
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2014-08-13 09:38 | Report Abuse

Resistance is at 3.27 and then 3.33 according to my charts.


2014-08-12 21:55 | Report Abuse

tan1868. Yeesss!


2014-08-12 21:11 | Report Abuse

We should learn how to game any government. The only govt that's intolerable is when the economy grinds to a halt and majority cannot make a living or profit.


2014-08-12 21:03 | Report Abuse

No problem lah. Good for Puncak if UMNP-PAS govt!


2014-08-12 20:46 | Report Abuse

The sadistic jerk wants to collect low. He spread his nasty realities to frighten everybody. If price drops, he enjoys, others suffer. What a low life! If price don't drop, he will say wait a few sessions. Seals, wise up to his farts. He gives the low-down on every positive.


2014-08-12 20:40 | Report Abuse

Thanks spidee!


2014-08-12 20:40 | Report Abuse

No political unrest lah. In Selangor, almost everybody can get food on the table and make a good living. So very unlikely any unrest. If unrest now, under the circumstances, everybody loses. If nobody benefits from unrest, then no unrest.


2014-08-12 16:49 | Report Abuse

When is KSL's quarter results coming out anyone/


2014-08-12 16:47 | Report Abuse

Babies, don't worry too much about the politics. It boils down to 1) Heads - Puncak wins and KPS loses; 2) Tail - KPS wins and Puncak loses; 3) Neither - Puncak wins because Khalid likely to remain till Dec 14.


2014-08-12 16:38 | Report Abuse

Up yo a point he only needs the sultan. Two relevant scenarios in which sultan is bound: 1) The majority vote of the exco binds the sultan; 2) A vote of no confidence by simple majority in the state assembly also binds the sultan in which case he can either a) Dismiss the MB and appoint the person who commands the majority support as new MB or b) he dissolve state assembly thereby allowing a snap election.


2014-08-12 15:00 | Report Abuse

The end is in sight? If snap election with 32 reps no confidence in him, the PR likely to be returned. Selangor voters are among the country's most educated. I suspect Khalid likely go for broke! His date with destiny is August 17 - PAS meeting and if he hold on, sometime in September, when state EGM will be called for vote of no confidence. If snap election called, he remains as caretaker MB. Election commmission likely to go for maximum 3 months(?) allowable. This way he remains as MB till December, by which time the water deal is well on the way! HaHaHa! Puncak still wins! If BN return as state govt after snap election, Puncak also wins!


2014-08-12 11:12 | Report Abuse

Your farting is also a loss-making bad habit! Go back to your hell-hole of nasty realities and snooze. Don't fart your nasty realities here.


2014-08-12 10:58 | Report Abuse

The sadistic resident genius farting again and waiting to grab. He boasted sold at 1.46. He sis here to give the low-down, panic the seals and grab at 1.18. We should make him go back to his snooze!


2014-08-12 10:42 | Report Abuse

The future's not us to see. However, the biiigg Invisible will decide.


2014-08-12 10:40 | Report Abuse

But I like my 20 cu meter free water a month lah!


2014-08-11 21:16 | Report Abuse

If rakyat pays, then nobody pays, according popular wisdom! No worry lah! But I think Khalid will go for broke. Question now is: Will BN also go for broke? The 6 PKR and DAP exco can block and overule the 4 PAS exco plus Khalid. Also will all 15 PAS back him? A few are Erdogans! PAS knows if they back Khalid, they will be wiped out in a snap state election or nation-wide in GE14. They have been losing state govts (Perak and Kedah). They may lose Kelantan in GE14 without PR. Just by pussyfooting, they have already lost support from PKR and DAP voters. So will they cut loss and throw out Khalid? If Khalid is out and Azizah or Azmin takes over, all the signed water agreements may be put to back-burn in the courts! This BN will have to consider. However, in the end the mighty ringgit may be decisive!


2014-08-11 18:32 | Report Abuse

sykoay. I like your trading strategy. Same as mine. Hopefully I can develop more patience.


2014-08-11 18:30 | Report Abuse

Why KSL went down today?


2014-08-11 18:29 | Report Abuse

That's why after GE13 he gave PAS 4 exco seat. HaHaHa! I take my hat off to Khalid for his cunning!


2014-08-11 11:47 | Report Abuse

I think Khalid will get the numbers from UMNO and cross-overs from PAS and PKR to continue. Looking at his moves since GE13, he has prepared for this since then - giving 4 exco portfolios to PAS as compared to 3 to DAP was a strong but subtle signal to PAS which PKR did not pick up. So very unlikely snap election, unless the Ruler decides otherwise!


2014-08-11 10:30 | Report Abuse

jolie2 darlink, according to your article, then ayamberlari's BMP4 were working overtime, while mine was efficiently control. Gentlemen, if you want to know how good your BMP4 were, just check the size of your pisang. Ha ha!


2014-08-10 22:54 | Report Abuse

Many of the Petronas's Pengerang project contracts already awarded. Any one knows whether Puncak got a contract?


2014-08-10 19:27 | Report Abuse

HaHaHa! jolie2, as I always suspected, you do know what you are talking about. As for the exco, they are there to check Khalid. Like Khalid not following PR's instructions, they will have power over their portfolio, but would follow their parties' policies and instruction and ignore Khalid. That way they hope to limit any further damage by Khalid until he is removed. But I think a snap election is his recourse with him as caretaker MB during the election period.


2014-08-10 14:56 | Report Abuse

But jolie2 darlink, how do you know a politician is worse than ayam-itik? Care to share your experience with politicians and ayam-itik? He! He!


2014-08-10 14:30 | Report Abuse

joilie2 darlink, thanks. I learnt something from you today.


2014-08-10 01:28 | Report Abuse

jolie2 darlink, how do you know a gigolo is worse than ayam-itik?


2014-08-10 01:26 | Report Abuse

The state reps can petition for a special sitting to the speaker (like Roxali's EGM) for VONC (vote of no confidence) in Khalid and a vote of confidence in Azizah as the new MB. The speaker is none other than our very astute Hannah Teo! Don't mess with this lady! But all this may be mute if Ruler dissolve state assembly.


2014-08-09 21:12 | Report Abuse

jolie2 darlink, a male prostitute is called a gigolo!


2014-08-09 20:42 | Report Abuse

Watch Puncak share price. If it goes up, then likely UMNO will take-over without a snap election. If it goes down, then Azizah likely takes over. It it trades range-bound, then likely snap election! The market always seems to catch wind before public announcement!


2014-08-09 20:07 | Report Abuse

If I remember correctly, there is also the legal provision that if the water concessionaires bungle the water supply, the state govt can seize control and do whatever necessary to restore the supply - water being physical life itself! That's why I wondered why Kali did not do this, especially just before GE13, the recent water rationing and now. He has RM3B to do whatever it takes to ensure water supply as well as legal power!


2014-08-09 19:46 | Report Abuse

The share price will react to perceived trend in profitabilty. So if Q4 results confirms even half the trend (after minusing one-offs profit) of Q3 then price should shoot up.


2014-08-09 19:42 | Report Abuse

If Azizah takes over, offer price to Puncak as per heads of agreement/MOU can be put to the courts long-term same as the water tariff increase agreed with the BN state govt before 2008. But Puncak still front-runner for Petronas 'RAPID' contract in Pengerang, Johore.


2014-08-09 18:14 | Report Abuse

Rafizi's questions are now irrelevant now when the knives are out. It's obvious that Kali is now a disaster for PKR, BUT not yet for PR. For us small fries, if Azizah takes over, very good for KPS but not so good for Puncak as far as water is concerned. If UMNO takes over without snap election, it will be good for Puncak and bad for KPS although Gamuda can make a strong case for SPLASH. If snap election is called (very likely I think) it will be too close to call.


2014-08-08 16:55 | Report Abuse

Yeah, but more. Cheap sale.


2014-08-08 15:19 | Report Abuse

Spot on..'if big boss willing to share cash'...! Great big 'IF'!


2014-08-08 15:14 | Report Abuse

Tornado, I shall join the WINGTM forum soon. As Probability said: If got FA no need TA lah!


2014-08-08 12:24 | Report Abuse

The index stocks really copping it!


2014-08-08 12:22 | Report Abuse

I think the market is really spooked by the protests and especially the sniping of the HSBC credit card. The financial authorities should come out with a statement and calm the markets!


2014-08-08 12:15 | Report Abuse

Yeah, resident genius, go and snooze for 20 years. You will not be missed except by those of your ilks!


2014-08-08 12:03 | Report Abuse

Resident genius. Go through my calculations and you will see its another way of calculation: Market capitalisation divided by total net profit for the period. Or are you such a genius that any variations in a method confuse you? Or maybe you are psycho unable to accept that you have made a mistake? Or likely you are just a cheap ....! For all: Remember the PE is base on 3 quarters. The fourth quarter is still to come. Therefore if the share did not shoot up by then the PE is likely to be even lower. Investors are waiting for clues as to the Q4 results!


2014-08-08 11:45 | Report Abuse

I would say wait to see what foreign funds do in the afternoon. If they don't sell lower, then buy!


2014-08-08 11:43 | Report Abuse

For all. I have just went through SEAL's YTD Q3 report. After taking out the one-off profit of RM33,487,000, the net profit after tax is RM92,151,000. Taking a share price of say 1.33, the PE is now 294465570/92151000 = 3.2! Please check the figures and confirm. Thanks.


2014-08-08 11:09 | Report Abuse

Also by sniping HSBC credit card sends a wrong message for investors I guess.


2014-08-08 11:07 | Report Abuse

The market went down because of the protest against Big Mac I guess. Spooked the foreign investors because protesters crossed a red line in their zeal by attacking business!


2014-08-08 10:58 | Report Abuse

If BN wins, good for Puncak; however for KPS is mixed. If new coalition of PKR and DAP wins, bad for Puncak, but good for KPS.


2014-08-08 10:52 | Report Abuse

In a snap election PAS likely to be wiped out due to betrayal and Hudud. Selangor a modern state. Then it's a 50/50 toss up between PR minus PAS and BN! My guess is: too close to call!


2014-08-08 10:46 | Report Abuse

If he is sacked, likely a snap election, unless he can cobble a simple majority with PAS, UMNO and PKR cross-overs. Like in Perak, that's the ideal scenario for many!


2014-08-08 10:41 | Report Abuse

Lets ignore the farts. Lets look at SEAL.


2014-08-07 22:23 | Report Abuse

Probability. Thanks. Do send to my email address:
Don't worry about our resident genius Alex Chan and his ilks. As you said, they are required to complete the drama of life! I find them amusing, but sometimes their farting stinks much too much for me to bear!


2014-08-07 22:18 | Report Abuse

FX LEE. I have studied both the TA and FA of the stock, although not like out resident genius and his ilks! I can assure you the TP is very high. It all depends whether the next quarter results will confirm the improved performance of the last quarter i.e. without the one-offs windfall profits!