
uncensored | Joined since 2021-09-16

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2022-01-17 13:38 | Report Abuse

安陽4千小學生被帶走 廣東調查海外關係
公安部下達重大政治任務 涉政變核心
台灣F-16V戰機墜海 飛行員曾有異常動作
台灣提民主承諾清單 年內辦「世界民主運動大會」
顏清標也告急 鎮瀾宮董座連任恐生變


News & Blogs

2022-01-17 13:37 | Report Abuse

安陽4千小學生被帶走 廣東調查海外關係
公安部下達重大政治任務 涉政變核心
台灣F-16V戰機墜海 飛行員曾有異常動作
台灣提民主承諾清單 年內辦「世界民主運動大會」
顏清標也告急 鎮瀾宮董座連任恐生變


News & Blogs

2022-01-17 11:14 | Report Abuse

Ya...Ya... but he forget to mention the more important things


follow China style of dracula lockdown...hehehe

News & Blogs

2022-01-16 17:49 | Report Abuse

【 #新聞週刊 】奧密克戎攻入北京,中國至少14省淪陷;涉政變,孫力軍三大罪名被訴;河南人為傳毒,鐘南山被拋;習近平敏感講話,加緊為二十大造勢;台灣海軍布雷艇中隊成軍
奧密克戎攻入北京 中國至少14省淪陷
河南曝「人為傳毒」案 鐘南山關聯受關注
涉政變 原公安部副部長孫力軍三大罪名被訴
中共喉舌披露習近平敏感講話 加緊為二十大造勢
湯加海底火山大爆發 美澳等多國發海嘯警報
增强臺海屏障 台灣海軍布雷艇中隊成軍
神韻巴黎開演 疫情下讓人們再次呼吸


News & Blogs

2022-01-16 17:36 | Report Abuse


people tended to use fictitious name to reflect his own characteristics or desire.

You chosen winterwolf also common know as WHITE wolf. You must be a white worshipper.

Now you are using Reverse Psychology by pushing for the opposite of what you really want, the other individual will actually choose to engage in the behavior that is truly desired.

Hahahahaha ...RIGHT ?

News & Blogs

2022-01-16 17:22 | Report Abuse

winterwolf my goodness are you live in WONDERRland.

A country like China that:

1. Banned & penalise its citizen from internet access to Whatsapp, Facebook, Google, Twister & foreigner media & news.

2. Any speech that opposed or seem to offensive to CPC & its leader will be banned & prosecuted.

3. Resticted & contol its lawyers, local media by listing what they are allowed to do.

4. Don't allow citizen to vote.

and YOU called China is place freedom to live... Ha..Ha...Ha...Ha

My...my... are you playing D..U...M...D.

Posted by winterwolf 16/01/2022 2:30 PM>> sorry, all your lengthy replies are ignored by me...fits for the garbage bin.
not worth a read because the facts speak for itself
the freedom to live a life as free as it should be is found only in China today. Trust it or not is up to you.

News & Blogs

2022-01-16 11:03 | Report Abuse

208K subscribers

Omicron加速全球经济危机的来临,2022年的赚钱工作投资$ 、和商业模式将会迎来这3个巨大改变!严重影响你的钱包!一定要了解。否则你会发现未来的工作会变得越来越少,而且投资的逻辑将被彻底颠覆。如果你想了解如何在动荡的年代里提升你的赚钱能力和主动收入,可以看我最近的一起直播视频,一定对你很帮助


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2022-01-16 11:01 | Report Abuse

我們要堅決反對他的做法. 我們要堅決擁護習近平. 堅決擁護習近平連任. 堅決習近平一直加速,加速再加速.
In the context of the epidemic continuing to spread in many parts of mainland China, on January 11th, the CCP held a "Provincial and Ministerial Leading Cadres Special Seminar" in Beijing. However, many high-level officials were absent, attracting attention.


News & Blogs

2022-01-16 10:51 | Report Abuse

我們要堅決反對他的做法. 我們要堅決擁護習近平. 堅決擁護習近平連任. 堅決習近平一直加速,加速再加速. right !... definitely so that the little pinky fans could wake up faster from thier dream...hehehehe

News & Blogs

2022-01-16 10:47 | Report Abuse

The reasons why little Lithuania dare to say no to China/Who will be swept into 'garbage bin'?
In diplomacy, the Chinese Communist Party or CCP often uses the tactic of economic coercion. However, in the case of Lithuania, a small European country, its series of tactics have run into a wall and failed to deliver their punches.

Have questions? Do you have something to share with us about China? We want to hear from you!
Email: Cinsights.subscription@gmail.com
Facebook www.facebook.com/EyesOnChina.

Copyright @ China Insights 2021. Any illegal reproduction of this content in any form will result in immediate action against the person(s) concerned.


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 19:57 | Report Abuse

00:00 我們都需要真相
03:09 天津1393例確診?當局闢謠「反常」
05:52 重大發現!天津單日至少瞞35例
09:56 安陽醫療崩潰?向社會徵集防疫物資
12:48 汶上隔離1密接 奧米克戎到山東?
15:57 確診人不在名單 上海有多少患者?
18:59 隔離聚眾自由外出 小野醬「被美國」?
22:58 軍情五處發警示 中共間諜干預政治


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 19:56 | Report Abuse

5 Videos of lockdown horror from China
lockdown horror from China
lockdown horror from China
lockdown horror from China

China is trying to crush the Omicron variant with an iron fist. Its aggressive measures have triggered 'rare criticism' on Chinese social Media. Palki Sharma gets you 5 videos of China's crackdown.



2022-01-15 15:36 | Report Abuse

Still remember about 6 months ago friend asked me whether is AA is a good buy... well he is blessed for not going in.


2022-01-15 15:27 | Report Abuse

Genting Hong Kong’s shipbuilder insolvency has no direct impact on sister companies, says RAM Rating


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 15:18 | Report Abuse

Denmark alarms threat from China
On Thursday, January 13th, Denmark warned that espionage threats from countries including China, Russia, and Iran are rising.
According to Reuters, Anders Henriksen, the head of counterintelligence at the Danish Security and Intelligence Service especially highlighted China, saying the country had made enormous efforts to gain access to Denmark's cutting edge technology and knowledge.


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 15:15 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 14:58 | Report Abuse

Hegang financial bankruptcies causing a domino effect in China
Due to the ongoing financial crisis, the market has lost faith in domestic property developers. As a result, local authorities' revenue from land transfer fees has declined, resulting in financial difficulty, and several municipal authorities have declared bankruptcy. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) works hard to create new tax revenue streams, such as property taxes. However, there is disagreement within the CCP about property taxation. Analysts point out that local authorities' financial failure generates a domino effect.

Because the money was depleted, the local authority became insolvent.

Authorities of Hegang city in northern Heilongjiang province of China had recently announced that it was going through a financial makeover, marking the first-ever municipal-level power to restructure due to the economic downturn.

According to Bloomberg, the news was first reported by the Securities Times last month but was later deleted.

Huachuang Securities Co. Ltd on January 5th re-released the news, a move Bloomberg noted proved that the government was out of options to solve their financial difficulties.


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 14:08 | Report Abuse

Xi Jinping’s MASTER PLAN for Domination
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is hoping to make himself presitator for life—equal parts dictator and president. Xi is locked in a battle for control of the country, especially its internal security apparatus called the PLAC, with former Chinese leader and toadman Jiang Zemin. Watch this episode of China Uncensored for more on Xi Jinping's master plan for domination, coup attempts against him, and why China's police force gets more funding than its military.


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 13:50 | Report Abuse

00:00 我們都需要真相
03:09 天津1393例確診?當局闢謠「反常」
05:52 重大發現!天津單日至少瞞35例
09:56 安陽醫療崩潰?向社會徵集防疫物資
12:48 汶上隔離1密接 奧米克戎到山東?
15:57 確診人不在名單 上海有多少患者?
18:59 隔離聚眾自由外出 小野醬「被美國」?
22:58 軍情五處發警示 中共間諜干預政治


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 13:42 | Report Abuse

Gravitas: 5 Videos of lockdown horror from China
lockdown horror from China
lockdown horror from China
lockdown horror from China

China is trying to crush the Omicron variant with an iron fist. Its aggressive measures have triggered 'rare criticism' on Chinese social Media. Palki Sharma gets you 5 videos of China's crackdown.


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 13:39 | Report Abuse

【被黃標!】深圳擧標語“打倒習近平”;上海軟封城,北京還能撐多久?(政论天下第590集 20220114)天亮时分


News & Blogs

2022-01-14 14:49 | Report Abuse



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2022-01-14 14:24 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-01-14 14:24 | Report Abuse

盛傳弄丟樣本數據造假 金域醫學兩度發聲明否認









News & Blogs

2022-01-14 14:23 | Report Abuse

盛傳弄丟樣本數據造假 金域醫學兩度發聲明否認









News & Blogs

2022-01-13 19:21 | Report Abuse

Grab acquiring Jaya Grocer, Micro Credit Lending and the Economic Effect of Election | FIRL 46


The FIRL Podcast
2.95K subscribers

Back by popular demand, Ng Zhu Hann returns and shares great insights on lessons from 2021 with MJ Gan and John Huo. They dive into the headline of Grab acquiring Jaya Grocer as well as going into micro credit lending and being a tech company that could disrupt traditional banking. He shares both thoughts on why micro lending can beneficial as well as the risks of Buy Now, Pay Later. NG Zhu Hann also shares his investment style, philosophy and wisdom when it comes to holding, buying, selling and investing. They briefly discuss about fund managers, lessons you should learn from glove mania, the economic effect due to the election as well as thoughts on 1 party system. Lastly, he gave us a his advice on investors going into 2022.


The information in this video is accurate as of the posting date. These are just the opinions of the FIRL Guys and do not in any way represent investment advice or stock recommendations, the content in this video is purely educational.

Information in the video might not be applicable to all investors as it does not take into account the financial circumstances, investment goals, and risk tolerance of any specific investors. Risk is inherent to all investing, including the permanent loss of capital. Past performance does not equal future results. We are not licensed by Malaysia's Securities Commission as financial/investment advisors. Please speak to a licensed financial advisor before making any financial decisions.

News & Blogs

2022-01-13 19:16 | Report Abuse

巨恶!故意投放新冠被抓 钟南山是学术主席;恒大暴雷 这家中国银行成为最大受害者;余茂春精辟!这样分析大陆和台湾优劣;喜剧!中共战狼撕咬立陶宛 最后却搞成了挥刀自宫


News & Blogs

2022-01-13 19:15 | Report Abuse

Alsvin are you OK ?

you said "Without RCEP Taiwan is doomed in 2002" In 2..0...0....2

Are you talking about H..I...S..T...O...R...Y ?

If you are talking about history then are you rewrite the history of Taiwan like what CPC always like to do??

Posted by AlsvinChangan > Jan 13, 2022 1:55 PM | Report Abuse

Without RCEP Taiwan is doomed in 2002

Taiwan returns to china peacefully

News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:37 | Report Abuse

00:00 摘要
01:50 北京冬奧外國團隊車禍,中國人不准救,官方通知這意思!
03:01 「上海疫情」突竄熱搜第一 官方迴避雲山霧罩
04:46 西安小粉紅網上喊救命,曾誇口若封城就「安心等死」
06:03 台灣升中共降 習近平中央對台灣無計可施
08:32 南北雙劍指中共 日本和美簽約62年後第二份,和澳簽署里程碑防務合作協定
09:57 外媒踢爆驚人造假: 韓國大流行病全球最低符合預測 中共比韓國低34倍


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:34 | Report Abuse

Gravitas: Will this crisis ruin 2022 for Xi Jinping?
This year, Xi Jinping will claim a record 3rd term. But one crisis could ruin President Xi's big moment. The Evergrande debt crisis. Today, shares of the company were suspended from trading. Palki Sharma tells you how China's property market is struggling.


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:32 | Report Abuse

Gravitas: China's "Zero Covid" Strategy is failing
China's "Zero Covid" Strategy is failing. Chinese authorities have ordered their biggest lockdown since Wuhan. Meanwhile, researchers have found that even three doses of Sinovac are ineffective against Omicron. Palki Sharma tells you more.


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:31 | Report Abuse

China: Highest number of daily COVID cases since Wuhan outbreak | DW News
China has recorded its fourth rise in new coronavirus cases in a row. That's despite some 13 million people already under lockdown in the country's Shaanxi province. The spike in cases there has produced China's highest infection rates since the pandemic's very first outbreak in Wuhan.

News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:29 | Report Abuse

China Is Censoring Coronavirus Stories. These Citizens Are Fighting Back. | NYT News
Information about the coronavirus outbreak is not immune from Chinese censors. But more and more citizens are dodging censorship by creating a digital archive of deleted posts. They told us how.


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:28 | Report Abuse

The Covid-19 disinformation tactics used by China - BBC News
China’s response to the Covid-19 outbreak has been scrutinised since the virus was first detected in Wuhan.

Beijing has reacted by trying to take greater control of what is said about its role in the pandemic - sometimes with questionable tactics.

Here is a closer look at events that have shaped Beijing’s experiment with global misinformation.


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:26 | Report Abuse

Why Coronavirus Estimates Are Higher Than China's Official Tally | WSJ
As the number of coronavirus cases rises, epidemiologists around the world look at maps, flight bookings and population data to estimate the size of the outbreak—and explain why their results are higher than China’s official tally. Photo: Getty Images


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:22 | Report Abuse

Actually all this little pinky communists knew that the COVID statistics are FAKED subconsciously. There is NO logic in the covid figure as compared to the real situation in China. But they chosen to be ignorant hence self hypnotised themselve in believing that the covid data is true. It is sad case.

News & Blogs

2022-01-12 21:16 | Report Abuse

winterwolf could you trust a country where freedom of speech is banned, news & data are censored ? China covid data are suspicious and can't be true in nature.
I believed that many people will preferred your country way of managing covid than China way of strict lockdown.


2022-01-12 17:55 | Report Abuse

Usually those who like to put title infront of his name is those who got nothing inside. Just a tin "kosong" empty gong. Who also dare not even to say out his TP on this counter . Hahahaha


2022-01-12 17:49 | Report Abuse

Maybe just a guy with Permanent Head Damage who need to put FAKE Dr infront to cover his inferior complex


2022-01-12 17:47 | Report Abuse

Dr Michael is most likely a Permanent Head Damage PHD...

News & Blogs

2022-01-12 17:45 | Report Abuse

Bizarre designs in Chinese cities / Some strange acts of the government and people
Covering a wide range of stories about or related China and its role in the world.


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 17:44 | Report Abuse

01:50 北京冬奧外國團隊車禍,中國人不准救,官方通知這意思!
03:01 「上海疫情」突竄熱搜第一 官方迴避雲山霧罩
04:46 西安小粉紅網上喊救命,曾誇口若封城就「安心等死」
06:03 台灣升中共降 習近平中央對台灣無計可施
08:32 南北雙劍指中共 日本和美簽約62年後第二份,和澳簽署里程碑防務合作協定
09:57 外媒踢爆驚人造假: 韓國大流行病全球最低符合預測 中共比韓國低34倍


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 17:44 | Report Abuse

grabConUlar hahahaha... WHY are you so racist ? A white worshipper. To you if a person not able to write English is sin ? hahahaha

News & Blogs

2022-01-12 17:42 | Report Abuse

F-16V傳失事意外飛官沒跳傘.緊按無線電斷絕通話!? 昔竟曾發生安全插銷忘記拆除!?-劉寶傑

News & Blogs

2022-01-12 17:40 | Report Abuse

02:19 澳大利亞同意向美國購買價值35億美元的坦克與其它裝甲車輛

04:57 民調顯示:多數加拿大人希望減少與中國的經濟貿易往來,將人權置於經貿之上

06:59 武漢前線抗疫醫生艾芬爆民營眼科巨頭愛爾行賄,涉及軍方和國家衛健委

08:04 大使館成抗議目標 中共尋求英國「保護」

08:42 北大教授撰文疾呼:國難當前!再 這樣下去會導致經濟崩潰,民族滅亡!

09:42 【阿波羅網報道】被說中了!曲青山公開在人民日報做「檢查」!


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 16:34 | Report Abuse



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2022-01-12 16:34 | Report Abuse

worst part is she stockraider liar believed that by owning, selling, & letting of LCF to the poor is a way to HELP B40 group..


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 16:10 | Report Abuse

39 China's Tyre Companies Goes Bankrupt Due US China Trade war
Shandong Yongtai Group Co., China's tenth-largest tire manufacturer, declared bankruptcy earlier this month, owing to pressure from the US–China trade war.
The company's bankruptcy filing was received by the Dongying City Intermediate People's Court in Shandong Province. The company, which was founded in 1996, was placed 32nd on the list of the world's most prominent tire companies published by the American journal Tire Business in 2016. The corporation employed around 5,000 people at its peak.
According to the trade newspaper China Tire Dealer, this is the largest bankruptcy case in China's tire business.
Since at least 2008, the US Department of Commerce has imposed anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Chinese tire imports, accusing tire manufacturers of selling goods at less than fair value in the US and alleging that the Beijing regime provides companies with subsidies that stifle competition.
A multitude of internal and external reasons contributed to the Yongtai Group's bankruptcy. In recent years, China's tire sector has experienced severe overproduction, resulting in a surplus of supply over demand.
According to China Tire Dealer, the Yongtai Group's issue isn't unique. With over 300 tire firms, Shandong Province has the most in China, accounting for three-fifths of the whole sector. However, 35 tire manufacturers in Shandong have closed or filed bankruptcy between 2017 and this year.
According to a survey conducted by the China Rubber Industry Association, around 15% of the top 39 tire businesses examined suspended production completely or partially in the first quarter of this year. Around 40% of the enterprises reported higher financial losses than in prior years, while 30% reported worse profit margins. Only 15% have witnessed an increase in sales and profitability.


News & Blogs

2022-01-12 15:55 | Report Abuse

China's "Tofu Dreg" Construction Exposed By Flooding | Where Did The 8 Billion USD Investment Go?
The city's waterlogging problem must be the first issue reflected by the Zhengzhou flood. Zhengzhou government has invested 8.25 billion USD in the past 5 years to address the urban waterlogging problem. In 2016, Zhengzhou was selected as a provincial pilot site for the development of “Sponge City” in Henan Province.

Zhengzhou has invested a lot of human and financial resources in developing Sponge City. According to the Zhengzhou Evening News on May 29, since 2016, Zhengzhou has completed 5,162 kilometers of drainage network and the 50% utilization rate of recycled water. After implementing the Sponge City Development, Zhengzhou has eliminated 125 flood-prone sites in the city, with a 77% elimination rate.

Some people said: "Even if the contractors cut corners 10 times, as long as they follow the normal procedures to lay the foundation, the tree along the sidewalk will not grow directly to the ground. " He also said that," those new concepts of smart city and sponge city only sound fancy but useless.”
