the former more resources and a bigger say in global governance. There was an implicit message here that China, not the West, would champion their cause, but no mention of the fact that Chinese help is contingent on non-critical support for its and the party’s global narratives. The US and its allies, though, should take note.

Referring to openness and inclusivity, Xi indulged in a little martial arts to turn these liberal democratic exhortations against their liberal nation state protagonists, in view of the charges of protectionism, immigration curbs, and now ‘vaccine nationalism’. While it is true that China has used the pandemic to provide public health goods and vaccines to many countries, President Xi did not acknowledge that openness and inclusivity are not typically associated with China, and certainly not for migrants either from abroad or the 280 million from its own countryside who work in towns and cities.

President Xi said China will ‘further deepen South-South co-operation’, building the proverbial ‘community’ of nations which chooses to align within China’s political and economic orbit. Yet, many that have done so under the Belt and Road Initiative have pushed back against over-indebtedness to China, and poor project governance and competence.

Message to the US and liberal democracies

The message to the incoming Biden Administration and its allies was essentially a lecture about the need to uphold multilateralism, avoid ideological prejudice and division, and beware a new Cold War. Yet, as President Xi worked his way through the tasks the world must accomplish, it was hard not to see the disconnect between the message and the orator.

On macroeconomic policy co-ordination, he urged a ‘shift in the driving forces and growth models of the global economy’, but neglected to say that China, itself, was a laggard in this respect, and that the impetus for market-oriented reform and openness had run aground in 2015-16 and had, if anything, faded even further since for political and ideological reasons.

He stressed the need to abandon ideological prejudice, secure ‘win-win’ cooperation, and recognise that no country is superior to any other. Yet, he failed to acknowledge his own role in nurturing China’s long-term ideological struggle with the US and the West, in which socialism would emerge victorious over capitalism. He didn’t refer the formal rejection of western, liberal values and beliefs authorised in 2013. He didn’t say that China’s rhetoric , especially during the pandemic, has regularly asserted China’s superiority.

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 14:54 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..Don't expect any of these questions to be asked by a single online attendee at Davos, of course. Most of them are happy to turn a blind eye to China's considerable crimes. Others are in their pay in one way or another. The rest don't seem to have a problem with China at all. Just consider the words of German chancellor Angela Merkel, who said this week: "I don't think it would do justice to many societies if we were to say this is the United States and over there is China and we are grouping around either the one or the other. This is not my understanding of how things ought to be." Merkel sees no difference between America and China.

That is why it is vital that the Republican Party and populist movements across the world keep raising these issues and keep up the pressure on China. Be under no illusion: communist China is the biggest threat to our way of life in the West. The Davos crowd is simply too blind to see it.

Nigel Farage is senior editor-at-large of Newsweek's "The Debate" platform.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.


News & Blogs

2022-01-20 14:53 | Report Abuse

Don't expect any of these questions to be asked by a single online attendee at Davos, of course. Most of them are happy to turn a blind eye to China's considerable crimes. Others are in their pay in one way or another. The rest don't seem to have a problem with China at all. Just consider the words of German chancellor Angela Merkel, who said this week: "I don't think it would do justice to many societies if we were to say this is the United States and over there is China and we are grouping around either the one or the other. This is not my understanding of how things ought to be." Merkel sees no difference between America and China.

That is why it is vital that the Republican Party and populist movements across the world keep raising these issues and keep up the pressure on China. Be under no illusion: communist China is the biggest threat to our way of life in the West. The Davos crowd is simply too blind to see it.

Nigel Farag

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 14:53 | Report Abuse

Davos Gives a Pass to Xi Jinping's Hypocrisy | Opinion

The annual gathering of the global elite for the World Economic Forum is being held online this year. Although attendees are not able to meet in person in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, I am sure that they have found ways to let each other know how pleased they are that Donald Trump is safely out of the way in Florida. They never liked Trump. He dared to criticize their beloved global institutions. He refused to play the game. And worst of all, he took on their great friends in China. Perhaps this was why the online jamboree featured an address via Zoom by that perpetually cheerful fellow, President Xi Jinping.

It is important to understand who the Davos crowd are and what motivates them. They are the bosses of global businesses and big banks. They rub shoulders with leading political figures. In many cases, they have occupied these powerful positions for decades. To some degree, their collective decisions and policy stances are followed by aspiring world leaders. Yet for all their talk of global cooperation, of safeguarding the environment and of corporate social responsibility, there is a moral vacuum in their worldview. They think that a nationalist like Trump is a worse human being than the leader of the Chinese Communist Party.

This group must have been thrilled that their star guest from China agreed to address them. The feel-good speech that Xi delivered was straight out of the playbook of trendy global leaders. It was littered with nice phrases such as "giving support to developing nations." The benefits of multilateralism should, Xi said, include "technological exchanges." And, of course, there was the obligatory promise to combat climate change. Because the world continues to be torn to shreds by the COVID-19 crisis, Xi also had a word to say about the pandemic. He boasted, without a trace of irony, that China has sent 36 medical teams out to help struggling nations. No doubt he expected a round of applause and hearty thanks for this selfless mission.

I can only imagine that the lobbyists and the big money men were thrilled by all of this, probably telling themselves that the oration was powerful and historic. Perhaps if they lived in the real world, and if the Davos meeting was to have a semblance of credibility, the WEF organizers might have considered inviting another speaker along to provide a counterweight. I know that they would never ask me to attend but, given the chance, this is how I would have responded:

"I'm sure that the 36 nations given help by China were grateful for that medical assistance, President Xi. Unless I missed something, though, I did not hear a single apology from you for this pandemic which began in very dubious circumstances in Wuhan Province and which your officials tried to cover up. Despite this oversight, I am sure that your calls for removing trade barriers and opening up the world economy have gone down very well with the delegates. With that in mind, should I take it that the vindictive and punitive tariffs placed on Australia by your government will be removed forthwith? As for your worries about climate change, can I assume that they mean you will personally undertake to stop building scores of new coal-fired power stations in China every year? On the topic of responsibility, you are a leading member of the international community. Yet your support for the rule of law and trust in global institutions does seem to be at odds with your treatment of the Uighur Muslims in your country. Would you care to explain what you know of the detention camps in Xinjiang in which an estimated 1 million people are currently incarcerated? While we all know that there was some antipathy between yourself and Donald Trump's administration, one of its final acts was to describe your treatment of this group as genocide. What do you have to say to that?"


2022-01-20 11:36 | Report Abuse

They waiting for corporate raider to take over la... As the management seem don't know where & what to invest all this cash.
Holding cash is still a costs to the company.


2022-01-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

Yes agreed. At this price level it is attractive for long term investment. I always preferred to choose the leader of the industry. Please consult your financial adviser for further information

News & Blogs

2022-01-20 10:34 | Report Abuse

please tell all of us here what evil things that Falun Gong did which resulted you to hate them so much ?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-01-19 22:25 | Report Abuse

Alsvin still doesn't know how to answer right ? Why ? Because you are a liar ...hahaha

News & Blogs

2022-01-19 21:40 | Report Abuse

震驚! 中國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕!【20220115】
步入2022,我們已經與新冠病毒共存2年了,回想起疫情爆發初期 武漢的慘狀,再到後來世界爭相追責,要求病毒溯源,直到現在中國死磕“清零”,嚴苛的抗疫措施與西方的“開放”陣營格格不入……這兩年,我們的很多話題都圍繞著疫情,其中,又以中國的疫情尤為受到大家的關注。可能是因為無論我們身在何處,都同是中國人,都心系故鄉的人、故鄉的事。但是有一個問題,我們從未去問、去探究過,最重要的是這個問題根本不可能得出答案,但我一說出來,你一定也很想知道,那就是:中國疫情這兩年,死了多少人?這是一個需要勇氣去想的問題,要是放在以前,沒人知道中國究竟死了多少人,可是現在,隨著時間的流逝,塵封的歷史,似乎正在被安排要一步一步揭開了。這2年,一直有科學家在研究新冠大流行下的真實死亡人數,這些科學家們通過收集全世界能收集到的所有相關數據,研究、建模、比對,希望能夠對人類戰胜新冠做出科研上的貢獻,比如想知道遏制病毒傳播的最佳方式是什麼?比如如何才能降低感染、住院、和死亡水平?而要想回答這些問題,Covid的死亡率是一個關鍵的指標。於是,繞不開的死亡率,牽引著他們嘗試揭開中國新冠死亡率,這個潘多拉魔盒的一角。今天我們就把這些科學家們的研究整理出來,講給大家聽,請各位屏息以待,收拾好你的勇氣和正氣,我們來看看:中國新冠可能死了多少人?


News & Blogs

2022-01-19 21:25 | Report Abuse

震驚! 中國疫情死亡人數與官方數據偏差17000%! 《經濟學人》新數據模型揭秘中國疫情死亡人數的內幕!【20220115】
步入2022,我們已經與新冠病毒共存2年了,回想起疫情爆發初期 武漢的慘狀,再到後來世界爭相追責,要求病毒溯源,直到現在中國死磕“清零”,嚴苛的抗疫措施與西方的“開放”陣營格格不入……這兩年,我們的很多話題都圍繞著疫情,其中,又以中國的疫情尤為受到大家的關注。可能是因為無論我們身在何處,都同是中國人,都心系故鄉的人、故鄉的事。但是有一個問題,我們從未去問、去探究過,最重要的是這個問題根本不可能得出答案,但我一說出來,你一定也很想知道,那就是:中國疫情這兩年,死了多少人?這是一個需要勇氣去想的問題,要是放在以前,沒人知道中國究竟死了多少人,可是現在,隨著時間的流逝,塵封的歷史,似乎正在被安排要一步一步揭開了。這2年,一直有科學家在研究新冠大流行下的真實死亡人數,這些科學家們通過收集全世界能收集到的所有相關數據,研究、建模、比對,希望能夠對人類戰胜新冠做出科研上的貢獻,比如想知道遏制病毒傳播的最佳方式是什麼?比如如何才能降低感染、住院、和死亡水平?而要想回答這些問題,Covid的死亡率是一個關鍵的指標。於是,繞不開的死亡率,牽引著他們嘗試揭開中國新冠死亡率,這個潘多拉魔盒的一角。今天我們就把這些科學家們的研究整理出來,講給大家聽,請各位屏息以待,收拾好你的勇氣和正氣,我們來看看:中國新冠可能死了多少人?


News & Blogs

2022-01-19 21:22 | Report Abuse

中共軍方大肅殺再起!習誓對江澤民萬劍穿心? - 關鍵時刻精選 馬西屏 黃世聰 劉燦榮
(00:00:03)習近平金穩會第一刀 大陸首富狂賣海外資產只為活命!?
(00:20:57)上海官場恐慌人人擔心晚上敲門聲 統戰副部長未查先自縊身亡!?
(00:22:50)解放軍現役上將張陽「畏罪自縊」遭批可恥 中共軍方大肅殺再起!?
(00:26:06)中共軍方八大上將生死劫 張陽進房換個衣服就被加工死亡!?
(00:50:23)清洗薄王遺毒進行官場大抓捕 陳敏爾立功登上地方大諸侯寶座!


News & Blogs

2022-01-19 21:21 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-01-19 18:40 | Report Abuse

Alsvin please tell all of us here what evil things that did by Falun Gong desired you to hate them so much ?

News & Blogs

2022-01-19 15:35 | Report Abuse

奧德雙毒夾擊北京,習近平向病毒低頭?天津高科技封控,「清零姐」再推清零;西青民工被抓打,只為討要一包泡麵;軍頭聯動勸習退位?習承認反腐沒勝利?【新聞看點 李沐陽
00:00 我們都需要真相
03:00早有德爾塔 防疫政策或變?
05:25冰場遊樂場被封 北京外鬆內緊
08:33奧德雙毒夾擊 習近平向病毒低頭?
10:52高科技封控 「清零姐」再推清零


News & Blogs

2022-01-19 15:33 | Report Abuse



2022-01-19 13:03 | Report Abuse

Ya do agreed with you Sslee. A wrecked ship where all the big guys already left ... still got people trying to lure people into a sinking. So pathetic


2022-01-19 12:57 | Report Abuse

AirAsia Crashed! SMTrack Up 275%! EPF Withdrawal Issue.

14K subscribers

In this video, we discuss EPF withdrawal issue, SMTrack's recent pump and AirAsia falling into PN17.


The information in this video is accurate as of the posting date. These are just the opinions of the FIRL Guys and do not in any way represent investment advice or stock recommendations, the content in this video is purely educational.

Information in the video might not be applicable to all investors as it does not take into account the financial circumstances, investment goals, and risk tolerance of any specific investors. Risk is inherent to all investing, including the permanent loss of capital. Past performance does not equal future results. We are not licensed by Malaysia's Securities Commission as financial/investment advisors. Please speak to a licensed financial advisor before making any financial decisions.

Individual(s) in the video DO NOT own shares in the aforementioned companies at the point of the video posting.

News & Blogs

2022-01-19 12:56 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-01-19 12:46 | Report Abuse

China Covid statistic is a joke ? hahaha

News & Blogs

2022-01-19 10:08 | Report Abuse

Great Aminvest upgraded Penta to BUY with share fair value of RM5.62

News & Blogs

2022-01-18 22:59 | Report Abuse

qqq3333 you again telling lies , in the video posted by serpentza he did criticise south Africa.
Aiyo liar

News & Blogs

2022-01-18 21:52 | Report Abuse

qqq3333 once a liar always a liar


A leopard will not chamge its spot


2022-01-18 21:37 | Report Abuse

English Curse Words You Should Never Use
Curse words, also known as swear words, bad words, or insults, are for most people considered taboo when teaching and learning English. Teachers will definitely cringe at the thought of their students learning English curse words. For a word to qualify as a swear word it must have the potential to offend, crossing a cultural line into taboo territory. So why would your teacher want you to spend time learning the “wrong way” to speak English?



2022-01-18 21:32 | Report Abuse

cheahgood, you see !!! This clearly proved that both Trevor777 & Dr Michael are indeed the same person... Ha..Ha...Ha...Ha..

When I said that Dr Michael is dead & will be risen up in 7 days is in actually fact praising him ie.Dr Michael ( or Trevor777) . WHY ???

Tell me who can arisen up after 7 days... Of course only the gods.

Isn't that a praises... hehehehe


2022-01-18 21:07 | Report Abuse

By the way Trever777 please check your own comments how many time your own posted comments being removed by i3 administrator ?


2022-01-18 21:04 | Report Abuse

Traver777 if u are not then Let Dr Michael come out to talk to me OK? Hahahaha


2022-01-18 21:02 | Report Abuse

Trevor777 so you are Dr Michael ?


2022-01-18 21:01 | Report Abuse

What did I spite at you ? hahaha


2022-01-18 20:59 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... what hatred did I incited?


2022-01-18 20:57 | Report Abuse

trevor777 did I cursed you ?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-01-18 20:45 | Report Abuse

aiyo can you trust a country that don't have frredom of speech ?