
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2014-01-23 10:09 | Report Abuse

Whatever, I will hold and accumulate.


2014-01-22 22:45 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng, appreciate your reply. Look forward to your more informed postings in future.

News & Blogs

2014-01-22 17:44 | Report Abuse

OTB, at least you are honest. You have admitted that you are a front-runner. That's an offence in some countries. I have heard complaints that some of your write-ups are > 7 days late.


2014-01-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

The plantation business (including rubber) has not make a loss in the 150 years of its existence in Malaysia. It is a cash business - you sell FFB or CPO/PK/PKO/PKC and by-products to the market at the market price for cash and you can sell everything you produce. It is one of the simplest business models but need management expertise and, so far, cheap manpower. The oil palm is a most durable tree, resistance to drought, floods and most tropical diseases. It gives consistent yield for at least 20 years if managed properly, unlike say soya bean. This means it gives very steady cash-flow and income. The only volatility is the market price. That's why the main objective of oil palm management, apart from optimising yields, is to minimise cost.


2014-01-22 14:55 | Report Abuse

Dream on. Puncak have O&G. If deal don't get through, it will still have water. If it goes through, it will be paid RM9.65B along with the others concessionaires less debts. And likely with sweeteners from the Fed Govt. The drop in price is due to market irrationality (inefficiency) and the recent sell-off by foreign funds. However, if market becomes even more irrational, your dream may be fulfilled. In which case, it's a buy opp.


2014-01-22 14:48 | Report Abuse

Yeah, good advice.


2014-01-22 14:14 | Report Abuse

@passerby, another joke: you forget a 'dick' must fulfill two functions - a) give pleasure and b) shoot. Your small dick can only fulfill b), not a). A big one can do both, especially a)!


2014-01-22 14:04 | Report Abuse

@haikeyila, you correctly intuit that Hapseng will reach RM3. How do you feel about Hapseng now? RM3.5?


2014-01-21 22:35 | Report Abuse

Price drop also affected by foreign funds selling. Nothing to do with the stock.


2014-01-21 22:34 | Report Abuse

Reasonable yield nowadays depends on the clone used. Clones gives 28 to 35 metric tonnes/ha/yr of FFB. Some even 40 tonnes! Not sure if Jtiasa is using clones. Would be a surprise if Jtiasa still use seedlings.


2014-01-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

@Icon8888, it doesn't matter if so-called equity value or market capitalisation is used for comparison so long as the same data type is used throughout. Therefore, if you are using your version of 'equity values', please also use the same data type for IOI and United Plantation. And if you are using the total number of shares as denominator for your equity values, then the numerator should be the net asset or total shareholders' funds (i.e. total assets less total liabilities = shareholders' funds). In this case you do not deduct debt or add liquid assets since they are already factored in.

@mukah, peat soil is one of the best soil for oil palm (the best is alkaline volcanic soil as in Tawau). Before planting they are drained and if too deep and soft, they are compacted to support the palms. Because of the detritus and other rotting plant matter in the soil, they need less fertilisers and yet gives among the highest yields. Since peat soil is in flat land, they are subject to flooding. But the water do not clog up the soil and suffocate the palm as in clayey soils since peat soils are porous and well aerated. Most well run plantation build extensive drainage systems not only for peat, but also for low-lying land. This is standard practice which also facilitates harvesting and FFB evacuation purposes especially during rainy season. Also oil-palms are very resistant to both floods and drought.

In the old days when DXP seedlings were used as planting materials instead of super clones, one Sime Darby estate in the Matang peat soil area of Taiping, yields FFB of about 29 metric tonnes/ha/yr - one of the highest yielding estates. This compared with one estate in Tawau, sited on volcanic soil and yielded about 26 tonnes/ha/yr. The average yield in those days from common laterite soil is about 20 metric tonnes/ha/yr.


2014-01-21 16:15 | Report Abuse

Big buying opps coming up. The lower the better!


2014-01-21 10:23 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng, you belong to Tanjong Rambutan! You caused a lot of people to lose money by selling early their Perak Corp shares and now you are at it again! You are such a negative and depressing troll. But if you are really a troll, you are already inured to being called names. Please go away and see a psychologist, if not a psychiatrist. And if you cannot get cured by them, please go and see a taxidermist!!


2014-01-21 10:13 | Report Abuse

Icon8888, correct me if I am wrong, Koon was using market capitalisation value for his calculation. Debt is not relevant in such calculations using market capitalisation since it is already factored in by the market. Whether Koon was right or wrong depends on whether he also use market capitalisation values for United Plantation and IOI in coming up with figures for comparision. Also your figures depends on whether the RM0.83 per share reflects the full dilution from the ICPS issue of 733 million shares.


2014-01-21 09:22 | Report Abuse

MB has said offer of RM9.65B still and concessionaires will be paid that amount even if forced takeover by Fed Govt. With O&G, Puncak is at a discount. Risk is minimal, but market do not like uncertainty in water takeover. However, at current price, it's a good buy opportunity!


2014-01-13 17:34 | Report Abuse

This look like brinkmanship by MB. He still have to use SYABAS piping system, otherwise he will have to duplicate at unacceptable costs. I think this is MB's Sun Tze move to force the Fed Govt to act by threatening Langat2. I think Fed Govt will act with sweeteners to Puncak and Gamuda!


2014-01-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

The sharks can revise offer to prevent SCR rejection. Perak State Govt under lots of pressure. So the sharks will want to feed or never!


2014-01-13 14:15 | Report Abuse

I expect offer from Fed Govt to be about RM15B!


2014-01-13 13:59 | Report Abuse

And all washed down with coconut wine aka toddy!


2014-01-13 13:56 | Report Abuse

So please stock up, everyone a little to reach 11.75 million shares. Lets have braised shark heads (Lumut and Tawau specialty), shark fin soup (normally I spare the sharks, but not these daylight robbing sharks) and curry shark fillet with shallots, brinjal and lady's fingers! PRKCORP to RM8 or more!!


2014-01-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

Use Google translation. It's good enough.


2014-01-13 12:27 | Report Abuse

Very good news coming! My sources says that it's likely to be very much higher - compensation for tariffs not paid by MB due to Fed govt much friendlier to Puncak/Razali then MB!


2014-01-13 12:21 | Report Abuse

No problem with lazy fellows or ladies; so long as it moves lazily and steadily up to RM3! Less pressure on the blood pressure. I also do not mind useless counters so long as everybody else think it is useless and Scable drops to RM1 prior to the baligirls aka Balingian mari!


2014-01-13 11:14 | Report Abuse

Those sharks are accumulating mainly at RM3.63/4. The share is worth at least RM10! So buy and hold. Minimum gain is 26-27 sen. Max gain is about RM5 if we can block the SCR!


2014-01-13 10:09 | Report Abuse

Tks JCool. Sigh...there is no batsmobile for sale. But Scable at RM3 will be good substitute!


2014-01-12 22:30 | Report Abuse

I dream of Mercedes Benz before CNY!


2014-01-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

@iafx, please give link for story.


2014-01-11 11:08 | Report Abuse

4.64% of MI is 2,180,000 shares. Still need 9,569,200 shares.


2014-01-11 10:45 | Report Abuse

OK. Maybe that's why Razali is holding out for a better price. Let's see what the Fed Govt will do.


2014-01-11 02:10 | Report Abuse

Mark Bird. That's RM5.6B divided by Puncak's 411 million shares = RM13.6 per share. Please correct me if I am wrong. Anyone? Puncak's NTA now is already RM4.29 per share.


2014-01-10 20:50 | Report Abuse

Baligirls coming up...oops! I mean Balingian!


2014-01-10 20:23 | Report Abuse

Come on everyone, buy in and inform our coordinator JKing. We should get much more than the measly RM3.9/share! United we win, not united we......! We must not let those sharks eat us up with our own money i.e. PRKCorp's own cash. We should not be treated like fools who are soon parted from their money. We should not go down without a fight. We have our dignity. How can we live with ourselves if we do not at least reel in a shark or two for a feast?!


2014-01-10 19:39 | Report Abuse

Based on MB's original offer, Puncak will get RM5.6B. That's already RM13.6 per share in cash. Add in the O&G business valued at RM1.8 per share and you get RM15.4 per share. So hold babies HOLD!


2014-01-10 17:12 | Report Abuse

Maybe, but it's still not a high risk stock based on the facts.


2014-01-10 16:43 | Report Abuse

Puncak not high risk stock. It's PE, EPS etc is very competitive.


2014-01-10 16:33 | Report Abuse

Some syndicate keeping lid on price at RM1.65 level.


2014-01-10 15:47 | Report Abuse

I go along with CIMB. It's the scenario that is most likely to happen given the powerful backers behind Puncak and Gamuda.


2014-01-10 15:23 | Report Abuse

Gucci, we come..weeeeeee!


2014-01-10 15:21 | Report Abuse

This is it. Big ang pow coming up. RM2.5 here it come!


2014-01-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

Add as and when more funds available. Let's thwart the daylight robbers!


2014-01-10 11:31 | Report Abuse

Maybe just sleep on this one. Once awake, 'Gucci' for all of us. Maybe even Birkin for the roses.


2014-01-10 11:08 | Report Abuse

Puncak still have O&G, plus water if no take over. It's venturing into Burma for water business. Fed Govt take over must involve adequate compensation which should be RM9.65B minimum.


2014-01-09 22:29 | Report Abuse

JKing can lead since he is the richest and most informed of us all.


2014-01-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

The deal is likely to be: Fed Govt take over water assets with sweeteners. Then transfer to Selangor State Govt for RM9.65B. Fed will have to sell to Selangor, otherwise no Langat2 - which is the prize for the Fed Govt! MB will then have effectively 'canceled' the water privatisation in order to better manage the water assets for the benefit of the people of Selangor.

The outcome: Fed Govt will have Langat2, MB will have his water assets and PUNCAK (and retail share traders), Gamuda etc will have the RM9.65B plus sweeteners! Everybody's happy - Oscar Schindler.


2014-01-09 18:35 | Report Abuse

Why don't we group together then? Nothing to lose, shark's feast to gain!


2014-01-09 17:02 | Report Abuse

The present employees can be transferred en mass to the new owners of the concessions. They may also get a golden good-bye hand-shake from their previous employers. It has been done before. MB may buy the subsidiaries holding the concessions, but not Puncak or Gamuda.


2014-01-09 16:49 | Report Abuse

carefulinvestor - au revoir. You will come! Khalid gave written commitment. Khalid wants water assets (in his political interest in Selangor); Fed Govt want Langat2. Razali want his RM5B (so do we retail investors!) Water Administrators already designated. Fed Govt will foot the bill for any sweeteners above the RM9.65B offered by the MB and Maximus will weather the political fall-out safely in Kota Marudu, Sabah.


2014-01-09 16:32 | Report Abuse

Is there a 'YNH' among us retailers? This will help to pull in the sharks and let the retailers feast on both braised sharks' heads and shark fin soap, not the mention curry shark-meat with brinjals and lady fingers!


2014-01-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

Therefore buy and HOLD!


2014-01-09 15:47 | Report Abuse

25% of the shares is only 25 million shares. The daylight robbers have only 52.9 million shares. The fight is for another 22.1 million shares to win at the AGM/EGM. Correct me if I am wrong: I don't think the recent run-up from RM2.7 to RM3.62, including the last week, have reached more than 20 million shares volume in total.

Retailers must hold at least 25,000,001 shares to deny the daylight robbers. So buy and hold. Their miscalculation is to hold the price at RM3.63/4, giving retailers incentives to buy without too much risks. Even if they withdraw their offer, RM3.63/4 is still a good price to hold, given the hidden assets!

Retailers must unite, for if divided, they will win.